 * Copyright (c) 1999-2011 International Business Machines Corporation and
 * others. All Rights Reserved.
*   Date        Name        Description
*   12/14/99    Madhu        Creation.


#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "intltest.h"
#include "unicode/rbbi.h"

 * API Test the RuleBasedBreakIterator class
class RBBIAPITest: public IntlTest {
    void runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* par = NULL );
     * Tests Constructor behaviour of RuleBasedBreakIterator
   // void TestConstruction(void);   
     * Tests clone() and equals() methods of RuleBasedBreakIterator         
    void TestCloneEquals();
     * Tests toString() method of RuleBasedBreakIterator
    void TestgetRules();
     * Tests the method hashCode() of RuleBasedBreakIterator
    void TestHashCode();
      * Tests the methods getText() and setText() of RuleBasedBreakIterator
    void TestGetSetAdoptText();
      * Testing the iteration methods of RuleBasedBreakIterator
    void TestIteration(void);

     * Tests creating RuleBasedBreakIterator from rules strings.
    void TestBuilder(void);

    void TestRoundtripRules(void);

    void RoundtripRule(const char *dataFile);

     * Test creating RuleBasedBreakIterator from RBBIData.

    void TestCreateFromRBBIData(void);

     * Tests grouping effect of 'single quotes' in rules.
    void TestQuoteGrouping();

     *  Tests word break status returns.
    void TestRuleStatus();
    void TestRuleStatusVec();

    void TestBug2190();

    void TestBoilerPlate();

    void TestRegistration();

    void TestRefreshInputText();

     *Internal subroutines
    /* Internal subroutine used by TestIsBoundary() */ 
    void doBoundaryTest(RuleBasedBreakIterator& bi, UnicodeString& text, int32_t *boundaries);

    /*Internal subroutine used for comparision of expected and acquired results */
    void doTest(UnicodeString& testString, int32_t start, int32_t gotoffset, int32_t expectedOffset, const char* expected);


 * Special class to enable testing of protected functions in RuleBasedBreakIterator
class RBBIWithProtectedFunctions: public RuleBasedBreakIterator {
    enum EDontAdopt {
    RBBIWithProtectedFunctions(RBBIDataHeader* data, UErrorCode &status);
    RBBIWithProtectedFunctions(const RBBIDataHeader* data, enum EDontAdopt dontAdopt, UErrorCode &status);

