/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsCpuCore.h" #include "rsCpuScript.h" //#include "rsdRuntime.h" //#include "rsdAllocation.h" //#include "rsCpuIntrinsics.h" #ifndef RS_SERVER #include "utils/Vector.h" #include "utils/Timers.h" #include "utils/StopWatch.h" #endif #ifdef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #else #include <bcc/BCCContext.h> #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSCompilerDriver.h> #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSExecutable.h> #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSInfo.h> #endif namespace android { namespace renderscript { #ifdef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB #define MAXLINE 500 #define MAKE_STR_HELPER(S) #S #define MAKE_STR(S) MAKE_STR_HELPER(S) #define EXPORT_VAR_STR "exportVarCount: " #define EXPORT_VAR_STR_LEN strlen(EXPORT_VAR_STR) #define EXPORT_FUNC_STR "exportFuncCount: " #define EXPORT_FUNC_STR_LEN strlen(EXPORT_FUNC_STR) #define EXPORT_FOREACH_STR "exportForEachCount: " #define EXPORT_FOREACH_STR_LEN strlen(EXPORT_FOREACH_STR) #define OBJECT_SLOT_STR "objectSlotCount: " #define OBJECT_SLOT_STR_LEN strlen(OBJECT_SLOT_STR) // Copy up to a newline or size chars from str -> s, updating str // Returns s when successful and NULL when '\0' is finally reached. static char* strgets(char *s, int size, const char **ppstr) { if (!ppstr || !*ppstr || **ppstr == '\0' || size < 1) { return NULL; } int i; for (i = 0; i < (size - 1); i++) { s[i] = **ppstr; (*ppstr)++; if (s[i] == '\0') { return s; } else if (s[i] == '\n') { s[i+1] = '\0'; return s; } } // size has been exceeded. s[i] = '\0'; return s; } #endif RsdCpuScriptImpl::RsdCpuScriptImpl(RsdCpuReferenceImpl *ctx, const Script *s) { mCtx = ctx; mScript = s; #ifdef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB mScriptSO = NULL; mInvokeFunctions = NULL; mForEachFunctions = NULL; mFieldAddress = NULL; mFieldIsObject = NULL; mForEachSignatures = NULL; #else mCompilerContext = NULL; mCompilerDriver = NULL; mExecutable = NULL; #endif mRoot = NULL; mRootExpand = NULL; mInit = NULL; mFreeChildren = NULL; mBoundAllocs = NULL; mIntrinsicData = NULL; mIsThreadable = true; } bool RsdCpuScriptImpl::init(char const *resName, char const *cacheDir, uint8_t const *bitcode, size_t bitcodeSize, uint32_t flags) { //ALOGE("rsdScriptCreate %p %p %p %p %i %i %p", rsc, resName, cacheDir, bitcode, bitcodeSize, flags, lookupFunc); //ALOGE("rsdScriptInit %p %p", rsc, script); mCtx->lockMutex(); #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB bcc::RSExecutable *exec; mCompilerContext = NULL; mCompilerDriver = NULL; mExecutable = NULL; mCompilerContext = new bcc::BCCContext(); if (mCompilerContext == NULL) { ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to create compiler context (out of memory)"); mCtx->unlockMutex(); return false; } mCompilerDriver = new bcc::RSCompilerDriver(); if (mCompilerDriver == NULL) { ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to create compiler driver (out of memory)"); mCtx->unlockMutex(); return false; } mCompilerDriver->setRSRuntimeLookupFunction(lookupRuntimeStub); mCompilerDriver->setRSRuntimeLookupContext(this); const char *core_lib = NULL; RSSelectRTCallback selectRTCallback = mCtx->getSelectRTCallback(); if (selectRTCallback != NULL) { core_lib = selectRTCallback((const char *)bitcode, bitcodeSize); } if (mCtx->getContext()->getContextType() == RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_DEBUG) { // Use the libclcore_debug.bc instead of the default library. core_lib = bcc::RSInfo::LibCLCoreDebugPath; mCompilerDriver->setDebugContext(true); } exec = mCompilerDriver->build(*mCompilerContext, cacheDir, resName, (const char *)bitcode, bitcodeSize, core_lib, mCtx->getLinkRuntimeCallback()); if (exec == NULL) { ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to prepare executable for '%s'", resName); mCtx->unlockMutex(); return false; } mExecutable = exec; exec->setThreadable(mIsThreadable); if (!exec->syncInfo()) { ALOGW("bcc: FAILS to synchronize the RS info file to the disk"); } mRoot = reinterpret_cast<int (*)()>(exec->getSymbolAddress("root")); mRootExpand = reinterpret_cast<int (*)()>(exec->getSymbolAddress("root.expand")); mInit = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(exec->getSymbolAddress("init")); mFreeChildren = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(exec->getSymbolAddress(".rs.dtor")); const bcc::RSInfo *info = &mExecutable->getInfo(); if (info->getExportVarNames().size()) { mBoundAllocs = new Allocation *[info->getExportVarNames().size()]; memset(mBoundAllocs, 0, sizeof(void *) * info->getExportVarNames().size()); } #else #ifndef RS_SERVER String8 scriptSOName(cacheDir); scriptSOName = scriptSOName.getPathDir(); scriptSOName.appendPath("lib"); scriptSOName.append("/librs."); #else String8 scriptSOName("lib"); #endif scriptSOName.append(resName); scriptSOName.append(".so"); //script->mHal.drv = drv; //ALOGV("Opening up shared object: %s", scriptSOName.string()); mScriptSO = dlopen(scriptSOName.string(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL); if (mScriptSO == NULL) { ALOGE("Unable to open shared library (%s): %s", scriptSOName.string(), dlerror()); // One final attempt to find the library in "/system/lib". // We do this to allow bundled applications to use the compatibility // library fallback path. Those applications don't have a private // library path, so they need to install to the system directly. String8 scriptSONameSystem("/system/lib/librs."); scriptSONameSystem.append(resName); scriptSONameSystem.append(".so"); mScriptSO = dlopen(scriptSONameSystem.string(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL); if (mScriptSO == NULL) { ALOGE("Unable to open system shared library (%s): %s", scriptSONameSystem.string(), dlerror()); goto error; } } if (mScriptSO) { char line[MAXLINE]; mRoot = (RootFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "root"); if (mRoot) { //ALOGE("Found root(): %p", mRoot); } mRootExpand = (RootFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "root.expand"); if (mRootExpand) { //ALOGE("Found root.expand(): %p", mRootExpand); } mInit = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "init"); if (mInit) { //ALOGE("Found init(): %p", mInit); } mFreeChildren = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, ".rs.dtor"); if (mFreeChildren) { //ALOGE("Found .rs.dtor(): %p", mFreeChildren); } const char *rsInfo = (const char *) dlsym(mScriptSO, ".rs.info"); if (rsInfo) { //ALOGE("Found .rs.info(): %p - %s", rsInfo, rsInfo); } size_t varCount = 0; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_VAR_STR "%zu", &varCount) != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid export var count!: %s", line); goto error; } mExportedVariableCount = varCount; //ALOGE("varCount: %zu", varCount); if (varCount > 0) { // Start by creating/zeroing this member, since we don't want to // accidentally clean up invalid pointers later (if we error out). mFieldIsObject = new bool[varCount]; if (mFieldIsObject == NULL) { goto error; } memset(mFieldIsObject, 0, varCount * sizeof(*mFieldIsObject)); mFieldAddress = new void*[varCount]; if (mFieldAddress == NULL) { goto error; } for (size_t i = 0; i < varCount; ++i) { if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } char *c = strrchr(line, '\n'); if (c) { *c = '\0'; } mFieldAddress[i] = dlsym(mScriptSO, line); if (mFieldAddress[i] == NULL) { ALOGE("Failed to find variable address for %s: %s", line, dlerror()); // Not a critical error if we don't find a global variable. } else { //ALOGE("Found variable %s at %p", line, //mFieldAddress[i]); } } } size_t funcCount = 0; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_FUNC_STR "%zu", &funcCount) != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid export func count!: %s", line); goto error; } mExportedFunctionCount = funcCount; //ALOGE("funcCount: %zu", funcCount); if (funcCount > 0) { mInvokeFunctions = new InvokeFunc_t[funcCount]; if (mInvokeFunctions == NULL) { goto error; } for (size_t i = 0; i < funcCount; ++i) { if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } char *c = strrchr(line, '\n'); if (c) { *c = '\0'; } mInvokeFunctions[i] = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, line); if (mInvokeFunctions[i] == NULL) { ALOGE("Failed to get function address for %s(): %s", line, dlerror()); goto error; } else { //ALOGE("Found InvokeFunc_t %s at %p", line, mInvokeFunctions[i]); } } } size_t forEachCount = 0; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_FOREACH_STR "%zu", &forEachCount) != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid export forEach count!: %s", line); goto error; } if (forEachCount > 0) { mForEachSignatures = new uint32_t[forEachCount]; if (mForEachSignatures == NULL) { goto error; } mForEachFunctions = new ForEachFunc_t[forEachCount]; if (mForEachFunctions == NULL) { goto error; } for (size_t i = 0; i < forEachCount; ++i) { unsigned int tmpSig = 0; char tmpName[MAXLINE]; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, "%u - %" MAKE_STR(MAXLINE) "s", &tmpSig, tmpName) != 2) { ALOGE("Invalid export forEach!: %s", line); goto error; } // Lookup the expanded ForEach kernel. strncat(tmpName, ".expand", MAXLINE-1-strlen(tmpName)); mForEachSignatures[i] = tmpSig; mForEachFunctions[i] = (ForEachFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, tmpName); if (i != 0 && mForEachFunctions[i] == NULL) { // Ignore missing root.expand functions. // root() is always specified at location 0. ALOGE("Failed to find forEach function address for %s: %s", tmpName, dlerror()); goto error; } else { //ALOGE("Found forEach %s at %p", tmpName, mForEachFunctions[i]); } } } size_t objectSlotCount = 0; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, OBJECT_SLOT_STR "%zu", &objectSlotCount) != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid object slot count!: %s", line); goto error; } if (objectSlotCount > 0) { rsAssert(varCount > 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSlotCount; ++i) { uint32_t varNum = 0; if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) { goto error; } if (sscanf(line, "%u", &varNum) != 1) { ALOGE("Invalid object slot!: %s", line); goto error; } if (varNum < varCount) { mFieldIsObject[varNum] = true; } } } if (varCount > 0) { mBoundAllocs = new Allocation *[varCount]; memset(mBoundAllocs, 0, varCount * sizeof(*mBoundAllocs)); } if (mScriptSO == (void*)1) { //rsdLookupRuntimeStub(script, "acos"); } } #endif mCtx->unlockMutex(); return true; #ifdef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB error: mCtx->unlockMutex(); delete[] mInvokeFunctions; delete[] mForEachFunctions; delete[] mFieldAddress; delete[] mFieldIsObject; delete[] mForEachSignatures; delete[] mBoundAllocs; if (mScriptSO) { dlclose(mScriptSO); } return false; #endif } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::populateScript(Script *script) { #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB const bcc::RSInfo *info = &mExecutable->getInfo(); // Copy info over to runtime script->mHal.info.exportedFunctionCount = info->getExportFuncNames().size(); script->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount = info->getExportVarNames().size(); script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaCount = info->getPragmas().size(); script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaKeyList = const_cast<const char**>(mExecutable->getPragmaKeys().array()); script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaValueList = const_cast<const char**>(mExecutable->getPragmaValues().array()); if (mRootExpand) { script->mHal.info.root = mRootExpand; } else { script->mHal.info.root = mRoot; } #else // Copy info over to runtime script->mHal.info.exportedFunctionCount = mExportedFunctionCount; script->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount = mExportedVariableCount; script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaCount = 0; script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaKeyList = 0; script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaValueList = 0; // Bug, need to stash in metadata if (mRootExpand) { script->mHal.info.root = mRootExpand; } else { script->mHal.info.root = mRoot; } #endif } typedef void (*rs_t)(const void *, void *, const void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t); void RsdCpuScriptImpl::forEachMtlsSetup(const Allocation * ain, Allocation * aout, const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc, MTLaunchStruct *mtls) { memset(mtls, 0, sizeof(MTLaunchStruct)); // possible for this to occur if IO_OUTPUT/IO_INPUT with no bound surface if (ain && (const uint8_t *)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) { mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null allocations"); return; } if (aout && (const uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) { mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null allocations"); return; } if (ain) { mtls->fep.dimX = ain->getType()->getDimX(); mtls->fep.dimY = ain->getType()->getDimY(); mtls->fep.dimZ = ain->getType()->getDimZ(); //mtls->dimArray = ain->getType()->getDimArray(); } else if (aout) { mtls->fep.dimX = aout->getType()->getDimX(); mtls->fep.dimY = aout->getType()->getDimY(); mtls->fep.dimZ = aout->getType()->getDimZ(); //mtls->dimArray = aout->getType()->getDimArray(); } else { mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null allocations"); return; } if (!sc || (sc->xEnd == 0)) { mtls->xEnd = mtls->fep.dimX; } else { rsAssert(sc->xStart < mtls->fep.dimX); rsAssert(sc->xEnd <= mtls->fep.dimX); rsAssert(sc->xStart < sc->xEnd); mtls->xStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xStart); mtls->xEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xEnd); if (mtls->xStart >= mtls->xEnd) return; } if (!sc || (sc->yEnd == 0)) { mtls->yEnd = mtls->fep.dimY; } else { rsAssert(sc->yStart < mtls->fep.dimY); rsAssert(sc->yEnd <= mtls->fep.dimY); rsAssert(sc->yStart < sc->yEnd); mtls->yStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yStart); mtls->yEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yEnd); if (mtls->yStart >= mtls->yEnd) return; } if (!sc || (sc->zEnd == 0)) { mtls->zEnd = mtls->fep.dimZ; } else { rsAssert(sc->zStart < mtls->fep.dimZ); rsAssert(sc->zEnd <= mtls->fep.dimZ); rsAssert(sc->zStart < sc->zEnd); mtls->zStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zStart); mtls->zEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zEnd); if (mtls->zStart >= mtls->zEnd) return; } mtls->xEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->xEnd); mtls->yEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->yEnd); mtls->zEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->zEnd); mtls->arrayEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->arrayEnd); rsAssert(!ain || (ain->getType()->getDimZ() == 0)); mtls->rsc = mCtx; mtls->ain = ain; mtls->aout = aout; mtls->fep.usr = usr; mtls->fep.usrLen = usrLen; mtls->mSliceSize = 1; mtls->mSliceNum = 0; mtls->fep.ptrIn = NULL; mtls->fep.eStrideIn = 0; mtls->isThreadable = mIsThreadable; if (ain) { mtls->fep.ptrIn = (const uint8_t *)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr; mtls->fep.eStrideIn = ain->getType()->getElementSizeBytes(); mtls->fep.yStrideIn = ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride; } mtls->fep.ptrOut = NULL; mtls->fep.eStrideOut = 0; if (aout) { mtls->fep.ptrOut = (uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr; mtls->fep.eStrideOut = aout->getType()->getElementSizeBytes(); mtls->fep.yStrideOut = aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride; } } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeForEach(uint32_t slot, const Allocation * ain, Allocation * aout, const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc) { MTLaunchStruct mtls; forEachMtlsSetup(ain, aout, usr, usrLen, sc, &mtls); forEachKernelSetup(slot, &mtls); RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this); mCtx->launchThreads(ain, aout, sc, &mtls); mCtx->setTLS(oldTLS); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::forEachKernelSetup(uint32_t slot, MTLaunchStruct *mtls) { mtls->script = this; mtls->fep.slot = slot; #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB rsAssert(slot < mExecutable->getExportForeachFuncAddrs().size()); mtls->kernel = reinterpret_cast<ForEachFunc_t>( mExecutable->getExportForeachFuncAddrs()[slot]); rsAssert(mtls->kernel != NULL); mtls->sig = mExecutable->getInfo().getExportForeachFuncs()[slot].second; #else mtls->kernel = reinterpret_cast<ForEachFunc_t>(mForEachFunctions[slot]); rsAssert(mtls->kernel != NULL); mtls->sig = mForEachSignatures[slot]; #endif } int RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeRoot() { RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this); int ret = mRoot(); mCtx->setTLS(oldTLS); return ret; } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeInit() { if (mInit) { mInit(); } } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeFreeChildren() { if (mFreeChildren) { mFreeChildren(); } } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeFunction(uint32_t slot, const void *params, size_t paramLength) { //ALOGE("invoke %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, params, paramLength); RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this); reinterpret_cast<void (*)(const void *, uint32_t)>( #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB mExecutable->getExportFuncAddrs()[slot])(params, paramLength); #else mInvokeFunctions[slot])(params, paramLength); #endif mCtx->setTLS(oldTLS); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength) { //rsAssert(!script->mFieldIsObject[slot]); //ALOGE("setGlobalVar %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, data, dataLength); //if (mIntrinsicID) { //mIntrinsicFuncs.setVar(dc, script, drv->mIntrinsicData, slot, data, dataLength); //return; //} #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>( mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs()[slot]); #else int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]); #endif if (!destPtr) { //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot); return; } memcpy(destPtr, data, dataLength); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::getGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, void *data, size_t dataLength) { //rsAssert(!script->mFieldIsObject[slot]); //ALOGE("getGlobalVar %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, data, dataLength); #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB int32_t *srcPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>( mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs()[slot]); #else int32_t *srcPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]); #endif if (!srcPtr) { //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot); return; } memcpy(data, srcPtr, dataLength); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalVarWithElemDims(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength, const Element *elem, const size_t *dims, size_t dimLength) { #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>( mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs()[slot]); #else int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]); #endif if (!destPtr) { //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot); return; } // We want to look at dimension in terms of integer components, // but dimLength is given in terms of bytes. dimLength /= sizeof(int); // Only a single dimension is currently supported. rsAssert(dimLength == 1); if (dimLength == 1) { // First do the increment loop. size_t stride = elem->getSizeBytes(); const char *cVal = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) { elem->incRefs(cVal); cVal += stride; } // Decrement loop comes after (to prevent race conditions). char *oldVal = reinterpret_cast<char *>(destPtr); for (size_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) { elem->decRefs(oldVal); oldVal += stride; } } memcpy(destPtr, data, dataLength); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalBind(uint32_t slot, Allocation *data) { //rsAssert(!script->mFieldIsObject[slot]); //ALOGE("setGlobalBind %p %p %i %p", dc, script, slot, data); #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>( mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs()[slot]); #else int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]); #endif if (!destPtr) { //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot); return; } void *ptr = NULL; mBoundAllocs[slot] = data; if(data) { ptr = data->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr; } memcpy(destPtr, &ptr, sizeof(void *)); } void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalObj(uint32_t slot, ObjectBase *data) { //rsAssert(script->mFieldIsObject[slot]); //ALOGE("setGlobalObj %p %p %i %p", dc, script, slot, data); //if (mIntrinsicID) { //mIntrinsicFuncs.setVarObj(dc, script, drv->mIntrinsicData, slot, alloc); //return; //} #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>( mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs()[slot]); #else int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]); #endif if (!destPtr) { //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot); return; } rsrSetObject(mCtx->getContext(), (ObjectBase **)destPtr, data); } RsdCpuScriptImpl::~RsdCpuScriptImpl() { #ifndef RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB if (mExecutable) { Vector<void *>::const_iterator var_addr_iter = mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs().begin(); Vector<void *>::const_iterator var_addr_end = mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs().end(); bcc::RSInfo::ObjectSlotListTy::const_iterator is_object_iter = mExecutable->getInfo().getObjectSlots().begin(); bcc::RSInfo::ObjectSlotListTy::const_iterator is_object_end = mExecutable->getInfo().getObjectSlots().end(); while ((var_addr_iter != var_addr_end) && (is_object_iter != is_object_end)) { // The field address can be NULL if the script-side has optimized // the corresponding global variable away. ObjectBase **obj_addr = reinterpret_cast<ObjectBase **>(*var_addr_iter); if (*is_object_iter) { if (*var_addr_iter != NULL) { rsrClearObject(mCtx->getContext(), obj_addr); } } var_addr_iter++; is_object_iter++; } } if (mCompilerContext) { delete mCompilerContext; } if (mCompilerDriver) { delete mCompilerDriver; } if (mExecutable) { delete mExecutable; } if (mBoundAllocs) { delete[] mBoundAllocs; } #else if (mFieldIsObject) { for (size_t i = 0; i < mExportedVariableCount; ++i) { if (mFieldIsObject[i]) { if (mFieldAddress[i] != NULL) { ObjectBase **obj_addr = reinterpret_cast<ObjectBase **>(mFieldAddress[i]); rsrClearObject(mCtx->getContext(), obj_addr); } } } } if (mInvokeFunctions) delete[] mInvokeFunctions; if (mForEachFunctions) delete[] mForEachFunctions; if (mFieldAddress) delete[] mFieldAddress; if (mFieldIsObject) delete[] mFieldIsObject; if (mForEachSignatures) delete[] mForEachSignatures; if (mBoundAllocs) delete[] mBoundAllocs; if (mScriptSO) { dlclose(mScriptSO); } #endif } Allocation * RsdCpuScriptImpl::getAllocationForPointer(const void *ptr) const { if (!ptr) { return NULL; } for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mScript->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount; ct++) { Allocation *a = mBoundAllocs[ct]; if (!a) continue; if (a->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == ptr) { return a; } } ALOGE("rsGetAllocation, failed to find %p", ptr); return NULL; } } }