/* * Copyright 2005 Frerich Raabe <raabe@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@webkit.org> * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ %{ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(XPATH) #include "XPathFunctions.h" #include "XPathNSResolver.h" #include "XPathParser.h" #include "XPathPath.h" #include "XPathPredicate.h" #include "XPathStep.h" #include "XPathVariableReference.h" #include <wtf/FastMalloc.h> #define YYMALLOC fastMalloc #define YYFREE fastFree #define YYENABLE_NLS 0 #define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #define YYDEBUG 0 #define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 using namespace WebCore; using namespace XPath; %} %pure_parser %parse-param { WebCore::XPath::Parser* parser } %union { Step::Axis axis; Step::NodeTest* nodeTest; NumericOp::Opcode numop; EqTestOp::Opcode eqop; String* str; Expression* expr; Vector<Predicate*>* predList; Vector<Expression*>* argList; Step* step; LocationPath* locationPath; } %{ static int xpathyylex(YYSTYPE* yylval) { return Parser::current()->lex(yylval); } static void xpathyyerror(void*, const char*) { } %} %left <numop> MULOP %left <eqop> EQOP RELOP %left PLUS MINUS %left OR AND %token <axis> AXISNAME %token <str> NODETYPE PI FUNCTIONNAME LITERAL %token <str> VARIABLEREFERENCE NUMBER %token DOTDOT SLASHSLASH %token <str> NAMETEST %token XPATH_ERROR %type <locationPath> LocationPath %type <locationPath> AbsoluteLocationPath %type <locationPath> RelativeLocationPath %type <step> Step %type <axis> AxisSpecifier %type <step> DescendantOrSelf %type <nodeTest> NodeTest %type <expr> Predicate %type <predList> OptionalPredicateList %type <predList> PredicateList %type <step> AbbreviatedStep %type <expr> Expr %type <expr> PrimaryExpr %type <expr> FunctionCall %type <argList> ArgumentList %type <expr> Argument %type <expr> UnionExpr %type <expr> PathExpr %type <expr> FilterExpr %type <expr> OrExpr %type <expr> AndExpr %type <expr> EqualityExpr %type <expr> RelationalExpr %type <expr> AdditiveExpr %type <expr> MultiplicativeExpr %type <expr> UnaryExpr %% Expr: OrExpr { parser->m_topExpr = $1; } ; LocationPath: RelativeLocationPath { $$->setAbsolute(false); } | AbsoluteLocationPath { $$->setAbsolute(true); } ; AbsoluteLocationPath: '/' { $$ = new LocationPath; parser->registerParseNode($$); } | '/' RelativeLocationPath { $$ = $2; } | DescendantOrSelf RelativeLocationPath { $$ = $2; $$->insertFirstStep($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); } ; RelativeLocationPath: Step { $$ = new LocationPath; $$->appendStep($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | RelativeLocationPath '/' Step { $$->appendStep($3); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); } | RelativeLocationPath DescendantOrSelf Step { $$->appendStep($2); $$->appendStep($3); parser->unregisterParseNode($2); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); } ; Step: NodeTest OptionalPredicateList { if ($2) { $$ = new Step(Step::ChildAxis, *$1, *$2); parser->deletePredicateVector($2); } else $$ = new Step(Step::ChildAxis, *$1); parser->deleteNodeTest($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | NAMETEST OptionalPredicateList { String localName; String namespaceURI; if (!parser->expandQName(*$1, localName, namespaceURI)) { parser->m_gotNamespaceError = true; YYABORT; } if ($2) { $$ = new Step(Step::ChildAxis, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::NameTest, localName, namespaceURI), *$2); parser->deletePredicateVector($2); } else $$ = new Step(Step::ChildAxis, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::NameTest, localName, namespaceURI)); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | AxisSpecifier NodeTest OptionalPredicateList { if ($3) { $$ = new Step($1, *$2, *$3); parser->deletePredicateVector($3); } else $$ = new Step($1, *$2); parser->deleteNodeTest($2); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | AxisSpecifier NAMETEST OptionalPredicateList { String localName; String namespaceURI; if (!parser->expandQName(*$2, localName, namespaceURI)) { parser->m_gotNamespaceError = true; YYABORT; } if ($3) { $$ = new Step($1, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::NameTest, localName, namespaceURI), *$3); parser->deletePredicateVector($3); } else $$ = new Step($1, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::NameTest, localName, namespaceURI)); parser->deleteString($2); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | AbbreviatedStep ; AxisSpecifier: AXISNAME | '@' { $$ = Step::AttributeAxis; } ; NodeTest: NODETYPE '(' ')' { if (*$1 == "node") $$ = new Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::AnyNodeTest); else if (*$1 == "text") $$ = new Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::TextNodeTest); else if (*$1 == "comment") $$ = new Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::CommentNodeTest); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerNodeTest($$); } | PI '(' ')' { $$ = new Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::ProcessingInstructionNodeTest); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerNodeTest($$); } | PI '(' LITERAL ')' { $$ = new Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::ProcessingInstructionNodeTest, $3->stripWhiteSpace()); parser->deleteString($1); parser->deleteString($3); parser->registerNodeTest($$); } ; OptionalPredicateList: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | PredicateList ; PredicateList: Predicate { $$ = new Vector<Predicate*>; $$->append(new Predicate($1)); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->registerPredicateVector($$); } | PredicateList Predicate { $$->append(new Predicate($2)); parser->unregisterParseNode($2); } ; Predicate: '[' Expr ']' { $$ = $2; } ; DescendantOrSelf: SLASHSLASH { $$ = new Step(Step::DescendantOrSelfAxis, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::AnyNodeTest)); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; AbbreviatedStep: '.' { $$ = new Step(Step::SelfAxis, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::AnyNodeTest)); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | DOTDOT { $$ = new Step(Step::ParentAxis, Step::NodeTest(Step::NodeTest::AnyNodeTest)); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; PrimaryExpr: VARIABLEREFERENCE { $$ = new VariableReference(*$1); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | '(' Expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | LITERAL { $$ = new StringExpression(*$1); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | NUMBER { $$ = new Number($1->toDouble()); parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | FunctionCall ; FunctionCall: FUNCTIONNAME '(' ')' { $$ = createFunction(*$1); if (!$$) YYABORT; parser->deleteString($1); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | FUNCTIONNAME '(' ArgumentList ')' { $$ = createFunction(*$1, *$3); if (!$$) YYABORT; parser->deleteString($1); parser->deleteExpressionVector($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; ArgumentList: Argument { $$ = new Vector<Expression*>; $$->append($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->registerExpressionVector($$); } | ArgumentList ',' Argument { $$->append($3); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); } ; Argument: Expr ; UnionExpr: PathExpr | UnionExpr '|' PathExpr { $$ = new Union; $$->addSubExpression($1); $$->addSubExpression($3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; PathExpr: LocationPath { $$ = $1; } | FilterExpr | FilterExpr '/' RelativeLocationPath { $3->setAbsolute(true); $$ = new Path(static_cast<Filter*>($1), $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | FilterExpr DescendantOrSelf RelativeLocationPath { $3->insertFirstStep($2); $3->setAbsolute(true); $$ = new Path(static_cast<Filter*>($1), $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($2); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; FilterExpr: PrimaryExpr | PrimaryExpr PredicateList { $$ = new Filter($1, *$2); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->deletePredicateVector($2); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; OrExpr: AndExpr | OrExpr OR AndExpr { $$ = new LogicalOp(LogicalOp::OP_Or, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; AndExpr: EqualityExpr | AndExpr AND EqualityExpr { $$ = new LogicalOp(LogicalOp::OP_And, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; EqualityExpr: RelationalExpr | EqualityExpr EQOP RelationalExpr { $$ = new EqTestOp($2, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; RelationalExpr: AdditiveExpr | RelationalExpr RELOP AdditiveExpr { $$ = new EqTestOp($2, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; AdditiveExpr: MultiplicativeExpr | AdditiveExpr PLUS MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = new NumericOp(NumericOp::OP_Add, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } | AdditiveExpr MINUS MultiplicativeExpr { $$ = new NumericOp(NumericOp::OP_Sub, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; MultiplicativeExpr: UnaryExpr | MultiplicativeExpr MULOP UnaryExpr { $$ = new NumericOp($2, $1, $3); parser->unregisterParseNode($1); parser->unregisterParseNode($3); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; UnaryExpr: UnionExpr | MINUS UnaryExpr { $$ = new Negative; $$->addSubExpression($2); parser->unregisterParseNode($2); parser->registerParseNode($$); } ; %% #endif