// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include <vector>
#if defined(OS_WIN)
typedef struct HINSTANCE__* HINSTANCE;
typedef struct HICON__* HICON;
#elif defined(USE_X11)
typedef struct _GdkCursor GdkCursor;
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
#ifdef __OBJC__
@class NSCursor;
class NSCursor;
typedef UInt32 ThemeCursor;
struct Cursor;
class Pickle;
namespace WebKit {
class WebImage;
struct WebCursorInfo;
// This class encapsulates a cross-platform description of a cursor. Platform
// specific methods are provided to translate the cross-platform cursor into a
// platform specific cursor. It is also possible to serialize / de-serialize a
// WebCursor.
class WebCursor {
explicit WebCursor(const WebKit::WebCursorInfo& cursor_info);
// Copy constructor/assignment operator combine.
WebCursor(const WebCursor& other);
const WebCursor& operator=(const WebCursor& other);
// Conversion from/to WebCursorInfo.
void InitFromCursorInfo(const WebKit::WebCursorInfo& cursor_info);
void GetCursorInfo(WebKit::WebCursorInfo* cursor_info) const;
// Serialization / De-serialization
bool Deserialize(const Pickle* pickle, void** iter);
bool Serialize(Pickle* pickle) const;
// Returns true if GetCustomCursor should be used to allocate a platform
// specific cursor object. Otherwise GetCursor should be used.
bool IsCustom() const;
// Returns true if the current cursor object contains the same cursor as the
// cursor object passed in. If the current cursor is a custom cursor, we also
// compare the bitmaps to verify whether they are equal.
bool IsEqual(const WebCursor& other) const;
// Returns a native cursor representing the current WebCursor instance.
gfx::NativeCursor GetNativeCursor();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Returns a HCURSOR representing the current WebCursor instance.
// The ownership of the HCURSOR (does not apply to external cursors) remains
// with the WebCursor instance.
HCURSOR GetCursor(HINSTANCE module_handle);
// Initialize this from the given Windows cursor. The caller must ensure that
// the HCURSOR remains valid by not invoking the DestroyCursor/DestroyIcon
// APIs on it.
void InitFromExternalCursor(HCURSOR handle);
#elif defined(USE_X11)
// Return the stock GdkCursorType for this cursor, or GDK_CURSOR_IS_PIXMAP
// if it's a custom cursor. Return GDK_LAST_CURSOR to indicate that the cursor
// should be set to the system default.
// Returns an int so we don't need to include GDK headers in this header file.
int GetCursorType() const;
// Return a new GdkCursor* for this cursor. Only valid if GetCursorType
GdkCursor* GetCustomCursor();
#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Gets an NSCursor* for this cursor.
NSCursor* GetCursor() const;
// Initialize this from the given Carbon ThemeCursor.
void InitFromThemeCursor(ThemeCursor cursor);
// Initialize this from the given Carbon Cursor.
void InitFromCursor(const Cursor* cursor);
// Initialize this from the given Cocoa NSCursor.
void InitFromNSCursor(NSCursor* cursor);
// Copies the contents of the WebCursor instance passed in.
void Copy(const WebCursor& other);
// Cleans up the WebCursor instance.
void Clear();
// Platform specific initialization goes here.
void InitPlatformData();
// Platform specific Serialization / De-serialization
bool SerializePlatformData(Pickle* pickle) const;
bool DeserializePlatformData(const Pickle* pickle, void** iter);
// Returns true if the platform data in the current cursor object
// matches that of the cursor passed in.
bool IsPlatformDataEqual(const WebCursor& other) const ;
// Copies platform specific data from the WebCursor instance passed in.
void CopyPlatformData(const WebCursor& other);
// Platform specific cleanup.
void CleanupPlatformData();
void SetCustomData(const WebKit::WebImage& image);
void ImageFromCustomData(WebKit::WebImage* image) const;
// Clamp the hotspot to the custom image's bounds, if this is a custom cursor.
void ClampHotspot();
// WebCore::PlatformCursor type.
int type_;
gfx::Point hotspot_;
// Custom cursor data, as 32-bit RGBA.
// Platform-inspecific because it can be serialized.
gfx::Size custom_size_;
std::vector<char> custom_data_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// An externally generated HCURSOR. We assume that it remains valid, i.e we
// don't attempt to copy the HCURSOR.
HCURSOR external_cursor_;
// A custom cursor created from custom bitmap data by Webkit.
HCURSOR custom_cursor_;
#endif // OS_WIN
#if defined(USE_X11)
// A custom cursor created that should be unref'ed from the destructor.
GdkCursor* unref_;