/* * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) * (C) 1997 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org) * (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderTableCell.h" #include "CollapsedBorderValue.h" #include "FloatQuad.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "HTMLTableCellElement.h" #include "PaintInfo.h" #include "RenderTableCol.h" #include "RenderView.h" #include "TransformState.h" #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT #include "Document.h" #include "Settings.h" #endif using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; RenderTableCell::RenderTableCell(Node* node) : RenderBlock(node) , m_row(-1) , m_column(-1) , m_rowSpan(1) , m_columnSpan(1) , m_cellWidthChanged(false) , m_intrinsicPaddingBefore(0) , m_intrinsicPaddingAfter(0) { updateFromElement(); } void RenderTableCell::destroy() { RenderTableSection* recalcSection = parent() ? section() : 0; RenderBlock::destroy(); if (recalcSection) recalcSection->setNeedsCellRecalc(); } void RenderTableCell::updateFromElement() { Node* n = node(); if (n && (n->hasTagName(tdTag) || n->hasTagName(thTag))) { HTMLTableCellElement* tc = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(n); int oldRSpan = m_rowSpan; int oldCSpan = m_columnSpan; m_columnSpan = tc->colSpan(); m_rowSpan = tc->rowSpan(); if ((oldRSpan != m_rowSpan || oldCSpan != m_columnSpan) && style() && parent()) { setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); if (section()) section()->setNeedsCellRecalc(); } } } Length RenderTableCell::styleOrColLogicalWidth() const { Length w = style()->logicalWidth(); if (!w.isAuto()) return w; if (RenderTableCol* tableCol = table()->colElement(col())) { int colSpanCount = colSpan(); Length colWidthSum = Length(0, Fixed); for (int i = 1; i <= colSpanCount; i++) { Length colWidth = tableCol->style()->logicalWidth(); // Percentage value should be returned only for colSpan == 1. // Otherwise we return original width for the cell. if (!colWidth.isFixed()) { if (colSpanCount > 1) return w; return colWidth; } colWidthSum = Length(colWidthSum.value() + colWidth.value(), Fixed); tableCol = table()->nextColElement(tableCol); // If no next <col> tag found for the span we just return what we have for now. if (!tableCol) break; } // Column widths specified on <col> apply to the border box of the cell. // Percentages don't need to be handled since they're always treated this way (even when specified on the cells). // See Bugzilla bug 8126 for details. if (colWidthSum.isFixed() && colWidthSum.value() > 0) colWidthSum = Length(max(0, colWidthSum.value() - borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth()), Fixed); return colWidthSum; } return w; } void RenderTableCell::computePreferredLogicalWidths() { // The child cells rely on the grids up in the sections to do their computePreferredLogicalWidths work. Normally the sections are set up early, as table // cells are added, but relayout can cause the cells to be freed, leaving stale pointers in the sections' // grids. We must refresh those grids before the child cells try to use them. table()->recalcSectionsIfNeeded(); RenderBlock::computePreferredLogicalWidths(); if (node() && style()->autoWrap()) { // See if nowrap was set. Length w = styleOrColLogicalWidth(); String nowrap = static_cast<Element*>(node())->getAttribute(nowrapAttr); if (!nowrap.isNull() && w.isFixed()) // Nowrap is set, but we didn't actually use it because of the // fixed width set on the cell. Even so, it is a WinIE/Moz trait // to make the minwidth of the cell into the fixed width. They do this // even in strict mode, so do not make this a quirk. Affected the top // of hiptop.com. m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = max(w.value(), m_minPreferredLogicalWidth); } } void RenderTableCell::computeLogicalWidth() { #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT if (view()->frameView()) setVisibleWidth(view()->frameView()->textWrapWidth()); #endif } void RenderTableCell::updateLogicalWidth(int w) { if (w == logicalWidth()) return; setLogicalWidth(w); setCellWidthChanged(true); } void RenderTableCell::layout() { layoutBlock(cellWidthChanged()); setCellWidthChanged(false); } int RenderTableCell::paddingTop(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingTop(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding || !isHorizontalWritingMode()) return result; return result + (style()->writingMode() == TopToBottomWritingMode ? intrinsicPaddingBefore() : intrinsicPaddingAfter()); } int RenderTableCell::paddingBottom(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingBottom(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding || !isHorizontalWritingMode()) return result; return result + (style()->writingMode() == TopToBottomWritingMode ? intrinsicPaddingAfter() : intrinsicPaddingBefore()); } int RenderTableCell::paddingLeft(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingLeft(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding || isHorizontalWritingMode()) return result; return result + (style()->writingMode() == LeftToRightWritingMode ? intrinsicPaddingBefore() : intrinsicPaddingAfter()); } int RenderTableCell::paddingRight(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingRight(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding || isHorizontalWritingMode()) return result; return result + (style()->writingMode() == LeftToRightWritingMode ? intrinsicPaddingAfter() : intrinsicPaddingBefore()); } int RenderTableCell::paddingBefore(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingBefore(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding) return result; return result + intrinsicPaddingBefore(); } int RenderTableCell::paddingAfter(bool includeIntrinsicPadding) const { int result = RenderBlock::paddingAfter(); if (!includeIntrinsicPadding) return result; return result + intrinsicPaddingAfter(); } void RenderTableCell::setOverrideSize(int size) { clearIntrinsicPadding(); RenderBlock::setOverrideSize(size); } void RenderTableCell::setOverrideSizeFromRowHeight(int rowHeight) { clearIntrinsicPadding(); RenderBlock::setOverrideSize(max(0, rowHeight - borderBefore() - paddingBefore() - borderAfter() - paddingAfter())); } IntSize RenderTableCell::offsetFromContainer(RenderObject* o, const IntPoint& point) const { ASSERT(o == container()); IntSize offset = RenderBlock::offsetFromContainer(o, point); if (parent()) offset.expand(-parentBox()->x(), -parentBox()->y()); return offset; } IntRect RenderTableCell::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer) { // If the table grid is dirty, we cannot get reliable information about adjoining cells, // so we ignore outside borders. This should not be a problem because it means that // the table is going to recalculate the grid, relayout and repaint its current rect, which // includes any outside borders of this cell. if (!table()->collapseBorders() || table()->needsSectionRecalc()) return RenderBlock::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(repaintContainer); bool rtl = !table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection(); int outlineSize = style()->outlineSize(); int left = max(borderHalfLeft(true), outlineSize); int right = max(borderHalfRight(true), outlineSize); int top = max(borderHalfTop(true), outlineSize); int bottom = max(borderHalfBottom(true), outlineSize); if ((left && !rtl) || (right && rtl)) { if (RenderTableCell* before = table()->cellBefore(this)) { top = max(top, before->borderHalfTop(true)); bottom = max(bottom, before->borderHalfBottom(true)); } } if ((left && rtl) || (right && !rtl)) { if (RenderTableCell* after = table()->cellAfter(this)) { top = max(top, after->borderHalfTop(true)); bottom = max(bottom, after->borderHalfBottom(true)); } } if (top) { if (RenderTableCell* above = table()->cellAbove(this)) { left = max(left, above->borderHalfLeft(true)); right = max(right, above->borderHalfRight(true)); } } if (bottom) { if (RenderTableCell* below = table()->cellBelow(this)) { left = max(left, below->borderHalfLeft(true)); right = max(right, below->borderHalfRight(true)); } } left = max(left, -minXVisualOverflow()); top = max(top, -minYVisualOverflow()); IntRect r(-left, - top, left + max(width() + right, maxXVisualOverflow()), top + max(height() + bottom, maxYVisualOverflow())); if (RenderView* v = view()) { // FIXME: layoutDelta needs to be applied in parts before/after transforms and // repaint containers. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23308 r.move(v->layoutDelta()); } computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, r); return r; } void RenderTableCell::computeRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, IntRect& r, bool fixed) { if (repaintContainer == this) return; r.setY(r.y()); RenderView* v = view(); if ((!v || !v->layoutStateEnabled() || repaintContainer) && parent()) r.move(-parentBox()->x(), -parentBox()->y()); // Rows are in the same coordinate space, so don't add their offset in. RenderBlock::computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, r, fixed); } int RenderTableCell::cellBaselinePosition() const { // <http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-CSS21-20070719/tables.html#height-layout>: The baseline of a cell is the baseline of // the first in-flow line box in the cell, or the first in-flow table-row in the cell, whichever comes first. If there // is no such line box or table-row, the baseline is the bottom of content edge of the cell box. int firstLineBaseline = firstLineBoxBaseline(); if (firstLineBaseline != -1) return firstLineBaseline; return paddingBefore() + borderBefore() + contentLogicalHeight(); } void RenderTableCell::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* newStyle) { if (parent() && section() && style() && style()->height() != newStyle->height()) section()->setNeedsCellRecalc(); ASSERT(newStyle->display() == TABLE_CELL); RenderBlock::styleWillChange(diff, newStyle); } void RenderTableCell::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) { RenderBlock::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); setHasBoxDecorations(true); } // The following rules apply for resolving conflicts and figuring out which border // to use. // (1) Borders with the 'border-style' of 'hidden' take precedence over all other conflicting // borders. Any border with this value suppresses all borders at this location. // (2) Borders with a style of 'none' have the lowest priority. Only if the border properties of all // the elements meeting at this edge are 'none' will the border be omitted (but note that 'none' is // the default value for the border style.) // (3) If none of the styles are 'hidden' and at least one of them is not 'none', then narrow borders // are discarded in favor of wider ones. If several have the same 'border-width' then styles are preferred // in this order: 'double', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'ridge', 'outset', 'groove', and the lowest: 'inset'. // (4) If border styles differ only in color, then a style set on a cell wins over one on a row, // which wins over a row group, column, column group and, lastly, table. It is undefined which color // is used when two elements of the same type disagree. static int compareBorders(const CollapsedBorderValue& border1, const CollapsedBorderValue& border2) { // Sanity check the values passed in. The null border have lowest priority. if (!border2.exists()) { if (!border1.exists()) return 0; return 1; } if (!border1.exists()) return -1; // Rule #1 above. if (border2.style() == BHIDDEN) { if (border1.style() == BHIDDEN) return 0; return -1; } if (border1.style() == BHIDDEN) return 1; // Rule #2 above. A style of 'none' has lowest priority and always loses to any other border. if (border2.style() == BNONE) { if (border1.style() == BNONE) return 0; return 1; } if (border1.style() == BNONE) return -1; // The first part of rule #3 above. Wider borders win. if (border1.width() != border2.width()) return border1.width() < border2.width() ? -1 : 1; // The borders have equal width. Sort by border style. if (border1.style() != border2.style()) return border1.style() < border2.style() ? -1 : 1; // The border have the same width and style. Rely on precedence (cell over row over row group, etc.) if (border1.precedence() == border2.precedence()) return 0; return border1.precedence() < border2.precedence() ? -1 : 1; } static CollapsedBorderValue chooseBorder(const CollapsedBorderValue& border1, const CollapsedBorderValue& border2) { const CollapsedBorderValue& border = compareBorders(border1, border2) < 0 ? border2 : border1; return border.style() == BHIDDEN ? CollapsedBorderValue() : border; } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedStartBorder() const { RenderTable* table = this->table(); bool isStartColumn = col() == 0; // For the start border, we need to check, in order of precedence: // (1) Our start border. int start = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); int end = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); CollapsedBorderValue result(&style()->borderStart(), style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCELL); // (2) The end border of the preceding cell. if (RenderTableCell* prevCell = table->cellBefore(this)) { CollapsedBorderValue prevCellBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&prevCell->style()->borderEnd(), prevCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCELL); result = chooseBorder(prevCellBorder, result); if (!result.exists()) return result; } else if (isStartColumn) { // (3) Our row's start border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderStart(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BROW)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (4) Our row group's start border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(§ion()->style()->borderStart(), section()->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BROWGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } // (5) Our column and column group's start borders. bool startColEdge; bool endColEdge; RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col(), &startColEdge, &endColEdge); if (colElt && startColEdge) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderStart(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCOL)); if (!result.exists()) return result; if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol() && !colElt->previousSibling()) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderStart(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCOLGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } // (6) The end border of the preceding column. if (!isStartColumn) { colElt = table->colElement(col() -1, &startColEdge, &endColEdge); if (colElt && endColEdge) { CollapsedBorderValue endBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderEnd(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCOL); result = chooseBorder(endBorder, result); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } else { // (7) The table's start border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderStart(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BTABLE)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } return result; } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedEndBorder() const { RenderTable* table = this->table(); bool isEndColumn = table->colToEffCol(col() + colSpan() - 1) == table->numEffCols() - 1; // For end border, we need to check, in order of precedence: // (1) Our end border. int start = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderStartColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); int end = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderEndColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderEnd(), style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCELL); // (2) The start border of the following cell. if (!isEndColumn) { RenderTableCell* nextCell = table->cellAfter(this); if (nextCell && nextCell->style()) { CollapsedBorderValue startBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderStart(), nextCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCELL); result = chooseBorder(result, startBorder); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } else { // (3) Our row's end border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderEnd(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BROW)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (4) Our row group's end border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(§ion()->style()->borderEnd(), section()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BROWGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } // (5) Our column and column group's end borders. bool startColEdge; bool endColEdge; RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col() + colSpan() - 1, &startColEdge, &endColEdge); if (colElt && endColEdge) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderEnd(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCOL)); if (!result.exists()) return result; if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol() && !colElt->nextSibling()) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderEnd(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BCOLGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } // (6) The start border of the next column. if (!isEndColumn) { colElt = table->colElement(col() + colSpan(), &startColEdge, &endColEdge); if (colElt && startColEdge) { CollapsedBorderValue startBorder = CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderStart(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(start), BCOL); result = chooseBorder(result, startBorder); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } else { // (7) The table's end border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderEnd(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(end), BTABLE)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } return result; } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedBeforeBorder() const { RenderTable* table = this->table(); // For before border, we need to check, in order of precedence: // (1) Our before border. int before = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); int after = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderBefore(), style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCELL); RenderTableCell* prevCell = table->cellAbove(this); if (prevCell) { // (2) A before cell's after border. result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevCell->style()->borderAfter(), prevCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCELL), result); if (!result.exists()) return result; } // (3) Our row's before border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderBefore(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROW)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (4) The previous row's after border. if (prevCell) { RenderObject* prevRow = 0; if (prevCell->section() == section()) prevRow = parent()->previousSibling(); else prevRow = prevCell->section()->lastChild(); if (prevRow) { result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&prevRow->style()->borderAfter(), prevRow->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROW), result); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } // Now check row groups. RenderTableSection* currSection = section(); if (!row()) { // (5) Our row group's before border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBefore(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROWGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (6) Previous row group's after border. currSection = table->sectionAbove(currSection); if (currSection) { result = chooseBorder(CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderAfter(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROWGROUP), result); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } if (!currSection) { // (8) Our column and column group's before borders. RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col()); if (colElt) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderBefore(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCOL)); if (!result.exists()) return result; if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderBefore(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCOLGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } // (9) The table's before border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderBefore(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BTABLE)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } return result; } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedAfterBorder() const { RenderTable* table = this->table(); // For after border, we need to check, in order of precedence: // (1) Our after border. int before = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderBeforeColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); int after = CSSProperty::resolveDirectionAwareProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitBorderAfterColor, table->style()->direction(), table->style()->writingMode()); CollapsedBorderValue result = CollapsedBorderValue(&style()->borderAfter(), style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCELL); RenderTableCell* nextCell = table->cellBelow(this); if (nextCell) { // (2) An after cell's before border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->style()->borderBefore(), nextCell->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BCELL)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } // (3) Our row's after border. (FIXME: Deal with rowspan!) result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&parent()->style()->borderAfter(), parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROW)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (4) The next row's before border. if (nextCell) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&nextCell->parent()->style()->borderBefore(), nextCell->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROW)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } // Now check row groups. RenderTableSection* currSection = section(); if (row() + rowSpan() >= currSection->numRows()) { // (5) Our row group's after border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderAfter(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BROWGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; // (6) Following row group's before border. currSection = table->sectionBelow(currSection); if (currSection) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&currSection->style()->borderBefore(), currSection->style()->visitedDependentColor(before), BROWGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } if (!currSection) { // (8) Our column and column group's after borders. RenderTableCol* colElt = table->colElement(col()); if (colElt) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->style()->borderAfter(), colElt->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCOL)); if (!result.exists()) return result; if (colElt->parent()->isTableCol()) { result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&colElt->parent()->style()->borderAfter(), colElt->parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BCOLGROUP)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } } // (9) The table's after border. result = chooseBorder(result, CollapsedBorderValue(&table->style()->borderAfter(), table->style()->visitedDependentColor(after), BTABLE)); if (!result.exists()) return result; } return result; } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedLeftBorder() const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? collapsedStartBorder() : collapsedEndBorder(); return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? collapsedAfterBorder() : collapsedBeforeBorder(); } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedRightBorder() const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? collapsedEndBorder() : collapsedStartBorder(); return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? collapsedBeforeBorder() : collapsedAfterBorder(); } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedTopBorder() const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? collapsedAfterBorder() : collapsedBeforeBorder(); return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? collapsedStartBorder() : collapsedEndBorder(); } CollapsedBorderValue RenderTableCell::collapsedBottomBorder() const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? collapsedBeforeBorder() : collapsedAfterBorder(); return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? collapsedEndBorder() : collapsedStartBorder(); } int RenderTableCell::borderLeft() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfLeft(false) : RenderBlock::borderLeft(); } int RenderTableCell::borderRight() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfRight(false) : RenderBlock::borderRight(); } int RenderTableCell::borderTop() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfTop(false) : RenderBlock::borderTop(); } int RenderTableCell::borderBottom() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfBottom(false) : RenderBlock::borderBottom(); } // FIXME: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46191, make the collapsed border drawing // work with different block flow values instead of being hard-coded to top-to-bottom. int RenderTableCell::borderStart() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfStart(false) : RenderBlock::borderStart(); } int RenderTableCell::borderEnd() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfEnd(false) : RenderBlock::borderEnd(); } int RenderTableCell::borderBefore() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfBefore(false) : RenderBlock::borderBefore(); } int RenderTableCell::borderAfter() const { return table()->collapseBorders() ? borderHalfAfter(false) : RenderBlock::borderAfter(); } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfLeft(bool outer) const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderHalfStart(outer) : borderHalfEnd(outer); return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? borderHalfAfter(outer) : borderHalfBefore(outer); } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfRight(bool outer) const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderHalfEnd(outer) : borderHalfStart(outer); return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? borderHalfBefore(outer) : borderHalfAfter(outer); } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfTop(bool outer) const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? borderHalfAfter(outer) : borderHalfBefore(outer); return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderHalfStart(outer) : borderHalfEnd(outer); } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfBottom(bool outer) const { RenderStyle* tableStyle = table()->style(); if (tableStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return tableStyle->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? borderHalfBefore(outer) : borderHalfAfter(outer); return tableStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() ? borderHalfEnd(outer) : borderHalfStart(outer); } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfStart(bool outer) const { CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedStartBorder(); if (border.exists()) return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ^ outer) ? 1 : 0)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left. return 0; } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfEnd(bool outer) const { CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedEndBorder(); if (border.exists()) return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ^ outer) ? 0 : 1)) / 2; return 0; } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfBefore(bool outer) const { CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedBeforeBorder(); if (border.exists()) return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ^ outer) ? 0 : 1)) / 2; // Give the extra pixel to top and left. return 0; } int RenderTableCell::borderHalfAfter(bool outer) const { CollapsedBorderValue border = collapsedAfterBorder(); if (border.exists()) return (border.width() + ((table()->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ^ outer) ? 1 : 0)) / 2; return 0; } void RenderTableCell::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseCollapsedTableBorders && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this)) return; tx += x(); ty += y(); int os = 2 * maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase); if (ty - table()->outerBorderTop() < paintInfo.rect.maxY() + os && ty + height() + table()->outerBorderBottom() > paintInfo.rect.y() - os) paintCollapsedBorder(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, width(), height()); return; } RenderBlock::paint(paintInfo, tx, ty); } static EBorderStyle collapsedBorderStyle(EBorderStyle style) { if (style == OUTSET) return GROOVE; if (style == INSET) return RIDGE; return style; } struct CollapsedBorder { CollapsedBorderValue borderValue; BoxSide side; bool shouldPaint; int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; EBorderStyle style; }; class CollapsedBorders { public: CollapsedBorders() : m_count(0) { } void addBorder(const CollapsedBorderValue& borderValue, BoxSide borderSide, bool shouldPaint, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, EBorderStyle borderStyle) { if (borderValue.exists() && shouldPaint) { m_borders[m_count].borderValue = borderValue; m_borders[m_count].side = borderSide; m_borders[m_count].shouldPaint = shouldPaint; m_borders[m_count].x1 = x1; m_borders[m_count].x2 = x2; m_borders[m_count].y1 = y1; m_borders[m_count].y2 = y2; m_borders[m_count].style = borderStyle; m_count++; } } CollapsedBorder* nextBorder() { for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++) { if (m_borders[i].borderValue.exists() && m_borders[i].shouldPaint) { m_borders[i].shouldPaint = false; return &m_borders[i]; } } return 0; } CollapsedBorder m_borders[4]; int m_count; }; static void addBorderStyle(RenderTableCell::CollapsedBorderStyles& borderStyles, CollapsedBorderValue borderValue) { if (!borderValue.exists()) return; size_t count = borderStyles.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (borderStyles[i] == borderValue) return; borderStyles.append(borderValue); } void RenderTableCell::collectBorderStyles(CollapsedBorderStyles& borderStyles) const { addBorderStyle(borderStyles, collapsedStartBorder()); addBorderStyle(borderStyles, collapsedEndBorder()); addBorderStyle(borderStyles, collapsedBeforeBorder()); addBorderStyle(borderStyles, collapsedAfterBorder()); } static int compareBorderStylesForQSort(const void* pa, const void* pb) { const CollapsedBorderValue* a = static_cast<const CollapsedBorderValue*>(pa); const CollapsedBorderValue* b = static_cast<const CollapsedBorderValue*>(pb); if (*a == *b) return 0; return compareBorders(*a, *b); } void RenderTableCell::sortBorderStyles(CollapsedBorderStyles& borderStyles) { qsort(borderStyles.data(), borderStyles.size(), sizeof(CollapsedBorderValue), compareBorderStylesForQSort); } void RenderTableCell::paintCollapsedBorder(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int tx, int ty, int w, int h) { if (!table()->currentBorderStyle()) return; CollapsedBorderValue leftVal = collapsedLeftBorder(); CollapsedBorderValue rightVal = collapsedRightBorder(); CollapsedBorderValue topVal = collapsedTopBorder(); CollapsedBorderValue bottomVal = collapsedBottomBorder(); // Adjust our x/y/width/height so that we paint the collapsed borders at the correct location. int topWidth = topVal.width(); int bottomWidth = bottomVal.width(); int leftWidth = leftVal.width(); int rightWidth = rightVal.width(); tx -= leftWidth / 2; ty -= topWidth / 2; w += leftWidth / 2 + (rightWidth + 1) / 2; h += topWidth / 2 + (bottomWidth + 1) / 2; EBorderStyle topStyle = collapsedBorderStyle(topVal.style()); EBorderStyle bottomStyle = collapsedBorderStyle(bottomVal.style()); EBorderStyle leftStyle = collapsedBorderStyle(leftVal.style()); EBorderStyle rightStyle = collapsedBorderStyle(rightVal.style()); bool renderTop = topStyle > BHIDDEN && !topVal.isTransparent(); bool renderBottom = bottomStyle > BHIDDEN && !bottomVal.isTransparent(); bool renderLeft = leftStyle > BHIDDEN && !leftVal.isTransparent(); bool renderRight = rightStyle > BHIDDEN && !rightVal.isTransparent(); // We never paint diagonals at the joins. We simply let the border with the highest // precedence paint on top of borders with lower precedence. CollapsedBorders borders; borders.addBorder(topVal, BSTop, renderTop, tx, ty, tx + w, ty + topWidth, topStyle); borders.addBorder(bottomVal, BSBottom, renderBottom, tx, ty + h - bottomWidth, tx + w, ty + h, bottomStyle); borders.addBorder(leftVal, BSLeft, renderLeft, tx, ty, tx + leftWidth, ty + h, leftStyle); borders.addBorder(rightVal, BSRight, renderRight, tx + w - rightWidth, ty, tx + w, ty + h, rightStyle); for (CollapsedBorder* border = borders.nextBorder(); border; border = borders.nextBorder()) { if (border->borderValue == *table()->currentBorderStyle()) drawLineForBoxSide(graphicsContext, border->x1, border->y1, border->x2, border->y2, border->side, border->borderValue.color(), border->style, 0, 0); } } void RenderTableCell::paintBackgroundsBehindCell(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, RenderObject* backgroundObject) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this)) return; if (!backgroundObject) return; if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; RenderTable* tableElt = table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !firstChild()) return; if (backgroundObject != this) { tx += x(); ty += y(); } int w = width(); int h = height(); Color c = backgroundObject->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); const FillLayer* bgLayer = backgroundObject->style()->backgroundLayers(); if (bgLayer->hasImage() || c.isValid()) { // We have to clip here because the background would paint // on top of the borders otherwise. This only matters for cells and rows. bool shouldClip = backgroundObject->hasLayer() && (backgroundObject == this || backgroundObject == parent()) && tableElt->collapseBorders(); if (shouldClip) { IntRect clipRect(tx + borderLeft(), ty + borderTop(), w - borderLeft() - borderRight(), h - borderTop() - borderBottom()); paintInfo.context->save(); paintInfo.context->clip(clipRect); } paintFillLayers(paintInfo, c, bgLayer, tx, ty, w, h, CompositeSourceOver, backgroundObject); if (shouldClip) paintInfo.context->restore(); } } void RenderTableCell::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this)) return; RenderTable* tableElt = table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !firstChild()) return; int w = width(); int h = height(); paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), Normal); // Paint our cell background. paintBackgroundsBehindCell(paintInfo, tx, ty, this); paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), Inset); if (!style()->hasBorder() || tableElt->collapseBorders()) return; paintBorder(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style()); } void RenderTableCell::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask) return; RenderTable* tableElt = table(); if (!tableElt->collapseBorders() && style()->emptyCells() == HIDE && !firstChild()) return; int w = width(); int h = height(); paintMaskImages(paintInfo, tx, ty, w, h); } void RenderTableCell::scrollbarsChanged(bool horizontalScrollbarChanged, bool verticalScrollbarChanged) { int scrollbarHeight = scrollbarLogicalHeight(); if (!scrollbarHeight) return; // Not sure if we should be doing something when a scrollbar goes away or not. // We only care if the scrollbar that affects our intrinsic padding has been added. if ((isHorizontalWritingMode() && !horizontalScrollbarChanged) || (!isHorizontalWritingMode() && !verticalScrollbarChanged)) return; // Shrink our intrinsic padding as much as possible to accommodate the scrollbar. if (style()->verticalAlign() == MIDDLE) { int totalHeight = logicalHeight(); int heightWithoutIntrinsicPadding = totalHeight - intrinsicPaddingBefore() - intrinsicPaddingAfter(); totalHeight -= scrollbarHeight; int newBeforePadding = (totalHeight - heightWithoutIntrinsicPadding) / 2; int newAfterPadding = totalHeight - heightWithoutIntrinsicPadding - newBeforePadding; setIntrinsicPaddingBefore(newBeforePadding); setIntrinsicPaddingAfter(newAfterPadding); } else setIntrinsicPaddingAfter(intrinsicPaddingAfter() - scrollbarHeight); } } // namespace WebCore