<?xml version="1.0"?> <template format="3" revision="2" name="Master/Detail Flow" minApi="11" description="Creates a new master/detail flow, allowing users to view a collection of objects as well as details for each object. This flow is presented using two columns on tablet-size screens and one column on handsets and smaller screens. This template creates two activities, a master fragment, and a detail fragment."> <dependency name="android-support-v4" revision="8" /> <thumbs> <thumb>template_master_detail.png</thumb> </thumbs> <category value="Flows" /> <parameter id="objectKind" name="Object Kind" type="string" constraints="nonempty" default="Item" help="Other examples are 'Person', 'Book', etc." /> <parameter id="objectKindPlural" name="Object Kind Plural" type="string" constraints="nonempty" default="Items" help="Other examples are 'People', 'Books', etc." /> <parameter id="activityTitle" name="Title" type="string" constraints="nonempty" suggest="${objectKindPlural}" default="Items" /> <parameter id="isLauncher" name="Launcher Activity" type="boolean" default="false" help="If true, the primary activity in the flow will have a CATEGORY_LAUNCHER intent filter, making it visible in the launcher" /> <parameter id="parentActivityClass" name="Hierarchical Parent" type="string" constraints="activity|exists|empty" default="" help="The hierarchical parent activity, used to provide a default implementation for the 'Up' button" /> <parameter id="packageName" name="Package name" type="string" constraints="package" default="com.mycompany.myapp" /> <globals file="globals.xml.ftl" /> <execute file="recipe.xml.ftl" /> </template>