/* * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER, INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE COMPUTER, INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "TextControlInnerElements.h" #include "BeforeTextInsertedEvent.h" #include "Document.h" #include "EventHandler.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "HTMLInputElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLTextAreaElement.h" #include "MouseEvent.h" #include "Page.h" #include "RenderLayer.h" #include "RenderTextControlSingleLine.h" #include "ScrollbarTheme.h" #include "SpeechInput.h" #include "SpeechInputEvent.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; TextControlInnerElement::TextControlInnerElement(Document* document, HTMLElement* shadowParent) : HTMLDivElement(divTag, document) { setShadowHost(shadowParent); } PassRefPtr<TextControlInnerElement> TextControlInnerElement::create(HTMLElement* shadowParent) { return adoptRef(new TextControlInnerElement(shadowParent->document(), shadowParent)); } void TextControlInnerElement::attachInnerElement(Node* parent, PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> style, RenderArena* arena) { // When adding these elements, create the renderer & style first before adding to the DOM. // Otherwise, the render tree will create some anonymous blocks that will mess up our layout. // Create the renderer with the specified style RenderObject* renderer = createRenderer(arena, style.get()); if (renderer) { setRenderer(renderer); renderer->setStyle(style); } // Set these explicitly since this normally happens during an attach() setAttached(); setInDocument(); // For elements not yet in shadow DOM, add the node to the DOM normally. if (!isShadowRoot()) { // FIXME: This code seems very wrong. Why are we magically adding |this| to the DOM here? // We shouldn't be calling parser API methods outside of the parser! parent->deprecatedParserAddChild(this); } // Add the renderer to the render tree if (renderer) parent->renderer()->addChild(renderer); } void TextControlInnerElement::detach() { HTMLDivElement::detach(); // FIXME: Remove once shadow DOM uses Element::setShadowRoot(). if (shadowHost()) setShadowHost(0); } // ---------------------------- inline TextControlInnerTextElement::TextControlInnerTextElement(Document* document, HTMLElement* shadowParent) : TextControlInnerElement(document, shadowParent) { } PassRefPtr<TextControlInnerTextElement> TextControlInnerTextElement::create(Document* document, HTMLElement* shadowParent) { return adoptRef(new TextControlInnerTextElement(document, shadowParent)); } void TextControlInnerTextElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { // FIXME: In the future, we should add a way to have default event listeners. // Then we would add one to the text field's inner div, and we wouldn't need this subclass. // Or possibly we could just use a normal event listener. if (event->isBeforeTextInsertedEvent() || event->type() == eventNames().webkitEditableContentChangedEvent) { Node* shadowAncestor = shadowAncestorNode(); // A TextControlInnerTextElement can be its own shadow ancestor if its been detached, but kept alive by an EditCommand. // In this case, an undo/redo can cause events to be sent to the TextControlInnerTextElement. // To prevent an infinite loop, we must check for this case before sending the event up the chain. if (shadowAncestor && shadowAncestor != this) shadowAncestor->defaultEventHandler(event); } if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } RenderObject* TextControlInnerTextElement::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle*) { bool multiLine = false; Node* shadowAncestor = shadowAncestorNode(); if (shadowAncestor && shadowAncestor->renderer()) { ASSERT(shadowAncestor->renderer()->isTextField() || shadowAncestor->renderer()->isTextArea()); multiLine = shadowAncestor->renderer()->isTextArea(); } return new (arena) RenderTextControlInnerBlock(this, multiLine); } // ---------------------------- inline SearchFieldResultsButtonElement::SearchFieldResultsButtonElement(Document* document) : TextControlInnerElement(document) { } PassRefPtr<SearchFieldResultsButtonElement> SearchFieldResultsButtonElement::create(Document* document) { return adoptRef(new SearchFieldResultsButtonElement(document)); } void SearchFieldResultsButtonElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { // On mousedown, bring up a menu, if needed HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode()); if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { input->focus(); input->select(); RenderTextControlSingleLine* renderer = toRenderTextControlSingleLine(input->renderer()); if (renderer->popupIsVisible()) renderer->hidePopup(); else if (input->maxResults() > 0) renderer->showPopup(); event->setDefaultHandled(); } if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } // ---------------------------- inline SearchFieldCancelButtonElement::SearchFieldCancelButtonElement(Document* document) : TextControlInnerElement(document) , m_capturing(false) { } PassRefPtr<SearchFieldCancelButtonElement> SearchFieldCancelButtonElement::create(Document* document) { return adoptRef(new SearchFieldCancelButtonElement(document)); } void SearchFieldCancelButtonElement::detach() { if (m_capturing) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); } TextControlInnerElement::detach(); } void SearchFieldCancelButtonElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { // If the element is visible, on mouseup, clear the value, and set selection RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode())); if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { if (renderer() && renderer()->visibleToHitTesting()) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(this); m_capturing = true; } } input->focus(); input->select(); event->setDefaultHandled(); } if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { if (m_capturing) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); m_capturing = false; } if (hovered()) { String oldValue = input->value(); input->setValueForUser(""); input->onSearch(); event->setDefaultHandled(); } } } if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } // ---------------------------- inline SpinButtonElement::SpinButtonElement(HTMLElement* shadowParent) : TextControlInnerElement(shadowParent->document(), shadowParent) , m_capturing(false) , m_upDownState(Indeterminate) , m_pressStartingState(Indeterminate) , m_repeatingTimer(this, &SpinButtonElement::repeatingTimerFired) { } PassRefPtr<SpinButtonElement> SpinButtonElement::create(HTMLElement* shadowParent) { return adoptRef(new SpinButtonElement(shadowParent)); } void SpinButtonElement::detach() { stopRepeatingTimer(); if (m_capturing) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); m_capturing = false; } } TextControlInnerElement::detach(); } void SpinButtonElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { if (!event->isMouseEvent()) { if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); return; } RenderBox* box = renderBox(); if (!box) { if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); return; } RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode())); if (input->disabled() || input->isReadOnlyFormControl()) { if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); return; } MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event); IntPoint local = roundedIntPoint(box->absoluteToLocal(mouseEvent->absoluteLocation(), false, true)); if (mouseEvent->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && mouseEvent->button() == LeftButton) { if (box->borderBoxRect().contains(local)) { // The following functions of HTMLInputElement may run JavaScript // code which detaches this shadow node. We need to take a reference // and check renderer() after such function calls. RefPtr<Node> protector(this); input->focus(); input->select(); if (renderer()) { input->stepUpFromRenderer(m_upDownState == Up ? 1 : -1); if (renderer()) startRepeatingTimer(); } event->setDefaultHandled(); } } else if (mouseEvent->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && mouseEvent->button() == LeftButton) stopRepeatingTimer(); else if (event->type() == eventNames().mousemoveEvent) { if (box->borderBoxRect().contains(local)) { if (!m_capturing) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(this); m_capturing = true; } } UpDownState oldUpDownState = m_upDownState; m_upDownState = local.y() < box->height() / 2 ? Up : Down; if (m_upDownState != oldUpDownState) renderer()->repaint(); } else { if (m_capturing) { stopRepeatingTimer(); if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); m_capturing = false; } } } } if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } void SpinButtonElement::startRepeatingTimer() { m_pressStartingState = m_upDownState; ScrollbarTheme* theme = ScrollbarTheme::nativeTheme(); m_repeatingTimer.start(theme->initialAutoscrollTimerDelay(), theme->autoscrollTimerDelay()); } void SpinButtonElement::stopRepeatingTimer() { m_repeatingTimer.stop(); } void SpinButtonElement::repeatingTimerFired(Timer<SpinButtonElement>*) { HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode()); if (input->disabled() || input->isReadOnlyFormControl()) return; // On Mac OS, NSStepper updates the value for the button under the mouse // cursor regardless of the button pressed at the beginning. So the // following check is not needed for Mac OS. #if !OS(MAC_OS_X) if (m_upDownState != m_pressStartingState) return; #endif input->stepUpFromRenderer(m_upDownState == Up ? 1 : -1); } void SpinButtonElement::setHovered(bool flag) { if (!hovered() && flag) m_upDownState = Indeterminate; TextControlInnerElement::setHovered(flag); } // ---------------------------- #if ENABLE(INPUT_SPEECH) inline InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::InputFieldSpeechButtonElement(HTMLElement* shadowParent) : TextControlInnerElement(shadowParent->document(), shadowParent) , m_capturing(false) , m_state(Idle) , m_listenerId(document()->page()->speechInput()->registerListener(this)) { } InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::~InputFieldSpeechButtonElement() { SpeechInput* speech = speechInput(); if (speech && m_listenerId) { // Could be null when page is unloading. if (m_state != Idle) speech->cancelRecognition(m_listenerId); speech->unregisterListener(m_listenerId); } } PassRefPtr<InputFieldSpeechButtonElement> InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::create(HTMLElement* shadowParent) { return adoptRef(new InputFieldSpeechButtonElement(shadowParent)); } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) { // For privacy reasons, only allow clicks directly coming from the user. if (!event->fromUserGesture()) { HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); return; } // The call to focus() below dispatches a focus event, and an event handler in the page might // remove the input element from DOM. To make sure it remains valid until we finish our work // here, we take a temporary reference. RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode())); if (input->disabled() || input->isReadOnlyFormControl()) { if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); return; } // On mouse down, select the text and set focus. if (event->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { if (renderer() && renderer()->visibleToHitTesting()) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(this); m_capturing = true; } } RefPtr<InputFieldSpeechButtonElement> holdRefButton(this); input->focus(); input->select(); event->setDefaultHandled(); } // On mouse up, release capture cleanly. if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { if (m_capturing && renderer() && renderer()->visibleToHitTesting()) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) { frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); m_capturing = false; } } } if (event->type() == eventNames().clickEvent) { switch (m_state) { case Idle: { AtomicString language = input->computeInheritedLanguage(); String grammar = input->getAttribute(webkitgrammarAttr); IntRect rect = input->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(); if (speechInput()->startRecognition(m_listenerId, rect, language, grammar, document()->securityOrigin())) setState(Recording); } break; case Recording: speechInput()->stopRecording(m_listenerId); break; case Recognizing: // Nothing to do here, we will continue to wait for results. break; } event->setDefaultHandled(); } if (!event->defaultHandled()) HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::setState(SpeechInputState state) { if (m_state != state) { m_state = state; shadowAncestorNode()->renderer()->repaint(); } } SpeechInput* InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::speechInput() { return document()->page() ? document()->page()->speechInput() : 0; } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::didCompleteRecording(int) { setState(Recognizing); } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::didCompleteRecognition(int) { setState(Idle); } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::setRecognitionResult(int, const SpeechInputResultArray& results) { m_results = results; // The call to setValue() below dispatches an event, and an event handler in the page might // remove the input element from DOM. To make sure it remains valid until we finish our work // here, we take a temporary reference. RefPtr<HTMLInputElement> input(static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(shadowAncestorNode())); if (input->disabled() || input->isReadOnlyFormControl()) return; RefPtr<InputFieldSpeechButtonElement> holdRefButton(this); input->setValue(results.isEmpty() ? "" : results[0]->utterance()); input->dispatchEvent(SpeechInputEvent::create(eventNames().webkitspeechchangeEvent, results)); // Check before accessing the renderer as the above event could have potentially turned off // speech in the input element, hence removing this button and renderer from the hierarchy. if (renderer()) renderer()->repaint(); } void InputFieldSpeechButtonElement::detach() { if (m_capturing) { if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); } if (m_listenerId) { if (m_state != Idle) speechInput()->cancelRecognition(m_listenerId); speechInput()->unregisterListener(m_listenerId); m_listenerId = 0; } TextControlInnerElement::detach(); } #endif // ENABLE(INPUT_SPEECH) }