<html> <head> <title>context menu</title> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="chrome=1" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome_frame_tester_helpers.js"> </script> <script> // Default text value used to test cut/copy/paste etc. var INIT_VAL = "SomeInitializedTextValue"; // Verify the expected result based on action and post message to host. function verifyTextFieldContents(event) { var textField = document.getElementById("textField"); var selectedValue = textField.value.substring(textField.selectionStart, textField.selectionEnd); if (selectedValue == INIT_VAL) { window.externalHost.postMessage("OK"); } else { window.externalHost.postMessage("Fail"); } } // Do some initialization work like setting text field value, // and selecting the value by default before the test starts. function init() { var action = getURLParameter("action"); document.getElementById("textField").value = INIT_VAL; document.getElementById("textField").focus(); if (action != "selectall") { document.getElementById("textField").select(); } window.externalHost.onmessage = verifyTextFieldContents; } </script> </head> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" onload="init()"> <input type="text" name="textField" id="textField" size="25" value=""></td> </body> </html>