/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "HTMLHRElement.h" #include "Attribute.h" #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" #include "CSSValueKeywords.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; HTMLHRElement::HTMLHRElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document) : HTMLElement(tagName, document) { ASSERT(hasTagName(hrTag)); } PassRefPtr<HTMLHRElement> HTMLHRElement::create(Document* document) { return adoptRef(new HTMLHRElement(hrTag, document)); } PassRefPtr<HTMLHRElement> HTMLHRElement::create(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document) { return adoptRef(new HTMLHRElement(tagName, document)); } bool HTMLHRElement::mapToEntry(const QualifiedName& attrName, MappedAttributeEntry& result) const { if (attrName == alignAttr || attrName == widthAttr || attrName == colorAttr || attrName == sizeAttr || attrName == noshadeAttr) { result = eHR; return false; } return HTMLElement::mapToEntry(attrName, result); } void HTMLHRElement::parseMappedAttribute(Attribute* attr) { if (attr->name() == alignAttr) { if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "left")) { addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, "0"); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginRight, CSSValueAuto); } else if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "right")) { addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, CSSValueAuto); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginRight, "0"); } else { addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginLeft, CSSValueAuto); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyMarginRight, CSSValueAuto); } } else if (attr->name() == widthAttr) { bool ok; int v = attr->value().toInt(&ok); if (ok && !v) addCSSLength(attr, CSSPropertyWidth, "1"); else addCSSLength(attr, CSSPropertyWidth, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == colorAttr) { addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSColor(attr, CSSPropertyBorderColor, attr->value()); addCSSColor(attr, CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, attr->value()); } else if (attr->name() == noshadeAttr) { addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderTopStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderRightStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderBottomStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderLeftStyle, CSSValueSolid); addCSSColor(attr, CSSPropertyBorderColor, String("grey")); addCSSColor(attr, CSSPropertyBackgroundColor, String("grey")); } else if (attr->name() == sizeAttr) { StringImpl* si = attr->value().impl(); int size = si->toInt(); if (size <= 1) addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyBorderBottomWidth, String("0")); else addCSSLength(attr, CSSPropertyHeight, String::number(size-2)); } else HTMLElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); } }