/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> * Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2009-2010. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2011 Torch Mobile (Beijing) Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #if ENABLE(SVG) #include "SVGUseElement.h" #include "Attribute.h" #include "CSSStyleSelector.h" #include "Document.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventListener.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "NodeRenderStyle.h" #include "RegisteredEventListener.h" #include "RenderSVGResource.h" #include "RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer.h" #include "SVGElementInstance.h" #include "SVGElementInstanceList.h" #include "SVGGElement.h" #include "SVGNames.h" #include "SVGSMILElement.h" #include "SVGSVGElement.h" #include "SVGShadowTreeElements.h" #include "SVGSymbolElement.h" #include "XLinkNames.h" #include "XMLDocumentParser.h" #include "XMLSerializer.h" #include <wtf/text/StringConcatenate.h> // Dump SVGElementInstance object tree - useful to debug instanceRoot problems // #define DUMP_INSTANCE_TREE // Dump the deep-expanded shadow tree (where the renderers are built from) // #define DUMP_SHADOW_TREE namespace WebCore { // Animated property definitions DEFINE_ANIMATED_LENGTH(SVGUseElement, SVGNames::xAttr, X, x) DEFINE_ANIMATED_LENGTH(SVGUseElement, SVGNames::yAttr, Y, y) DEFINE_ANIMATED_LENGTH(SVGUseElement, SVGNames::widthAttr, Width, width) DEFINE_ANIMATED_LENGTH(SVGUseElement, SVGNames::heightAttr, Height, height) DEFINE_ANIMATED_STRING(SVGUseElement, XLinkNames::hrefAttr, Href, href) DEFINE_ANIMATED_BOOLEAN(SVGUseElement, SVGNames::externalResourcesRequiredAttr, ExternalResourcesRequired, externalResourcesRequired) inline SVGUseElement::SVGUseElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document) : SVGStyledTransformableElement(tagName, document) , m_x(LengthModeWidth) , m_y(LengthModeHeight) , m_width(LengthModeWidth) , m_height(LengthModeHeight) , m_updatesBlocked(false) , m_isPendingResource(false) , m_needsShadowTreeRecreation(false) { } PassRefPtr<SVGUseElement> SVGUseElement::create(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document) { return adoptRef(new SVGUseElement(tagName, document)); } SVGElementInstance* SVGUseElement::instanceRoot() const { // If there is no element instance tree, force immediate SVGElementInstance tree // creation by asking the document to invoke our recalcStyle function - as we can't // wait for the lazy creation to happen if e.g. JS wants to access the instanceRoot // object right after creating the element on-the-fly if (!m_targetElementInstance) document()->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets(); return m_targetElementInstance.get(); } SVGElementInstance* SVGUseElement::animatedInstanceRoot() const { // FIXME: Implement me. return 0; } void SVGUseElement::parseMappedAttribute(Attribute* attr) { if (attr->name() == SVGNames::xAttr) setXBaseValue(SVGLength(LengthModeWidth, attr->value())); else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::yAttr) setYBaseValue(SVGLength(LengthModeHeight, attr->value())); else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::widthAttr) { setWidthBaseValue(SVGLength(LengthModeWidth, attr->value())); if (widthBaseValue().value(this) < 0.0) document()->accessSVGExtensions()->reportError("A negative value for use attribute <width> is not allowed"); } else if (attr->name() == SVGNames::heightAttr) { setHeightBaseValue(SVGLength(LengthModeHeight, attr->value())); if (heightBaseValue().value(this) < 0.0) document()->accessSVGExtensions()->reportError("A negative value for use attribute <height> is not allowed"); } else { if (SVGTests::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; if (SVGLangSpace::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; if (SVGExternalResourcesRequired::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; if (SVGURIReference::parseMappedAttribute(attr)) return; SVGStyledTransformableElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr); } } void SVGUseElement::insertedIntoDocument() { // This functions exists to assure assumptions made in the code regarding SVGElementInstance creation/destruction are satisfied. SVGStyledTransformableElement::insertedIntoDocument(); ASSERT(!m_targetElementInstance || ((document()->isSVGDocument() || document()->isXHTMLDocument()) && !static_cast<XMLDocumentParser*>(document()->parser())->wellFormed())); ASSERT(!m_isPendingResource); } void SVGUseElement::removedFromDocument() { SVGStyledTransformableElement::removedFromDocument(); detachInstance(); } void SVGUseElement::svgAttributeChanged(const QualifiedName& attrName) { SVGStyledTransformableElement::svgAttributeChanged(attrName); bool isXYAttribute = attrName == SVGNames::xAttr || attrName == SVGNames::yAttr; bool isWidthHeightAttribute = attrName == SVGNames::widthAttr || attrName == SVGNames::heightAttr; if (isXYAttribute || isWidthHeightAttribute) updateRelativeLengthsInformation(); if (SVGTests::handleAttributeChange(this, attrName)) return; RenderObject* object = renderer(); if (!object) return; if (SVGURIReference::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) { if (m_isPendingResource) { document()->accessSVGExtensions()->removePendingResource(m_resourceId); m_resourceId = String(); m_isPendingResource = false; } invalidateShadowTree(); return; } if (isXYAttribute) { updateContainerOffsets(); return; } if (isWidthHeightAttribute) { updateContainerSizes(); return; } // Be very careful here, if svgAttributeChanged() has been called because a SVG CSS property changed, we do NOT want to reclone the tree! if (SVGStyledElement::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) { setNeedsStyleRecalc(); return; } if (SVGLangSpace::isKnownAttribute(attrName) || SVGExternalResourcesRequired::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) invalidateShadowTree(); } void SVGUseElement::synchronizeProperty(const QualifiedName& attrName) { SVGStyledTransformableElement::synchronizeProperty(attrName); if (attrName == anyQName()) { synchronizeX(); synchronizeY(); synchronizeWidth(); synchronizeHeight(); synchronizeExternalResourcesRequired(); synchronizeHref(); SVGTests::synchronizeProperties(this, attrName); return; } if (attrName == SVGNames::xAttr) synchronizeX(); else if (attrName == SVGNames::yAttr) synchronizeY(); else if (attrName == SVGNames::widthAttr) synchronizeWidth(); else if (attrName == SVGNames::heightAttr) synchronizeHeight(); else if (SVGExternalResourcesRequired::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) synchronizeExternalResourcesRequired(); else if (SVGURIReference::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) synchronizeHref(); else if (SVGTests::isKnownAttribute(attrName)) SVGTests::synchronizeProperties(this, attrName); } AttributeToPropertyTypeMap& SVGUseElement::attributeToPropertyTypeMap() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AttributeToPropertyTypeMap, s_attributeToPropertyTypeMap, ()); return s_attributeToPropertyTypeMap; } void SVGUseElement::fillAttributeToPropertyTypeMap() { AttributeToPropertyTypeMap& attributeToPropertyTypeMap = this->attributeToPropertyTypeMap(); SVGStyledTransformableElement::fillPassedAttributeToPropertyTypeMap(attributeToPropertyTypeMap); attributeToPropertyTypeMap.set(SVGNames::xAttr, AnimatedLength); attributeToPropertyTypeMap.set(SVGNames::yAttr, AnimatedLength); attributeToPropertyTypeMap.set(SVGNames::widthAttr, AnimatedLength); attributeToPropertyTypeMap.set(SVGNames::heightAttr, AnimatedLength); attributeToPropertyTypeMap.set(XLinkNames::hrefAttr, AnimatedString); } static void updateContainerSize(SVGElementInstance* targetInstance) { // Depth-first used to write the method in early exit style, no particular other reason. for (SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->firstChild(); instance; instance = instance->nextSibling()) updateContainerSize(instance); SVGUseElement* useElement = targetInstance->directUseElement(); if (!useElement) return; SVGElement* correspondingElement = targetInstance->correspondingElement(); ASSERT(correspondingElement); bool isSymbolTag = correspondingElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag); if (!correspondingElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag) && !isSymbolTag) return; SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = targetInstance->shadowTreeElement(); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::svgTag)); // Spec (<use> on <symbol>): This generated 'svg' will always have explicit values for attributes width and height. // If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes // will be transferred to the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified, // the generated 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes. // Spec (<use> on <svg>): If attributes width and/or height are provided on the 'use' element, then these // values will override the corresponding attributes on the 'svg' in the generated tree. if (useElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr)) shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, useElement->getAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr)); else if (isSymbolTag && shadowTreeElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr)) shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, "100%"); if (useElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr)) shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, useElement->getAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr)); else if (isSymbolTag && shadowTreeElement->hasAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr)) shadowTreeElement->setAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, "100%"); } void SVGUseElement::updateContainerSizes() { if (!m_targetElementInstance) return; // Update whole subtree, scanning for shadow container elements, that correspond to <svg>/<symbol> tags ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->directUseElement() == this); updateContainerSize(m_targetElementInstance.get()); if (RenderObject* object = renderer()) RenderSVGResource::markForLayoutAndParentResourceInvalidation(object); } static void updateContainerOffset(SVGElementInstance* targetInstance) { // Depth-first used to write the method in early exit style, no particular other reason. for (SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->firstChild(); instance; instance = instance->nextSibling()) updateContainerOffset(instance); SVGElement* correspondingElement = targetInstance->correspondingElement(); ASSERT(correspondingElement); if (!correspondingElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::useTag)) return; SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = targetInstance->shadowTreeElement(); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::gTag)); if (!static_cast<SVGGElement*>(shadowTreeElement)->isShadowTreeContainerElement()) return; // Spec: An additional transformation translate(x,y) is appended to the end // (i.e., right-side) of the transform attribute on the generated 'g', where x // and y represent the values of the x and y attributes on the 'use' element. SVGUseElement* useElement = static_cast<SVGUseElement*>(correspondingElement); SVGShadowTreeContainerElement* containerElement = static_cast<SVGShadowTreeContainerElement*>(shadowTreeElement); containerElement->setContainerOffset(useElement->x(), useElement->y()); } void SVGUseElement::updateContainerOffsets() { if (!m_targetElementInstance) return; // Update root container offset (not reachable through instance tree) SVGElement* shadowRoot = m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement(); ASSERT(shadowRoot); ContainerNode* parentNode = shadowRoot->parentNode(); ASSERT(parentNode); ASSERT(parentNode->isSVGElement()); ASSERT(parentNode->hasTagName(SVGNames::gTag)); ASSERT(static_cast<SVGGElement*>(parentNode)->isShadowTreeContainerElement()); SVGShadowTreeContainerElement* containerElement = static_cast<SVGShadowTreeContainerElement*>(parentNode); containerElement->setContainerOffset(x(), y()); // Update whole subtree, scanning for shadow container elements, marking a cloned use subtree updateContainerOffset(m_targetElementInstance.get()); if (RenderObject* object = renderer()) RenderSVGResource::markForLayoutAndParentResourceInvalidation(object); } void SVGUseElement::recalcStyle(StyleChange change) { // Eventually mark shadow root element needing style recalc if ((change >= Inherit || needsStyleRecalc() || childNeedsStyleRecalc()) && m_targetElementInstance && !m_updatesBlocked) { if (SVGElement* shadowRoot = m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()) shadowRoot->setNeedsStyleRecalc(); } SVGStyledTransformableElement::recalcStyle(change); // Assure that the shadow tree has not been marked for recreation, while we're building it. if (m_updatesBlocked) ASSERT(!m_needsShadowTreeRecreation); RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer* shadowRoot = static_cast<RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer*>(renderer()); if (!shadowRoot) return; bool needsStyleUpdate = !m_needsShadowTreeRecreation; if (m_needsShadowTreeRecreation) { shadowRoot->markShadowTreeForRecreation(); m_needsShadowTreeRecreation = false; } shadowRoot->updateFromElement(); if (!needsStyleUpdate) return; shadowRoot->updateStyle(change); } #ifdef DUMP_INSTANCE_TREE void dumpInstanceTree(unsigned int& depth, String& text, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance) { SVGElement* element = targetInstance->correspondingElement(); ASSERT(element); SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = targetInstance->shadowTreeElement(); ASSERT(shadowTreeElement); SVGUseElement* directUseElement = targetInstance->directUseElement(); String directUseElementName = directUseElement ? directUseElement->nodeName() : "null"; String elementId = element->getIdAttribute(); String elementNodeName = element->nodeName(); String shadowTreeElementNodeName = shadowTreeElement->nodeName(); String parentNodeName = element->parentNode() ? element->parentNode()->nodeName() : "null"; String firstChildNodeName = element->firstChild() ? element->firstChild()->nodeName() : "null"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) text += " "; text += String::format("SVGElementInstance this=%p, (parentNode=%s (%p), firstChild=%s (%p), correspondingElement=%s (%p), directUseElement=%s (%p), shadowTreeElement=%s (%p), id=%s)\n", targetInstance, parentNodeName.latin1().data(), element->parentNode(), firstChildNodeName.latin1().data(), element->firstChild(), elementNodeName.latin1().data(), element, directUseElementName.latin1().data(), directUseElement, shadowTreeElementNodeName.latin1().data(), shadowTreeElement, elementId.latin1().data()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) text += " "; const HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>& elementInstances = element->instancesForElement(); text += makeString("Corresponding element is associated with ", String::number(elementInstances.size()), " instance(s):\n"); const HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>::const_iterator end = elementInstances.end(); for (HashSet<SVGElementInstance*>::const_iterator it = elementInstances.begin(); it != end; ++it) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) text += " "; text += String::format(" -> SVGElementInstance this=%p, (refCount: %i, shadowTreeElement in document? %i)\n", *it, (*it)->refCount(), (*it)->shadowTreeElement()->inDocument()); } ++depth; for (SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->firstChild(); instance; instance = instance->nextSibling()) dumpInstanceTree(depth, text, instance); --depth; } #endif static bool isDisallowedElement(Node* element) { #if ENABLE(SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT) // <foreignObject> should never be contained in a <use> tree. Too dangerous side effects possible. if (element->hasTagName(SVGNames::foreignObjectTag)) return true; #endif #if ENABLE(SVG_ANIMATION) if (SVGSMILElement::isSMILElement(element)) return true; #endif return false; } static bool subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(Node* start) { if (isDisallowedElement(start)) return true; for (Node* cur = start->firstChild(); cur; cur = cur->nextSibling()) { if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(cur)) return true; } return false; } void SVGUseElement::buildPendingResource() { // If we're called the first time (during shadow tree root creation from RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer) // we either determine that our target is available or not - then we add ourselves to the pending resource list // Once the pending resource appears, it will call buildPendingResource(), so we're called a second time. String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(href()); Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id); ASSERT(!m_targetElementInstance); if (!targetElement) { if (m_isPendingResource || id.isEmpty()) return; m_isPendingResource = true; m_resourceId = id; document()->accessSVGExtensions()->addPendingResource(id, this); return; } if (m_isPendingResource) { ASSERT(!m_targetElementInstance); m_isPendingResource = false; m_resourceId = String(); invalidateShadowTree(); } } void SVGUseElement::buildShadowAndInstanceTree(SVGShadowTreeRootElement* shadowRoot) { struct ShadowTreeUpdateBlocker { ShadowTreeUpdateBlocker(SVGUseElement* currentUseElement) : useElement(currentUseElement) { useElement->setUpdatesBlocked(true); } ~ShadowTreeUpdateBlocker() { useElement->setUpdatesBlocked(false); } SVGUseElement* useElement; }; // When cloning the target nodes, they may decide to synchronize style and/or animated SVG attributes. // That causes calls to SVGElementInstance::updateAllInstancesOfElement(), which mark the shadow tree for recreation. // Solution: block any updates to the shadow tree while we're building it. ShadowTreeUpdateBlocker blocker(this); String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(href()); Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id); if (!targetElement) { // The only time we should get here is when the use element has not been // given a resource to target. ASSERT(m_resourceId.isEmpty()); return; } // Do not build the shadow/instance tree for <use> elements living in a shadow tree. // The will be expanded soon anyway - see expandUseElementsInShadowTree(). ContainerNode* parent = parentNode(); while (parent) { if (parent->isShadowRoot()) return; parent = parent->parentNodeGuaranteedHostFree(); } SVGElement* target = 0; if (targetElement && targetElement->isSVGElement()) target = static_cast<SVGElement*>(targetElement); detachInstance(); // Do not allow self-referencing. // 'target' may be null, if it's a non SVG namespaced element. if (!target || target == this) return; // Why a seperated instance/shadow tree? SVG demands it: // The instance tree is accesable from JavaScript, and has to // expose a 1:1 copy of the referenced tree, whereas internally we need // to alter the tree for correct "use-on-symbol", "use-on-svg" support. // Build instance tree. Create root SVGElementInstance object for the first sub-tree node. // // Spec: If the 'use' element references a simple graphics element such as a 'rect', then there is only a // single SVGElementInstance object, and the correspondingElement attribute on this SVGElementInstance object // is the SVGRectElement that corresponds to the referenced 'rect' element. m_targetElementInstance = SVGElementInstance::create(this, this, target); // Eventually enter recursion to build SVGElementInstance objects for the sub-tree children bool foundProblem = false; buildInstanceTree(target, m_targetElementInstance.get(), foundProblem); // SVG specification does not say a word about <use> & cycles. My view on this is: just ignore it! // Non-appearing <use> content is easier to debug, then half-appearing content. if (foundProblem) { detachInstance(); return; } // Assure instance tree building was successfull ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance); ASSERT(!m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()); ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingUseElement() == this); ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->directUseElement() == this); ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement() == target); // Build shadow tree from instance tree // This also handles the special cases: <use> on <symbol>, <use> on <svg>. buildShadowTree(shadowRoot, target, m_targetElementInstance.get()); #if ENABLE(SVG) && ENABLE(SVG_USE) // Expand all <use> elements in the shadow tree. // Expand means: replace the actual <use> element by what it references. expandUseElementsInShadowTree(shadowRoot); // Expand all <symbol> elements in the shadow tree. // Expand means: replace the actual <symbol> element by the <svg> element. expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(shadowRoot); #endif // Now that the shadow tree is completly expanded, we can associate // shadow tree elements <-> instances in the instance tree. associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(shadowRoot->firstChild(), m_targetElementInstance.get()); // If no shadow tree element is present, this means that the reference root // element was removed, as it is disallowed (ie. <use> on <foreignObject>) // Do NOT leave an inconsistent instance tree around, instead destruct it. if (!m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()) { shadowRoot->removeAllChildren(); detachInstance(); return; } // Consistency checks - this is assumed in updateContainerOffset(). ASSERT(m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement()->parentNode() == shadowRoot); // Transfer event listeners assigned to the referenced element to our shadow tree elements. transferEventListenersToShadowTree(m_targetElementInstance.get()); // Update container offset/size updateContainerOffsets(); updateContainerSizes(); // Update relative length information updateRelativeLengthsInformation(); // Eventually dump instance tree #ifdef DUMP_INSTANCE_TREE String text; unsigned int depth = 0; dumpInstanceTree(depth, text, m_targetElementInstance.get()); fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping <use> instance tree:\n%s\n", text.latin1().data()); #endif // Eventually dump shadow tree #ifdef DUMP_SHADOW_TREE ExceptionCode ec = 0; RefPtr<XMLSerializer> serializer = XMLSerializer::create(); String markup = serializer->serializeToString(shadowRoot, ec); ASSERT(!ec); fprintf(stderr, "Dumping <use> shadow tree markup:\n%s\n", markup.latin1().data()); #endif } void SVGUseElement::detachInstance() { if (!m_targetElementInstance) return; m_targetElementInstance->clearUseElements(); m_targetElementInstance = 0; } RenderObject* SVGUseElement::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle*) { return new (arena) RenderSVGShadowTreeRootContainer(this); } static void updateFromElementCallback(Node* node) { if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer()) renderer->updateFromElement(); } void SVGUseElement::attach() { SVGStyledTransformableElement::attach(); if (renderer()) queuePostAttachCallback(updateFromElementCallback, this); } void SVGUseElement::detach() { SVGStyledTransformableElement::detach(); detachInstance(); } static bool isDirectReference(Node* node) { return node->hasTagName(SVGNames::pathTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::rectTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::circleTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::ellipseTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::polygonTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::polylineTag) || node->hasTagName(SVGNames::textTag); } void SVGUseElement::toClipPath(Path& path) const { ASSERT(path.isEmpty()); Node* n = m_targetElementInstance ? m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement() : 0; if (!n) return; if (n->isSVGElement() && static_cast<SVGElement*>(n)->isStyledTransformable()) { if (!isDirectReference(n)) // Spec: Indirect references are an error (14.3.5) document()->accessSVGExtensions()->reportError("Not allowed to use indirect reference in <clip-path>"); else { static_cast<SVGStyledTransformableElement*>(n)->toClipPath(path); path.translate(FloatSize(x().value(this), y().value(this))); path.transform(animatedLocalTransform()); } } } RenderObject* SVGUseElement::rendererClipChild() const { Node* n = m_targetElementInstance ? m_targetElementInstance->shadowTreeElement() : 0; if (!n) return 0; if (n->isSVGElement() && isDirectReference(n)) return static_cast<SVGElement*>(n)->renderer(); return 0; } void SVGUseElement::buildInstanceTree(SVGElement* target, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance, bool& foundProblem) { ASSERT(target); ASSERT(targetInstance); // Spec: If the referenced object is itself a 'use', or if there are 'use' subelements within the referenced // object, the instance tree will contain recursive expansion of the indirect references to form a complete tree. bool targetHasUseTag = target->hasTagName(SVGNames::useTag); SVGElement* newTarget = 0; if (targetHasUseTag) { foundProblem = hasCycleUseReferencing(static_cast<SVGUseElement*>(target), targetInstance, newTarget); if (foundProblem) return; } // A general description from the SVG spec, describing what buildInstanceTree() actually does. // // Spec: If the 'use' element references a 'g' which contains two 'rect' elements, then the instance tree // contains three SVGElementInstance objects, a root SVGElementInstance object whose correspondingElement // is the SVGGElement object for the 'g', and then two child SVGElementInstance objects, each of which has // its correspondingElement that is an SVGRectElement object. for (Node* node = target->firstChild(); node; node = node->nextSibling()) { SVGElement* element = 0; if (node->isSVGElement()) element = static_cast<SVGElement*>(node); // Skip any non-svg nodes or any disallowed element. if (!element || isDisallowedElement(element)) continue; // Create SVGElementInstance object, for both container/non-container nodes. RefPtr<SVGElementInstance> instance = SVGElementInstance::create(this, 0, element); SVGElementInstance* instancePtr = instance.get(); targetInstance->appendChild(instance.release()); // Enter recursion, appending new instance tree nodes to the "instance" object. buildInstanceTree(element, instancePtr, foundProblem); if (foundProblem) return; } if (!targetHasUseTag || !newTarget) return; RefPtr<SVGElementInstance> newInstance = SVGElementInstance::create(this, static_cast<SVGUseElement*>(target), newTarget); SVGElementInstance* newInstancePtr = newInstance.get(); targetInstance->appendChild(newInstance.release()); buildInstanceTree(newTarget, newInstancePtr, foundProblem); } bool SVGUseElement::hasCycleUseReferencing(SVGUseElement* use, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance, SVGElement*& newTarget) { String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(use->href()); Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id); newTarget = 0; if (targetElement && targetElement->isSVGElement()) newTarget = static_cast<SVGElement*>(targetElement); if (!newTarget) return false; // Shortcut for self-references if (newTarget == this) return true; SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->parentNode(); while (instance) { SVGElement* element = instance->correspondingElement(); // FIXME: This should probably be using getIdAttribute instead of idForStyleResolution. if (element->hasID() && element->idForStyleResolution() == id) return true; instance = instance->parentNode(); } return false; } void SVGUseElement::removeDisallowedElementsFromSubtree(Node* subtree) { ASSERT(!subtree->inDocument()); ExceptionCode ec; Node* node = subtree->firstChild(); while (node) { if (isDisallowedElement(node)) { Node* next = node->traverseNextSibling(subtree); // The subtree is not in document so this won't generate events that could mutate the tree. node->parentNode()->removeChild(node, ec); node = next; } else node = node->traverseNextNode(subtree); } } void SVGUseElement::buildShadowTree(SVGShadowTreeRootElement* shadowRoot, SVGElement* target, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance) { // For instance <use> on <foreignObject> (direct case). if (isDisallowedElement(target)) return; RefPtr<Element> newChild = targetInstance->correspondingElement()->cloneElementWithChildren(); // We don't walk the target tree element-by-element, and clone each element, // but instead use cloneElementWithChildren(). This is an optimization for the common // case where <use> doesn't contain disallowed elements (ie. <foreignObject>). // Though if there are disallowed elements in the subtree, we have to remove them. // For instance: <use> on <g> containing <foreignObject> (indirect case). if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(newChild.get())) removeDisallowedElementsFromSubtree(newChild.get()); SVGElement* newChildPtr = 0; if (newChild->isSVGElement()) newChildPtr = static_cast<SVGElement*>(newChild.get()); ASSERT(newChildPtr); ExceptionCode ec = 0; shadowRoot->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec); ASSERT(!ec); } #if ENABLE(SVG) && ENABLE(SVG_USE) void SVGUseElement::expandUseElementsInShadowTree(Node* element) { // Why expand the <use> elements in the shadow tree here, and not just // do this directly in buildShadowTree, if we encounter a <use> element? // // Short answer: Because we may miss to expand some elements. Ie. if a <symbol> // contains <use> tags, we'd miss them. So once we're done with settin' up the // actual shadow tree (after the special case modification for svg/symbol) we have // to walk it completely and expand all <use> elements. if (element->hasTagName(SVGNames::useTag)) { SVGUseElement* use = static_cast<SVGUseElement*>(element); String id = SVGURIReference::getTarget(use->href()); Element* targetElement = document()->getElementById(id); SVGElement* target = 0; if (targetElement && targetElement->isSVGElement()) target = static_cast<SVGElement*>(targetElement); // Don't ASSERT(target) here, it may be "pending", too. // Setup sub-shadow tree root node RefPtr<SVGShadowTreeContainerElement> cloneParent = SVGShadowTreeContainerElement::create(document()); use->cloneChildNodes(cloneParent.get()); // Spec: In the generated content, the 'use' will be replaced by 'g', where all attributes from the // 'use' element except for x, y, width, height and xlink:href are transferred to the generated 'g' element. transferUseAttributesToReplacedElement(use, cloneParent.get()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; if (target && !isDisallowedElement(target)) { RefPtr<Element> newChild = target->cloneElementWithChildren(); SVGElement* newChildPtr = 0; if (newChild->isSVGElement()) newChildPtr = static_cast<SVGElement*>(newChild.get()); ASSERT(newChildPtr); cloneParent->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec); ASSERT(!ec); } // We don't walk the target tree element-by-element, and clone each element, // but instead use cloneElementWithChildren(). This is an optimization for the common // case where <use> doesn't contain disallowed elements (ie. <foreignObject>). // Though if there are disallowed elements in the subtree, we have to remove them. // For instance: <use> on <g> containing <foreignObject> (indirect case). if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(cloneParent.get())) removeDisallowedElementsFromSubtree(cloneParent.get()); RefPtr<Node> replacingElement(cloneParent.get()); // Replace <use> with referenced content. ASSERT(use->parentNode()); use->parentNode()->replaceChild(cloneParent.release(), use, ec); ASSERT(!ec); // Expand the siblings because the *element* is replaced and we will // lose the sibling chain when we are back from recursion. element = replacingElement.get(); for (RefPtr<Node> sibling = element->nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) expandUseElementsInShadowTree(sibling.get()); } for (RefPtr<Node> child = element->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) expandUseElementsInShadowTree(child.get()); } void SVGUseElement::expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(Node* element) { if (element->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag)) { // Spec: The referenced 'symbol' and its contents are deep-cloned into the generated tree, // with the exception that the 'symbol' is replaced by an 'svg'. This generated 'svg' will // always have explicit values for attributes width and height. If attributes width and/or // height are provided on the 'use' element, then these attributes will be transferred to // the generated 'svg'. If attributes width and/or height are not specified, the generated // 'svg' element will use values of 100% for these attributes. RefPtr<SVGSVGElement> svgElement = SVGSVGElement::create(SVGNames::svgTag, document()); // Transfer all attributes from <symbol> to the new <svg> element svgElement->attributes()->setAttributes(*element->attributes()); // Only clone symbol children, and add them to the new <svg> element ExceptionCode ec = 0; for (Node* child = element->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { RefPtr<Node> newChild = child->cloneNode(true); svgElement->appendChild(newChild.release(), ec); ASSERT(!ec); } // We don't walk the target tree element-by-element, and clone each element, // but instead use cloneNode(deep=true). This is an optimization for the common // case where <use> doesn't contain disallowed elements (ie. <foreignObject>). // Though if there are disallowed elements in the subtree, we have to remove them. // For instance: <use> on <g> containing <foreignObject> (indirect case). if (subtreeContainsDisallowedElement(svgElement.get())) removeDisallowedElementsFromSubtree(svgElement.get()); RefPtr<Node> replacingElement(svgElement.get()); // Replace <symbol> with <svg>. ASSERT(element->parentNode()); element->parentNode()->replaceChild(svgElement.release(), element, ec); ASSERT(!ec); // Expand the siblings because the *element* is replaced and we will // lose the sibling chain when we are back from recursion. element = replacingElement.get(); for (RefPtr<Node> sibling = element->nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(sibling.get()); } for (RefPtr<Node> child = element->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) expandSymbolElementsInShadowTree(child.get()); } #endif void SVGUseElement::transferEventListenersToShadowTree(SVGElementInstance* target) { if (!target) return; SVGElement* originalElement = target->correspondingElement(); ASSERT(originalElement); if (SVGElement* shadowTreeElement = target->shadowTreeElement()) { if (EventTargetData* d = originalElement->eventTargetData()) { EventListenerMap& map = d->eventListenerMap; EventListenerMap::iterator end = map.end(); for (EventListenerMap::iterator it = map.begin(); it != end; ++it) { EventListenerVector& entry = *it->second; for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.size(); ++i) { // Event listeners created from markup have already been transfered to the shadow tree during cloning. if (entry[i].listener->wasCreatedFromMarkup()) continue; shadowTreeElement->addEventListener(it->first, entry[i].listener, entry[i].useCapture); } } } } for (SVGElementInstance* instance = target->firstChild(); instance; instance = instance->nextSibling()) transferEventListenersToShadowTree(instance); } void SVGUseElement::associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(Node* target, SVGElementInstance* targetInstance) { if (!target || !targetInstance) return; SVGElement* originalElement = targetInstance->correspondingElement(); if (originalElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::useTag)) { #if ENABLE(SVG) && ENABLE(SVG_USE) // <use> gets replaced by <g> ASSERT(target->nodeName() == SVGNames::gTag); #else ASSERT(target->nodeName() == SVGNames::gTag || target->nodeName() == SVGNames::useTag); #endif } else if (originalElement->hasTagName(SVGNames::symbolTag)) { // <symbol> gets replaced by <svg> #if ENABLE(SVG) && ENABLE(SVG_USE) && ENABLE(SVG_FOREIGN_OBJECT) ASSERT(target->nodeName() == SVGNames::svgTag); #endif } else ASSERT(target->nodeName() == originalElement->nodeName()); SVGElement* element = 0; if (target->isSVGElement()) element = static_cast<SVGElement*>(target); ASSERT(!targetInstance->shadowTreeElement()); targetInstance->setShadowTreeElement(element); Node* node = target->firstChild(); for (SVGElementInstance* instance = targetInstance->firstChild(); node && instance; instance = instance->nextSibling()) { // Skip any non-svg elements in shadow tree while (node && !node->isSVGElement()) node = node->nextSibling(); if (!node) break; associateInstancesWithShadowTreeElements(node, instance); node = node->nextSibling(); } } SVGElementInstance* SVGUseElement::instanceForShadowTreeElement(Node* element) const { if (!m_targetElementInstance) { ASSERT(!inDocument()); return 0; } return instanceForShadowTreeElement(element, m_targetElementInstance.get()); } SVGElementInstance* SVGUseElement::instanceForShadowTreeElement(Node* element, SVGElementInstance* instance) const { ASSERT(element); ASSERT(instance); // We're dispatching a mutation event during shadow tree construction // this instance hasn't yet been associated to a shadowTree element. if (!instance->shadowTreeElement()) return 0; if (element == instance->shadowTreeElement()) return instance; for (SVGElementInstance* current = instance->firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) { if (SVGElementInstance* search = instanceForShadowTreeElement(element, current)) return search; } return 0; } void SVGUseElement::invalidateShadowTree() { // Don't mutate the shadow tree while we're building it. if (m_updatesBlocked) return; m_needsShadowTreeRecreation = true; setNeedsStyleRecalc(); } void SVGUseElement::transferUseAttributesToReplacedElement(SVGElement* from, SVGElement* to) const { ASSERT(from); ASSERT(to); to->attributes()->setAttributes(*from->attributes()); ExceptionCode ec = 0; to->removeAttribute(SVGNames::xAttr, ec); ASSERT(!ec); to->removeAttribute(SVGNames::yAttr, ec); ASSERT(!ec); to->removeAttribute(SVGNames::widthAttr, ec); ASSERT(!ec); to->removeAttribute(SVGNames::heightAttr, ec); ASSERT(!ec); to->removeAttribute(XLinkNames::hrefAttr, ec); ASSERT(!ec); } bool SVGUseElement::selfHasRelativeLengths() const { if (x().isRelative() || y().isRelative() || width().isRelative() || height().isRelative()) return true; if (!m_targetElementInstance) return false; SVGElement* element = m_targetElementInstance->correspondingElement(); if (!element || !element->isStyled()) return false; return static_cast<SVGStyledElement*>(element)->hasRelativeLengths(); } } #endif // ENABLE(SVG)