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 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


#include "data_types.h"
#include "bt_types.h"

#include <utils/Log.h>

**  Constants & Macros
#define BTIF_STORAGE_FILL_PROPERTY(p_prop, t, l, p_v) \
         (p_prop)->type = t;(p_prop)->len = l; (p_prop)->val = (p_v);

**  Functions

** Function         btif_storage_get_adapter_property
** Description      BTIF storage API - Fetches the adapter property->type
**                  from NVRAM and fills property->val.
**                  Caller should provide memory for property->val and
**                  set the property->val
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the fetch was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_get_adapter_property(bt_property_t *property);

** Function         btif_storage_set_adapter_property
** Description      BTIF storage API - Stores the adapter property
**                  to NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_set_adapter_property(bt_property_t *property);

** Function         btif_storage_get_remote_device_property
** Description      BTIF storage API - Fetches the remote device property->type
**                  from NVRAM and fills property->val.
**                  Caller should provide memory for property->val and
**                  set the property->val
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the fetch was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_get_remote_device_property(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
                                                    bt_property_t *property);

** Function         btif_storage_set_remote_device_property
** Description      BTIF storage API - Stores the remote device property
**                  to NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_set_remote_device_property(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
                                                    bt_property_t *property);

** Function         btif_storage_add_remote_device
** Description      BTIF storage API - Adds a newly discovered device to NVRAM
**                  along with the timestamp. Also, stores the various
**                  properties - RSSI, BDADDR, NAME (if found in EIR)
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_add_remote_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bdaddr,
                                           uint32_t num_properties,
                                           bt_property_t *properties);

** Function         btif_storage_add_bonded_device
** Description      BTIF storage API - Adds the newly bonded device to NVRAM
**                  along with the link-key, Key type and Pin key length
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_add_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
                                           LINK_KEY link_key,
                                           uint8_t key_type,
                                           uint8_t pin_length);

** Function         btif_storage_remove_bonded_device
** Description      BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded device from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_remove_bonded_device(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr);

** Function         btif_storage_remove_bonded_device
** Description      BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded device from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_load_bonded_devices(void);

** Function         btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb
** Description      BTIF storage API - Read HL application control block from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb(char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_write_hl_apps_cb
** Description      BTIF storage API - Write HL application control block to NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_apps_cb(char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_read_hl_apps_cb
** Description      BTIF storage API - Read HL application configuration from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_app_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_write_hl_app_data
** Description      BTIF storage API - Write HL application configuration to NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_app_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_read_hl_mdl_data
** Description      BTIF storage API - Read HL application MDL configuration from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_read_hl_mdl_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_write_hl_mdl_data
** Description      BTIF storage API - Write HL application MDL configuration from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_write_hl_mdl_data(UINT8 app_idx, char *value, int value_size);

** Function         btif_storage_add_hid_device_info
** Description      BTIF storage API - Adds the hid information of bonded hid devices-to NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the store was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_add_hid_device_info(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr,
                                                    UINT16 attr_mask, UINT8 sub_class,
                                                    UINT8 app_id, UINT16 vendor_id,
                                                    UINT16 product_id, UINT16 version,
                                                    UINT8 ctry_code, UINT16 dl_len,
                                                    UINT8 *dsc_list);

** Function         btif_storage_load_bonded_hid_info
** Description      BTIF storage API - Loads hid info for all the bonded devices
**                  from NVRAM and adds those devices  to the BTA_HH.
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_load_bonded_hid_info(void);

** Function         btif_storage_remove_hid_info
** Description      BTIF storage API - Deletes the bonded hid device info from NVRAM
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful,
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_remove_hid_info(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_bd_addr);

** Function         btif_storage_load_autopair_device_list
** Description      BTIF storage API - Populates auto pair device list
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the auto pair blacklist is successfully populated
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_load_autopair_device_list();

** Function         btif_storage_is_device_autopair_blacklisted
** Description      BTIF storage API  Checks if the given device is blacklisted for auto pairing
** Returns          TRUE if the device is found in the auto pair blacklist
**                  FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN  btif_storage_is_device_autopair_blacklisted(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr);

** Function         btif_storage_add_device_to_autopair_blacklist
** Description      BTIF storage API - Add a remote device to the auto pairing blacklist
** Returns          BT_STATUS_SUCCESS if the device is successfully added to the auto pair blacklist
**                  BT_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
bt_status_t btif_storage_add_device_to_autopair_blacklist(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr);

** Function         btif_storage_is_fixed_pin_zeros_keyboard
** Description      BTIF storage API - checks if this device has fixed PIN key device list
** Returns          TRUE   if the device is found in the fixed pin keyboard device list
**                  FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN btif_storage_is_fixed_pin_zeros_keyboard(bt_bdaddr_t *remote_dev_addr);

#endif /* BTIF_STORAGE_H */