# Pentium M possible unit masks
name:zero type:mandatory default:0x0
	0x0 No unit mask
name:mesi type:bitmask default:0x0f
	0x08 (M)odified cache state
	0x04 (E)xclusive cache state
	0x02 (S)hared cache state
	0x01 (I)nvalid cache state
	0x0f All cache states
	0x10 HW prefetched line only
	0x20 all prefetched line w/o regarding mask 0x10.
name:ebl type:exclusive default:0x20
	0x00 self-generated transactions
	0x20 any transactions
name:kni_prefetch type:exclusive default:0x0
	0x00 prefetch NTA
	0x01 prefetch T1
	0x02 prefetch T2
	0x03 weakly-ordered stores
# this bitmask can seems weirds but is correct, note there is no way to only
# count scalar SIMD instructions
name:sse_sse2_inst_retired type:exclusive default:0x0
	0x00 SSE Packed Single
	0x01 SSE Scalar-Single
	0x02 SSE2 Packed-Double
	0x03 SSE2 Scalar-Double
name:mmx_uops type:mandatory default:0xf
	0x0f mandatory
name:mmx_instr_type_exec type:bitmask default:0x3f
	0x01 MMX packed multiplies
	0x02 MMX packed shifts
	0x04 MMX pack operations
	0x08 MMX unpack operations
	0x10 MMX packed logical
	0x20 MMX packed arithmetic
	0x3f all of the above
name:mmx_trans type:exclusive default:0x0
	0x00 MMX->float operations
	0x01 float->MMX operations
name:freq type:exclusive default:0x0
	0x00 All transitions
	0x02 Only Frequency transitions
name:fused type:exclusive default:0x0
	0x00 All fused micro-ops
	0x01 Only load+Op micro-ops
	0x02 Only std+sta micro-ops