/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <math.h> #include "hwc_mdpcomp.h" #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include "external.h" #include "qdMetaData.h" #include "mdp_version.h" #include <overlayRotator.h> using overlay::Rotator; using namespace overlay::utils; namespace ovutils = overlay::utils; namespace qhwc { //==============MDPComp======================================================== IdleInvalidator *MDPComp::idleInvalidator = NULL; bool MDPComp::sIdleFallBack = false; bool MDPComp::sDebugLogs = false; bool MDPComp::sEnabled = false; int MDPComp::sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER; MDPComp* MDPComp::getObject(const int& width, int dpy) { if(width <= MAX_DISPLAY_DIM) { return new MDPCompLowRes(dpy); } else { return new MDPCompHighRes(dpy); } } MDPComp::MDPComp(int dpy):mDpy(dpy){}; void MDPComp::dump(android::String8& buf) { dumpsys_log(buf,"HWC Map for Dpy: %s \n", mDpy ? "\"EXTERNAL\"" : "\"PRIMARY\""); dumpsys_log(buf,"PREV_FRAME: layerCount:%2d mdpCount:%2d \ cacheCount:%2d \n", mCachedFrame.layerCount, mCachedFrame.mdpCount, mCachedFrame.cacheCount); dumpsys_log(buf,"CURR_FRAME: layerCount:%2d mdpCount:%2d \ fbCount:%2d \n", mCurrentFrame.layerCount, mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, mCurrentFrame.fbCount); dumpsys_log(buf,"needsFBRedraw:%3s pipesUsed:%2d MaxPipesPerMixer: %d \n", (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw? "YES" : "NO"), mCurrentFrame.mdpCount, sMaxPipesPerMixer); dumpsys_log(buf," --------------------------------------------- \n"); dumpsys_log(buf," listIdx | cached? | mdpIndex | comptype | Z \n"); dumpsys_log(buf," --------------------------------------------- \n"); for(int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++ ) dumpsys_log(buf," %7d | %7s | %8d | %9s | %2d \n", index, (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? "YES" : "NO"), mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index], (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? (mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw ? "GLES" : "CACHE") : "MDP"), (mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index] ? mCurrentFrame.fbZ : mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]].pipeInfo->zOrder)); dumpsys_log(buf,"\n"); } bool MDPComp::init(hwc_context_t *ctx) { if(!ctx) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid hwc context!!",__FUNCTION__); return false; } char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; sEnabled = false; if((property_get("persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable", property, NULL) > 0) && (!strncmp(property, "1", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX ) || (!strncasecmp(property,"true", PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX )))) { sEnabled = true; } sDebugLogs = false; if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.logs", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) != 0) sDebugLogs = true; } sMaxPipesPerMixer = MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER; if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.maxpermixer", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) != 0) sMaxPipesPerMixer = true; } unsigned long idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME; if(property_get("debug.mdpcomp.idletime", property, NULL) > 0) { if(atoi(property) != 0) idle_timeout = atoi(property); } //create Idle Invalidator idleInvalidator = IdleInvalidator::getInstance(); if(idleInvalidator == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: failed to instantiate idleInvalidator object", __FUNCTION__); } else { idleInvalidator->init(timeout_handler, ctx, idle_timeout); } return true; } void MDPComp::timeout_handler(void *udata) { struct hwc_context_t* ctx = (struct hwc_context_t*)(udata); if(!ctx) { ALOGE("%s: received empty data in timer callback", __FUNCTION__); return; } if(!ctx->proc) { ALOGE("%s: HWC proc not registered", __FUNCTION__); return; } sIdleFallBack = true; /* Trigger SF to redraw the current frame */ ctx->proc->invalidate(ctx->proc); } void MDPComp::setMDPCompLayerFlags(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy]; for(int index = 0; index < ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; index++) { hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &(list->hwLayers[index]); if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) { layerProp[index].mFlags |= HWC_MDPCOMP; layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY; layer->hints |= HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB; mCachedFrame.hnd[index] = NULL; } else { if(!mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw) layer->compositionType = HWC_OVERLAY; } } } /* * Sets up BORDERFILL as default base pipe and detaches RGB0. * Framebuffer is always updated using PLAY ioctl. */ bool MDPComp::setupBasePipe(hwc_context_t *ctx) { const int dpy = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; int fb_stride = ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].stride; int fb_width = ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].xres; int fb_height = ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].yres; int fb_fd = ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].fd; mdp_overlay ovInfo; msmfb_overlay_data ovData; memset(&ovInfo, 0, sizeof(mdp_overlay)); memset(&ovData, 0, sizeof(msmfb_overlay_data)); ovInfo.src.format = MDP_RGB_BORDERFILL; ovInfo.src.width = fb_width; ovInfo.src.height = fb_height; ovInfo.src_rect.w = fb_width; ovInfo.src_rect.h = fb_height; ovInfo.dst_rect.w = fb_width; ovInfo.dst_rect.h = fb_height; ovInfo.id = MSMFB_NEW_REQUEST; if (ioctl(fb_fd, MSMFB_OVERLAY_SET, &ovInfo) < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to call ioctl MSMFB_OVERLAY_SET err=%s", strerror(errno)); return false; } ovData.id = ovInfo.id; if (ioctl(fb_fd, MSMFB_OVERLAY_PLAY, &ovData) < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to call ioctl MSMFB_OVERLAY_PLAY err=%s", strerror(errno)); return false; } return true; } MDPComp::FrameInfo::FrameInfo() { reset(0); } void MDPComp::FrameInfo::reset(const int& numLayers) { for(int i = 0 ; i < MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER && numLayers; i++ ) { if(mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo) { delete mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo; mdpToLayer[i].pipeInfo = NULL; //We dont own the rotator mdpToLayer[i].rot = NULL; } } memset(&mdpToLayer, 0, sizeof(mdpToLayer)); memset(&layerToMDP, -1, sizeof(layerToMDP)); memset(&isFBComposed, 1, sizeof(isFBComposed)); layerCount = numLayers; fbCount = numLayers; mdpCount = 0; needsRedraw = true; fbZ = 0; } void MDPComp::FrameInfo::map() { // populate layer and MDP maps int mdpIdx = 0; for(int idx = 0; idx < layerCount; idx++) { if(!isFBComposed[idx]) { mdpToLayer[mdpIdx].listIndex = idx; layerToMDP[idx] = mdpIdx++; } } } MDPComp::LayerCache::LayerCache() { reset(); } void MDPComp::LayerCache::reset() { memset(&hnd, 0, sizeof(hnd)); mdpCount = 0; cacheCount = 0; layerCount = 0; fbZ = -1; } void MDPComp::LayerCache::cacheAll(hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { const int numAppLayers = list->numHwLayers - 1; for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) { hnd[i] = list->hwLayers[i].handle; } } void MDPComp::LayerCache::updateCounts(const FrameInfo& curFrame) { mdpCount = curFrame.mdpCount; cacheCount = curFrame.fbCount; layerCount = curFrame.layerCount; fbZ = curFrame.fbZ; } bool MDPComp::isValidDimension(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer) { const int dpy = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { ALOGE("%s: layer handle is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return false; } int hw_w = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres; int hw_h = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].yres; hwc_rect_t crop = layer->sourceCrop; hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame; if(dst.left < 0 || dst.top < 0 || dst.right > hw_w || dst.bottom > hw_h) { hwc_rect_t scissor = {0, 0, hw_w, hw_h }; qhwc::calculate_crop_rects(crop, dst, scissor, layer->transform); } int crop_w = crop.right - crop.left; int crop_h = crop.bottom - crop.top; int dst_w = dst.right - dst.left; int dst_h = dst.bottom - dst.top; float w_dscale = ceilf((float)crop_w / (float)dst_w); float h_dscale = ceilf((float)crop_h / (float)dst_h); //Workaround for MDP HW limitation in DSI command mode panels where //FPS will not go beyond 30 if buffers on RGB pipes are of width < 5 if((crop_w < 5)||(crop_h < 5)) return false; if(ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) { /* Workaround for downscales larger than 4x. * Will be removed once decimator block is enabled for MDSS */ if(w_dscale > 4.0f || h_dscale > 4.0f) return false; } else { if(w_dscale > 8.0f || h_dscale > 8.0f) // MDP 4 supports 1/8 downscale return false; } return true; } ovutils::eDest MDPComp::getMdpPipe(hwc_context_t *ctx, ePipeType type) { overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay; ovutils::eDest mdp_pipe = ovutils::OV_INVALID; switch(type) { case MDPCOMP_OV_DMA: mdp_pipe = ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_DMA, mDpy); if(mdp_pipe != ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ctx->mDMAInUse = true; return mdp_pipe; } case MDPCOMP_OV_ANY: case MDPCOMP_OV_RGB: mdp_pipe = ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_RGB, mDpy); if(mdp_pipe != ovutils::OV_INVALID) { return mdp_pipe; } if(type == MDPCOMP_OV_RGB) { //Requested only for RGB pipe break; } case MDPCOMP_OV_VG: return ov.nextPipe(ovutils::OV_MDP_PIPE_VG, mDpy); default: ALOGE("%s: Invalid pipe type",__FUNCTION__); return ovutils::OV_INVALID; }; return ovutils::OV_INVALID; } bool MDPComp::isFrameDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx) { int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; bool ret = true; if(!isEnabled()) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp. not enabled.", __FUNCTION__); ret = false; } else if(ctx->mExtDispConfiguring) { ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: External Display connection is pending", __FUNCTION__); ret = false; } return ret; } /* Checks for conditions where all the layers marked for MDP comp cannot be * bypassed. On such conditions we try to bypass atleast YUV layers */ bool MDPComp::isFullFrameDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){ const int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; if(sIdleFallBack) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Idle fallback dpy %d",__FUNCTION__, mDpy); return false; } if(mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY){ ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Cannot support External display(s)", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if(isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: SKIP present: %d", __FUNCTION__, isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy)); return false; } if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].planeAlpha && ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: plane alpha not implemented on MDSS", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if(ctx->listStats[mDpy].needsAlphaScale && ctx->mMDP.version < qdutils::MDSS_V5) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: frame needs alpha downscaling",__FUNCTION__); return false; } //MDP composition is not efficient if layer needs rotator. for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; ++i) { // As MDP h/w supports flip operation, use MDP comp only for // 180 transforms. Fail for any transform involving 90 (90, 270). hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i]; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(isYuvBuffer(hnd) ) { if(isSecuring(ctx, layer)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: MDP securing is active", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } else if(layer->transform & HWC_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: orientation involved",__FUNCTION__); return false; } if(!isValidDimension(ctx,layer)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Buffer is of invalid width", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } //If all above hard conditions are met we can do full or partial MDP comp. bool ret = false; if(fullMDPComp(ctx, list)) { ret = true; } else if (partialMDPComp(ctx, list)) { ret = true; } return ret; } bool MDPComp::fullMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { //Setup mCurrentFrame mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount; mCurrentFrame.fbCount = 0; mCurrentFrame.fbZ = -1; memset(&mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed, 0, sizeof(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed)); int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; if(mdpCount > sMaxPipesPerMixer) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER",__FUNCTION__); return false; } int numPipesNeeded = pipesNeeded(ctx, list); int availPipes = getAvailablePipes(ctx); if(numPipesNeeded > availPipes) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Insufficient MDP pipes, needed %d, avail %d", __FUNCTION__, numPipesNeeded, availPipes); return false; } return true; } bool MDPComp::partialMDPComp(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; //Setup mCurrentFrame mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers); updateLayerCache(ctx, list); updateYUV(ctx, list); batchLayers(); //sets up fbZ also int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; if(mdpCount > (sMaxPipesPerMixer - 1)) { // -1 since FB is used ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER",__FUNCTION__); return false; } int numPipesNeeded = pipesNeeded(ctx, list); int availPipes = getAvailablePipes(ctx); if(numPipesNeeded > availPipes) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Insufficient MDP pipes, needed %d, avail %d", __FUNCTION__, numPipesNeeded, availPipes); return false; } return true; } bool MDPComp::isOnlyVideoDoable(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list){ int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; mCurrentFrame.reset(numAppLayers); updateYUV(ctx, list); int mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; int fbNeeded = int(mCurrentFrame.fbCount != 0); if(!isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy)) { return false; } if(!mdpCount) return false; if(mdpCount > (sMaxPipesPerMixer - fbNeeded)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Exceeds MAX_PIPES_PER_MIXER",__FUNCTION__); return false; } int numPipesNeeded = pipesNeeded(ctx, list); int availPipes = getAvailablePipes(ctx); if(numPipesNeeded > availPipes) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Insufficient MDP pipes, needed %d, avail %d", __FUNCTION__, numPipesNeeded, availPipes); return false; } return true; } /* Checks for conditions where YUV layers cannot be bypassed */ bool MDPComp::isYUVDoable(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer) { if(isSkipLayer(layer)) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to bypass skipped YUV", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if(ctx->mNeedsRotator && ctx->mDMAInUse) { ALOGE("%s: No DMA for Rotator",__FUNCTION__); return false; } if(isSecuring(ctx, layer)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: MDP securing is active", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if(!isValidDimension(ctx, layer)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Buffer is of invalid width", __FUNCTION__); return false; } return true; } void MDPComp::batchLayers() { /* Idea is to keep as many contiguous non-updating(cached) layers in FB and * send rest of them through MDP. NEVER mark an updating layer for caching. * But cached ones can be marked for MDP*/ int maxBatchStart = -1; int maxBatchCount = 0; /* All or Nothing is cached. No batching needed */ if(!mCurrentFrame.fbCount) { mCurrentFrame.fbZ = -1; return; } if(!mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) { mCurrentFrame.fbZ = 0; return; } /* Search for max number of contiguous (cached) layers */ int i = 0; while (i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) { int count = 0; while(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] && i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) { count++; i++; } if(count > maxBatchCount) { maxBatchCount = count; maxBatchStart = i - count; mCurrentFrame.fbZ = maxBatchStart; } if(i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount) i++; } /* reset rest of the layers for MDP comp */ for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; i++) { if(i != maxBatchStart){ mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false; } else { i += maxBatchCount; } } mCurrentFrame.fbCount = maxBatchCount; mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: cached count: %d",__FUNCTION__, mCurrentFrame.fbCount); } void MDPComp::updateLayerCache(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { int numAppLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; int numCacheableLayers = 0; for(int i = 0; i < numAppLayers; i++) { if (mCachedFrame.hnd[i] == list->hwLayers[i].handle) { numCacheableLayers++; mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = true; } else { mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i] = false; mCachedFrame.hnd[i] = list->hwLayers[i].handle; } } mCurrentFrame.fbCount = numCacheableLayers; mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: cached count: %d",__FUNCTION__, numCacheableLayers); } int MDPComp::getAvailablePipes(hwc_context_t* ctx) { int numDMAPipes = qdutils::MDPVersion::getInstance().getDMAPipes(); overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay; int numAvailable = ov.availablePipes(mDpy); //Reserve DMA for rotator if(ctx->mNeedsRotator) numAvailable -= numDMAPipes; //Reserve pipe(s)for FB if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount) numAvailable -= pipesForFB(); return numAvailable; } void MDPComp::updateYUV(hwc_context_t* ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { int nYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount; for(int index = 0;index < nYuvCount; index++){ int nYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvIndices[index]; hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[nYuvIndex]; if(!isYUVDoable(ctx, layer)) { if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) { mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = true; mCurrentFrame.fbCount++; } } else { if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) { mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex] = false; mCurrentFrame.fbCount--; } } } mCurrentFrame.mdpCount = mCurrentFrame.layerCount - mCurrentFrame.fbCount; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: cached count: %d",__FUNCTION__, mCurrentFrame.fbCount); } bool MDPComp::programMDP(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { ctx->mDMAInUse = false; if(!allocLayerPipes(ctx, list)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to allocate MDP pipes", __FUNCTION__); return false; } bool fbBatch = false; for (int index = 0, mdpNextZOrder = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) { if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) { int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]; hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index]; MdpPipeInfo* cur_pipe = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo; cur_pipe->zOrder = mdpNextZOrder++; if(configure(ctx, layer, mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]) != 0 ){ ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure overlay for \ layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index); return false; } } else if(fbBatch == false) { mdpNextZOrder++; fbBatch = true; } } return true; } bool MDPComp::programYUV(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { if(!allocLayerPipes(ctx, list)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to allocate MDP pipes", __FUNCTION__); return false; } //If we are in this block, it means we have yuv + rgb layers both int mdpIdx = 0; for (int index = 0; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++) { if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) { hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index]; int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]; MdpPipeInfo* cur_pipe = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo; cur_pipe->zOrder = mdpIdx++; if(configure(ctx, layer, mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]) != 0 ){ ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Failed to configure overlay for \ layer %d",__FUNCTION__, index); return false; } } } return true; } int MDPComp::prepare(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { //reset old data const int numLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers); //Hard conditions, if not met, cannot do MDP comp if(!isFrameDoable(ctx)) { ALOGD_IF( isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not possible for this frame", __FUNCTION__); mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers); mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list); mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame); return 0; } //Check whether layers marked for MDP Composition is actually doable. if(isFullFrameDoable(ctx, list)){ mCurrentFrame.map(); //Acquire and Program MDP pipes if(!programMDP(ctx, list)) { mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers); mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list); } else { //Success //Any change in composition types needs an FB refresh mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = false; if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount && ((mCurrentFrame.mdpCount != mCachedFrame.mdpCount) || (mCurrentFrame.fbCount != mCachedFrame.cacheCount) || (mCurrentFrame.fbZ != mCachedFrame.fbZ) || (!mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) || (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED) || isSkipPresent(ctx, mDpy) || (mDpy > HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY))) { mCurrentFrame.needsRedraw = true; } } } else if(isOnlyVideoDoable(ctx, list)) { //All layers marked for MDP comp cannot be bypassed. //Try to compose atleast YUV layers through MDP comp and let //all the RGB layers compose in FB //Destination over mCurrentFrame.fbZ = -1; if(mCurrentFrame.fbCount) mCurrentFrame.fbZ = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount; mCurrentFrame.map(); if(!programYUV(ctx, list)) { mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers); mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list); } } else { mCurrentFrame.reset(numLayers); mCachedFrame.cacheAll(list); } //UpdateLayerFlags setMDPCompLayerFlags(ctx, list); mCachedFrame.updateCounts(mCurrentFrame); if(isDebug()) { ALOGD("GEOMETRY change: %d", (list->flags & HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED)); android::String8 sDump(""); dump(sDump); ALOGE("%s",sDump.string()); } return mCurrentFrame.fbZ; } //=============MDPCompLowRes=================================================== /* * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition */ int MDPCompLowRes::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer, PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) { MdpPipeInfoLowRes& mdp_info = *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoLowRes*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo)); eMdpFlags mdpFlags = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION; eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder); eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF; eDest dest = mdp_info.index; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, dest); return configureLowRes(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlags, zOrder, isFg, dest, &PipeLayerPair.rot); } int MDPCompLowRes::pipesNeeded(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { return mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; } bool MDPCompLowRes::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { if(isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy)) { int nYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount; for(int index = 0; index < nYuvCount ; index ++) { int nYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvIndices[index]; if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[nYuvIndex]) continue; hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[nYuvIndex]; int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[nYuvIndex]; PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]; info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoLowRes; info.rot = NULL; MdpPipeInfoLowRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoLowRes*)info.pipeInfo; pipe_info.index = getMdpPipe(ctx, MDPCOMP_OV_VG); if(pipe_info.index == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for Videos", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } } for(int index = 0 ; index < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; index++ ) { if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[index]) continue; hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index]; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(isYuvBuffer(hnd)) continue; int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[index]; PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex]; info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoLowRes; info.rot = NULL; MdpPipeInfoLowRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoLowRes*)info.pipeInfo; ePipeType type = MDPCOMP_OV_ANY; if(!qhwc::needsScaling(layer) && !ctx->mNeedsRotator && ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) { type = MDPCOMP_OV_DMA; } pipe_info.index = getMdpPipe(ctx, type); if(pipe_info.index == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for UI", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } return true; } bool MDPCompLowRes::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { if(!isEnabled()) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__); return true; } if(!ctx || !list) { ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__); return false; } /* reset Invalidator */ if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) idleInvalidator->markForSleep(); overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay; LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy]; int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ ) { if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue; hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i]; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__); return false; } int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i]; MdpPipeInfoLowRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoLowRes*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo; ovutils::eDest dest = pipe_info.index; if(dest == ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid pipe index (%d)", __FUNCTION__, dest); return false; } if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) { continue; } ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \ using pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, dest ); int fd = hnd->fd; uint32_t offset = hnd->offset; Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot; if(rot) { if(!rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset)) return false; fd = rot->getDstMemId(); offset = rot->getDstOffset(); } if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, dest)) { ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for external", __FUNCTION__); return false; } layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP; } return true; } //=============MDPCompHighRes=================================================== int MDPCompHighRes::pipesNeeded(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { int pipesNeeded = 0; int hw_w = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres; for(int i = 0; i < mCurrentFrame.layerCount; ++i) { if(!mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) { hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[i]; hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame; if(dst.left > hw_w/2) { pipesNeeded++; } else if(dst.right <= hw_w/2) { pipesNeeded++; } else { pipesNeeded += 2; } } } return pipesNeeded; } bool MDPCompHighRes::acquireMDPPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t* layer, MdpPipeInfoHighRes& pipe_info, ePipeType type) { int hw_w = ctx->dpyAttr[mDpy].xres; hwc_rect_t dst = layer->displayFrame; if(dst.left > hw_w/2) { pipe_info.lIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID; pipe_info.rIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type); if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) return false; } else if (dst.right <= hw_w/2) { pipe_info.rIndex = ovutils::OV_INVALID; pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type); if(pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) return false; } else { pipe_info.rIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type); pipe_info.lIndex = getMdpPipe(ctx, type); if(pipe_info.rIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID || pipe_info.lIndex == ovutils::OV_INVALID) return false; } return true; } bool MDPCompHighRes::allocLayerPipes(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay; int layer_count = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; if(isYuvPresent(ctx, mDpy)) { int nYuvCount = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvCount; for(int index = 0; index < nYuvCount; index ++) { int nYuvIndex = ctx->listStats[mDpy].yuvIndices[index]; hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[nYuvIndex]; PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[nYuvIndex]; info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoHighRes; info.rot = NULL; MdpPipeInfoHighRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoHighRes*)info.pipeInfo; if(!acquireMDPPipes(ctx, layer, pipe_info,MDPCOMP_OV_VG)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: Unable to get pipe for videos", __FUNCTION__); //TODO: windback pipebook data on fail return false; } pipe_info.zOrder = nYuvIndex; } } for(int index = 0 ; index < layer_count ; index++ ) { hwc_layer_1_t* layer = &list->hwLayers[index]; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(isYuvBuffer(hnd)) continue; PipeLayerPair& info = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[index]; info.pipeInfo = new MdpPipeInfoHighRes; info.rot = NULL; MdpPipeInfoHighRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoHighRes*)info.pipeInfo; ePipeType type = MDPCOMP_OV_ANY; if(!qhwc::needsScaling(layer) && !ctx->mNeedsRotator && ctx->mMDP.version >= qdutils::MDSS_V5) type = MDPCOMP_OV_DMA; if(!acquireMDPPipes(ctx, layer, pipe_info, type)) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(), "%s: Unable to get pipe for UI", __FUNCTION__); //TODO: windback pipebook data on fail return false; } pipe_info.zOrder = index; } return true; } /* * Configures pipe(s) for MDP composition */ int MDPCompHighRes::configure(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_layer_1_t *layer, PipeLayerPair& PipeLayerPair) { MdpPipeInfoHighRes& mdp_info = *(static_cast<MdpPipeInfoHighRes*>(PipeLayerPair.pipeInfo)); eZorder zOrder = static_cast<eZorder>(mdp_info.zOrder); eIsFg isFg = IS_FG_OFF; eMdpFlags mdpFlagsL = OV_MDP_BACKEND_COMPOSITION; eDest lDest = mdp_info.lIndex; eDest rDest = mdp_info.rIndex; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: configuring: layer: %p z_order: %d dest_pipeL: %d" "dest_pipeR: %d",__FUNCTION__, layer, zOrder, lDest, rDest); return configureHighRes(ctx, layer, mDpy, mdpFlagsL, zOrder, isFg, lDest, rDest, &PipeLayerPair.rot); } bool MDPCompHighRes::draw(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { if(!isEnabled()) { ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp not configured", __FUNCTION__); return true; } if(!ctx || !list) { ALOGE("%s: invalid contxt or list",__FUNCTION__); return false; } /* reset Invalidator */ if(idleInvalidator && !sIdleFallBack && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount) idleInvalidator->markForSleep(); overlay::Overlay& ov = *ctx->mOverlay; LayerProp *layerProp = ctx->layerProp[mDpy]; int numHwLayers = ctx->listStats[mDpy].numAppLayers; for(int i = 0; i < numHwLayers && mCurrentFrame.mdpCount; i++ ) { if(mCurrentFrame.isFBComposed[i]) continue; hwc_layer_1_t *layer = &list->hwLayers[i]; private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)layer->handle; if(!hnd) { ALOGE("%s handle null", __FUNCTION__); return false; } if(!(layerProp[i].mFlags & HWC_MDPCOMP)) { continue; } int mdpIndex = mCurrentFrame.layerToMDP[i]; MdpPipeInfoHighRes& pipe_info = *(MdpPipeInfoHighRes*)mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].pipeInfo; Rotator *rot = mCurrentFrame.mdpToLayer[mdpIndex].rot; ovutils::eDest indexL = pipe_info.lIndex; ovutils::eDest indexR = pipe_info.rIndex; int fd = hnd->fd; int offset = hnd->offset; if(rot) { rot->queueBuffer(fd, offset); fd = rot->getDstMemId(); offset = rot->getDstOffset(); } //************* play left mixer ********** if(indexL != ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ovutils::eDest destL = (ovutils::eDest)indexL; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \ using pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexL ); if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destL)) { ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for left mixer", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } //************* play right mixer ********** if(indexR != ovutils::OV_INVALID) { ovutils::eDest destR = (ovutils::eDest)indexR; ALOGD_IF(isDebug(),"%s: MDP Comp: Drawing layer: %p hnd: %p \ using pipe: %d", __FUNCTION__, layer, hnd, indexR ); if (!ov.queueBuffer(fd, offset, destR)) { ALOGE("%s: queueBuffer failed for right mixer", __FUNCTION__); return false; } } layerProp[i].mFlags &= ~HWC_MDPCOMP; } return true; } }; //namespace