* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "rsContext.h"
#include "rsScriptC.h"
#include "utils/Timers.h"
#include <time.h>
namespace android {
namespace renderscript {
// Context
void rsrAllocationSyncAll(Context *, Script *, Allocation *);
void rsrAllocationCopy1DRange(Context *, Allocation *dstAlloc,
uint32_t dstOff,
uint32_t dstMip,
uint32_t count,
Allocation *srcAlloc,
uint32_t srcOff, uint32_t srcMip);
void rsrAllocationCopy2DRange(Context *, Allocation *dstAlloc,
uint32_t dstXoff, uint32_t dstYoff,
uint32_t dstMip, uint32_t dstFace,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
Allocation *srcAlloc,
uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff,
uint32_t srcMip, uint32_t srcFace);
// Time routines
float rsrGetDt(Context *, Script *);
time_t rsrTime(Context *, Script *, time_t *timer);
tm* rsrLocalTime(Context *, Script *, tm *local, time_t *timer);
int64_t rsrUptimeMillis(Context *, Script *);
int64_t rsrUptimeNanos(Context *, Script *);
// Message routines
uint32_t rsrToClient(Context *, Script *, int cmdID, void *data, int len);
uint32_t rsrToClientBlocking(Context *, Script *, int cmdID, void *data, int len);
void rsrSetObject(const Context *, const Script *, ObjectBase **dst, ObjectBase * src);
void rsrClearObject(const Context *, const Script *, ObjectBase **dst);
bool rsrIsObject(const Context *, const Script *, const ObjectBase *src);
void rsrAllocationIncRefs(const Context *, const Allocation *, void *ptr,
size_t elementCount, size_t startOffset);
void rsrAllocationDecRefs(const Context *, const Allocation *, void *ptr,
size_t elementCount, size_t startOffset);
uint32_t rsrToClient(Context *, Script *, int cmdID, void *data, int len);
uint32_t rsrToClientBlocking(Context *, Script *, int cmdID, void *data, int len);
void rsrAllocationMarkDirty(Context *, Script *, RsAllocation a);
void rsrAllocationSyncAll(Context *, Script *, Allocation *a, RsAllocationUsageType source);
void rsrForEach(Context *, Script *, Script *target,
Allocation *in,
Allocation *out,
const void *usr,
uint32_t usrBytes,
const RsScriptCall *call);
// Heavy math functions
void rsrMatrixSet(rs_matrix4x4 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v);
float rsrMatrixGet(const rs_matrix4x4 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col);
void rsrMatrixSet(rs_matrix3x3 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v);
float rsrMatrixGet(const rs_matrix3x3 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col);
void rsrMatrixSet(rs_matrix2x2 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, float v);
float rsrMatrixGet(const rs_matrix2x2 *m, uint32_t row, uint32_t col);
void rsrMatrixLoadIdentity_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m);
void rsrMatrixLoadIdentity_3x3(rs_matrix3x3 *m);
void rsrMatrixLoadIdentity_2x2(rs_matrix2x2 *m);
void rsrMatrixLoad_4x4_f(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const float *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_3x3_f(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const float *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_2x2_f(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const float *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_4x4_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_4x4_3x3(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_4x4_2x2(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_3x3_3x3(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *v);
void rsrMatrixLoad_2x2_2x2(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *v);
void rsrMatrixLoadRotate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixLoadScale(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixLoadTranslate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixLoadMultiply_4x4_4x4_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *lhs,
const rs_matrix4x4 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixMultiply_4x4_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m, const rs_matrix4x4 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixLoadMultiply_3x3_3x3_3x3(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *lhs,
const rs_matrix3x3 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixMultiply_3x3_3x3(rs_matrix3x3 *m, const rs_matrix3x3 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixLoadMultiply_2x2_2x2_2x2(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *lhs,
const rs_matrix2x2 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixMultiply_2x2_2x2(rs_matrix2x2 *m, const rs_matrix2x2 *rhs);
void rsrMatrixRotate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixScale(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixTranslate(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z);
void rsrMatrixLoadOrtho(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float left, float right,
float bottom, float top, float near, float far);
void rsrMatrixLoadFrustum(rs_matrix4x4 *m, float left, float right,
float bottom, float top, float near, float far);
void rsrMatrixLoadPerspective(rs_matrix4x4* m, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far);
// Returns true if the matrix was successfully inversed
bool rsrMatrixInverse_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m);
// Returns true if the matrix was successfully inversed
bool rsrMatrixInverseTranspose_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m);
void rsrMatrixTranspose_4x4(rs_matrix4x4 *m);
void rsrMatrixTranspose_3x3(rs_matrix3x3 *m);
void rsrMatrixTranspose_2x2(rs_matrix2x2 *m);