/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Not a Contribution, Apache license notifications and license are retained * for attribution purposes only. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define ATRACE_TAG (ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS | ATRACE_TAG_HAL) #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <cutils/log.h> #include <cutils/atomic.h> #include <EGL/egl.h> #include <utils/Trace.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <overlay.h> #include <overlayRotator.h> #include <mdp_version.h> #include "hwc_utils.h" #include "hwc_fbupdate.h" #include "hwc_mdpcomp.h" #include "external.h" #include "hwc_copybit.h" #include "profiler.h" using namespace qhwc; #define VSYNC_DEBUG 0 #define BLANK_DEBUG 0 static int hwc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* name, struct hw_device_t** device); static struct hw_module_methods_t hwc_module_methods = { open: hwc_device_open }; hwc_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = { common: { tag: HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG, version_major: 2, version_minor: 0, id: HWC_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, name: "Qualcomm Hardware Composer Module", author: "CodeAurora Forum", methods: &hwc_module_methods, dso: 0, reserved: {0}, } }; /* * Save callback functions registered to HWC */ static void hwc_registerProcs(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, hwc_procs_t const* procs) { ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__); hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if(!ctx) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid context", __FUNCTION__); return; } ctx->proc = procs; // Now that we have the functions needed, kick off // the uevent & vsync threads init_uevent_thread(ctx); init_vsync_thread(ctx); } //Helper static void reset(hwc_context_t *ctx, int numDisplays, hwc_display_contents_1_t** displays) { memset(ctx->listStats, 0, sizeof(ctx->listStats)); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DISPLAYS; i++) { hwc_display_contents_1_t *list = displays[i]; // XXX:SurfaceFlinger no longer guarantees that this // value is reset on every prepare. However, for the layer // cache we need to reset it. // We can probably rethink that later on if (LIKELY(list && list->numHwLayers > 1)) { for(uint32_t j = 0; j < list->numHwLayers; j++) { if(list->hwLayers[j].compositionType != HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET) list->hwLayers[j].compositionType = HWC_FRAMEBUFFER; } } if(ctx->mFBUpdate[i]) ctx->mFBUpdate[i]->reset(); if(ctx->mCopyBit[i]) ctx->mCopyBit[i]->reset(); if(ctx->mLayerRotMap[i]) ctx->mLayerRotMap[i]->reset(); } } //clear prev layer prop flags and realloc for current frame static void reset_layer_prop(hwc_context_t* ctx, int dpy, int numAppLayers) { if(ctx->layerProp[dpy]) { delete[] ctx->layerProp[dpy]; ctx->layerProp[dpy] = NULL; } ctx->layerProp[dpy] = new LayerProp[numAppLayers]; } static int display_commit(hwc_context_t *ctx, int dpy) { int fbFd = ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].fd; if(fbFd == -1) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid FB fd for display: %d", __FUNCTION__, dpy); return -1; } struct mdp_display_commit commit_info; memset(&commit_info, 0, sizeof(struct mdp_display_commit)); commit_info.flags = MDP_DISPLAY_COMMIT_OVERLAY; if(ioctl(fbFd, MSMFB_DISPLAY_COMMIT, &commit_info) == -1) { ALOGE("%s: MSMFB_DISPLAY_COMMIT for primary failed", __FUNCTION__); return -errno; } return 0; } static int hwc_prepare_primary(hwc_composer_device_1 *dev, hwc_display_contents_1_t *list) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); const int dpy = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; if(UNLIKELY(!ctx->mBasePipeSetup)) setupBasePipe(ctx); if (LIKELY(list && list->numHwLayers > 1) && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive) { reset_layer_prop(ctx, dpy, list->numHwLayers - 1); uint32_t last = list->numHwLayers - 1; hwc_layer_1_t *fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[last]; if(fbLayer->handle) { setListStats(ctx, list, dpy); int fbZOrder = ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list); if(fbZOrder >= 0) ctx->mFBUpdate[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list, fbZOrder); /* Temporarily commenting out C2D until we support partial copybit composition for mixed mode MDP // Use Copybit, when MDP comp fails if((fbZOrder >= 0) && ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]) ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list, dpy); */ } } return 0; } static int hwc_prepare_external(hwc_composer_device_1 *dev, hwc_display_contents_1_t *list, int dpy) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if (LIKELY(list && list->numHwLayers > 1) && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].connected) { reset_layer_prop(ctx, dpy, list->numHwLayers - 1); uint32_t last = list->numHwLayers - 1; hwc_layer_1_t *fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[last]; if(!ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isPause) { if(fbLayer->handle) { ctx->mExtDispConfiguring = false; setListStats(ctx, list, dpy); int fbZOrder = ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list); if(fbZOrder >= 0) ctx->mFBUpdate[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list, fbZOrder); /* Temporarily commenting out C2D until we support partial copybit composition for mixed mode MDP if((fbZOrder >= 0) && ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]) ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->prepare(ctx, list, dpy); */ } } else { // External Display is in Pause state. // ToDo: // Mark all application layers as OVERLAY so that // GPU will not compose. This is done for power // optimization } } return 0; } static int hwc_prepare_virtual(hwc_composer_device_1 *dev, hwc_display_contents_1_t *list, int dpy) { //XXX: Fix when framework support is added return 0; } static int hwc_prepare(hwc_composer_device_1 *dev, size_t numDisplays, hwc_display_contents_1_t** displays) { int ret = 0; hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mBlankLock); reset(ctx, numDisplays, displays); ctx->mOverlay->configBegin(); ctx->mRotMgr->configBegin(); ctx->mNeedsRotator = false; for (int32_t i = numDisplays - 1; i >= 0; i--) { hwc_display_contents_1_t *list = displays[i]; switch(i) { case HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY: ret = hwc_prepare_primary(dev, list); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL: ret = hwc_prepare_external(dev, list, i); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL: ret = hwc_prepare_virtual(dev, list, i); break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } } ctx->mOverlay->configDone(); ctx->mRotMgr->configDone(); return ret; } static int hwc_eventControl(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, int dpy, int event, int enable) { int ret = 0; hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mBlankLock); if(!ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive) { ALOGE("Display is blanked - Cannot %s vsync", enable ? "enable" : "disable"); return -EINVAL; } switch(event) { case HWC_EVENT_VSYNC: if (ctx->vstate.enable == enable) break; ret = hwc_vsync_control(ctx, dpy, enable); if(ret == 0) ctx->vstate.enable = !!enable; ALOGD_IF (VSYNC_DEBUG, "VSYNC state changed to %s", (enable)?"ENABLED":"DISABLED"); break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } return ret; } static int hwc_blank(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, int dpy, int blank) { ATRACE_CALL(); hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mBlankLock); int ret = 0; ALOGD_IF(BLANK_DEBUG, "%s: %s display: %d", __FUNCTION__, blank==1 ? "Blanking":"Unblanking", dpy); if(blank) { // free up all the overlay pipes in use // when we get a blank for either display // makes sure that all pipes are freed ctx->mOverlay->configBegin(); ctx->mOverlay->configDone(); ctx->mRotMgr->clear(); } switch(dpy) { case HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY: if(blank) { ret = ioctl(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].fd, FBIOBLANK, FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN); } else { ret = ioctl(ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].fd, FBIOBLANK,FB_BLANK_UNBLANK); } break; case HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL: case HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL: if(blank) { // call external framebuffer commit on blank, // so that any pipe unsets gets committed if (display_commit(ctx, dpy) < 0) { ret = -1; ALOGE("%s:post failed for external display !! ", __FUNCTION__); } } else { } break; default: return -EINVAL; } // Enable HPD here, as during bootup unblank is called // when SF is completely initialized ctx->mExtDisplay->setHPD(1); if(ret == 0){ ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive = !blank; } else { ALOGE("%s: Failed in %s display: %d error:%s", __FUNCTION__, blank==1 ? "blanking":"unblanking", dpy, strerror(errno)); return ret; } ALOGD_IF(BLANK_DEBUG, "%s: Done %s display: %d", __FUNCTION__, blank==1 ? "blanking":"unblanking", dpy); return 0; } static int hwc_query(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, int param, int* value) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); int supported = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY_BIT; switch (param) { case HWC_BACKGROUND_LAYER_SUPPORTED: // Not supported for now value[0] = 0; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_TYPES_SUPPORTED: if(ctx->mMDP.hasOverlay) supported |= HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL_BIT; value[0] = supported; break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int hwc_set_primary(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list) { ATRACE_CALL(); int ret = 0; const int dpy = HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY; if (LIKELY(list) && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive) { uint32_t last = list->numHwLayers - 1; hwc_layer_1_t *fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[last]; int fd = -1; //FenceFD from the Copybit(valid in async mode) bool copybitDone = false; if(ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]) copybitDone = ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->draw(ctx, list, dpy, &fd); if(list->numHwLayers > 1) hwc_sync(ctx, list, dpy, fd); if (!ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]->draw(ctx, list)) { ALOGE("%s: MDPComp draw failed", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; } //TODO We dont check for SKIP flag on this layer because we need PAN //always. Last layer is always FB private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)fbLayer->handle; if(copybitDone) { hnd = ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->getCurrentRenderBuffer(); } if(hnd) { if (!ctx->mFBUpdate[dpy]->draw(ctx, hnd)) { ALOGE("%s: FBUpdate draw failed", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; } } if (display_commit(ctx, dpy) < 0) { ALOGE("%s: display commit fail!", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } } closeAcquireFds(list); return ret; } static int hwc_set_external(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list, int dpy) { ATRACE_CALL(); int ret = 0; Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mExtSetLock); if (LIKELY(list) && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isActive && !ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].isPause && ctx->dpyAttr[dpy].connected) { uint32_t last = list->numHwLayers - 1; hwc_layer_1_t *fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[last]; int fd = -1; //FenceFD from the Copybit(valid in async mode) bool copybitDone = false; if(ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]) copybitDone = ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->draw(ctx, list, dpy, &fd); if(list->numHwLayers > 1) hwc_sync(ctx, list, dpy, fd); if (!ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]->draw(ctx, list)) { ALOGE("%s: MDPComp draw failed", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; } private_handle_t *hnd = (private_handle_t *)fbLayer->handle; if(copybitDone) { hnd = ctx->mCopyBit[dpy]->getCurrentRenderBuffer(); } if(hnd) { if (!ctx->mFBUpdate[dpy]->draw(ctx, hnd)) { ALOGE("%s: FBUpdate::draw fail!", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; } } if (display_commit(ctx, dpy) < 0) { ALOGE("%s: display commit fail!", __FUNCTION__); ret = -1; } } closeAcquireFds(list); return ret; } static int hwc_set_virtual(hwc_context_t *ctx, hwc_display_contents_1_t* list, int dpy) { //XXX: Implement set. closeAcquireFds(list); if (list) { // SF assumes HWC waits for the acquire fence and returns a new fence // that signals when we're done. Since we don't wait, and also don't // touch the buffer, we can just handle the acquire fence back to SF // as the retire fence. list->retireFenceFd = list->outbufAcquireFenceFd; } return 0; } static int hwc_set(hwc_composer_device_1 *dev, size_t numDisplays, hwc_display_contents_1_t** displays) { int ret = 0; hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); Locker::Autolock _l(ctx->mBlankLock); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) { hwc_display_contents_1_t* list = displays[i]; switch(i) { case HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY: ret = hwc_set_primary(ctx, list); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL: ret = hwc_set_external(ctx, list, i); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_VIRTUAL: ret = hwc_set_virtual(ctx, list, i); break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } } // This is only indicative of how many times SurfaceFlinger posts // frames to the display. CALC_FPS(); MDPComp::resetIdleFallBack(); return ret; } int hwc_getDisplayConfigs(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, int disp, uint32_t* configs, size_t* numConfigs) { int ret = 0; hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); //in 1.1 there is no way to choose a config, report as config id # 0 //This config is passed to getDisplayAttributes. Ignore for now. switch(disp) { case HWC_DISPLAY_PRIMARY: if(*numConfigs > 0) { configs[0] = 0; *numConfigs = 1; } ret = 0; //NO_ERROR break; case HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL: ret = -1; //Not connected if(ctx->dpyAttr[HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL].connected) { ret = 0; //NO_ERROR if(*numConfigs > 0) { configs[0] = 0; *numConfigs = 1; } } break; } return ret; } int hwc_getDisplayAttributes(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, int disp, uint32_t config, const uint32_t* attributes, int32_t* values) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); //If hotpluggable displays are inactive return error if(disp == HWC_DISPLAY_EXTERNAL && !ctx->dpyAttr[disp].connected) { return -1; } //From HWComposer static const uint32_t DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES[] = { HWC_DISPLAY_VSYNC_PERIOD, HWC_DISPLAY_WIDTH, HWC_DISPLAY_HEIGHT, HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_X, HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_Y, HWC_DISPLAY_NO_ATTRIBUTE, }; const int NUM_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES = (sizeof(DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES) / sizeof(DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES)[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES - 1; i++) { switch (attributes[i]) { case HWC_DISPLAY_VSYNC_PERIOD: values[i] = ctx->dpyAttr[disp].vsync_period; break; case HWC_DISPLAY_WIDTH: values[i] = ctx->dpyAttr[disp].xres; ALOGD("%s disp = %d, width = %d",__FUNCTION__, disp, ctx->dpyAttr[disp].xres); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_HEIGHT: values[i] = ctx->dpyAttr[disp].yres; ALOGD("%s disp = %d, height = %d",__FUNCTION__, disp, ctx->dpyAttr[disp].yres); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_X: values[i] = (int32_t) (ctx->dpyAttr[disp].xdpi*1000.0); break; case HWC_DISPLAY_DPI_Y: values[i] = (int32_t) (ctx->dpyAttr[disp].ydpi*1000.0); break; default: ALOGE("Unknown display attribute %d", attributes[i]); return -EINVAL; } } return 0; } void hwc_dump(struct hwc_composer_device_1* dev, char *buff, int buff_len) { hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); android::String8 aBuf(""); dumpsys_log(aBuf, "Qualcomm HWC state:\n"); dumpsys_log(aBuf, " MDPVersion=%d\n", ctx->mMDP.version); dumpsys_log(aBuf, " DisplayPanel=%c\n", ctx->mMDP.panel); for(int dpy = 0; dpy < MAX_DISPLAYS; dpy++) { if(ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]) ctx->mMDPComp[dpy]->dump(aBuf); } char ovDump[2048] = {'\0'}; ctx->mOverlay->getDump(ovDump, 2048); dumpsys_log(aBuf, ovDump); ovDump[0] = '\0'; ctx->mRotMgr->getDump(ovDump, 2048); dumpsys_log(aBuf, ovDump); strlcpy(buff, aBuf.string(), buff_len); } static int hwc_device_close(struct hw_device_t *dev) { if(!dev) { ALOGE("%s: NULL device pointer", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } closeContext((hwc_context_t*)dev); free(dev); return 0; } static int hwc_device_open(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* name, struct hw_device_t** device) { int status = -EINVAL; if (!strcmp(name, HWC_HARDWARE_COMPOSER)) { struct hwc_context_t *dev; dev = (hwc_context_t*)malloc(sizeof(*dev)); memset(dev, 0, sizeof(*dev)); //Initialize hwc context initContext(dev); //Setup HWC methods dev->device.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; dev->device.common.version = HWC_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_2; dev->device.common.module = const_cast<hw_module_t*>(module); dev->device.common.close = hwc_device_close; dev->device.prepare = hwc_prepare; dev->device.set = hwc_set; dev->device.eventControl = hwc_eventControl; dev->device.blank = hwc_blank; dev->device.query = hwc_query; dev->device.registerProcs = hwc_registerProcs; dev->device.dump = hwc_dump; dev->device.getDisplayConfigs = hwc_getDisplayConfigs; dev->device.getDisplayAttributes = hwc_getDisplayAttributes; *device = &dev->device.common; status = 0; } return status; }