/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "rsdCore.h" #include "rsdAllocation.h" #include "rsdBcc.h" #include "rsdGL.h" #include "rsdPath.h" #include "rsdProgramStore.h" #include "rsdProgramRaster.h" #include "rsdProgramVertex.h" #include "rsdProgramFragment.h" #include "rsdMesh.h" #include "rsdSampler.h" #include "rsdScriptGroup.h" #include "rsdFrameBuffer.h" #include <malloc.h> #include "rsContext.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <sched.h> #include <cutils/properties.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <string.h> using namespace android; using namespace android::renderscript; static void Shutdown(Context *rsc); static void SetPriority(const Context *rsc, int32_t priority); static RsdHalFunctions FunctionTable = { rsdGLInit, rsdGLShutdown, rsdGLSetSurface, rsdGLSwap, Shutdown, NULL, SetPriority, { rsdScriptInit, rsdInitIntrinsic, rsdScriptInvokeFunction, rsdScriptInvokeRoot, rsdScriptInvokeForEach, rsdScriptInvokeInit, rsdScriptInvokeFreeChildren, rsdScriptSetGlobalVar, rsdScriptSetGlobalVarWithElemDims, rsdScriptSetGlobalBind, rsdScriptSetGlobalObj, rsdScriptDestroy }, { rsdAllocationInit, rsdAllocationDestroy, rsdAllocationResize, rsdAllocationSyncAll, rsdAllocationMarkDirty, rsdAllocationInitSurfaceTexture, rsdAllocationSetSurfaceTexture, rsdAllocationIoSend, rsdAllocationIoReceive, rsdAllocationData1D, rsdAllocationData2D, rsdAllocationData3D, rsdAllocationRead1D, rsdAllocationRead2D, rsdAllocationRead3D, rsdAllocationLock1D, rsdAllocationUnlock1D, rsdAllocationData1D_alloc, rsdAllocationData2D_alloc, rsdAllocationData3D_alloc, rsdAllocationElementData1D, rsdAllocationElementData2D, rsdAllocationGenerateMipmaps }, { rsdProgramStoreInit, rsdProgramStoreSetActive, rsdProgramStoreDestroy }, { rsdProgramRasterInit, rsdProgramRasterSetActive, rsdProgramRasterDestroy }, { rsdProgramVertexInit, rsdProgramVertexSetActive, rsdProgramVertexDestroy }, { rsdProgramFragmentInit, rsdProgramFragmentSetActive, rsdProgramFragmentDestroy }, { rsdMeshInit, rsdMeshDraw, rsdMeshDestroy }, { rsdPathInitStatic, rsdPathInitDynamic, rsdPathDraw, rsdPathDestroy }, { rsdSamplerInit, rsdSamplerDestroy }, { rsdFrameBufferInit, rsdFrameBufferSetActive, rsdFrameBufferDestroy }, { rsdScriptGroupInit, rsdScriptGroupSetInput, rsdScriptGroupSetOutput, rsdScriptGroupExecute, rsdScriptGroupDestroy } }; pthread_key_t rsdgThreadTLSKey = 0; uint32_t rsdgThreadTLSKeyCount = 0; pthread_mutex_t rsdgInitMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static void * HelperThreadProc(void *vrsc) { Context *rsc = static_cast<Context *>(vrsc); RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv; uint32_t idx = (uint32_t)android_atomic_inc(&dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCount); //ALOGV("RS helperThread starting %p idx=%i", rsc, idx); dc->mWorkers.mLaunchSignals[idx].init(); dc->mWorkers.mNativeThreadId[idx] = gettid(); int status = pthread_setspecific(rsdgThreadTLSKey, &dc->mTlsStruct); if (status) { ALOGE("pthread_setspecific %i", status); } #if 0 typedef struct {uint64_t bits[1024 / 64]; } cpu_set_t; cpu_set_t cpuset; memset(&cpuset, 0, sizeof(cpuset)); cpuset.bits[idx / 64] |= 1ULL << (idx % 64); int ret = syscall(241, rsc->mWorkers.mNativeThreadId[idx], sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset); ALOGE("SETAFFINITY ret = %i %s", ret, EGLUtils::strerror(ret)); #endif while (!dc->mExit) { dc->mWorkers.mLaunchSignals[idx].wait(); if (dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback) { // idx +1 is used because the calling thread is always worker 0. dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback(dc->mWorkers.mLaunchData, idx+1); } android_atomic_dec(&dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount); dc->mWorkers.mCompleteSignal.set(); } //ALOGV("RS helperThread exited %p idx=%i", rsc, idx); return NULL; } void rsdLaunchThreads(Context *rsc, WorkerCallback_t cbk, void *data) { RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv; dc->mWorkers.mLaunchData = data; dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback = cbk; android_atomic_release_store(dc->mWorkers.mCount, &dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount); for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < dc->mWorkers.mCount; ct++) { dc->mWorkers.mLaunchSignals[ct].set(); } // We use the calling thread as one of the workers so we can start without // the delay of the thread wakeup. if (dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback) { dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback(dc->mWorkers.mLaunchData, 0); } while (android_atomic_acquire_load(&dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount) != 0) { dc->mWorkers.mCompleteSignal.wait(); } } extern "C" bool rsdHalInit(RsContext c, uint32_t version_major, uint32_t version_minor) { Context *rsc = (Context*) c; rsc->mHal.funcs = FunctionTable; RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)calloc(1, sizeof(RsdHal)); if (!dc) { ALOGE("Calloc for driver hal failed."); return false; } rsc->mHal.drv = dc; pthread_mutex_lock(&rsdgInitMutex); if (!rsdgThreadTLSKeyCount) { int status = pthread_key_create(&rsdgThreadTLSKey, NULL); if (status) { ALOGE("Failed to init thread tls key."); pthread_mutex_unlock(&rsdgInitMutex); return false; } } rsdgThreadTLSKeyCount++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&rsdgInitMutex); dc->mTlsStruct.mContext = rsc; dc->mTlsStruct.mScript = NULL; int status = pthread_setspecific(rsdgThreadTLSKey, &dc->mTlsStruct); if (status) { ALOGE("pthread_setspecific %i", status); } int cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); if(rsc->props.mDebugMaxThreads) { cpu = rsc->props.mDebugMaxThreads; } if (cpu < 2) { dc->mWorkers.mCount = 0; return true; } ALOGV("%p Launching thread(s), CPUs %i", rsc, cpu); // Subtract one from the cpu count because we also use the command thread as a worker. dc->mWorkers.mCount = (uint32_t)(cpu - 1); dc->mWorkers.mThreadId = (pthread_t *) calloc(dc->mWorkers.mCount, sizeof(pthread_t)); dc->mWorkers.mNativeThreadId = (pid_t *) calloc(dc->mWorkers.mCount, sizeof(pid_t)); dc->mWorkers.mLaunchSignals = new Signal[dc->mWorkers.mCount]; dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback = NULL; dc->mWorkers.mCompleteSignal.init(); android_atomic_release_store(dc->mWorkers.mCount, &dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount); android_atomic_release_store(0, &dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCount); pthread_attr_t threadAttr; status = pthread_attr_init(&threadAttr); if (status) { ALOGE("Failed to init thread attribute."); return false; } for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dc->mWorkers.mCount; ct++) { status = pthread_create(&dc->mWorkers.mThreadId[ct], &threadAttr, HelperThreadProc, rsc); if (status) { dc->mWorkers.mCount = ct; ALOGE("Created fewer than expected number of RS threads."); break; } } while (android_atomic_acquire_load(&dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount) != 0) { usleep(100); } pthread_attr_destroy(&threadAttr); return true; } void SetPriority(const Context *rsc, int32_t priority) { RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv; for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < dc->mWorkers.mCount; ct++) { setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, dc->mWorkers.mNativeThreadId[ct], priority); } if (dc->mHasGraphics) { rsdGLSetPriority(rsc, priority); } } void Shutdown(Context *rsc) { RsdHal *dc = (RsdHal *)rsc->mHal.drv; dc->mExit = true; dc->mWorkers.mLaunchData = NULL; dc->mWorkers.mLaunchCallback = NULL; android_atomic_release_store(dc->mWorkers.mCount, &dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount); for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < dc->mWorkers.mCount; ct++) { dc->mWorkers.mLaunchSignals[ct].set(); } void *res; for (uint32_t ct = 0; ct < dc->mWorkers.mCount; ct++) { pthread_join(dc->mWorkers.mThreadId[ct], &res); } rsAssert(android_atomic_acquire_load(&dc->mWorkers.mRunningCount) == 0); // Global structure cleanup. pthread_mutex_lock(&rsdgInitMutex); --rsdgThreadTLSKeyCount; if (!rsdgThreadTLSKeyCount) { pthread_key_delete(rsdgThreadTLSKey); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&rsdgInitMutex); }