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//===- Archive.cpp --------------------------------------------------------===//
//                     The MCLinker Project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <mcld/LD/Archive.h>
#include <mcld/MC/InputFactory.h>
#include <llvm/ADT/StringRef.h>

using namespace mcld;

// Archive
const char   Archive::MAGIC[]            = "!<arch>\n";
const char   Archive::THIN_MAGIC[]       = "!<thin>\n";
const size_t Archive::MAGIC_LEN          = sizeof(Archive::MAGIC) - 1;
const char   Archive::SVR4_SYMTAB_NAME[] = "/               ";
const char   Archive::STRTAB_NAME[]      = "//              ";
const char   Archive::PAD[]              = "\n";
const char   Archive::MEMBER_MAGIC[]     = "`\n";

Archive::Archive(Input& pInputFile, InputFactory& pInputFactory)
 : m_ArchiveFile(pInputFile),
  m_pInputTree = new InputTree(pInputFactory);

  delete m_pInputTree;

/// getARFile - get the Input& of the archive file
Input& Archive::getARFile()
  return m_ArchiveFile;

/// getARFile - get the Input& of the archive file
const Input& Archive::getARFile() const
  return m_ArchiveFile;

/// inputs - get the input tree built from this archive 
InputTree& Archive::inputs()
  return *m_pInputTree;

/// inputs - get the input tree built from this archive 
const InputTree& Archive::inputs() const
  return *m_pInputTree;

/// getObjectMemberMap - get the map that contains the included object files
Archive::ObjectMemberMapType& Archive::getObjectMemberMap()
  return m_ObjectMemberMap;

/// getObjectMemberMap - get the map that contains the included object files
const Archive::ObjectMemberMapType& Archive::getObjectMemberMap() const
  return m_ObjectMemberMap;

/// numOfObjectMember - return the number of included object files
size_t Archive::numOfObjectMember() const
  return m_ObjectMemberMap.numOfEntries();

/// addObjectMember - add a object in the object member map
/// @param pFileOffset - file offset in symtab represents a object file
/// @param pIter - the iterator in the input tree built from this archive
bool Archive::addObjectMember(uint32_t pFileOffset, InputTree::iterator pIter)
  bool exist;
  ObjectMemberEntryType* entry = m_ObjectMemberMap.insert(pFileOffset, exist);
  if (!exist)
  return !exist;

/// hasObjectMember - check if a object file is included or not
/// @param pFileOffset - file offset in symtab represents a object file
bool Archive::hasObjectMember(uint32_t pFileOffset) const
  return (m_ObjectMemberMap.find(pFileOffset) != m_ObjectMemberMap.end());

/// getArchiveMemberMap - get the map that contains the included archive files
Archive::ArchiveMemberMapType& Archive::getArchiveMemberMap()
  return m_ArchiveMemberMap;

/// getArchiveMemberMap - get the map that contains the included archive files
const Archive::ArchiveMemberMapType& Archive::getArchiveMemberMap() const
  return m_ArchiveMemberMap;

/// addArchiveMember - add an archive in the archive member map
/// @param pName    - the name of the new archive member
/// @param pLastPos - this records the point to insert the next node in the
///                   subtree of this archive member
/// @param pMove    - this records the direction to insert the next node in the
///                   subtree of this archive member
bool Archive::addArchiveMember(const llvm::StringRef& pName,
                               InputTree::iterator pLastPos,
                               InputTree::Mover* pMove)
  bool exist;
  ArchiveMemberEntryType* entry = m_ArchiveMemberMap.insert(pName, exist);
  if (!exist) {
    ArchiveMember& ar = entry->value();
    ar.file = *pLastPos;
    ar.lastPos = pLastPos;
    ar.move = pMove;
  return !exist;

/// hasArchiveMember - check if an archive file is included or not
bool Archive::hasArchiveMember(const llvm::StringRef& pName) const
  return (m_ArchiveMemberMap.find(pName) != m_ArchiveMemberMap.end());

/// getArchiveMember - get a archive member
Archive::ArchiveMember* Archive::getArchiveMember(const llvm::StringRef& pName)
  ArchiveMemberMapType::iterator it = m_ArchiveMemberMap.find(pName);
  if (it != m_ArchiveMemberMap.end())
    return &(it.getEntry()->value());
  return NULL;

/// getSymbolTable - get the symtab
Archive::SymTabType& Archive::getSymbolTable()
  return m_SymTab;

/// getSymbolTable - get the symtab
const Archive::SymTabType& Archive::getSymbolTable() const
  return m_SymTab;

/// setSymTabSize - set the memory size of symtab
void Archive::setSymTabSize(size_t pSize)
  m_SymTabSize = pSize;

/// getSymTabSize - get the memory size of symtab
size_t Archive::getSymTabSize() const
  return m_SymTabSize;

/// numOfSymbols - return the number of symbols in symtab
size_t Archive::numOfSymbols() const
  return m_SymTab.size();

/// addSymbol - add a symtab entry to symtab
/// @param pName - symbol name
/// @param pFileOffset - file offset in symtab represents a object file
void Archive::addSymbol(const char* pName,
                        uint32_t pFileOffset,
                        enum Archive::Symbol::Status pStatus)
  Symbol* entry = m_SymbolFactory.allocate();
  new (entry) Symbol(pName, pFileOffset, pStatus);

/// getSymbolName - get the symbol name with the given index
const std::string& Archive::getSymbolName(size_t pSymIdx) const
  assert(pSymIdx < numOfSymbols());
  return m_SymTab[pSymIdx]->name;

/// getObjFileOffset - get the file offset that represent a object file
uint32_t Archive::getObjFileOffset(size_t pSymIdx) const
  assert(pSymIdx < numOfSymbols());
  return m_SymTab[pSymIdx]->fileOffset;

/// getSymbolStatus - get the status of a symbol
enum Archive::Symbol::Status Archive::getSymbolStatus(size_t pSymIdx) const
  assert(pSymIdx < numOfSymbols());
  return m_SymTab[pSymIdx]->status;

/// setSymbolStatus - set the status of a symbol
void Archive::setSymbolStatus(size_t pSymIdx,
                              enum Archive::Symbol::Status pStatus)
  assert(pSymIdx < numOfSymbols());
  m_SymTab[pSymIdx]->status = pStatus;

/// getStrTable - get the extended name table
std::string& Archive::getStrTable()
  return m_StrTab;

/// getStrTable - get the extended name table
const std::string& Archive::getStrTable() const
  return m_StrTab;