/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY GOOGLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL GOOGLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLElementStack.h" #include "DocumentFragment.h" #include "Element.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "MathMLNames.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h> namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; namespace { inline bool isNumberedHeaderElement(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(h1Tag) || node->hasTagName(h2Tag) || node->hasTagName(h3Tag) || node->hasTagName(h4Tag) || node->hasTagName(h5Tag) || node->hasTagName(h6Tag); } inline bool isRootNode(ContainerNode* node) { return node->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || node->hasTagName(htmlTag); } inline bool isScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(appletTag) || node->hasTagName(captionTag) || node->hasTagName(marqueeTag) || node->hasTagName(objectTag) || node->hasTagName(tableTag) || node->hasTagName(tdTag) || node->hasTagName(thTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::miTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::moTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mnTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtextTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::annotation_xmlTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignObjectTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::descTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::titleTag) || isRootNode(node); } inline bool isListItemScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return isScopeMarker(node) || node->hasTagName(olTag) || node->hasTagName(ulTag); } inline bool isTableScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(tableTag) || isRootNode(node); } inline bool isTableBodyScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(tbodyTag) || node->hasTagName(tfootTag) || node->hasTagName(theadTag) || isRootNode(node); } inline bool isTableRowScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(trTag) || isRootNode(node); } inline bool isForeignContentScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::miTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::moTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mnTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msTag) || node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtextTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignObjectTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::descTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::titleTag) || isInHTMLNamespace(node); } inline bool isButtonScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return isScopeMarker(node) || node->hasTagName(buttonTag); } inline bool isSelectScopeMarker(ContainerNode* node) { return !node->hasTagName(optgroupTag) && !node->hasTagName(optionTag); } } HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord::ElementRecord(PassRefPtr<ContainerNode> node, PassOwnPtr<ElementRecord> next) : m_node(node) , m_next(next) { ASSERT(m_node); } HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord::~ElementRecord() { } void HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord::replaceElement(PassRefPtr<Element> element) { ASSERT(element); ASSERT(!m_node || m_node->isElementNode()); // FIXME: Should this call finishParsingChildren? m_node = element; } bool HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord::isAbove(ElementRecord* other) const { for (ElementRecord* below = next(); below; below = below->next()) { if (below == other) return true; } return false; } HTMLElementStack::HTMLElementStack() : m_rootNode(0) , m_headElement(0) , m_bodyElement(0) { } HTMLElementStack::~HTMLElementStack() { } bool HTMLElementStack::hasOnlyOneElement() const { return !topRecord()->next(); } bool HTMLElementStack::secondElementIsHTMLBodyElement() const { // This is used the fragment case of <body> and <frameset> in the "in body" // insertion mode. // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#parsing-main-inbody ASSERT(m_rootNode); // If we have a body element, it must always be the second element on the // stack, as we always start with an html element, and any other element // would cause the implicit creation of a body element. return !!m_bodyElement; } void HTMLElementStack::popHTMLHeadElement() { ASSERT(top() == m_headElement); m_headElement = 0; popCommon(); } void HTMLElementStack::popHTMLBodyElement() { ASSERT(top() == m_bodyElement); m_bodyElement = 0; popCommon(); } void HTMLElementStack::popAll() { m_rootNode = 0; m_headElement = 0; m_bodyElement = 0; while (m_top) { topNode()->finishParsingChildren(); m_top = m_top->releaseNext(); } } void HTMLElementStack::pop() { ASSERT(!top()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag)); popCommon(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntil(const AtomicString& tagName) { while (!top()->hasLocalName(tagName)) { // pop() will ASSERT at <body> if callers fail to check that there is an // element with localName |tagName| on the stack of open elements. pop(); } } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilPopped(const AtomicString& tagName) { popUntil(tagName); pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilNumberedHeaderElementPopped() { while (!isNumberedHeaderElement(topNode())) pop(); pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntil(Element* element) { while (top() != element) pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilPopped(Element* element) { popUntil(element); pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilTableScopeMarker() { // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-context while (!isTableScopeMarker(topNode())) pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilTableBodyScopeMarker() { // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-body-context while (!isTableBodyScopeMarker(topNode())) pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilTableRowScopeMarker() { // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-row-context while (!isTableRowScopeMarker(topNode())) pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::popUntilForeignContentScopeMarker() { while (!isForeignContentScopeMarker(topNode())) pop(); } void HTMLElementStack::pushRootNode(PassRefPtr<ContainerNode> rootNode) { ASSERT(rootNode->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE); pushRootNodeCommon(rootNode); } void HTMLElementStack::pushHTMLHtmlElement(PassRefPtr<Element> element) { ASSERT(element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)); pushRootNodeCommon(element); } void HTMLElementStack::pushRootNodeCommon(PassRefPtr<ContainerNode> rootNode) { ASSERT(!m_top); ASSERT(!m_rootNode); m_rootNode = rootNode.get(); pushCommon(rootNode); } void HTMLElementStack::pushHTMLHeadElement(PassRefPtr<Element> element) { ASSERT(element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag)); ASSERT(!m_headElement); m_headElement = element.get(); pushCommon(element); } void HTMLElementStack::pushHTMLBodyElement(PassRefPtr<Element> element) { ASSERT(element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag)); ASSERT(!m_bodyElement); m_bodyElement = element.get(); pushCommon(element); } void HTMLElementStack::push(PassRefPtr<Element> element) { ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag)); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag)); ASSERT(m_rootNode); pushCommon(element); } void HTMLElementStack::insertAbove(PassRefPtr<Element> element, ElementRecord* recordBelow) { ASSERT(element); ASSERT(recordBelow); ASSERT(m_top); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag)); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag)); ASSERT(m_rootNode); if (recordBelow == m_top) { push(element); return; } for (ElementRecord* recordAbove = m_top.get(); recordAbove; recordAbove = recordAbove->next()) { if (recordAbove->next() != recordBelow) continue; recordAbove->setNext(adoptPtr(new ElementRecord(element, recordAbove->releaseNext()))); recordAbove->next()->element()->beginParsingChildren(); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* HTMLElementStack::topRecord() const { ASSERT(m_top); return m_top.get(); } Element* HTMLElementStack::oneBelowTop() const { // We should never be calling this if it could be 0. ASSERT(m_top); ASSERT(m_top->next()); return m_top->next()->element(); } Element* HTMLElementStack::bottom() const { return htmlElement(); } void HTMLElementStack::removeHTMLHeadElement(Element* element) { ASSERT(m_headElement == element); if (m_top->element() == element) { popHTMLHeadElement(); return; } m_headElement = 0; removeNonTopCommon(element); } void HTMLElementStack::remove(Element* element) { ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag)); if (m_top->element() == element) { pop(); return; } removeNonTopCommon(element); } HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* HTMLElementStack::find(Element* element) const { for (ElementRecord* pos = m_top.get(); pos; pos = pos->next()) { if (pos->node() == element) return pos; } return 0; } HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* HTMLElementStack::topmost(const AtomicString& tagName) const { for (ElementRecord* pos = m_top.get(); pos; pos = pos->next()) { if (pos->node()->hasLocalName(tagName)) return pos; } return 0; } bool HTMLElementStack::contains(Element* element) const { return !!find(element); } bool HTMLElementStack::contains(const AtomicString& tagName) const { return !!topmost(tagName); } template <bool isMarker(ContainerNode*)> bool inScopeCommon(HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* top, const AtomicString& targetTag) { for (HTMLElementStack::ElementRecord* pos = top; pos; pos = pos->next()) { ContainerNode* node = pos->node(); if (node->hasLocalName(targetTag)) return true; if (isMarker(node)) return false; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker. return false; } bool HTMLElementStack::hasOnlyHTMLElementsInScope() const { for (ElementRecord* record = m_top.get(); record; record = record->next()) { ContainerNode* node = record->node(); if (!isInHTMLNamespace(node)) return false; if (isScopeMarker(node)) return true; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker. return true; } bool HTMLElementStack::hasNumberedHeaderElementInScope() const { for (ElementRecord* record = m_top.get(); record; record = record->next()) { ContainerNode* node = record->node(); if (isNumberedHeaderElement(node)) return true; if (isScopeMarker(node)) return false; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker. return false; } bool HTMLElementStack::inScope(Element* targetElement) const { for (ElementRecord* pos = m_top.get(); pos; pos = pos->next()) { ContainerNode* node = pos->node(); if (node == targetElement) return true; if (isScopeMarker(node)) return false; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); // <html> is always on the stack and is a scope marker. return false; } bool HTMLElementStack::inScope(const AtomicString& targetTag) const { return inScopeCommon<isScopeMarker>(m_top.get(), targetTag); } bool HTMLElementStack::inScope(const QualifiedName& tagName) const { // FIXME: Is localName() right for non-html elements? return inScope(tagName.localName()); } bool HTMLElementStack::inListItemScope(const AtomicString& targetTag) const { return inScopeCommon<isListItemScopeMarker>(m_top.get(), targetTag); } bool HTMLElementStack::inListItemScope(const QualifiedName& tagName) const { // FIXME: Is localName() right for non-html elements? return inListItemScope(tagName.localName()); } bool HTMLElementStack::inTableScope(const AtomicString& targetTag) const { return inScopeCommon<isTableScopeMarker>(m_top.get(), targetTag); } bool HTMLElementStack::inTableScope(const QualifiedName& tagName) const { // FIXME: Is localName() right for non-html elements? return inTableScope(tagName.localName()); } bool HTMLElementStack::inButtonScope(const AtomicString& targetTag) const { return inScopeCommon<isButtonScopeMarker>(m_top.get(), targetTag); } bool HTMLElementStack::inButtonScope(const QualifiedName& tagName) const { // FIXME: Is localName() right for non-html elements? return inButtonScope(tagName.localName()); } bool HTMLElementStack::inSelectScope(const AtomicString& targetTag) const { return inScopeCommon<isSelectScopeMarker>(m_top.get(), targetTag); } bool HTMLElementStack::inSelectScope(const QualifiedName& tagName) const { // FIXME: Is localName() right for non-html elements? return inSelectScope(tagName.localName()); } Element* HTMLElementStack::htmlElement() const { ASSERT(m_rootNode); return toElement(m_rootNode); } Element* HTMLElementStack::headElement() const { ASSERT(m_headElement); return m_headElement; } Element* HTMLElementStack::bodyElement() const { ASSERT(m_bodyElement); return m_bodyElement; } ContainerNode* HTMLElementStack::rootNode() const { ASSERT(m_rootNode); return m_rootNode; } void HTMLElementStack::pushCommon(PassRefPtr<ContainerNode> node) { ASSERT(m_rootNode); m_top = adoptPtr(new ElementRecord(node, m_top.release())); topNode()->beginParsingChildren(); } void HTMLElementStack::popCommon() { ASSERT(!top()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)); ASSERT(!top()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::headTag) || !m_headElement); ASSERT(!top()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag) || !m_bodyElement); top()->finishParsingChildren(); m_top = m_top->releaseNext(); } void HTMLElementStack::removeNonTopCommon(Element* element) { ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)); ASSERT(!element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::bodyTag)); ASSERT(top() != element); for (ElementRecord* pos = m_top.get(); pos; pos = pos->next()) { if (pos->next()->element() == element) { // FIXME: Is it OK to call finishParsingChildren() // when the children aren't actually finished? element->finishParsingChildren(); pos->setNext(pos->next()->releaseNext()); return; } } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } #ifndef NDEBUG void HTMLElementStack::show() { for (ElementRecord* record = m_top.get(); record; record = record->next()) record->element()->showNode(); } #endif }