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 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  Filename:      bte_main.c
 *  Description:   Contains BTE core stack initialization and shutdown code
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "gki.h"
#include "bd.h"
#include "btu.h"
#include "bte.h"
#include "bta_api.h"
#include "bt_hci_lib.h"

**  Constants & Macros

/* Run-time configuration file */
#define BTE_STACK_CONF_FILE "/etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf"

/* if not specified in .txt file then use this as default  */
#define HCI_LOGGING_FILENAME  "/data/misc/bluedroid/btsnoop_hci.log"

**  Local type definitions

**  Variables
BOOLEAN hci_logging_enabled = FALSE;    /* by default, turn hci log off */
char hci_logfile[256] = HCI_LOGGING_FILENAME;

**  Static variables
static bt_hc_interface_t *bt_hc_if=NULL;
static const bt_hc_callbacks_t hc_callbacks;
static BOOLEAN lpm_enabled = FALSE;

**  Static functions
static void bte_main_in_hw_init(void);

**  Externs
BTU_API extern UINT32 btu_task (UINT32 param);
BTU_API extern void BTE_Init (void);
BT_API extern void BTE_LoadStack(void);
BT_API void BTE_UnloadStack(void);
extern void scru_flip_bda (BD_ADDR dst, const BD_ADDR src);
extern void bte_load_conf(const char *p_path);

**                        System Task Configuration

/* bluetooth protocol stack (BTU) task */
#define BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE       0//0x2000         /* In bytes */
#define BTE_BTU_TASK_STR        ((INT8 *) "BTU")
UINT32 bte_btu_stack[(BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE + 3) / 4];

** Function         bte_main_in_hw_init
** Description      Internal helper function for chip hardware init
** Returns          None
void bte_main_in_hw_init(void)
    if ( (bt_hc_if = (bt_hc_interface_t *) bt_hc_get_interface()) \
         == NULL)
        APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("!!! Failed to get BtHostControllerInterface !!!");

** Function         bte_main_boot_entry
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Entry point for BTE chip/stack initialization
** Returns          None
void bte_main_boot_entry(void)
    /* initialize OS */



    /* Initialize trace feature */

** Function         bte_main_shutdown
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Shutdown code for BTE chip/stack
** Returns          None
void bte_main_shutdown()

** Function         bte_main_enable
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Creates all the BTE tasks. Should be called
**                  part of the Bluetooth stack enable sequence
** Returns          None
void bte_main_enable(uint8_t *local_addr)

    /* Initialize BTE control block */

    lpm_enabled = FALSE;

    if (bt_hc_if)
        int result = bt_hc_if->init(&hc_callbacks, local_addr);
        APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("libbt-hci init returns %d", result);

        assert(result == BT_HC_STATUS_SUCCESS);

        if (hci_logging_enabled == TRUE)
            bt_hc_if->logging(BT_HC_LOGGING_ON, hci_logfile);

        APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("%s  Not Turninig Off the BT before Turninig ON", __FUNCTION__);

        /* Do not power off the chip before powering on  if BT_CLEAN_TURN_ON_DISABLED flag
         is defined and set to TRUE to avoid below mentioned issue.

         Wingray kernel driver maintains a combined  counter to keep track of
         BT-Wifi state. Invoking  set_power(BT_HC_CHIP_PWR_OFF) when the BT is already
         in OFF state causes this counter to be incorrectly decremented and results in undesired
         behavior of the chip.

         This is only a workaround and when the issue is fixed in the kernel this work around
         should be removed. */
        /* toggle chip power to ensure we will reset chip in case
           a previous stack shutdown wasn't completed gracefully */


    GKI_create_task((TASKPTR)btu_task, BTU_TASK, BTE_BTU_TASK_STR,
                    (UINT16 *) ((UINT8 *)bte_btu_stack + BTE_BTU_STACK_SIZE),


** Function         bte_main_disable
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Destroys all the BTE tasks. Should be called
**                  part of the Bluetooth stack disable sequence
** Returns          None
void bte_main_disable(void)

    if (bt_hc_if)



** Function         bte_main_postload_cfg
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Stack postload configuration
** Returns          None
void bte_main_postload_cfg(void)
    if (bt_hc_if)

** Function         bte_main_enable_lpm
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Enable/Disable low power mode operation
** Returns          None
void bte_main_enable_lpm(BOOLEAN enable)
    int result = -1;

    if (bt_hc_if)
        result = bt_hc_if->lpm( \
        (enable == TRUE) ? BT_HC_LPM_ENABLE : BT_HC_LPM_DISABLE \

    APPL_TRACE_EVENT2("HC lib lpm enable=%d return %d", enable, result);

** Function         bte_main_lpm_allow_bt_device_sleep
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Allow BT controller goest to sleep
** Returns          None
void bte_main_lpm_allow_bt_device_sleep()
    int result = -1;

    if ((bt_hc_if) && (lpm_enabled == TRUE))
        result = bt_hc_if->lpm(BT_HC_LPM_WAKE_DEASSERT);

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("HC lib lpm deassertion return %d", result);

** Function         bte_main_lpm_wake_bt_device
** Description      BTE MAIN API - Wake BT controller up if it is in sleep mode
** Returns          None
void bte_main_lpm_wake_bt_device()
    int result = -1;

    if ((bt_hc_if) && (lpm_enabled == TRUE))
        result = bt_hc_if->lpm(BT_HC_LPM_WAKE_ASSERT);

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("HC lib lpm assertion return %d", result);

** Function         bte_main_hci_send
** Description      BTE MAIN API - This function is called by the upper stack to
**                  send an HCI message. The function displays a protocol trace
**                  message (if enabled), and then calls the 'transmit' function
**                  associated with the currently selected HCI transport
** Returns          None
void bte_main_hci_send (BT_HDR *p_msg, UINT16 event)
    UINT16 sub_event = event & BT_SUB_EVT_MASK;  /* local controller ID */

    p_msg->event = event;

    if((sub_event == LOCAL_BR_EDR_CONTROLLER_ID) || \
       (sub_event == LOCAL_BLE_CONTROLLER_ID))
        if (bt_hc_if)
            bt_hc_if->transmit_buf((TRANSAC)p_msg, \
                                       (char *) (p_msg + 1), \
        APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("Invalid Controller ID. Discarding message.");

** Function         bte_main_post_reset_init
** Description      BTE MAIN API - This function is mapped to BTM_APP_DEV_INIT
**                  and shall be automatically called from BTE after HCI_Reset
** Returns          None
void bte_main_post_reset_init()

**   libbt-hci Callback Functions

** Function         preload_cb
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called
**                  when the libbt-hci completed stack preload process
** Returns          None
static void preload_cb(TRANSAC transac, bt_hc_preload_result_t result)
    APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("HC preload_cb %d [0:SUCCESS 1:FAIL]", result);

    /* notify BTU task that libbt-hci is ready */
    /* even if PRELOAD process failed */
    GKI_send_event(BTU_TASK, TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK);

** Function         postload_cb
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called
**                  when the libbt-hci lib completed stack postload process
** Returns          None
static void postload_cb(TRANSAC transac, bt_hc_postload_result_t result)
    APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("HC postload_cb %d", result);

** Function         lpm_cb
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called
**                  back from the libbt-hci to indicate the current LPM state
** Returns          None
static void lpm_cb(bt_hc_lpm_request_result_t result)
    APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("HC lpm_result_cb %d", result);
    lpm_enabled = (result == BT_HC_LPM_ENABLED) ? TRUE : FALSE;

** Function         hostwake_ind
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called
**                  from the libbt-hci to indicate the HostWake event
** Returns          None
static void hostwake_ind(bt_hc_low_power_event_t event)
    APPL_TRACE_EVENT1("HC hostwake_ind %d", event);

** Function         alloc
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called
**                  from the libbt-hci to request for data buffer allocation
** Returns          NULL / pointer to allocated buffer
static char *alloc(int size)
    BT_HDR *p_hdr = NULL;

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG1("HC alloc size=%d", size);

    p_hdr = (BT_HDR *) GKI_getbuf ((UINT16) size);

    if (p_hdr == NULL)
        APPL_TRACE_WARNING0("alloc returns NO BUFFER!");

    return ((char *) p_hdr);

** Function         dealloc
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called
**                  from the libbt-hci to release the data buffer allocated
**                  through the alloc call earlier
**                  Bluedroid libbt-hci library uses 'transac' parameter to
**                  pass data-path buffer/packet across bt_hci_lib interface
**                  boundary. The 'p_buf' is not intended to be used here
**                  but might point to data portion of data-path buffer.
** Returns          bt_hc_status_t
static int dealloc(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf)

** Function         data_ind
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLOUT API - This function is called
**                  from the libbt-hci to pass in the received HCI packets
**                  The core stack is responsible for releasing the data buffer
**                  passed in from the libbt-hci once the core stack has done
**                  with it.
**                  Bluedroid libbt-hci library uses 'transac' parameter to
**                  pass data-path buffer/packet across bt_hci_lib interface
**                  boundary. The 'p_buf' and 'len' parameters are not intended
**                  to be used here but might point to data portion in data-
**                  path buffer and length of valid data respectively.
** Returns          bt_hc_status_t
static int data_ind(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf, int len)
    BT_HDR *p_msg = (BT_HDR *) transac;

    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG2("HC data_ind event=0x%04X (len=%d)", p_msg->event, len);

    GKI_send_msg (BTU_TASK, BTU_HCI_RCV_MBOX, transac);

** Function         tx_result
** Description      HOST/CONTROLLER LIB CALLBACK API - This function is called
**                  from the libbt-hci once it has processed/sent the prior data
**                  buffer which core stack passed to it through transmit_buf
**                  call earlier.
**                  The core stack is responsible for releasing the data buffer
**                  if it has been completedly processed.
**                  Bluedroid libbt-hci library uses 'transac' parameter to
**                  pass data-path buffer/packet across bt_hci_lib interface
**                  boundary. The 'p_buf' is not intended to be used here
**                  but might point to data portion in data-path buffer.
** Returns          bt_hc_status_t
static int tx_result(TRANSAC transac, char *p_buf, \
                      bt_hc_transmit_result_t result)
    APPL_TRACE_DEBUG2("HC tx_result %d (event=%04X)", result, \
                      ((BT_HDR *)transac)->event);

    if (result == BT_HC_TX_FRAGMENT)
        GKI_send_msg (BTU_TASK, BTU_HCI_RCV_MBOX, transac);


**   The libbt-hci Callback Functions Table
static const bt_hc_callbacks_t hc_callbacks = {