/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "AbstractDatabase.h" #if ENABLE(DATABASE) #include "DatabaseAuthorizer.h" #include "DatabaseTracker.h" #include "Logging.h" #include "SQLiteStatement.h" #include "ScriptExecutionContext.h" #include "SecurityOrigin.h" #include <wtf/HashMap.h> #include <wtf/HashSet.h> #include <wtf/PassRefPtr.h> #include <wtf/RefPtr.h> #include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h> #include <wtf/text/CString.h> #include <wtf/text/StringHash.h> namespace WebCore { static bool retrieveTextResultFromDatabase(SQLiteDatabase& db, const String& query, String& resultString) { SQLiteStatement statement(db, query); int result = statement.prepare(); if (result != SQLResultOk) { LOG_ERROR("Error (%i) preparing statement to read text result from database (%s)", result, query.ascii().data()); return false; } result = statement.step(); if (result == SQLResultRow) { resultString = statement.getColumnText(0); return true; } if (result == SQLResultDone) { resultString = String(); return true; } LOG_ERROR("Error (%i) reading text result from database (%s)", result, query.ascii().data()); return false; } static bool setTextValueInDatabase(SQLiteDatabase& db, const String& query, const String& value) { SQLiteStatement statement(db, query); int result = statement.prepare(); if (result != SQLResultOk) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to prepare statement to set value in database (%s)", query.ascii().data()); return false; } statement.bindText(1, value); result = statement.step(); if (result != SQLResultDone) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to step statement to set value in database (%s)", query.ascii().data()); return false; } return true; } // FIXME: move all guid-related functions to a DatabaseVersionTracker class. static Mutex& guidMutex() { // Note: We don't have to use AtomicallyInitializedStatic here because // this function is called once in the constructor on the main thread // before any other threads that call this function are used. DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Mutex, mutex, ()); return mutex; } typedef HashMap<int, String> GuidVersionMap; static GuidVersionMap& guidToVersionMap() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(GuidVersionMap, map, ()); return map; } // NOTE: Caller must lock guidMutex(). static inline void updateGuidVersionMap(int guid, String newVersion) { // Ensure the the mutex is locked. ASSERT(!guidMutex().tryLock()); // Note: It is not safe to put an empty string into the guidToVersionMap() map. // That's because the map is cross-thread, but empty strings are per-thread. // The copy() function makes a version of the string you can use on the current // thread, but we need a string we can keep in a cross-thread data structure. // FIXME: This is a quite-awkward restriction to have to program with. // Map null string to empty string (see comment above). guidToVersionMap().set(guid, newVersion.isEmpty() ? String() : newVersion.threadsafeCopy()); } typedef HashMap<int, HashSet<AbstractDatabase*>*> GuidDatabaseMap; static GuidDatabaseMap& guidToDatabaseMap() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(GuidDatabaseMap, map, ()); return map; } static int guidForOriginAndName(const String& origin, const String& name) { String stringID = origin + "/" + name; // Note: We don't have to use AtomicallyInitializedStatic here because // this function is called once in the constructor on the main thread // before any other threads that call this function are used. DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Mutex, stringIdentifierMutex, ()); MutexLocker locker(stringIdentifierMutex); typedef HashMap<String, int> IDGuidMap; DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(IDGuidMap, stringIdentifierToGUIDMap, ()); int guid = stringIdentifierToGUIDMap.get(stringID); if (!guid) { static int currentNewGUID = 1; guid = currentNewGUID++; stringIdentifierToGUIDMap.set(stringID, guid); } return guid; } static bool isDatabaseAvailable = true; bool AbstractDatabase::isAvailable() { return isDatabaseAvailable; } void AbstractDatabase::setIsAvailable(bool available) { isDatabaseAvailable = available; } // static const String& AbstractDatabase::databaseInfoTableName() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, name, ("__WebKitDatabaseInfoTable__")); return name; } AbstractDatabase::AbstractDatabase(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& name, const String& expectedVersion, const String& displayName, unsigned long estimatedSize) : m_scriptExecutionContext(context) , m_name(name.crossThreadString()) , m_expectedVersion(expectedVersion.crossThreadString()) , m_displayName(displayName.crossThreadString()) , m_estimatedSize(estimatedSize) , m_guid(0) , m_opened(false) , m_new(false) { ASSERT(context->isContextThread()); m_contextThreadSecurityOrigin = m_scriptExecutionContext->securityOrigin(); m_databaseAuthorizer = DatabaseAuthorizer::create(databaseInfoTableName()); if (m_name.isNull()) m_name = ""; m_guid = guidForOriginAndName(securityOrigin()->toString(), name); { MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); HashSet<AbstractDatabase*>* hashSet = guidToDatabaseMap().get(m_guid); if (!hashSet) { hashSet = new HashSet<AbstractDatabase*>; guidToDatabaseMap().set(m_guid, hashSet); } hashSet->add(this); } m_filename = DatabaseTracker::tracker().fullPathForDatabase(securityOrigin(), m_name); DatabaseTracker::tracker().addOpenDatabase(this); } AbstractDatabase::~AbstractDatabase() { } void AbstractDatabase::closeDatabase() { if (!m_opened) return; m_sqliteDatabase.close(); m_opened = false; { MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); HashSet<AbstractDatabase*>* hashSet = guidToDatabaseMap().get(m_guid); ASSERT(hashSet); ASSERT(hashSet->contains(this)); hashSet->remove(this); if (hashSet->isEmpty()) { guidToDatabaseMap().remove(m_guid); delete hashSet; guidToVersionMap().remove(m_guid); } } } String AbstractDatabase::version() const { MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); return guidToVersionMap().get(m_guid).threadsafeCopy(); } static const int maxSqliteBusyWaitTime = 30000; bool AbstractDatabase::performOpenAndVerify(bool shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!m_sqliteDatabase.open(m_filename, true)) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to open database at path %s", m_filename.ascii().data()); ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; return false; } if (!m_sqliteDatabase.turnOnIncrementalAutoVacuum()) LOG_ERROR("Unable to turn on incremental auto-vacuum for database %s", m_filename.ascii().data()); ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_sqliteDatabase.setAuthorizer(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_sqliteDatabase.setBusyTimeout(maxSqliteBusyWaitTime); String currentVersion; { MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); GuidVersionMap::iterator entry = guidToVersionMap().find(m_guid); if (entry != guidToVersionMap().end()) { // Map null string to empty string (see updateGuidVersionMap()). currentVersion = entry->second.isNull() ? String("") : entry->second; LOG(StorageAPI, "Current cached version for guid %i is %s", m_guid, currentVersion.ascii().data()); } else { LOG(StorageAPI, "No cached version for guid %i", m_guid); if (!m_sqliteDatabase.tableExists(databaseInfoTableName())) { m_new = true; if (!m_sqliteDatabase.executeCommand("CREATE TABLE " + databaseInfoTableName() + " (key TEXT NOT NULL ON CONFLICT FAIL UNIQUE ON CONFLICT REPLACE,value TEXT NOT NULL ON CONFLICT FAIL);")) { LOG_ERROR("Unable to create table %s in database %s", databaseInfoTableName().ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; // Close the handle to the database file. m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } } if (!getVersionFromDatabase(currentVersion)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to get current version from database %s", databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; // Close the handle to the database file. m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } if (currentVersion.length()) { LOG(StorageAPI, "Retrieved current version %s from database %s", currentVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); } else if (!m_new || shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase) { LOG(StorageAPI, "Setting version %s in database %s that was just created", m_expectedVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); if (!setVersionInDatabase(m_expectedVersion)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to set version %s in database %s", m_expectedVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; // Close the handle to the database file. m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } currentVersion = m_expectedVersion; } updateGuidVersionMap(m_guid, currentVersion); } } if (currentVersion.isNull()) { LOG(StorageAPI, "Database %s does not have its version set", databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); currentVersion = ""; } // If the expected version isn't the empty string, ensure that the current database version we have matches that version. Otherwise, set an exception. // If the expected version is the empty string, then we always return with whatever version of the database we have. if ((!m_new || shouldSetVersionInNewDatabase) && m_expectedVersion.length() && m_expectedVersion != currentVersion) { LOG(StorageAPI, "page expects version %s from database %s, which actually has version name %s - openDatabase() call will fail", m_expectedVersion.ascii().data(), databaseDebugName().ascii().data(), currentVersion.ascii().data()); ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR; // Close the handle to the database file. m_sqliteDatabase.close(); return false; } m_opened = true; return true; } ScriptExecutionContext* AbstractDatabase::scriptExecutionContext() const { return m_scriptExecutionContext.get(); } SecurityOrigin* AbstractDatabase::securityOrigin() const { return m_contextThreadSecurityOrigin.get(); } String AbstractDatabase::stringIdentifier() const { // Return a deep copy for ref counting thread safety return m_name.threadsafeCopy(); } String AbstractDatabase::displayName() const { // Return a deep copy for ref counting thread safety return m_displayName.threadsafeCopy(); } unsigned long AbstractDatabase::estimatedSize() const { return m_estimatedSize; } String AbstractDatabase::fileName() const { // Return a deep copy for ref counting thread safety return m_filename.threadsafeCopy(); } // static const String& AbstractDatabase::databaseVersionKey() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, key, ("WebKitDatabaseVersionKey")); return key; } bool AbstractDatabase::getVersionFromDatabase(String& version) { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, getVersionQuery, ("SELECT value FROM " + databaseInfoTableName() + " WHERE key = '" + databaseVersionKey() + "';")); m_databaseAuthorizer->disable(); bool result = retrieveTextResultFromDatabase(m_sqliteDatabase, getVersionQuery.threadsafeCopy(), version); if (!result) LOG_ERROR("Failed to retrieve version from database %s", databaseDebugName().ascii().data()); m_databaseAuthorizer->enable(); return result; } bool AbstractDatabase::setVersionInDatabase(const String& version) { // The INSERT will replace an existing entry for the database with the new version number, due to the UNIQUE ON CONFLICT REPLACE // clause in the CREATE statement (see Database::performOpenAndVerify()). DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, setVersionQuery, ("INSERT INTO " + databaseInfoTableName() + " (key, value) VALUES ('" + databaseVersionKey() + "', ?);")); m_databaseAuthorizer->disable(); bool result = setTextValueInDatabase(m_sqliteDatabase, setVersionQuery.threadsafeCopy(), version); if (!result) LOG_ERROR("Failed to set version %s in database (%s)", version.ascii().data(), setVersionQuery.ascii().data()); m_databaseAuthorizer->enable(); return result; } bool AbstractDatabase::versionMatchesExpected() const { if (!m_expectedVersion.isEmpty()) { MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); return m_expectedVersion == guidToVersionMap().get(m_guid); } return true; } void AbstractDatabase::setExpectedVersion(const String& version) { m_expectedVersion = version.threadsafeCopy(); // Update the in memory database version map. MutexLocker locker(guidMutex()); updateGuidVersionMap(m_guid, version); } void AbstractDatabase::disableAuthorizer() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_databaseAuthorizer->disable(); } void AbstractDatabase::enableAuthorizer() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_databaseAuthorizer->enable(); } void AbstractDatabase::setAuthorizerReadOnly() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_databaseAuthorizer->setReadOnly(); } void AbstractDatabase::setAuthorizerPermissions(int permissions) { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_databaseAuthorizer->setPermissions(permissions); } bool AbstractDatabase::lastActionChangedDatabase() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); return m_databaseAuthorizer->lastActionChangedDatabase(); } bool AbstractDatabase::lastActionWasInsert() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); return m_databaseAuthorizer->lastActionWasInsert(); } void AbstractDatabase::resetDeletes() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); m_databaseAuthorizer->resetDeletes(); } bool AbstractDatabase::hadDeletes() { ASSERT(m_databaseAuthorizer); return m_databaseAuthorizer->hadDeletes(); } void AbstractDatabase::resetAuthorizer() { if (m_databaseAuthorizer) m_databaseAuthorizer->reset(); } unsigned long long AbstractDatabase::maximumSize() const { return DatabaseTracker::tracker().getMaxSizeForDatabase(this); } void AbstractDatabase::incrementalVacuumIfNeeded() { int64_t freeSpaceSize = m_sqliteDatabase.freeSpaceSize(); int64_t totalSize = m_sqliteDatabase.totalSize(); if (totalSize <= 10 * freeSpaceSize) m_sqliteDatabase.runIncrementalVacuumCommand(); } void AbstractDatabase::interrupt() { m_sqliteDatabase.interrupt(); } bool AbstractDatabase::isInterrupted() { MutexLocker locker(m_sqliteDatabase.databaseMutex()); return m_sqliteDatabase.isInterrupted(); } } // namespace WebCore #endif // ENABLE(DATABASE)