/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (kde@carewolf.com) * (C) 2005, 2006 Samuel Weinig (sam.weinig@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "RenderBox.h" #include "CachedImage.h" #include "Chrome.h" #include "ChromeClient.h" #include "Document.h" #include "FrameView.h" #include "GraphicsContext.h" #include "HitTestResult.h" #include "htmlediting.h" #include "HTMLElement.h" #include "HTMLNames.h" #include "ImageBuffer.h" #include "FloatQuad.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PaintInfo.h" #include "RenderArena.h" #include "RenderFlexibleBox.h" #include "RenderInline.h" #include "RenderLayer.h" #include "RenderTableCell.h" #include "RenderTheme.h" #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT #include "Settings.h" #endif #include "RenderView.h" #include "ScrollbarTheme.h" #include "TransformState.h" #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #if ENABLE(WML) #include "WMLNames.h" #endif #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) #include "PlatformBridge.h" #endif using namespace std; namespace WebCore { using namespace HTMLNames; // Used by flexible boxes when flexing this element. typedef WTF::HashMap<const RenderBox*, int> OverrideSizeMap; static OverrideSizeMap* gOverrideSizeMap = 0; bool RenderBox::s_hadOverflowClip = false; RenderBox::RenderBox(Node* node) : RenderBoxModelObject(node) , m_marginLeft(0) , m_marginRight(0) , m_marginTop(0) , m_marginBottom(0) , m_minPreferredLogicalWidth(-1) , m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth(-1) , m_inlineBoxWrapper(0) #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT , m_visibleWidth(0) , m_isVisibleWidthChangedBeforeLayout(false) #endif { setIsBox(); } RenderBox::~RenderBox() { } int RenderBox::marginBefore() const { switch (style()->writingMode()) { case TopToBottomWritingMode: return m_marginTop; case BottomToTopWritingMode: return m_marginBottom; case LeftToRightWritingMode: return m_marginLeft; case RightToLeftWritingMode: return m_marginRight; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return m_marginTop; } int RenderBox::marginAfter() const { switch (style()->writingMode()) { case TopToBottomWritingMode: return m_marginBottom; case BottomToTopWritingMode: return m_marginTop; case LeftToRightWritingMode: return m_marginRight; case RightToLeftWritingMode: return m_marginLeft; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return m_marginBottom; } int RenderBox::marginStart() const { if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) return style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_marginLeft : m_marginRight; return style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_marginTop : m_marginBottom; } int RenderBox::marginEnd() const { if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) return style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_marginRight : m_marginLeft; return style()->isLeftToRightDirection() ? m_marginBottom : m_marginTop; } void RenderBox::setMarginStart(int margin) { if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) { if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) m_marginLeft = margin; else m_marginRight = margin; } else { if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) m_marginTop = margin; else m_marginBottom = margin; } } void RenderBox::setMarginEnd(int margin) { if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) { if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) m_marginRight = margin; else m_marginLeft = margin; } else { if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) m_marginBottom = margin; else m_marginTop = margin; } } void RenderBox::setMarginBefore(int margin) { switch (style()->writingMode()) { case TopToBottomWritingMode: m_marginTop = margin; break; case BottomToTopWritingMode: m_marginBottom = margin; break; case LeftToRightWritingMode: m_marginLeft = margin; break; case RightToLeftWritingMode: m_marginRight = margin; break; } } void RenderBox::setMarginAfter(int margin) { switch (style()->writingMode()) { case TopToBottomWritingMode: m_marginBottom = margin; break; case BottomToTopWritingMode: m_marginTop = margin; break; case LeftToRightWritingMode: m_marginRight = margin; break; case RightToLeftWritingMode: m_marginLeft = margin; break; } } void RenderBox::destroy() { // A lot of the code in this function is just pasted into // RenderWidget::destroy. If anything in this function changes, // be sure to fix RenderWidget::destroy() as well. if (hasOverrideSize()) gOverrideSizeMap->remove(this); if (style() && (style()->logicalHeight().isPercent() || style()->logicalMinHeight().isPercent() || style()->logicalMaxHeight().isPercent())) RenderBlock::removePercentHeightDescendant(this); RenderBoxModelObject::destroy(); } void RenderBox::removeFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists() { ASSERT(isFloatingOrPositioned()); if (documentBeingDestroyed()) return; if (isFloating()) { RenderBlock* parentBlock = 0; for (RenderObject* curr = parent(); curr && !curr->isRenderView(); curr = curr->parent()) { if (curr->isRenderBlock()) { RenderBlock* currBlock = toRenderBlock(curr); if (!parentBlock || currBlock->containsFloat(this)) parentBlock = currBlock; } } if (parentBlock) { RenderObject* parent = parentBlock->parent(); if (parent && parent->isFlexibleBox()) parentBlock = toRenderBlock(parent); parentBlock->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(this, false); } } if (isPositioned()) { for (RenderObject* curr = parent(); curr; curr = curr->parent()) { if (curr->isRenderBlock()) toRenderBlock(curr)->removePositionedObject(this); } } } void RenderBox::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* newStyle) { s_hadOverflowClip = hasOverflowClip(); if (style()) { // The background of the root element or the body element could propagate up to // the canvas. Just dirty the entire canvas when our style changes substantially. if (diff >= StyleDifferenceRepaint && node() && (node()->hasTagName(htmlTag) || node()->hasTagName(bodyTag))) view()->repaint(); // When a layout hint happens and an object's position style changes, we have to do a layout // to dirty the render tree using the old position value now. if (diff == StyleDifferenceLayout && parent() && style()->position() != newStyle->position()) { markContainingBlocksForLayout(); if (style()->position() == StaticPosition) repaint(); else if (newStyle->position() == AbsolutePosition || newStyle->position() == FixedPosition) parent()->setChildNeedsLayout(true); if (isFloating() && !isPositioned() && (newStyle->position() == AbsolutePosition || newStyle->position() == FixedPosition)) removeFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists(); } } else if (newStyle && isBody()) view()->repaint(); if (FrameView *frameView = view()->frameView()) { bool newStyleIsFixed = newStyle && newStyle->position() == FixedPosition; bool oldStyleIsFixed = style() && style()->position() == FixedPosition; if (newStyleIsFixed != oldStyleIsFixed) { if (newStyleIsFixed) frameView->addFixedObject(); else frameView->removeFixedObject(); } } RenderBoxModelObject::styleWillChange(diff, newStyle); } void RenderBox::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle) { RenderBoxModelObject::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle); if (needsLayout() && oldStyle) { if (oldStyle && (oldStyle->logicalHeight().isPercent() || oldStyle->logicalMinHeight().isPercent() || oldStyle->logicalMaxHeight().isPercent())) RenderBlock::removePercentHeightDescendant(this); // Normally we can do optimized positioning layout for absolute/fixed positioned objects. There is one special case, however, which is // when the positioned object's margin-before is changed. In this case the parent has to get a layout in order to run margin collapsing // to determine the new static position. if (isPositioned() && style()->hasStaticBlockPosition(isHorizontalWritingMode()) && oldStyle->marginBefore() != style()->marginBefore() && parent() && !parent()->normalChildNeedsLayout()) parent()->setChildNeedsLayout(true); } // If our zoom factor changes and we have a defined scrollLeft/Top, we need to adjust that value into the // new zoomed coordinate space. if (hasOverflowClip() && oldStyle && style() && oldStyle->effectiveZoom() != style()->effectiveZoom()) { if (int left = layer()->scrollXOffset()) { left = (left / oldStyle->effectiveZoom()) * style()->effectiveZoom(); layer()->scrollToXOffset(left); } if (int top = layer()->scrollYOffset()) { top = (top / oldStyle->effectiveZoom()) * style()->effectiveZoom(); layer()->scrollToYOffset(top); } } bool isBodyRenderer = isBody(); bool isRootRenderer = isRoot(); // Set the text color if we're the body. if (isBodyRenderer) document()->setTextColor(style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor)); if (isRootRenderer || isBodyRenderer) { // Propagate the new writing mode and direction up to the RenderView. RenderView* viewRenderer = view(); RenderStyle* viewStyle = viewRenderer->style(); if (viewStyle->direction() != style()->direction() && (isRootRenderer || !document()->directionSetOnDocumentElement())) { viewStyle->setDirection(style()->direction()); if (isBodyRenderer) document()->documentElement()->renderer()->style()->setDirection(style()->direction()); setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); } if (viewStyle->writingMode() != style()->writingMode() && (isRootRenderer || !document()->writingModeSetOnDocumentElement())) { viewStyle->setWritingMode(style()->writingMode()); viewRenderer->setHorizontalWritingMode(style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()); if (isBodyRenderer) { document()->documentElement()->renderer()->style()->setWritingMode(style()->writingMode()); document()->documentElement()->renderer()->setHorizontalWritingMode(style()->isHorizontalWritingMode()); } setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc(); } } } void RenderBox::updateBoxModelInfoFromStyle() { RenderBoxModelObject::updateBoxModelInfoFromStyle(); bool isRootObject = isRoot(); bool isViewObject = isRenderView(); // The root and the RenderView always paint their backgrounds/borders. if (isRootObject || isViewObject) setHasBoxDecorations(true); setPositioned(style()->position() == AbsolutePosition || style()->position() == FixedPosition); setFloating(!isPositioned() && style()->isFloating()); // We also handle <body> and <html>, whose overflow applies to the viewport. if (style()->overflowX() != OVISIBLE && !isRootObject && (isRenderBlock() || isTableRow() || isTableSection())) { bool boxHasOverflowClip = true; if (isBody()) { // Overflow on the body can propagate to the viewport under the following conditions. // (1) The root element is <html>. // (2) We are the primary <body> (can be checked by looking at document.body). // (3) The root element has visible overflow. if (document()->documentElement()->hasTagName(htmlTag) && document()->body() == node() && document()->documentElement()->renderer()->style()->overflowX() == OVISIBLE) boxHasOverflowClip = false; } // Check for overflow clip. // It's sufficient to just check one direction, since it's illegal to have visible on only one overflow value. if (boxHasOverflowClip) { if (!s_hadOverflowClip) // Erase the overflow repaint(); setHasOverflowClip(); } } setHasTransform(style()->hasTransformRelatedProperty()); setHasReflection(style()->boxReflect()); } void RenderBox::layout() { ASSERT(needsLayout()); RenderObject* child = firstChild(); if (!child) { setNeedsLayout(false); return; } LayoutStateMaintainer statePusher(view(), this, IntSize(x(), y()), style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()); while (child) { child->layoutIfNeeded(); ASSERT(!child->needsLayout()); child = child->nextSibling(); } statePusher.pop(); setNeedsLayout(false); } // More IE extensions. clientWidth and clientHeight represent the interior of an object // excluding border and scrollbar. int RenderBox::clientWidth() const { return width() - borderLeft() - borderRight() - verticalScrollbarWidth(); } int RenderBox::clientHeight() const { return height() - borderTop() - borderBottom() - horizontalScrollbarHeight(); } int RenderBox::scrollWidth() const { if (hasOverflowClip()) return layer()->scrollWidth(); // For objects with visible overflow, this matches IE. // FIXME: Need to work right with writing modes. if (style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) return max(clientWidth(), maxXLayoutOverflow() - borderLeft()); return clientWidth() - min(0, minXLayoutOverflow() - borderLeft()); } int RenderBox::scrollHeight() const { if (hasOverflowClip()) return layer()->scrollHeight(); // For objects with visible overflow, this matches IE. // FIXME: Need to work right with writing modes. return max(clientHeight(), maxYLayoutOverflow() - borderTop()); } int RenderBox::scrollLeft() const { return hasOverflowClip() ? layer()->scrollXOffset() : 0; } int RenderBox::scrollTop() const { return hasOverflowClip() ? layer()->scrollYOffset() : 0; } void RenderBox::setScrollLeft(int newLeft) { if (hasOverflowClip()) layer()->scrollToXOffset(newLeft); } void RenderBox::setScrollTop(int newTop) { if (hasOverflowClip()) layer()->scrollToYOffset(newTop); } void RenderBox::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int tx, int ty) { rects.append(IntRect(tx, ty, width(), height())); } void RenderBox::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads) { quads.append(localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(0, 0, width(), height()))); } void RenderBox::updateLayerTransform() { // Transform-origin depends on box size, so we need to update the layer transform after layout. if (hasLayer()) layer()->updateTransform(); } IntRect RenderBox::absoluteContentBox() const { IntRect rect = contentBoxRect(); FloatPoint absPos = localToAbsolute(FloatPoint()); rect.move(absPos.x(), absPos.y()); return rect; } FloatQuad RenderBox::absoluteContentQuad() const { IntRect rect = contentBoxRect(); return localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(rect)); } IntRect RenderBox::outlineBoundsForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, IntPoint* cachedOffsetToRepaintContainer) const { IntRect box = borderBoundingBox(); adjustRectForOutlineAndShadow(box); FloatQuad containerRelativeQuad = FloatRect(box); if (cachedOffsetToRepaintContainer) containerRelativeQuad.move(cachedOffsetToRepaintContainer->x(), cachedOffsetToRepaintContainer->y()); else containerRelativeQuad = localToContainerQuad(containerRelativeQuad, repaintContainer); box = containerRelativeQuad.enclosingBoundingBox(); // FIXME: layoutDelta needs to be applied in parts before/after transforms and // repaint containers. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23308 box.move(view()->layoutDelta()); return box; } void RenderBox::addFocusRingRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int tx, int ty) { if (width() && height()) rects.append(IntRect(tx, ty, width(), height())); } IntRect RenderBox::reflectionBox() const { IntRect result; if (!style()->boxReflect()) return result; IntRect box = borderBoxRect(); result = box; switch (style()->boxReflect()->direction()) { case ReflectionBelow: result.move(0, box.height() + reflectionOffset()); break; case ReflectionAbove: result.move(0, -box.height() - reflectionOffset()); break; case ReflectionLeft: result.move(-box.width() - reflectionOffset(), 0); break; case ReflectionRight: result.move(box.width() + reflectionOffset(), 0); break; } return result; } int RenderBox::reflectionOffset() const { if (!style()->boxReflect()) return 0; if (style()->boxReflect()->direction() == ReflectionLeft || style()->boxReflect()->direction() == ReflectionRight) return style()->boxReflect()->offset().calcValue(borderBoxRect().width()); return style()->boxReflect()->offset().calcValue(borderBoxRect().height()); } IntRect RenderBox::reflectedRect(const IntRect& r) const { if (!style()->boxReflect()) return IntRect(); IntRect box = borderBoxRect(); IntRect result = r; switch (style()->boxReflect()->direction()) { case ReflectionBelow: result.setY(box.maxY() + reflectionOffset() + (box.maxY() - r.maxY())); break; case ReflectionAbove: result.setY(box.y() - reflectionOffset() - box.height() + (box.maxY() - r.maxY())); break; case ReflectionLeft: result.setX(box.x() - reflectionOffset() - box.width() + (box.maxX() - r.maxX())); break; case ReflectionRight: result.setX(box.maxX() + reflectionOffset() + (box.maxX() - r.maxX())); break; } return result; } bool RenderBox::includeVerticalScrollbarSize() const { return hasOverflowClip() && !layer()->hasOverlayScrollbars() && (style()->overflowY() == OSCROLL || style()->overflowY() == OAUTO); } bool RenderBox::includeHorizontalScrollbarSize() const { return hasOverflowClip() && !layer()->hasOverlayScrollbars() && (style()->overflowX() == OSCROLL || style()->overflowX() == OAUTO); } int RenderBox::verticalScrollbarWidth() const { return includeVerticalScrollbarSize() ? layer()->verticalScrollbarWidth() : 0; } int RenderBox::horizontalScrollbarHeight() const { return includeHorizontalScrollbarSize() ? layer()->horizontalScrollbarHeight() : 0; } bool RenderBox::scroll(ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier, Node** stopNode) { RenderLayer* l = layer(); if (l && l->scroll(direction, granularity, multiplier)) { if (stopNode) *stopNode = node(); return true; } if (stopNode && *stopNode && *stopNode == node()) return true; RenderBlock* b = containingBlock(); if (b && !b->isRenderView()) return b->scroll(direction, granularity, multiplier, stopNode); return false; } bool RenderBox::logicalScroll(ScrollLogicalDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity, float multiplier, Node** stopNode) { bool scrolled = false; RenderLayer* l = layer(); if (l) { #if PLATFORM(MAC) // On Mac only we reset the inline direction position when doing a document scroll (e.g., hitting Home/End). if (granularity == ScrollByDocument) scrolled = l->scroll(logicalToPhysical(ScrollInlineDirectionBackward, isHorizontalWritingMode(), style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()), ScrollByDocument, multiplier); #endif if (l->scroll(logicalToPhysical(direction, isHorizontalWritingMode(), style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()), granularity, multiplier)) scrolled = true; if (scrolled) { if (stopNode) *stopNode = node(); return true; } } if (stopNode && *stopNode && *stopNode == node()) return true; RenderBlock* b = containingBlock(); if (b && !b->isRenderView()) return b->logicalScroll(direction, granularity, multiplier, stopNode); return false; } bool RenderBox::canBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea() const { return canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(false) && (scrollHeight() != clientHeight() || scrollWidth() != clientWidth()); } bool RenderBox::canBeProgramaticallyScrolled(bool) const { return (hasOverflowClip() && (scrollsOverflow() || (node() && node()->rendererIsEditable()))) || (node() && node()->isDocumentNode()); } void RenderBox::autoscroll() { if (layer()) layer()->autoscroll(); } void RenderBox::panScroll(const IntPoint& source) { if (layer()) layer()->panScrollFromPoint(source); } int RenderBox::minPreferredLogicalWidth() const { if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) const_cast<RenderBox*>(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(); return m_minPreferredLogicalWidth; } int RenderBox::maxPreferredLogicalWidth() const { if (preferredLogicalWidthsDirty()) const_cast<RenderBox*>(this)->computePreferredLogicalWidths(); return m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth; } int RenderBox::overrideSize() const { if (!hasOverrideSize()) return -1; return gOverrideSizeMap->get(this); } void RenderBox::setOverrideSize(int s) { if (s == -1) { if (hasOverrideSize()) { setHasOverrideSize(false); gOverrideSizeMap->remove(this); } } else { if (!gOverrideSizeMap) gOverrideSizeMap = new OverrideSizeMap(); setHasOverrideSize(true); gOverrideSizeMap->set(this, s); } } int RenderBox::overrideWidth() const { return hasOverrideSize() ? overrideSize() : width(); } int RenderBox::overrideHeight() const { return hasOverrideSize() ? overrideSize() : height(); } int RenderBox::computeBorderBoxLogicalWidth(int width) const { int bordersPlusPadding = borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth(); if (style()->boxSizing() == CONTENT_BOX) return width + bordersPlusPadding; return max(width, bordersPlusPadding); } int RenderBox::computeBorderBoxLogicalHeight(int height) const { int bordersPlusPadding = borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); if (style()->boxSizing() == CONTENT_BOX) return height + bordersPlusPadding; return max(height, bordersPlusPadding); } int RenderBox::computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(int width) const { if (style()->boxSizing() == BORDER_BOX) width -= borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth(); return max(0, width); } int RenderBox::computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(int height) const { if (style()->boxSizing() == BORDER_BOX) height -= borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); return max(0, height); } // Hit Testing bool RenderBox::nodeAtPoint(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int xPos, int yPos, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction action) { tx += x(); ty += y(); // Check kids first. for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) { if (!child->hasLayer() && child->nodeAtPoint(request, result, xPos, yPos, tx, ty, action)) { updateHitTestResult(result, IntPoint(xPos - tx, yPos - ty)); return true; } } // Check our bounds next. For this purpose always assume that we can only be hit in the // foreground phase (which is true for replaced elements like images). IntRect boundsRect = IntRect(tx, ty, width(), height()); if (visibleToHitTesting() && action == HitTestForeground && boundsRect.intersects(result.rectForPoint(xPos, yPos))) { updateHitTestResult(result, IntPoint(xPos - tx, yPos - ty)); if (!result.addNodeToRectBasedTestResult(node(), xPos, yPos, boundsRect)) return true; } return false; } // --------------------- painting stuff ------------------------------- void RenderBox::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { tx += x(); ty += y(); // default implementation. Just pass paint through to the children PaintInfo childInfo(paintInfo); childInfo.updatePaintingRootForChildren(this); for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) child->paint(childInfo, tx, ty); } void RenderBox::paintRootBoxFillLayers(const PaintInfo& paintInfo) { const FillLayer* bgLayer = style()->backgroundLayers(); Color bgColor = style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); RenderObject* bodyObject = 0; if (!hasBackground() && node() && node()->hasTagName(HTMLNames::htmlTag)) { // Locate the <body> element using the DOM. This is easier than trying // to crawl around a render tree with potential :before/:after content and // anonymous blocks created by inline <body> tags etc. We can locate the <body> // render object very easily via the DOM. HTMLElement* body = document()->body(); bodyObject = (body && body->hasLocalName(bodyTag)) ? body->renderer() : 0; if (bodyObject) { bgLayer = bodyObject->style()->backgroundLayers(); bgColor = bodyObject->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor); } } // The background of the box generated by the root element covers the entire canvas, so just use // the RenderView's docTop/Left/Width/Height accessors. paintFillLayers(paintInfo, bgColor, bgLayer, view()->docLeft(), view()->docTop(), view()->docWidth(), view()->docHeight(), CompositeSourceOver, bodyObject); } void RenderBox::paintBoxDecorations(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this)) return; return paintBoxDecorationsWithSize(paintInfo, tx, ty, width(), height()); } void RenderBox::paintBoxDecorationsWithSize(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int width, int height) { // border-fit can adjust where we paint our border and background. If set, we snugly fit our line box descendants. (The iChat // balloon layout is an example of this). borderFitAdjust(tx, width); // FIXME: Should eventually give the theme control over whether the box shadow should paint, since controls could have // custom shadows of their own. paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, width, height, style(), Normal); // If we have a native theme appearance, paint that before painting our background. // The theme will tell us whether or not we should also paint the CSS background. bool themePainted = style()->hasAppearance() && !theme()->paint(this, paintInfo, IntRect(tx, ty, width, height)); if (!themePainted) { if (isRoot()) paintRootBoxFillLayers(paintInfo); else if (!isBody() || document()->documentElement()->renderer()->hasBackground()) { // The <body> only paints its background if the root element has defined a background // independent of the body. #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) // If we only want to draw the decorations, don't draw // the background if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseBlockBackgroundDecorations) #endif paintFillLayers(paintInfo, style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor), style()->backgroundLayers(), tx, ty, width, height); } if (style()->hasAppearance()) theme()->paintDecorations(this, paintInfo, IntRect(tx, ty, width, height)); } paintBoxShadow(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, width, height, style(), Inset); // The theme will tell us whether or not we should also paint the CSS border. if ((!style()->hasAppearance() || (!themePainted && theme()->paintBorderOnly(this, paintInfo, IntRect(tx, ty, width, height)))) && style()->hasBorder()) paintBorder(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, width, height, style()); } void RenderBox::paintMask(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(this) || style()->visibility() != VISIBLE || paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseMask || paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled()) return; int w = width(); int h = height(); // border-fit can adjust where we paint our border and background. If set, we snugly fit our line box descendants. (The iChat // balloon layout is an example of this). borderFitAdjust(tx, w); paintMaskImages(paintInfo, tx, ty, w, h); } void RenderBox::paintMaskImages(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty, int w, int h) { // Figure out if we need to push a transparency layer to render our mask. bool pushTransparencyLayer = false; bool compositedMask = hasLayer() && layer()->hasCompositedMask(); CompositeOperator compositeOp = CompositeSourceOver; bool allMaskImagesLoaded = true; if (!compositedMask) { // If the context has a rotation, scale or skew, then use a transparency layer to avoid // pixel cruft around the edge of the mask. const AffineTransform& currentCTM = paintInfo.context->getCTM(); pushTransparencyLayer = !currentCTM.isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped(); StyleImage* maskBoxImage = style()->maskBoxImage().image(); const FillLayer* maskLayers = style()->maskLayers(); // Don't render a masked element until all the mask images have loaded, to prevent a flash of unmasked content. if (maskBoxImage) allMaskImagesLoaded &= maskBoxImage->isLoaded(); if (maskLayers) allMaskImagesLoaded &= maskLayers->imagesAreLoaded(); // Before all images have loaded, just use an empty transparency layer as the mask. if (!allMaskImagesLoaded) pushTransparencyLayer = true; if (maskBoxImage && maskLayers->hasImage()) { // We have a mask-box-image and mask-image, so need to composite them together before using the result as a mask. pushTransparencyLayer = true; } else { // We have to use an extra image buffer to hold the mask. Multiple mask images need // to composite together using source-over so that they can then combine into a single unified mask that // can be composited with the content using destination-in. SVG images need to be able to set compositing modes // as they draw images contained inside their sub-document, so we paint all our images into a separate buffer // and composite that buffer as the mask. // We have to check that the mask images to be rendered contain at least one image that can be actually used in rendering // before pushing the transparency layer. for (const FillLayer* fillLayer = maskLayers->next(); fillLayer; fillLayer = fillLayer->next()) { if (fillLayer->hasImage() && fillLayer->image()->canRender(style()->effectiveZoom())) { pushTransparencyLayer = true; // We found one image that can be used in rendering, exit the loop break; } } } compositeOp = CompositeDestinationIn; if (pushTransparencyLayer) { paintInfo.context->setCompositeOperation(CompositeDestinationIn); paintInfo.context->beginTransparencyLayer(1.0f); compositeOp = CompositeSourceOver; } } if (allMaskImagesLoaded) { paintFillLayers(paintInfo, Color(), style()->maskLayers(), tx, ty, w, h, compositeOp); paintNinePieceImage(paintInfo.context, tx, ty, w, h, style(), style()->maskBoxImage(), compositeOp); } if (pushTransparencyLayer) paintInfo.context->endTransparencyLayer(); } IntRect RenderBox::maskClipRect() { IntRect bbox = borderBoxRect(); if (style()->maskBoxImage().image()) return bbox; IntRect result; for (const FillLayer* maskLayer = style()->maskLayers(); maskLayer; maskLayer = maskLayer->next()) { if (maskLayer->image()) { IntRect maskRect; IntPoint phase; IntSize tileSize; calculateBackgroundImageGeometry(maskLayer, bbox.x(), bbox.y(), bbox.width(), bbox.height(), maskRect, phase, tileSize); result.unite(maskRect); } } return result; } void RenderBox::paintFillLayers(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, const FillLayer* fillLayer, int tx, int ty, int width, int height, CompositeOperator op, RenderObject* backgroundObject) { if (!fillLayer) return; paintFillLayers(paintInfo, c, fillLayer->next(), tx, ty, width, height, op, backgroundObject); paintFillLayer(paintInfo, c, fillLayer, tx, ty, width, height, op, backgroundObject); } void RenderBox::paintFillLayer(const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const Color& c, const FillLayer* fillLayer, int tx, int ty, int width, int height, CompositeOperator op, RenderObject* backgroundObject) { paintFillLayerExtended(paintInfo, c, fillLayer, tx, ty, width, height, 0, 0, 0, op, backgroundObject); } #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) static bool layersUseImage(WrappedImagePtr image, const FillLayer* layers) { for (const FillLayer* curLayer = layers; curLayer; curLayer = curLayer->next()) { if (curLayer->image() && image == curLayer->image()->data()) return true; } return false; } #endif void RenderBox::imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr image, const IntRect*) { if (!parent()) return; if ((style()->borderImage().image() && style()->borderImage().image()->data() == image) || (style()->maskBoxImage().image() && style()->maskBoxImage().image()->data() == image)) { repaint(); return; } bool didFullRepaint = repaintLayerRectsForImage(image, style()->backgroundLayers(), true); if (!didFullRepaint) repaintLayerRectsForImage(image, style()->maskLayers(), false); #if USE(ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING) if (hasLayer() && layer()->hasCompositedMask() && layersUseImage(image, style()->maskLayers())) layer()->contentChanged(RenderLayer::MaskImageChanged); #endif } bool RenderBox::repaintLayerRectsForImage(WrappedImagePtr image, const FillLayer* layers, bool drawingBackground) { IntRect rendererRect; RenderBox* layerRenderer = 0; for (const FillLayer* curLayer = layers; curLayer; curLayer = curLayer->next()) { if (curLayer->image() && image == curLayer->image()->data() && curLayer->image()->canRender(style()->effectiveZoom())) { // Now that we know this image is being used, compute the renderer and the rect // if we haven't already if (!layerRenderer) { bool drawingRootBackground = drawingBackground && (isRoot() || (isBody() && !document()->documentElement()->renderer()->hasBackground())); if (drawingRootBackground) { layerRenderer = view(); int rw; int rh; if (FrameView* frameView = toRenderView(layerRenderer)->frameView()) { rw = frameView->contentsWidth(); rh = frameView->contentsHeight(); } else { rw = layerRenderer->width(); rh = layerRenderer->height(); } rendererRect = IntRect(-layerRenderer->marginLeft(), -layerRenderer->marginTop(), max(layerRenderer->width() + layerRenderer->marginLeft() + layerRenderer->marginRight() + layerRenderer->borderLeft() + layerRenderer->borderRight(), rw), max(layerRenderer->height() + layerRenderer->marginTop() + layerRenderer->marginBottom() + layerRenderer->borderTop() + layerRenderer->borderBottom(), rh)); } else { layerRenderer = this; rendererRect = borderBoxRect(); } } IntRect repaintRect; IntPoint phase; IntSize tileSize; layerRenderer->calculateBackgroundImageGeometry(curLayer, rendererRect.x(), rendererRect.y(), rendererRect.width(), rendererRect.height(), repaintRect, phase, tileSize); layerRenderer->repaintRectangle(repaintRect); if (repaintRect == rendererRect) return true; } } return false; } #if PLATFORM(MAC) void RenderBox::paintCustomHighlight(int tx, int ty, const AtomicString& type, bool behindText) { Frame* frame = this->frame(); if (!frame) return; Page* page = frame->page(); if (!page) return; InlineBox* boxWrap = inlineBoxWrapper(); RootInlineBox* r = boxWrap ? boxWrap->root() : 0; if (r) { FloatRect rootRect(tx + r->x(), ty + r->selectionTop(), r->logicalWidth(), r->selectionHeight()); FloatRect imageRect(tx + x(), rootRect.y(), width(), rootRect.height()); page->chrome()->client()->paintCustomHighlight(node(), type, imageRect, rootRect, behindText, false); } else { FloatRect imageRect(tx + x(), ty + y(), width(), height()); page->chrome()->client()->paintCustomHighlight(node(), type, imageRect, imageRect, behindText, false); } } #endif bool RenderBox::pushContentsClip(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty) { if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseMask) return false; bool isControlClip = hasControlClip(); bool isOverflowClip = hasOverflowClip() && !layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer(); if (!isControlClip && !isOverflowClip) return false; if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline) paintInfo.phase = PaintPhaseChildOutlines; else if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackground) { paintInfo.phase = PaintPhaseBlockBackground; paintObject(paintInfo, tx, ty); paintInfo.phase = PaintPhaseChildBlockBackgrounds; } IntRect clipRect(isControlClip ? controlClipRect(tx, ty) : overflowClipRect(tx, ty)); paintInfo.context->save(); if (style()->hasBorderRadius()) paintInfo.context->addRoundedRectClip(style()->getRoundedBorderFor(IntRect(tx, ty, width(), height()))); paintInfo.context->clip(clipRect); return true; } void RenderBox::popContentsClip(PaintInfo& paintInfo, PaintPhase originalPhase, int tx, int ty) { ASSERT(hasControlClip() || (hasOverflowClip() && !layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer())); paintInfo.context->restore(); if (originalPhase == PaintPhaseOutline) { paintInfo.phase = PaintPhaseSelfOutline; paintObject(paintInfo, tx, ty); paintInfo.phase = originalPhase; } else if (originalPhase == PaintPhaseChildBlockBackground) paintInfo.phase = originalPhase; } IntRect RenderBox::overflowClipRect(int tx, int ty, OverlayScrollbarSizeRelevancy relevancy) { // FIXME: When overflow-clip (CSS3) is implemented, we'll obtain the property // here. int bLeft = borderLeft(); int bTop = borderTop(); int clipX = tx + bLeft; int clipY = ty + bTop; int clipWidth = width() - bLeft - borderRight(); int clipHeight = height() - bTop - borderBottom(); // Subtract out scrollbars if we have them. if (layer()) { clipWidth -= layer()->verticalScrollbarWidth(relevancy); clipHeight -= layer()->horizontalScrollbarHeight(relevancy); } return IntRect(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); } IntRect RenderBox::clipRect(int tx, int ty) { int clipX = tx; int clipY = ty; int clipWidth = width(); int clipHeight = height(); if (!style()->clipLeft().isAuto()) { int c = style()->clipLeft().calcValue(width()); clipX += c; clipWidth -= c; } if (!style()->clipRight().isAuto()) clipWidth -= width() - style()->clipRight().calcValue(width()); if (!style()->clipTop().isAuto()) { int c = style()->clipTop().calcValue(height()); clipY += c; clipHeight -= c; } if (!style()->clipBottom().isAuto()) clipHeight -= height() - style()->clipBottom().calcValue(height()); return IntRect(clipX, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight); } int RenderBox::containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() const { RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); if (shrinkToAvoidFloats()) return cb->availableLogicalWidthForLine(y(), false); return cb->availableLogicalWidth(); } int RenderBox::perpendicularContainingBlockLogicalHeight() const { RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); RenderStyle* containingBlockStyle = cb->style(); Length logicalHeightLength = containingBlockStyle->logicalHeight(); // FIXME: For now just support fixed heights. Eventually should support percentage heights as well. if (!logicalHeightLength.isFixed()) { // Rather than making the child be completely unconstrained, WinIE uses the viewport width and height // as a constraint. We do that for now as well even though it's likely being unconstrained is what the spec // will decide. return containingBlockStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? view()->frameView()->visibleHeight() : view()->frameView()->visibleWidth(); } // Use the content box logical height as specified by the style. return cb->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeightLength.value()); } void RenderBox::mapLocalToContainer(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, bool fixed, bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState) const { if (repaintContainer == this) return; if (RenderView* v = view()) { if (v->layoutStateEnabled() && !repaintContainer) { LayoutState* layoutState = v->layoutState(); IntSize offset = layoutState->m_paintOffset; offset.expand(x(), y()); if (style()->position() == RelativePosition && layer()) offset += layer()->relativePositionOffset(); transformState.move(offset); return; } } bool containerSkipped; RenderObject* o = container(repaintContainer, &containerSkipped); if (!o) return; bool isFixedPos = style()->position() == FixedPosition; bool hasTransform = hasLayer() && layer()->transform(); if (hasTransform) { // If this box has a transform, it acts as a fixed position container for fixed descendants, // and may itself also be fixed position. So propagate 'fixed' up only if this box is fixed position. fixed &= isFixedPos; } else fixed |= isFixedPos; IntSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, roundedIntPoint(transformState.mappedPoint())); bool preserve3D = useTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D()); if (useTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) { TransformationMatrix t; getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t); transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } else transformState.move(containerOffset.width(), containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); if (containerSkipped) { // There can't be a transform between repaintContainer and o, because transforms create containers, so it should be safe // to just subtract the delta between the repaintContainer and o. IntSize containerOffset = repaintContainer->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o); transformState.move(-containerOffset.width(), -containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); return; } o->mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, fixed, useTransforms, transformState); } void RenderBox::mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(bool fixed, bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState) const { // We don't expect absoluteToLocal() to be called during layout (yet) ASSERT(!view() || !view()->layoutStateEnabled()); bool isFixedPos = style()->position() == FixedPosition; bool hasTransform = hasLayer() && layer()->transform(); if (hasTransform) { // If this box has a transform, it acts as a fixed position container for fixed descendants, // and may itself also be fixed position. So propagate 'fixed' up only if this box is fixed position. fixed &= isFixedPos; } else fixed |= isFixedPos; RenderObject* o = container(); if (!o) return; o->mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint(fixed, useTransforms, transformState); IntSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(o, IntPoint()); bool preserve3D = useTransforms && (o->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D()); if (useTransforms && shouldUseTransformFromContainer(o)) { TransformationMatrix t; getTransformFromContainer(o, containerOffset, t); transformState.applyTransform(t, preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } else transformState.move(-containerOffset.width(), -containerOffset.height(), preserve3D ? TransformState::AccumulateTransform : TransformState::FlattenTransform); } IntSize RenderBox::offsetFromContainer(RenderObject* o, const IntPoint& point) const { ASSERT(o == container()); IntSize offset; if (isRelPositioned()) offset += relativePositionOffset(); if (!isInline() || isReplaced()) { if (style()->position() != AbsolutePosition && style()->position() != FixedPosition) { if (o->hasColumns()) { IntRect columnRect(frameRect()); toRenderBlock(o)->flipForWritingModeIncludingColumns(columnRect); offset += IntSize(columnRect.location().x(), columnRect.location().y()); columnRect.move(point.x(), point.y()); o->adjustForColumns(offset, columnRect.location()); } else offset += locationOffsetIncludingFlipping(); } else offset += locationOffsetIncludingFlipping(); } if (o->hasOverflowClip()) offset -= toRenderBox(o)->layer()->scrolledContentOffset(); if (style()->position() == AbsolutePosition && o->isRelPositioned() && o->isRenderInline()) offset += toRenderInline(o)->relativePositionedInlineOffset(this); return offset; } InlineBox* RenderBox::createInlineBox() { return new (renderArena()) InlineBox(this); } void RenderBox::dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout) { if (m_inlineBoxWrapper) { if (fullLayout) { m_inlineBoxWrapper->destroy(renderArena()); m_inlineBoxWrapper = 0; } else m_inlineBoxWrapper->dirtyLineBoxes(); } } void RenderBox::positionLineBox(InlineBox* box) { if (isPositioned()) { // Cache the x position only if we were an INLINE type originally. bool wasInline = style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType(); if (wasInline) { // The value is cached in the xPos of the box. We only need this value if // our object was inline originally, since otherwise it would have ended up underneath // the inlines. layer()->setStaticInlinePosition(lroundf(box->logicalLeft())); if (style()->hasStaticInlinePosition(box->isHorizontal())) setChildNeedsLayout(true, false); // Just go ahead and mark the positioned object as needing layout, so it will update its position properly. } else { // Our object was a block originally, so we make our normal flow position be // just below the line box (as though all the inlines that came before us got // wrapped in an anonymous block, which is what would have happened had we been // in flow). This value was cached in the y() of the box. layer()->setStaticBlockPosition(box->logicalTop()); if (style()->hasStaticBlockPosition(box->isHorizontal())) setChildNeedsLayout(true, false); // Just go ahead and mark the positioned object as needing layout, so it will update its position properly. } // Nuke the box. box->remove(); box->destroy(renderArena()); } else if (isReplaced()) { setLocation(lroundf(box->x()), lroundf(box->y())); m_inlineBoxWrapper = box; } } void RenderBox::deleteLineBoxWrapper() { if (m_inlineBoxWrapper) { if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) m_inlineBoxWrapper->remove(); m_inlineBoxWrapper->destroy(renderArena()); m_inlineBoxWrapper = 0; } } IntRect RenderBox::clippedOverflowRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer) { if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !enclosingLayer()->hasVisibleContent()) return IntRect(); IntRect r = visualOverflowRect(); RenderView* v = view(); if (v) { // FIXME: layoutDelta needs to be applied in parts before/after transforms and // repaint containers. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23308 r.move(v->layoutDelta()); } if (style()) { if (style()->hasAppearance()) // The theme may wish to inflate the rect used when repainting. theme()->adjustRepaintRect(this, r); // We have to use maximalOutlineSize() because a child might have an outline // that projects outside of our overflowRect. if (v) { ASSERT(style()->outlineSize() <= v->maximalOutlineSize()); r.inflate(v->maximalOutlineSize()); } } computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, r); return r; } void RenderBox::computeRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, IntRect& rect, bool fixed) { // The rect we compute at each step is shifted by our x/y offset in the parent container's coordinate space. // Only when we cross a writing mode boundary will we have to possibly flipForWritingMode (to convert into a more appropriate // offset corner for the enclosing container). This allows for a fully RL or BT document to repaint // properly even during layout, since the rect remains flipped all the way until the end. // // RenderView::computeRectForRepaint then converts the rect to physical coordinates. We also convert to // physical when we hit a repaintContainer boundary. Therefore the final rect returned is always in the // physical coordinate space of the repaintContainer. if (RenderView* v = view()) { // LayoutState is only valid for root-relative repainting if (v->layoutStateEnabled() && !repaintContainer) { LayoutState* layoutState = v->layoutState(); if (layer() && layer()->transform()) rect = layer()->transform()->mapRect(rect); if (style()->position() == RelativePosition && layer()) rect.move(layer()->relativePositionOffset()); rect.move(x(), y()); rect.move(layoutState->m_paintOffset); if (layoutState->m_clipped) rect.intersect(layoutState->m_clipRect); return; } } if (hasReflection()) rect.unite(reflectedRect(rect)); if (repaintContainer == this) { if (repaintContainer->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) flipForWritingMode(rect); return; } bool containerSkipped; RenderObject* o = container(repaintContainer, &containerSkipped); if (!o) return; if (isWritingModeRoot() && !isPositioned()) flipForWritingMode(rect); IntPoint topLeft = rect.location(); topLeft.move(x(), y()); EPosition position = style()->position(); // We are now in our parent container's coordinate space. Apply our transform to obtain a bounding box // in the parent's coordinate space that encloses us. if (layer() && layer()->transform()) { fixed = position == FixedPosition; rect = layer()->transform()->mapRect(rect); topLeft = rect.location(); topLeft.move(x(), y()); } else if (position == FixedPosition) fixed = true; if (position == AbsolutePosition && o->isRelPositioned() && o->isRenderInline()) topLeft += toRenderInline(o)->relativePositionedInlineOffset(this); else if (position == RelativePosition && layer()) { // Apply the relative position offset when invalidating a rectangle. The layer // is translated, but the render box isn't, so we need to do this to get the // right dirty rect. Since this is called from RenderObject::setStyle, the relative position // flag on the RenderObject has been cleared, so use the one on the style(). topLeft += layer()->relativePositionOffset(); } if (o->isBlockFlow() && position != AbsolutePosition && position != FixedPosition) { RenderBlock* cb = toRenderBlock(o); if (cb->hasColumns()) { IntRect repaintRect(topLeft, rect.size()); cb->adjustRectForColumns(repaintRect); topLeft = repaintRect.location(); rect = repaintRect; } } // FIXME: We ignore the lightweight clipping rect that controls use, since if |o| is in mid-layout, // its controlClipRect will be wrong. For overflow clip we use the values cached by the layer. if (o->hasOverflowClip()) { RenderBox* containerBox = toRenderBox(o); // o->height() is inaccurate if we're in the middle of a layout of |o|, so use the // layer's size instead. Even if the layer's size is wrong, the layer itself will repaint // anyway if its size does change. topLeft -= containerBox->layer()->scrolledContentOffset(); // For overflow:auto/scroll/hidden. IntRect repaintRect(topLeft, rect.size()); IntRect boxRect(0, 0, containerBox->layer()->width(), containerBox->layer()->height()); rect = intersection(repaintRect, boxRect); if (rect.isEmpty()) return; } else rect.setLocation(topLeft); if (containerSkipped) { // If the repaintContainer is below o, then we need to map the rect into repaintContainer's coordinates. IntSize containerOffset = repaintContainer->offsetFromAncestorContainer(o); rect.move(-containerOffset); return; } o->computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, rect, fixed); } void RenderBox::repaintDuringLayoutIfMoved(const IntRect& rect) { int newX = x(); int newY = y(); int newWidth = width(); int newHeight = height(); if (rect.x() != newX || rect.y() != newY) { // The child moved. Invalidate the object's old and new positions. We have to do this // since the object may not have gotten a layout. m_frameRect = rect; repaint(); repaintOverhangingFloats(true); m_frameRect = IntRect(newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight); repaint(); repaintOverhangingFloats(true); } } #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT void RenderBox::setVisibleWidth(int newWidth) { const Settings* settings = document()->settings(); ASSERT(settings); if (settings->layoutAlgorithm() != Settings::kLayoutFitColumnToScreen || m_visibleWidth == newWidth) return; m_isVisibleWidthChangedBeforeLayout = true; m_visibleWidth = newWidth; } bool RenderBox::checkAndSetRelayoutChildren(bool* relayoutChildren) { if (m_isVisibleWidthChangedBeforeLayout) { m_isVisibleWidthChangedBeforeLayout = false; *relayoutChildren = true; return true; } return false; } #endif void RenderBox::computeLogicalWidth() { #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT if (view()->frameView()) setVisibleWidth(view()->frameView()->textWrapWidth()); #endif if (isPositioned()) { // FIXME: This calculation is not patched for block-flow yet. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46500 computePositionedLogicalWidth(); return; } // If layout is limited to a subtree, the subtree root's logical width does not change. if (node() && view()->frameView() && view()->frameView()->layoutRoot(true) == this) return; // The parent box is flexing us, so it has increased or decreased our // width. Use the width from the style context. // FIXME: Account for block-flow in flexible boxes. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46418 if (hasOverrideSize() && parent()->style()->boxOrient() == HORIZONTAL && parent()->isFlexibleBox() && parent()->isFlexingChildren()) { #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Strangely, the slider is get overrided as width 0 on youtube.com // The wrong width will cause the touch hit test for the slider failed. // This WAR should be safe since it is only targeted to slider. // TODO: root cause this and see if any webkit update fix this. if (!(isSlider() && overrideSize() == 0)) #endif setLogicalWidth(overrideSize()); return; } // FIXME: Account for block-flow in flexible boxes. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46418 bool inVerticalBox = parent()->isFlexibleBox() && (parent()->style()->boxOrient() == VERTICAL); bool stretching = (parent()->style()->boxAlign() == BSTRETCH); bool treatAsReplaced = shouldComputeSizeAsReplaced() && (!inVerticalBox || !stretching); Length logicalWidthLength = (treatAsReplaced) ? Length(computeReplacedLogicalWidth(), Fixed) : style()->logicalWidth(); RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); int containerLogicalWidth = max(0, containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent()); bool hasPerpendicularContainingBlock = cb->isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode(); int containerWidthInInlineDirection = containerLogicalWidth; if (hasPerpendicularContainingBlock) containerWidthInInlineDirection = perpendicularContainingBlockLogicalHeight(); if (isInline() && !isInlineBlockOrInlineTable()) { // just calculate margins setMarginStart(style()->marginStart().calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth)); setMarginEnd(style()->marginEnd().calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth)); #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT if (treatAsReplaced) { #else if (treatAsReplaced) #endif setLogicalWidth(max(logicalWidthLength.value() + borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth(), minPreferredLogicalWidth())); #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT // in SSR mode with replaced box, if the box width is wider than the container width, // it will be shrinked to fit to the container. if (containerLogicalWidth && (width() + m_marginLeft + m_marginRight) > containerLogicalWidth && document()->frame()->settings()->layoutAlgorithm() == Settings::kLayoutSSR) { m_marginLeft = m_marginRight = 0; setWidth(containerLogicalWidth); m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = containerLogicalWidth; } } #endif return; } // Width calculations if (treatAsReplaced) setLogicalWidth(logicalWidthLength.value() + borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth()); else { // Calculate LogicalWidth setLogicalWidth(computeLogicalWidthUsing(LogicalWidth, containerWidthInInlineDirection)); // Calculate MaxLogicalWidth if (!style()->logicalMaxWidth().isUndefined()) { int maxLogicalWidth = computeLogicalWidthUsing(MaxLogicalWidth, containerWidthInInlineDirection); if (logicalWidth() > maxLogicalWidth) { setLogicalWidth(maxLogicalWidth); logicalWidthLength = style()->logicalMaxWidth(); } } // Calculate MinLogicalWidth int minLogicalWidth = computeLogicalWidthUsing(MinLogicalWidth, containerWidthInInlineDirection); if (logicalWidth() < minLogicalWidth) { setLogicalWidth(minLogicalWidth); logicalWidthLength = style()->logicalMinWidth(); } } // Fieldsets are currently the only objects that stretch to their minimum width. if (stretchesToMinIntrinsicLogicalWidth()) { setLogicalWidth(max(logicalWidth(), minPreferredLogicalWidth())); logicalWidthLength = Length(logicalWidth(), Fixed); } // Margin calculations. if (logicalWidthLength.isAuto() || hasPerpendicularContainingBlock || isFloating() || isInline()) { setMarginStart(style()->marginStart().calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth)); setMarginEnd(style()->marginEnd().calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth)); } else computeInlineDirectionMargins(cb, containerLogicalWidth, logicalWidth()); #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT // in SSR mode with non-replaced box, we use ANDROID_SSR_MARGIN_PADDING for left/right margin. // If the box width is wider than the container width, it will be shrinked to fit to the container. if (containerLogicalWidth && !treatAsReplaced && document()->settings()->layoutAlgorithm() == Settings::kLayoutSSR) { setWidth(width() + m_marginLeft + m_marginRight); m_marginLeft = m_marginLeft > ANDROID_SSR_MARGIN_PADDING ? ANDROID_SSR_MARGIN_PADDING : m_marginLeft; m_marginRight = m_marginRight > ANDROID_SSR_MARGIN_PADDING ? ANDROID_SSR_MARGIN_PADDING : m_marginRight; if (width() > containerLogicalWidth) { m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = containerLogicalWidth-(m_marginLeft + m_marginRight); setWidth(m_minPreferredLogicalWidth); } else setWidth(width() -(m_marginLeft + m_marginRight)); } #endif if (!hasPerpendicularContainingBlock && containerLogicalWidth && containerLogicalWidth != (logicalWidth() + marginStart() + marginEnd()) && !isFloating() && !isInline() && !cb->isFlexibleBox()) cb->setMarginEndForChild(this, containerLogicalWidth - logicalWidth() - cb->marginStartForChild(this)); } int RenderBox::computeLogicalWidthUsing(LogicalWidthType widthType, int availableLogicalWidth) { int logicalWidthResult = logicalWidth(); Length logicalWidth; if (widthType == LogicalWidth) logicalWidth = style()->logicalWidth(); else if (widthType == MinLogicalWidth) logicalWidth = style()->logicalMinWidth(); else logicalWidth = style()->logicalMaxWidth(); if (logicalWidth.isIntrinsicOrAuto()) { int marginStart = style()->marginStart().calcMinValue(availableLogicalWidth); int marginEnd = style()->marginEnd().calcMinValue(availableLogicalWidth); if (availableLogicalWidth) logicalWidthResult = availableLogicalWidth - marginStart - marginEnd; if (sizesToIntrinsicLogicalWidth(widthType)) { logicalWidthResult = max(logicalWidthResult, minPreferredLogicalWidth()); logicalWidthResult = min(logicalWidthResult, maxPreferredLogicalWidth()); } } else // FIXME: If the containing block flow is perpendicular to our direction we need to use the available logical height instead. logicalWidthResult = computeBorderBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.calcValue(availableLogicalWidth)); return logicalWidthResult; } bool RenderBox::sizesToIntrinsicLogicalWidth(LogicalWidthType widthType) const { // Marquees in WinIE are like a mixture of blocks and inline-blocks. They size as though they're blocks, // but they allow text to sit on the same line as the marquee. if (isFloating() || (isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() && !isHTMLMarquee())) return true; // This code may look a bit strange. Basically width:intrinsic should clamp the size when testing both // min-width and width. max-width is only clamped if it is also intrinsic. Length logicalWidth = (widthType == MaxLogicalWidth) ? style()->logicalMaxWidth() : style()->logicalWidth(); if (logicalWidth.type() == Intrinsic) return true; // Children of a horizontal marquee do not fill the container by default. // FIXME: Need to deal with MAUTO value properly. It could be vertical. // FIXME: Think about block-flow here. Need to find out how marquee direction relates to // block-flow (as well as how marquee overflow should relate to block flow). // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46472 if (parent()->style()->overflowX() == OMARQUEE) { EMarqueeDirection dir = parent()->style()->marqueeDirection(); if (dir == MAUTO || dir == MFORWARD || dir == MBACKWARD || dir == MLEFT || dir == MRIGHT) return true; } // Flexible horizontal boxes lay out children at their intrinsic widths. Also vertical boxes // that don't stretch their kids lay out their children at their intrinsic widths. // FIXME: Think about block-flow here. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46473 if (parent()->isFlexibleBox() && (parent()->style()->boxOrient() == HORIZONTAL || parent()->style()->boxAlign() != BSTRETCH)) return true; // Button, input, select, textarea, legend and datagrid treat // width value of 'auto' as 'intrinsic' unless it's in a // stretching vertical flexbox. // FIXME: Think about block-flow here. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46473 if (logicalWidth.type() == Auto && !(parent()->isFlexibleBox() && parent()->style()->boxOrient() == VERTICAL && parent()->style()->boxAlign() == BSTRETCH) && node() && (node()->hasTagName(inputTag) || node()->hasTagName(selectTag) || node()->hasTagName(buttonTag) || node()->hasTagName(textareaTag) || node()->hasTagName(legendTag) || node()->hasTagName(datagridTag))) return true; return false; } void RenderBox::computeInlineDirectionMargins(RenderBlock* containingBlock, int containerWidth, int childWidth) { const RenderStyle* containingBlockStyle = containingBlock->style(); Length marginStartLength = style()->marginStartUsing(containingBlockStyle); Length marginEndLength = style()->marginEndUsing(containingBlockStyle); // Case One: The object is being centered in the containing block's available logical width. if ((marginStartLength.isAuto() && marginEndLength.isAuto() && childWidth < containerWidth) || (!marginStartLength.isAuto() && !marginEndLength.isAuto() && containingBlock->style()->textAlign() == WEBKIT_CENTER)) { containingBlock->setMarginStartForChild(this, max(0, (containerWidth - childWidth) / 2)); containingBlock->setMarginEndForChild(this, containerWidth - childWidth - containingBlock->marginStartForChild(this)); return; } // Case Two: The object is being pushed to the start of the containing block's available logical width. if (marginEndLength.isAuto() && childWidth < containerWidth) { containingBlock->setMarginStartForChild(this, marginStartLength.calcValue(containerWidth)); containingBlock->setMarginEndForChild(this, containerWidth - childWidth - containingBlock->marginStartForChild(this)); return; } // Case Three: The object is being pushed to the end of the containing block's available logical width. bool pushToEndFromTextAlign = !marginEndLength.isAuto() && ((!containingBlockStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() && containingBlockStyle->textAlign() == WEBKIT_LEFT) || (containingBlockStyle->isLeftToRightDirection() && containingBlockStyle->textAlign() == WEBKIT_RIGHT)); if ((marginStartLength.isAuto() && childWidth < containerWidth) || pushToEndFromTextAlign) { containingBlock->setMarginEndForChild(this, marginEndLength.calcValue(containerWidth)); containingBlock->setMarginStartForChild(this, containerWidth - childWidth - containingBlock->marginEndForChild(this)); return; } // Case Four: Either no auto margins, or our width is >= the container width (css2.1, 10.3.3). In that case // auto margins will just turn into 0. containingBlock->setMarginStartForChild(this, marginStartLength.calcMinValue(containerWidth)); containingBlock->setMarginEndForChild(this, marginEndLength.calcMinValue(containerWidth)); } void RenderBox::computeLogicalHeight() { // Cell height is managed by the table and inline non-replaced elements do not support a height property. if (isTableCell() || (isInline() && !isReplaced())) return; Length h; if (isPositioned()) { // FIXME: This calculation is not patched for block-flow yet. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46500 computePositionedLogicalHeight(); } else { RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); bool hasPerpendicularContainingBlock = cb->isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode(); if (!hasPerpendicularContainingBlock) computeBlockDirectionMargins(cb); // For tables, calculate margins only. if (isTable()) { if (hasPerpendicularContainingBlock) computeInlineDirectionMargins(cb, containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(), logicalHeight()); return; } // FIXME: Account for block-flow in flexible boxes. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46418 bool inHorizontalBox = parent()->isFlexibleBox() && parent()->style()->boxOrient() == HORIZONTAL; bool stretching = parent()->style()->boxAlign() == BSTRETCH; bool treatAsReplaced = shouldComputeSizeAsReplaced() && (!inHorizontalBox || !stretching); bool checkMinMaxHeight = false; // The parent box is flexing us, so it has increased or decreased our height. We have to // grab our cached flexible height. // FIXME: Account for block-flow in flexible boxes. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46418 if (hasOverrideSize() && parent()->isFlexibleBox() && parent()->style()->boxOrient() == VERTICAL && parent()->isFlexingChildren()) h = Length(overrideSize() - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(), Fixed); else if (treatAsReplaced) h = Length(computeReplacedLogicalHeight(), Fixed); else { h = style()->logicalHeight(); checkMinMaxHeight = true; } // Block children of horizontal flexible boxes fill the height of the box. // FIXME: Account for block-flow in flexible boxes. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46418 if (h.isAuto() && parent()->isFlexibleBox() && parent()->style()->boxOrient() == HORIZONTAL && parent()->isStretchingChildren()) { h = Length(parentBox()->contentLogicalHeight() - marginBefore() - marginAfter() - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(), Fixed); checkMinMaxHeight = false; } int heightResult; if (checkMinMaxHeight) { #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT // in SSR mode, ignore CSS height as layout is so different if (document()->settings()->layoutAlgorithm() == Settings::kLayoutSSR) heightResult = -1; else #endif heightResult = computeLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalHeight()); if (heightResult == -1) heightResult = logicalHeight(); int minH = computeLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMinHeight()); // Leave as -1 if unset. int maxH = style()->logicalMaxHeight().isUndefined() ? heightResult : computeLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMaxHeight()); if (maxH == -1) maxH = heightResult; heightResult = min(maxH, heightResult); heightResult = max(minH, heightResult); } else { // The only times we don't check min/max height are when a fixed length has // been given as an override. Just use that. The value has already been adjusted // for box-sizing. heightResult = h.value() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); } setLogicalHeight(heightResult); if (hasPerpendicularContainingBlock) computeInlineDirectionMargins(cb, containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(), heightResult); } // WinIE quirk: The <html> block always fills the entire canvas in quirks mode. The <body> always fills the // <html> block in quirks mode. Only apply this quirk if the block is normal flow and no height // is specified. When we're printing, we also need this quirk if the body or root has a percentage // height since we don't set a height in RenderView when we're printing. So without this quirk, the // height has nothing to be a percentage of, and it ends up being 0. That is bad. bool paginatedContentNeedsBaseHeight = document()->printing() && h.isPercent() && (isRoot() || (isBody() && document()->documentElement()->renderer()->style()->logicalHeight().isPercent())); if (stretchesToViewport() || paginatedContentNeedsBaseHeight) { // FIXME: Finish accounting for block flow here. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46603 int margins = collapsedMarginBefore() + collapsedMarginAfter(); int visHeight; if (document()->printing()) visHeight = static_cast<int>(view()->pageLogicalHeight()); else { if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) visHeight = view()->viewHeight(); else visHeight = view()->viewWidth(); } if (isRoot()) setLogicalHeight(max(logicalHeight(), visHeight - margins)); else { int marginsBordersPadding = margins + parentBox()->marginBefore() + parentBox()->marginAfter() + parentBox()->borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); setLogicalHeight(max(logicalHeight(), visHeight - marginsBordersPadding)); } } } int RenderBox::computeLogicalHeightUsing(const Length& h) { int logicalHeight = -1; if (!h.isAuto()) { if (h.isFixed()) logicalHeight = h.value(); else if (h.isPercent()) logicalHeight = computePercentageLogicalHeight(h); if (logicalHeight != -1) { logicalHeight = computeBorderBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeight); return logicalHeight; } } return logicalHeight; } int RenderBox::computePercentageLogicalHeight(const Length& height) { int result = -1; // In quirks mode, blocks with auto height are skipped, and we keep looking for an enclosing // block that may have a specified height and then use it. In strict mode, this violates the // specification, which states that percentage heights just revert to auto if the containing // block has an auto height. We still skip anonymous containing blocks in both modes, though, and look // only at explicit containers. bool skippedAutoHeightContainingBlock = false; RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); while (!cb->isRenderView() && !cb->isBody() && !cb->isTableCell() && !cb->isPositioned() && cb->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto()) { if (!document()->inQuirksMode() && !cb->isAnonymousBlock()) break; skippedAutoHeightContainingBlock = true; cb = cb->containingBlock(); cb->addPercentHeightDescendant(this); } // A positioned element that specified both top/bottom or that specifies height should be treated as though it has a height // explicitly specified that can be used for any percentage computations. // FIXME: We can't just check top/bottom here. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46500 bool isPositionedWithSpecifiedHeight = cb->isPositioned() && (!cb->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() || (!cb->style()->top().isAuto() && !cb->style()->bottom().isAuto())); bool includeBorderPadding = isTable(); // Table cells violate what the CSS spec says to do with heights. Basically we // don't care if the cell specified a height or not. We just always make ourselves // be a percentage of the cell's current content height. if (cb->isTableCell()) { if (!skippedAutoHeightContainingBlock) { result = cb->overrideSize(); if (result == -1) { // Normally we would let the cell size intrinsically, but scrolling overflow has to be // treated differently, since WinIE lets scrolled overflow regions shrink as needed. // While we can't get all cases right, we can at least detect when the cell has a specified // height or when the table has a specified height. In these cases we want to initially have // no size and allow the flexing of the table or the cell to its specified height to cause us // to grow to fill the space. This could end up being wrong in some cases, but it is // preferable to the alternative (sizing intrinsically and making the row end up too big). RenderTableCell* cell = toRenderTableCell(cb); if (scrollsOverflowY() && (!cell->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() || !cell->table()->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto())) return 0; return -1; } includeBorderPadding = true; } } // Otherwise we only use our percentage height if our containing block had a specified // height. else if (cb->style()->logicalHeight().isFixed()) result = cb->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(cb->style()->logicalHeight().value()); else if (cb->style()->logicalHeight().isPercent() && !isPositionedWithSpecifiedHeight) { // We need to recur and compute the percentage height for our containing block. result = cb->computePercentageLogicalHeight(cb->style()->logicalHeight()); if (result != -1) result = cb->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(result); } else if (cb->isRenderView() || (cb->isBody() && document()->inQuirksMode()) || isPositionedWithSpecifiedHeight) { // Don't allow this to affect the block' height() member variable, since this // can get called while the block is still laying out its kids. int oldHeight = cb->logicalHeight(); cb->computeLogicalHeight(); result = cb->contentLogicalHeight(); cb->setLogicalHeight(oldHeight); } else if (cb->isRoot() && isPositioned()) // Match the positioned objects behavior, which is that positioned objects will fill their viewport // always. Note we could only hit this case by recurring into computePercentageLogicalHeight on a positioned containing block. result = cb->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(cb->availableLogicalHeight()); if (result != -1) { result = height.calcValue(result); if (includeBorderPadding) { // It is necessary to use the border-box to match WinIE's broken // box model. This is essential for sizing inside // table cells using percentage heights. result -= borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); result = max(0, result); } } return result; } int RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidth(bool includeMaxWidth) const { int logicalWidth = computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalWidth()); int minLogicalWidth = computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalMinWidth()); int maxLogicalWidth = !includeMaxWidth || style()->logicalMaxWidth().isUndefined() ? logicalWidth : computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalMaxWidth()); return max(minLogicalWidth, min(logicalWidth, maxLogicalWidth)); } int RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(Length logicalWidth) const { switch (logicalWidth.type()) { case Fixed: return computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.value()); case Percent: { // FIXME: containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() is wrong if the replaced element's block-flow is perpendicular to the // containing block's block-flow. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46496 const int cw = isPositioned() ? containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(toRenderBoxModelObject(container())) : containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(); if (cw > 0) return computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.calcMinValue(cw)); } // fall through default: return intrinsicLogicalWidth(); } } int RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeight() const { int logicalHeight = computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalHeight()); int minLogicalHeight = computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMinHeight()); int maxLogicalHeight = style()->logicalMaxHeight().isUndefined() ? logicalHeight : computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMaxHeight()); return max(minLogicalHeight, min(logicalHeight, maxLogicalHeight)); } int RenderBox::computeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(Length logicalHeight) const { switch (logicalHeight.type()) { case Fixed: return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeight.value()); case Percent: { RenderObject* cb = isPositioned() ? container() : containingBlock(); while (cb->isAnonymous()) { cb = cb->containingBlock(); toRenderBlock(cb)->addPercentHeightDescendant(const_cast<RenderBox*>(this)); } // FIXME: This calculation is not patched for block-flow yet. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46500 if (cb->isPositioned() && cb->style()->height().isAuto() && !(cb->style()->top().isAuto() || cb->style()->bottom().isAuto())) { ASSERT(cb->isRenderBlock()); RenderBlock* block = toRenderBlock(cb); int oldHeight = block->height(); block->computeLogicalHeight(); int newHeight = block->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(block->contentHeight()); block->setHeight(oldHeight); return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeight.calcValue(newHeight)); } // FIXME: availableLogicalHeight() is wrong if the replaced element's block-flow is perpendicular to the // containing block's block-flow. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46496 int availableHeight = isPositioned() ? containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(toRenderBoxModelObject(cb)) : toRenderBox(cb)->availableLogicalHeight(); // It is necessary to use the border-box to match WinIE's broken // box model. This is essential for sizing inside // table cells using percentage heights. // FIXME: This needs to be made block-flow-aware. If the cell and image are perpendicular block-flows, this isn't right. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46997 if (cb->isTableCell() && (cb->style()->logicalHeight().isAuto() || cb->style()->logicalHeight().isPercent())) { // Don't let table cells squeeze percent-height replaced elements // <http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15359> availableHeight = max(availableHeight, intrinsicLogicalHeight()); return logicalHeight.calcValue(availableHeight - borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight()); } return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeight.calcValue(availableHeight)); } default: return intrinsicLogicalHeight(); } } int RenderBox::availableLogicalHeight() const { return availableLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalHeight()); } int RenderBox::availableLogicalHeightUsing(const Length& h) const { if (h.isFixed()) return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(h.value()); if (isRenderView()) return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? toRenderView(this)->frameView()->visibleHeight() : toRenderView(this)->frameView()->visibleWidth(); // We need to stop here, since we don't want to increase the height of the table // artificially. We're going to rely on this cell getting expanded to some new // height, and then when we lay out again we'll use the calculation below. if (isTableCell() && (h.isAuto() || h.isPercent())) return overrideSize() - borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth(); if (h.isPercent()) return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(h.calcValue(containingBlock()->availableLogicalHeight())); // FIXME: We can't just check top/bottom here. // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46500 if (isRenderBlock() && isPositioned() && style()->height().isAuto() && !(style()->top().isAuto() || style()->bottom().isAuto())) { RenderBlock* block = const_cast<RenderBlock*>(toRenderBlock(this)); int oldHeight = block->logicalHeight(); block->computeLogicalHeight(); int newHeight = block->computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(block->contentLogicalHeight()); block->setLogicalHeight(oldHeight); return computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(newHeight); } return containingBlock()->availableLogicalHeight(); } void RenderBox::computeBlockDirectionMargins(RenderBlock* containingBlock) { if (isTableCell()) { // FIXME: Not right if we allow cells to have different directionality than the table. If we do allow this, though, // we may just do it with an extra anonymous block inside the cell. setMarginBefore(0); setMarginAfter(0); return; } // Margins are calculated with respect to the logical width of // the containing block (8.3) int cw = containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent(); RenderStyle* containingBlockStyle = containingBlock->style(); containingBlock->setMarginBeforeForChild(this, style()->marginBeforeUsing(containingBlockStyle).calcMinValue(cw)); containingBlock->setMarginAfterForChild(this, style()->marginAfterUsing(containingBlockStyle).calcMinValue(cw)); } int RenderBox::containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(const RenderBoxModelObject* containingBlock, bool checkForPerpendicularWritingMode) const { #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Fixed element's position should be decided by the visible screen size. // That is in the doc coordindate. if (style()->position() == FixedPosition && containingBlock->isRenderView()) { const RenderView* view = toRenderView(containingBlock); return PlatformBridge::screenWidthInDocCoord(view->frameView()); } #endif if (checkForPerpendicularWritingMode && containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode()) return containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(containingBlock, false); if (containingBlock->isBox()) return toRenderBox(containingBlock)->clientLogicalWidth(); ASSERT(containingBlock->isRenderInline() && containingBlock->isRelPositioned()); const RenderInline* flow = toRenderInline(containingBlock); InlineFlowBox* first = flow->firstLineBox(); InlineFlowBox* last = flow->lastLineBox(); // If the containing block is empty, return a width of 0. if (!first || !last) return 0; int fromLeft; int fromRight; if (containingBlock->style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) { fromLeft = first->logicalLeft() + first->borderLogicalLeft(); fromRight = last->logicalLeft() + last->logicalWidth() - last->borderLogicalRight(); } else { fromRight = first->logicalLeft() + first->logicalWidth() - first->borderLogicalRight(); fromLeft = last->logicalLeft() + last->borderLogicalLeft(); } return max(0, (fromRight - fromLeft)); } int RenderBox::containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(const RenderBoxModelObject* containingBlock, bool checkForPerpendicularWritingMode) const { #if PLATFORM(ANDROID) // Fixed element's position should be decided by the visible screen size. // That is in the doc coordindate. if (style()->position() == FixedPosition && containingBlock->isRenderView()) { const RenderView* view = toRenderView(containingBlock); return PlatformBridge::screenHeightInDocCoord(view->frameView()); } #endif if (checkForPerpendicularWritingMode && containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() != isHorizontalWritingMode()) return containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(containingBlock, false); if (containingBlock->isBox()) return toRenderBox(containingBlock)->clientLogicalHeight(); ASSERT(containingBlock->isRenderInline() && containingBlock->isRelPositioned()); const RenderInline* flow = toRenderInline(containingBlock); InlineFlowBox* first = flow->firstLineBox(); InlineFlowBox* last = flow->lastLineBox(); // If the containing block is empty, return a height of 0. if (!first || !last) return 0; int heightResult; IntRect boundingBox = flow->linesBoundingBox(); if (containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode()) heightResult = boundingBox.height(); else heightResult = boundingBox.width(); heightResult -= (containingBlock->borderBefore() + containingBlock->borderAfter()); return heightResult; } static void computeInlineStaticDistance(Length& logicalLeft, Length& logicalRight, const RenderBox* child, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, int containerLogicalWidth, TextDirection containerDirection) { if (!logicalLeft.isAuto() || !logicalRight.isAuto()) return; // FIXME: The static distance computation has not been patched for mixed writing modes yet. if (containerDirection == LTR) { int staticPosition = child->layer()->staticInlinePosition() - containerBlock->borderLogicalLeft(); for (RenderObject* curr = child->parent(); curr && curr != containerBlock; curr = curr->container()) { if (curr->isBox()) staticPosition += toRenderBox(curr)->logicalLeft(); } logicalLeft.setValue(Fixed, staticPosition); } else { RenderBox* enclosingBox = child->parent()->enclosingBox(); int staticPosition = child->layer()->staticInlinePosition() + containerLogicalWidth + containerBlock->borderLogicalRight(); staticPosition -= enclosingBox->logicalWidth(); for (RenderObject* curr = enclosingBox; curr && curr != containerBlock; curr = curr->container()) { if (curr->isBox()) staticPosition -= toRenderBox(curr)->logicalLeft(); } logicalRight.setValue(Fixed, staticPosition); } } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalWidth() { if (isReplaced()) { computePositionedLogicalWidthReplaced(); return; } // QUESTIONS // FIXME 1: Which RenderObject's 'direction' property should used: the // containing block (cb) as the spec seems to imply, the parent (parent()) as // was previously done in calculating the static distances, or ourself, which // was also previously done for deciding what to override when you had // over-constrained margins? Also note that the container block is used // in similar situations in other parts of the RenderBox class (see computeLogicalWidth() // and computeMarginsInContainingBlockInlineDirection()). For now we are using the parent for quirks // mode and the containing block for strict mode. // FIXME 2: Should we still deal with these the cases of 'left' or 'right' having // the type 'static' in determining whether to calculate the static distance? // NOTE: 'static' is not a legal value for 'left' or 'right' as of CSS 2.1. // FIXME 3: Can perhaps optimize out cases when max-width/min-width are greater // than or less than the computed width(). Be careful of box-sizing and // percentage issues. // The following is based off of the W3C Working Draft from April 11, 2006 of // CSS 2.1: Section 10.3.7 "Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements" // <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width> // (block-style-comments in this function and in computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing() // correspond to text from the spec) // We don't use containingBlock(), since we may be positioned by an enclosing // relative positioned inline. const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock = toRenderBoxModelObject(container()); const int containerLogicalWidth = containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(containerBlock); // To match WinIE, in quirks mode use the parent's 'direction' property // instead of the the container block's. TextDirection containerDirection = (document()->inQuirksMode()) ? parent()->style()->direction() : containerBlock->style()->direction(); bool isHorizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode(); const int bordersPlusPadding = borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth(); const Length marginLogicalLeft = isHorizontal ? style()->marginLeft() : style()->marginTop(); const Length marginLogicalRight = isHorizontal ? style()->marginRight() : style()->marginBottom(); int& marginLogicalLeftAlias = isHorizontal ? m_marginLeft : m_marginTop; int& marginLogicalRightAlias = isHorizontal ? m_marginRight : m_marginBottom; Length logicalLeft = style()->logicalLeft(); Length logicalRight = style()->logicalRight(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * For the purposes of this section and the next, the term "static position" * (of an element) refers, roughly, to the position an element would have had * in the normal flow. More precisely: * * * The static position for 'left' is the distance from the left edge of the * containing block to the left margin edge of a hypothetical box that would * have been the first box of the element if its 'position' property had * been 'static' and 'float' had been 'none'. The value is negative if the * hypothetical box is to the left of the containing block. * * The static position for 'right' is the distance from the right edge of the * containing block to the right margin edge of the same hypothetical box as * above. The value is positive if the hypothetical box is to the left of the * containing block's edge. * * But rather than actually calculating the dimensions of that hypothetical box, * user agents are free to make a guess at its probable position. * * For the purposes of calculating the static position, the containing block of * fixed positioned elements is the initial containing block instead of the * viewport, and all scrollable boxes should be assumed to be scrolled to their * origin. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // see FIXME 2 // Calculate the static distance if needed. computeInlineStaticDistance(logicalLeft, logicalRight, this, containerBlock, containerLogicalWidth, containerDirection); // Calculate constraint equation values for 'width' case. int logicalWidthResult; int logicalLeftResult; computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalWidth(), containerBlock, containerDirection, containerLogicalWidth, bordersPlusPadding, logicalLeft, logicalRight, marginLogicalLeft, marginLogicalRight, logicalWidthResult, marginLogicalLeftAlias, marginLogicalRightAlias, logicalLeftResult); setLogicalWidth(logicalWidthResult); setLogicalLeft(logicalLeftResult); // Calculate constraint equation values for 'max-width' case. if (!style()->logicalMaxWidth().isUndefined()) { int maxLogicalWidth; int maxMarginLogicalLeft; int maxMarginLogicalRight; int maxLogicalLeftPos; computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalMaxWidth(), containerBlock, containerDirection, containerLogicalWidth, bordersPlusPadding, logicalLeft, logicalRight, marginLogicalLeft, marginLogicalRight, maxLogicalWidth, maxMarginLogicalLeft, maxMarginLogicalRight, maxLogicalLeftPos); if (logicalWidth() > maxLogicalWidth) { setLogicalWidth(maxLogicalWidth); marginLogicalLeftAlias = maxMarginLogicalLeft; marginLogicalRightAlias = maxMarginLogicalRight; setLogicalLeft(maxLogicalLeftPos); } } // Calculate constraint equation values for 'min-width' case. if (!style()->logicalMinWidth().isZero()) { int minLogicalWidth; int minMarginLogicalLeft; int minMarginLogicalRight; int minLogicalLeftPos; computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(style()->logicalMinWidth(), containerBlock, containerDirection, containerLogicalWidth, bordersPlusPadding, logicalLeft, logicalRight, marginLogicalLeft, marginLogicalRight, minLogicalWidth, minMarginLogicalLeft, minMarginLogicalRight, minLogicalLeftPos); if (logicalWidth() < minLogicalWidth) { setLogicalWidth(minLogicalWidth); marginLogicalLeftAlias = minMarginLogicalLeft; marginLogicalRightAlias = minMarginLogicalRight; setLogicalLeft(minLogicalLeftPos); } } if (stretchesToMinIntrinsicLogicalWidth() && logicalWidth() < minPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding) { computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(Length(minPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding, Fixed), containerBlock, containerDirection, containerLogicalWidth, bordersPlusPadding, logicalLeft, logicalRight, marginLogicalLeft, marginLogicalRight, logicalWidthResult, marginLogicalLeftAlias, marginLogicalRightAlias, logicalLeftResult); setLogicalWidth(logicalWidthResult); setLogicalLeft(logicalLeftResult); } // Put logicalWidth() into correct form. setLogicalWidth(logicalWidth() + bordersPlusPadding); } static void computeLogicalLeftPositionedOffset(int& logicalLeftPos, const RenderBox* child, int logicalWidthValue, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, int containerLogicalWidth) { // Deal with differing writing modes here. Our offset needs to be in the containing block's coordinate space. If the containing block is flipped // along this axis, then we need to flip the coordinate. This can only happen if the containing block is both a flipped mode and perpendicular to us. if (containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() != child->isHorizontalWritingMode() && containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) { logicalLeftPos = containerLogicalWidth - logicalWidthValue - logicalLeftPos; logicalLeftPos += (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? containerBlock->borderRight() : containerBlock->borderBottom()); } else logicalLeftPos += (child->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? containerBlock->borderLeft() : containerBlock->borderTop()); } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(Length logicalWidth, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, TextDirection containerDirection, int containerLogicalWidth, int bordersPlusPadding, Length logicalLeft, Length logicalRight, Length marginLogicalLeft, Length marginLogicalRight, int& logicalWidthValue, int& marginLogicalLeftValue, int& marginLogicalRightValue, int& logicalLeftPos) { // 'left' and 'right' cannot both be 'auto' because one would of been // converted to the static position already ASSERT(!(logicalLeft.isAuto() && logicalRight.isAuto())); int logicalLeftValue = 0; bool logicalWidthIsAuto = logicalWidth.isIntrinsicOrAuto(); bool logicalLeftIsAuto = logicalLeft.isAuto(); bool logicalRightIsAuto = logicalRight.isAuto(); if (!logicalLeftIsAuto && !logicalWidthIsAuto && !logicalRightIsAuto) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * If none of the three is 'auto': If both 'margin-left' and 'margin- * right' are 'auto', solve the equation under the extra constraint that * the two margins get equal values, unless this would make them negative, * in which case when direction of the containing block is 'ltr' ('rtl'), * set 'margin-left' ('margin-right') to zero and solve for 'margin-right' * ('margin-left'). If one of 'margin-left' or 'margin-right' is 'auto', * solve the equation for that value. If the values are over-constrained, * ignore the value for 'left' (in case the 'direction' property of the * containing block is 'rtl') or 'right' (in case 'direction' is 'ltr') * and solve for that value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'right' in the over constrained // case because the value is not used for any further calculations. logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalWidthValue = computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth)); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalWidth - (logicalLeftValue + logicalWidthValue + logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth) + bordersPlusPadding); // Margins are now the only unknown if (marginLogicalLeft.isAuto() && marginLogicalRight.isAuto()) { // Both margins auto, solve for equality if (availableSpace >= 0) { marginLogicalLeftValue = availableSpace / 2; // split the difference marginLogicalRightValue = availableSpace - marginLogicalLeftValue; // account for odd valued differences } else { // see FIXME 1 if (containerDirection == LTR) { marginLogicalLeftValue = 0; marginLogicalRightValue = availableSpace; // will be negative } else { marginLogicalLeftValue = availableSpace; // will be negative marginLogicalRightValue = 0; } } } else if (marginLogicalLeft.isAuto()) { // Solve for left margin marginLogicalRightValue = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalLeftValue = availableSpace - marginLogicalRightValue; } else if (marginLogicalRight.isAuto()) { // Solve for right margin marginLogicalLeftValue = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightValue = availableSpace - marginLogicalLeftValue; } else { // Over-constrained, solve for left if direction is RTL marginLogicalLeftValue = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightValue = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // see FIXME 1 -- used to be "this->style()->direction()" if (containerDirection == RTL) logicalLeftValue = (availableSpace + logicalLeftValue) - marginLogicalLeftValue - marginLogicalRightValue; } } else { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * Otherwise, set 'auto' values for 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' * to 0, and pick the one of the following six rules that applies. * * 1. 'left' and 'width' are 'auto' and 'right' is not 'auto', then the * width is shrink-to-fit. Then solve for 'left' * * OMIT RULE 2 AS IT SHOULD NEVER BE HIT * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 2. 'left' and 'right' are 'auto' and 'width' is not 'auto', then if * the 'direction' property of the containing block is 'ltr' set * 'left' to the static position, otherwise set 'right' to the * static position. Then solve for 'left' (if 'direction is 'rtl') * or 'right' (if 'direction' is 'ltr'). * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * 3. 'width' and 'right' are 'auto' and 'left' is not 'auto', then the * width is shrink-to-fit . Then solve for 'right' * 4. 'left' is 'auto', 'width' and 'right' are not 'auto', then solve * for 'left' * 5. 'width' is 'auto', 'left' and 'right' are not 'auto', then solve * for 'width' * 6. 'right' is 'auto', 'left' and 'width' are not 'auto', then solve * for 'right' * * Calculation of the shrink-to-fit width is similar to calculating the * width of a table cell using the automatic table layout algorithm. * Roughly: calculate the preferred width by formatting the content * without breaking lines other than where explicit line breaks occur, * and also calculate the preferred minimum width, e.g., by trying all * possible line breaks. CSS 2.1 does not define the exact algorithm. * Thirdly, calculate the available width: this is found by solving * for 'width' after setting 'left' (in case 1) or 'right' (in case 3) * to 0. * * Then the shrink-to-fit width is: * min(max(preferred minimum width, available width), preferred width). \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: For rules 3 and 6 it is not necessary to solve for 'right' // because the value is not used for any further calculations. // Calculate margins, 'auto' margins are ignored. marginLogicalLeftValue = marginLogicalLeft.calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightValue = marginLogicalRight.calcMinValue(containerLogicalWidth); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalWidth - (marginLogicalLeftValue + marginLogicalRightValue + bordersPlusPadding); // FIXME: Is there a faster way to find the correct case? // Use rule/case that applies. if (logicalLeftIsAuto && logicalWidthIsAuto && !logicalRightIsAuto) { // RULE 1: (use shrink-to-fit for width, and solve of left) int logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // FIXME: would it be better to have shrink-to-fit in one step? int preferredWidth = maxPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding; int preferredMinWidth = minPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding; int availableWidth = availableSpace - logicalRightValue; logicalWidthValue = min(max(preferredMinWidth, availableWidth), preferredWidth); logicalLeftValue = availableSpace - (logicalWidthValue + logicalRightValue); } else if (!logicalLeftIsAuto && logicalWidthIsAuto && logicalRightIsAuto) { // RULE 3: (use shrink-to-fit for width, and no need solve of right) logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // FIXME: would it be better to have shrink-to-fit in one step? int preferredWidth = maxPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding; int preferredMinWidth = minPreferredLogicalWidth() - bordersPlusPadding; int availableWidth = availableSpace - logicalLeftValue; logicalWidthValue = min(max(preferredMinWidth, availableWidth), preferredWidth); } else if (logicalLeftIsAuto && !logicalWidthIsAuto && !logicalRightIsAuto) { // RULE 4: (solve for left) logicalWidthValue = computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth)); logicalLeftValue = availableSpace - (logicalWidthValue + logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth)); } else if (!logicalLeftIsAuto && logicalWidthIsAuto && !logicalRightIsAuto) { // RULE 5: (solve for width) logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalWidthValue = availableSpace - (logicalLeftValue + logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth)); } else if (!logicalLeftIsAuto && !logicalWidthIsAuto && logicalRightIsAuto) { // RULE 6: (no need solve for right) logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalWidthValue = computeContentBoxLogicalWidth(logicalWidth.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth)); } } // Use computed values to calculate the horizontal position. // FIXME: This hack is needed to calculate the logical left position for a 'rtl' relatively // positioned, inline because right now, it is using the logical left position // of the first line box when really it should use the last line box. When // this is fixed elsewhere, this block should be removed. if (containerBlock->isRenderInline() && !containerBlock->style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) { const RenderInline* flow = toRenderInline(containerBlock); InlineFlowBox* firstLine = flow->firstLineBox(); InlineFlowBox* lastLine = flow->lastLineBox(); if (firstLine && lastLine && firstLine != lastLine) { logicalLeftPos = logicalLeftValue + marginLogicalLeftValue + lastLine->borderLogicalLeft() + (lastLine->logicalLeft() - firstLine->logicalLeft()); return; } } logicalLeftPos = logicalLeftValue + marginLogicalLeftValue; computeLogicalLeftPositionedOffset(logicalLeftPos, this, logicalWidthValue, containerBlock, containerLogicalWidth); } static void computeBlockStaticDistance(Length& logicalTop, Length& logicalBottom, const RenderBox* child, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock) { if (!logicalTop.isAuto() || !logicalBottom.isAuto()) return; // FIXME: The static distance computation has not been patched for mixed writing modes. int staticLogicalTop = child->layer()->staticBlockPosition() - containerBlock->borderBefore(); for (RenderObject* curr = child->parent(); curr && curr != containerBlock; curr = curr->container()) { if (curr->isBox() && !curr->isTableRow()) staticLogicalTop += toRenderBox(curr)->logicalTop(); } logicalTop.setValue(Fixed, staticLogicalTop); } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalHeight() { if (isReplaced()) { computePositionedLogicalHeightReplaced(); return; } // The following is based off of the W3C Working Draft from April 11, 2006 of // CSS 2.1: Section 10.6.4 "Absolutely positioned, non-replaced elements" // <http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-CSS21-20050613/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height> // (block-style-comments in this function and in computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing() // correspond to text from the spec) // We don't use containingBlock(), since we may be positioned by an enclosing relpositioned inline. const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock = toRenderBoxModelObject(container()); const int containerLogicalHeight = containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(containerBlock); bool isHorizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode(); bool isFlipped = style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(); const int bordersPlusPadding = borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight(); const Length marginBefore = style()->marginBefore(); const Length marginAfter = style()->marginAfter(); int& marginBeforeAlias = isHorizontal ? (isFlipped ? m_marginBottom : m_marginTop) : (isFlipped ? m_marginRight: m_marginLeft); int& marginAfterAlias = isHorizontal ? (isFlipped ? m_marginTop : m_marginBottom) : (isFlipped ? m_marginLeft: m_marginRight); Length logicalTop = style()->logicalTop(); Length logicalBottom = style()->logicalBottom(); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * For the purposes of this section and the next, the term "static position" * (of an element) refers, roughly, to the position an element would have had * in the normal flow. More precisely, the static position for 'top' is the * distance from the top edge of the containing block to the top margin edge * of a hypothetical box that would have been the first box of the element if * its 'position' property had been 'static' and 'float' had been 'none'. The * value is negative if the hypothetical box is above the containing block. * * But rather than actually calculating the dimensions of that hypothetical * box, user agents are free to make a guess at its probable position. * * For the purposes of calculating the static position, the containing block * of fixed positioned elements is the initial containing block instead of * the viewport. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // see FIXME 2 // Calculate the static distance if needed. computeBlockStaticDistance(logicalTop, logicalBottom, this, containerBlock); int logicalHeightResult; // Needed to compute overflow. int logicalTopPos; // Calculate constraint equation values for 'height' case. computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalHeight(), containerBlock, containerLogicalHeight, bordersPlusPadding, logicalTop, logicalBottom, marginBefore, marginAfter, logicalHeightResult, marginBeforeAlias, marginAfterAlias, logicalTopPos); setLogicalTop(logicalTopPos); // Avoid doing any work in the common case (where the values of min-height and max-height are their defaults). // see FIXME 3 // Calculate constraint equation values for 'max-height' case. if (!style()->logicalMaxHeight().isUndefined()) { int maxLogicalHeight; int maxMarginBefore; int maxMarginAfter; int maxLogicalTopPos; computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMaxHeight(), containerBlock, containerLogicalHeight, bordersPlusPadding, logicalTop, logicalBottom, marginBefore, marginAfter, maxLogicalHeight, maxMarginBefore, maxMarginAfter, maxLogicalTopPos); if (logicalHeightResult > maxLogicalHeight) { logicalHeightResult = maxLogicalHeight; marginBeforeAlias = maxMarginBefore; marginAfterAlias = maxMarginAfter; setLogicalTop(maxLogicalTopPos); } } // Calculate constraint equation values for 'min-height' case. if (!style()->logicalMinHeight().isZero()) { int minLogicalHeight; int minMarginBefore; int minMarginAfter; int minLogicalTopPos; computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(style()->logicalMinHeight(), containerBlock, containerLogicalHeight, bordersPlusPadding, logicalTop, logicalBottom, marginBefore, marginAfter, minLogicalHeight, minMarginBefore, minMarginAfter, minLogicalTopPos); if (logicalHeightResult < minLogicalHeight) { logicalHeightResult = minLogicalHeight; marginBeforeAlias = minMarginBefore; marginAfterAlias = minMarginAfter; setLogicalTop(minLogicalTopPos); } } // Set final height value. setLogicalHeight(logicalHeightResult + bordersPlusPadding); } static void computeLogicalTopPositionedOffset(int& logicalTopPos, const RenderBox* child, int logicalHeightValue, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, int containerLogicalHeight) { // Deal with differing writing modes here. Our offset needs to be in the containing block's coordinate space. If the containing block is flipped // along this axis, then we need to flip the coordinate. This can only happen if the containing block is both a flipped mode and perpendicular to us. if ((child->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() && child->isHorizontalWritingMode() != containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode()) || (child->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() != containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() && child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode())) logicalTopPos = containerLogicalHeight - logicalHeightValue - logicalTopPos; // Our offset is from the logical bottom edge in a flipped environment, e.g., right for vertical-rl and bottom for horizontal-bt. if (containerBlock->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() && child->isHorizontalWritingMode() == containerBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode()) { if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode()) logicalTopPos += containerBlock->borderBottom(); else logicalTopPos += containerBlock->borderRight(); } else { if (child->isHorizontalWritingMode()) logicalTopPos += containerBlock->borderTop(); else logicalTopPos += containerBlock->borderLeft(); } } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(Length logicalHeightLength, const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock, int containerLogicalHeight, int bordersPlusPadding, Length logicalTop, Length logicalBottom, Length marginBefore, Length marginAfter, int& logicalHeightValue, int& marginBeforeValue, int& marginAfterValue, int& logicalTopPos) { // 'top' and 'bottom' cannot both be 'auto' because 'top would of been // converted to the static position in computePositionedLogicalHeight() ASSERT(!(logicalTop.isAuto() && logicalBottom.isAuto())); int contentLogicalHeight = logicalHeight() - bordersPlusPadding; int logicalTopValue = 0; bool logicalHeightIsAuto = logicalHeightLength.isAuto(); bool logicalTopIsAuto = logicalTop.isAuto(); bool logicalBottomIsAuto = logicalBottom.isAuto(); // Height is never unsolved for tables. if (isTable()) { logicalHeightLength.setValue(Fixed, contentLogicalHeight); logicalHeightIsAuto = false; } if (!logicalTopIsAuto && !logicalHeightIsAuto && !logicalBottomIsAuto) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * If none of the three are 'auto': If both 'margin-top' and 'margin- * bottom' are 'auto', solve the equation under the extra constraint that * the two margins get equal values. If one of 'margin-top' or 'margin- * bottom' is 'auto', solve the equation for that value. If the values * are over-constrained, ignore the value for 'bottom' and solve for that * value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' in the over constrained // case because the value is not used for any further calculations. logicalHeightValue = computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeightLength.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight)); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalHeight - (logicalTopValue + logicalHeightValue + logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight) + bordersPlusPadding); // Margins are now the only unknown if (marginBefore.isAuto() && marginAfter.isAuto()) { // Both margins auto, solve for equality // NOTE: This may result in negative values. marginBeforeValue = availableSpace / 2; // split the difference marginAfterValue = availableSpace - marginBeforeValue; // account for odd valued differences } else if (marginBefore.isAuto()) { // Solve for top margin marginAfterValue = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginBeforeValue = availableSpace - marginAfterValue; } else if (marginAfter.isAuto()) { // Solve for bottom margin marginBeforeValue = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterValue = availableSpace - marginBeforeValue; } else { // Over-constrained, (no need solve for bottom) marginBeforeValue = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterValue = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); } } else { /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * Otherwise, set 'auto' values for 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' * to 0, and pick the one of the following six rules that applies. * * 1. 'top' and 'height' are 'auto' and 'bottom' is not 'auto', then * the height is based on the content, and solve for 'top'. * * OMIT RULE 2 AS IT SHOULD NEVER BE HIT * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * 2. 'top' and 'bottom' are 'auto' and 'height' is not 'auto', then * set 'top' to the static position, and solve for 'bottom'. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * 3. 'height' and 'bottom' are 'auto' and 'top' is not 'auto', then * the height is based on the content, and solve for 'bottom'. * 4. 'top' is 'auto', 'height' and 'bottom' are not 'auto', and * solve for 'top'. * 5. 'height' is 'auto', 'top' and 'bottom' are not 'auto', and * solve for 'height'. * 6. 'bottom' is 'auto', 'top' and 'height' are not 'auto', and * solve for 'bottom'. \*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: For rules 3 and 6 it is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' // because the value is not used for any further calculations. // Calculate margins, 'auto' margins are ignored. marginBeforeValue = marginBefore.calcMinValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterValue = marginAfter.calcMinValue(containerLogicalHeight); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalHeight - (marginBeforeValue + marginAfterValue + bordersPlusPadding); // Use rule/case that applies. if (logicalTopIsAuto && logicalHeightIsAuto && !logicalBottomIsAuto) { // RULE 1: (height is content based, solve of top) logicalHeightValue = contentLogicalHeight; logicalTopValue = availableSpace - (logicalHeightValue + logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight)); } else if (!logicalTopIsAuto && logicalHeightIsAuto && logicalBottomIsAuto) { // RULE 3: (height is content based, no need solve of bottom) logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalHeightValue = contentLogicalHeight; } else if (logicalTopIsAuto && !logicalHeightIsAuto && !logicalBottomIsAuto) { // RULE 4: (solve of top) logicalHeightValue = computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeightLength.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight)); logicalTopValue = availableSpace - (logicalHeightValue + logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight)); } else if (!logicalTopIsAuto && logicalHeightIsAuto && !logicalBottomIsAuto) { // RULE 5: (solve of height) logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalHeightValue = max(0, availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight))); } else if (!logicalTopIsAuto && !logicalHeightIsAuto && logicalBottomIsAuto) { // RULE 6: (no need solve of bottom) logicalHeightValue = computeContentBoxLogicalHeight(logicalHeightLength.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight)); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); } } // Use computed values to calculate the vertical position. logicalTopPos = logicalTopValue + marginBeforeValue; computeLogicalTopPositionedOffset(logicalTopPos, this, logicalHeightValue, containerBlock, containerLogicalHeight); } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalWidthReplaced() { // The following is based off of the W3C Working Draft from April 11, 2006 of // CSS 2.1: Section 10.3.8 "Absolutely positioned, replaced elements" // <http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-CSS21-20050613/visudet.html#abs-replaced-width> // (block-style-comments in this function correspond to text from the spec and // the numbers correspond to numbers in spec) // We don't use containingBlock(), since we may be positioned by an enclosing // relative positioned inline. const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock = toRenderBoxModelObject(container()); const int containerLogicalWidth = containingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(containerBlock); // To match WinIE, in quirks mode use the parent's 'direction' property // instead of the the container block's. TextDirection containerDirection = (document()->inQuirksMode()) ? parent()->style()->direction() : containerBlock->style()->direction(); // Variables to solve. bool isHorizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode(); Length logicalLeft = style()->logicalLeft(); Length logicalRight = style()->logicalRight(); Length marginLogicalLeft = isHorizontal ? style()->marginLeft() : style()->marginTop(); Length marginLogicalRight = isHorizontal ? style()->marginRight() : style()->marginBottom(); int& marginLogicalLeftAlias = isHorizontal ? m_marginLeft : m_marginTop; int& marginLogicalRightAlias = isHorizontal ? m_marginRight : m_marginBottom; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 1. The used value of 'width' is determined as for inline replaced * elements. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: This value of width is FINAL in that the min/max width calculations // are dealt with in computeReplacedWidth(). This means that the steps to produce // correct max/min in the non-replaced version, are not necessary. setLogicalWidth(computeReplacedLogicalWidth() + borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth()); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalWidth - logicalWidth(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 2. If both 'left' and 'right' have the value 'auto', then if 'direction' * of the containing block is 'ltr', set 'left' to the static position; * else if 'direction' is 'rtl', set 'right' to the static position. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // see FIXME 2 computeInlineStaticDistance(logicalLeft, logicalRight, this, containerBlock, containerLogicalWidth, containerDirection); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 3. If 'left' or 'right' are 'auto', replace any 'auto' on 'margin-left' * or 'margin-right' with '0'. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (logicalLeft.isAuto() || logicalRight.isAuto()) { if (marginLogicalLeft.isAuto()) marginLogicalLeft.setValue(Fixed, 0); if (marginLogicalRight.isAuto()) marginLogicalRight.setValue(Fixed, 0); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 4. If at this point both 'margin-left' and 'margin-right' are still * 'auto', solve the equation under the extra constraint that the two * margins must get equal values, unless this would make them negative, * in which case when the direction of the containing block is 'ltr' * ('rtl'), set 'margin-left' ('margin-right') to zero and solve for * 'margin-right' ('margin-left'). \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int logicalLeftValue = 0; int logicalRightValue = 0; if (marginLogicalLeft.isAuto() && marginLogicalRight.isAuto()) { // 'left' and 'right' cannot be 'auto' due to step 3 ASSERT(!(logicalLeft.isAuto() && logicalRight.isAuto())); logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); int difference = availableSpace - (logicalLeftValue + logicalRightValue); if (difference > 0) { marginLogicalLeftAlias = difference / 2; // split the difference marginLogicalRightAlias = difference - marginLogicalLeftAlias; // account for odd valued differences } else { // see FIXME 1 if (containerDirection == LTR) { marginLogicalLeftAlias = 0; marginLogicalRightAlias = difference; // will be negative } else { marginLogicalLeftAlias = difference; // will be negative marginLogicalRightAlias = 0; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 5. If at this point there is an 'auto' left, solve the equation for * that value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if (logicalLeft.isAuto()) { marginLogicalLeftAlias = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightAlias = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // Solve for 'left' logicalLeftValue = availableSpace - (logicalRightValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias + marginLogicalRightAlias); } else if (logicalRight.isAuto()) { marginLogicalLeftAlias = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightAlias = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // Solve for 'right' logicalRightValue = availableSpace - (logicalLeftValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias + marginLogicalRightAlias); } else if (marginLogicalLeft.isAuto()) { marginLogicalRightAlias = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // Solve for 'margin-left' marginLogicalLeftAlias = availableSpace - (logicalLeftValue + logicalRightValue + marginLogicalRightAlias); } else if (marginLogicalRight.isAuto()) { marginLogicalLeftAlias = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); // Solve for 'margin-right' marginLogicalRightAlias = availableSpace - (logicalLeftValue + logicalRightValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias); } else { // Nothing is 'auto', just calculate the values. marginLogicalLeftAlias = marginLogicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); marginLogicalRightAlias = marginLogicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalRightValue = logicalRight.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); logicalLeftValue = logicalLeft.calcValue(containerLogicalWidth); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 6. If at this point the values are over-constrained, ignore the value * for either 'left' (in case the 'direction' property of the * containing block is 'rtl') or 'right' (in case 'direction' is * 'ltr') and solve for that value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'right' when the direction is // LTR because the value is not used. int totalLogicalWidth = logicalWidth() + logicalLeftValue + logicalRightValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias + marginLogicalRightAlias; if (totalLogicalWidth > containerLogicalWidth && (containerDirection == RTL)) logicalLeftValue = containerLogicalWidth - (totalLogicalWidth - logicalLeftValue); // FIXME: Deal with differing writing modes here. Our offset needs to be in the containing block's coordinate space, so that // can make the result here rather complicated to compute. // Use computed values to calculate the horizontal position. // FIXME: This hack is needed to calculate the logical left position for a 'rtl' relatively // positioned, inline containing block because right now, it is using the logical left position // of the first line box when really it should use the last line box. When // this is fixed elsewhere, this block should be removed. if (containerBlock->isRenderInline() && !containerBlock->style()->isLeftToRightDirection()) { const RenderInline* flow = toRenderInline(containerBlock); InlineFlowBox* firstLine = flow->firstLineBox(); InlineFlowBox* lastLine = flow->lastLineBox(); if (firstLine && lastLine && firstLine != lastLine) { setLogicalLeft(logicalLeftValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias + lastLine->borderLogicalLeft() + (lastLine->logicalLeft() - firstLine->logicalLeft())); return; } } int logicalLeftPos = logicalLeftValue + marginLogicalLeftAlias; computeLogicalLeftPositionedOffset(logicalLeftPos, this, logicalWidth(), containerBlock, containerLogicalWidth); setLogicalLeft(logicalLeftPos); } void RenderBox::computePositionedLogicalHeightReplaced() { // The following is based off of the W3C Working Draft from April 11, 2006 of // CSS 2.1: Section 10.6.5 "Absolutely positioned, replaced elements" // <http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-CSS21-20050613/visudet.html#abs-replaced-height> // (block-style-comments in this function correspond to text from the spec and // the numbers correspond to numbers in spec) // We don't use containingBlock(), since we may be positioned by an enclosing relpositioned inline. const RenderBoxModelObject* containerBlock = toRenderBoxModelObject(container()); const int containerLogicalHeight = containingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(containerBlock); // Variables to solve. bool isHorizontal = isHorizontalWritingMode(); bool isFlipped = style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode(); Length marginBefore = style()->marginBefore(); Length marginAfter = style()->marginAfter(); int& marginBeforeAlias = isHorizontal ? (isFlipped ? m_marginBottom : m_marginTop) : (isFlipped ? m_marginRight: m_marginLeft); int& marginAfterAlias = isHorizontal ? (isFlipped ? m_marginTop : m_marginBottom) : (isFlipped ? m_marginLeft: m_marginRight); Length logicalTop = style()->logicalTop(); Length logicalBottom = style()->logicalBottom(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 1. The used value of 'height' is determined as for inline replaced * elements. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: This value of height is FINAL in that the min/max height calculations // are dealt with in computeReplacedHeight(). This means that the steps to produce // correct max/min in the non-replaced version, are not necessary. setLogicalHeight(computeReplacedLogicalHeight() + borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight()); const int availableSpace = containerLogicalHeight - logicalHeight(); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 2. If both 'top' and 'bottom' have the value 'auto', replace 'top' * with the element's static position. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // see FIXME 2 computeBlockStaticDistance(logicalTop, logicalBottom, this, containerBlock); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 3. If 'bottom' is 'auto', replace any 'auto' on 'margin-top' or * 'margin-bottom' with '0'. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // FIXME: The spec. says that this step should only be taken when bottom is // auto, but if only top is auto, this makes step 4 impossible. if (logicalTop.isAuto() || logicalBottom.isAuto()) { if (marginBefore.isAuto()) marginBefore.setValue(Fixed, 0); if (marginAfter.isAuto()) marginAfter.setValue(Fixed, 0); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 4. If at this point both 'margin-top' and 'margin-bottom' are still * 'auto', solve the equation under the extra constraint that the two * margins must get equal values. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int logicalTopValue = 0; int logicalBottomValue = 0; if (marginBefore.isAuto() && marginAfter.isAuto()) { // 'top' and 'bottom' cannot be 'auto' due to step 2 and 3 combined. ASSERT(!(logicalTop.isAuto() || logicalBottom.isAuto())); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalBottomValue = logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); int difference = availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue); // NOTE: This may result in negative values. marginBeforeAlias = difference / 2; // split the difference marginAfterAlias = difference - marginBeforeAlias; // account for odd valued differences /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 5. If at this point there is only one 'auto' left, solve the equation * for that value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } else if (logicalTop.isAuto()) { marginBeforeAlias = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterAlias = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalBottomValue = logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); // Solve for 'top' logicalTopValue = availableSpace - (logicalBottomValue + marginBeforeAlias + marginAfterAlias); } else if (logicalBottom.isAuto()) { marginBeforeAlias = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterAlias = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); // Solve for 'bottom' // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' because we don't ever // use the value. } else if (marginBefore.isAuto()) { marginAfterAlias = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalBottomValue = logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); // Solve for 'margin-top' marginBeforeAlias = availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue + marginAfterAlias); } else if (marginAfter.isAuto()) { marginBeforeAlias = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalBottomValue = logicalBottom.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); // Solve for 'margin-bottom' marginAfterAlias = availableSpace - (logicalTopValue + logicalBottomValue + marginBeforeAlias); } else { // Nothing is 'auto', just calculate the values. marginBeforeAlias = marginBefore.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); marginAfterAlias = marginAfter.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); logicalTopValue = logicalTop.calcValue(containerLogicalHeight); // NOTE: It is not necessary to solve for 'bottom' because we don't ever // use the value. } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*\ * 6. If at this point the values are over-constrained, ignore the value * for 'bottom' and solve for that value. \*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // NOTE: It is not necessary to do this step because we don't end up using // the value of 'bottom' regardless of whether the values are over-constrained // or not. // Use computed values to calculate the vertical position. int logicalTopPos = logicalTopValue + marginBeforeAlias; computeLogicalTopPositionedOffset(logicalTopPos, this, logicalHeight(), containerBlock, containerLogicalHeight); setLogicalTop(logicalTopPos); } IntRect RenderBox::localCaretRect(InlineBox* box, int caretOffset, int* extraWidthToEndOfLine) { // VisiblePositions at offsets inside containers either a) refer to the positions before/after // those containers (tables and select elements) or b) refer to the position inside an empty block. // They never refer to children. // FIXME: Paint the carets inside empty blocks differently than the carets before/after elements. // FIXME: What about border and padding? IntRect rect(x(), y(), caretWidth, height()); bool ltr = box ? box->isLeftToRightDirection() : style()->isLeftToRightDirection(); if ((!caretOffset) ^ ltr) rect.move(IntSize(width() - caretWidth, 0)); if (box) { RootInlineBox* rootBox = box->root(); int top = rootBox->lineTop(); rect.setY(top); rect.setHeight(rootBox->lineBottom() - top); } // If height of box is smaller than font height, use the latter one, // otherwise the caret might become invisible. // // Also, if the box is not a replaced element, always use the font height. // This prevents the "big caret" bug described in: // <rdar://problem/3777804> Deleting all content in a document can result in giant tall-as-window insertion point // // FIXME: ignoring :first-line, missing good reason to take care of int fontHeight = style()->fontMetrics().height(); if (fontHeight > rect.height() || (!isReplaced() && !isTable())) rect.setHeight(fontHeight); if (extraWidthToEndOfLine) *extraWidthToEndOfLine = x() + width() - rect.maxX(); // Move to local coords rect.move(-x(), -y()); return rect; } VisiblePosition RenderBox::positionForPoint(const IntPoint& point) { // no children...return this render object's element, if there is one, and offset 0 if (!firstChild()) return createVisiblePosition(node() ? firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node()) : Position(0, 0)); int xPos = point.x(); int yPos = point.y(); if (isTable() && node()) { int right = contentWidth() + borderAndPaddingWidth(); int bottom = contentHeight() + borderAndPaddingHeight(); if (xPos < 0 || xPos > right || yPos < 0 || yPos > bottom) { if (xPos <= right / 2) return createVisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node())); return createVisiblePosition(lastPositionInOrAfterNode(node())); } } // Pass off to the closest child. int minDist = INT_MAX; RenderBox* closestRenderer = 0; int newX = xPos; int newY = yPos; if (isTableRow()) { newX += x(); newY += y(); } for (RenderObject* renderObject = firstChild(); renderObject; renderObject = renderObject->nextSibling()) { if ((!renderObject->firstChild() && !renderObject->isInline() && !renderObject->isBlockFlow() ) || renderObject->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) continue; if (!renderObject->isBox()) continue; RenderBox* renderer = toRenderBox(renderObject); int top = renderer->borderTop() + renderer->paddingTop() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->y()); int bottom = top + renderer->contentHeight(); int left = renderer->borderLeft() + renderer->paddingLeft() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->x()); int right = left + renderer->contentWidth(); if (xPos <= right && xPos >= left && yPos <= top && yPos >= bottom) { if (renderer->isTableRow()) return renderer->positionForCoordinates(xPos + newX - renderer->x(), yPos + newY - renderer->y()); return renderer->positionForCoordinates(xPos - renderer->x(), yPos - renderer->y()); } // Find the distance from (x, y) to the box. Split the space around the box into 8 pieces // and use a different compare depending on which piece (x, y) is in. IntPoint cmp; if (xPos > right) { if (yPos < top) cmp = IntPoint(right, top); else if (yPos > bottom) cmp = IntPoint(right, bottom); else cmp = IntPoint(right, yPos); } else if (xPos < left) { if (yPos < top) cmp = IntPoint(left, top); else if (yPos > bottom) cmp = IntPoint(left, bottom); else cmp = IntPoint(left, yPos); } else { if (yPos < top) cmp = IntPoint(xPos, top); else cmp = IntPoint(xPos, bottom); } int x1minusx2 = cmp.x() - xPos; int y1minusy2 = cmp.y() - yPos; int dist = x1minusx2 * x1minusx2 + y1minusy2 * y1minusy2; if (dist < minDist) { closestRenderer = renderer; minDist = dist; } } if (closestRenderer) return closestRenderer->positionForCoordinates(newX - closestRenderer->x(), newY - closestRenderer->y()); return createVisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node())); } bool RenderBox::shrinkToAvoidFloats() const { // Floating objects don't shrink. Objects that don't avoid floats don't shrink. Marquees don't shrink. if ((isInline() && !isHTMLMarquee()) || !avoidsFloats() || isFloating()) return false; // All auto-width objects that avoid floats should always use lineWidth. return style()->width().isAuto(); } bool RenderBox::avoidsFloats() const { return isReplaced() || hasOverflowClip() || isHR() || isLegend() || isWritingModeRoot() || isDeprecatedFlexItem(); } void RenderBox::addShadowOverflow() { int shadowLeft; int shadowRight; int shadowTop; int shadowBottom; style()->getBoxShadowExtent(shadowTop, shadowRight, shadowBottom, shadowLeft); IntRect borderBox = borderBoxRect(); int overflowLeft = borderBox.x() + shadowLeft; int overflowRight = borderBox.maxX() + shadowRight; int overflowTop = borderBox.y() + shadowTop; int overflowBottom = borderBox.maxY() + shadowBottom; addVisualOverflow(IntRect(overflowLeft, overflowTop, overflowRight - overflowLeft, overflowBottom - overflowTop)); } void RenderBox::addOverflowFromChild(RenderBox* child, const IntSize& delta) { // Only propagate layout overflow from the child if the child isn't clipping its overflow. If it is, then // its overflow is internal to it, and we don't care about it. layoutOverflowRectForPropagation takes care of this // and just propagates the border box rect instead. IntRect childLayoutOverflowRect = child->layoutOverflowRectForPropagation(style()); childLayoutOverflowRect.move(delta); addLayoutOverflow(childLayoutOverflowRect); // Add in visual overflow from the child. Even if the child clips its overflow, it may still // have visual overflow of its own set from box shadows or reflections. It is unnecessary to propagate this // overflow if we are clipping our own overflow. if (child->hasSelfPaintingLayer() || hasOverflowClip()) return; IntRect childVisualOverflowRect = child->visualOverflowRectForPropagation(style()); childVisualOverflowRect.move(delta); addVisualOverflow(childVisualOverflowRect); } void RenderBox::addLayoutOverflow(const IntRect& rect) { IntRect clientBox = clientBoxRect(); if (clientBox.contains(rect) || rect.isEmpty()) return; // For overflow clip objects, we don't want to propagate overflow into unreachable areas. IntRect overflowRect(rect); if (hasOverflowClip() || isRenderView()) { // Overflow is in the block's coordinate space and thus is flipped for horizontal-bt and vertical-rl // writing modes. At this stage that is actually a simplification, since we can treat horizontal-tb/bt as the same // and vertical-lr/rl as the same. bool hasTopOverflow = !style()->isLeftToRightDirection() && !isHorizontalWritingMode(); bool hasLeftOverflow = !style()->isLeftToRightDirection() && isHorizontalWritingMode(); if (!hasTopOverflow) overflowRect.shiftYEdgeTo(max(overflowRect.y(), clientBox.y())); else overflowRect.shiftMaxYEdgeTo(min(overflowRect.maxY(), clientBox.maxY())); if (!hasLeftOverflow) overflowRect.shiftXEdgeTo(max(overflowRect.x(), clientBox.x())); else overflowRect.shiftMaxXEdgeTo(min(overflowRect.maxX(), clientBox.maxX())); // Now re-test with the adjusted rectangle and see if it has become unreachable or fully // contained. if (clientBox.contains(overflowRect) || overflowRect.isEmpty()) return; } if (!m_overflow) m_overflow.set(new RenderOverflow(clientBox, borderBoxRect())); m_overflow->addLayoutOverflow(overflowRect); } void RenderBox::addVisualOverflow(const IntRect& rect) { IntRect borderBox = borderBoxRect(); if (borderBox.contains(rect) || rect.isEmpty()) return; if (!m_overflow) m_overflow.set(new RenderOverflow(clientBoxRect(), borderBox)); m_overflow->addVisualOverflow(rect); } void RenderBox::clearLayoutOverflow() { if (!m_overflow) return; if (visualOverflowRect() == borderBoxRect()) { m_overflow.clear(); return; } m_overflow->resetLayoutOverflow(borderBoxRect()); } int RenderBox::lineHeight(bool /*firstLine*/, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode /*linePositionMode*/) const { if (isReplaced()) return direction == HorizontalLine ? m_marginTop + height() + m_marginBottom : m_marginRight + width() + m_marginLeft; return 0; } int RenderBox::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType, bool /*firstLine*/, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode /*linePositionMode*/) const { if (isReplaced()) { int result = direction == HorizontalLine ? m_marginTop + height() + m_marginBottom : m_marginRight + width() + m_marginLeft; if (baselineType == AlphabeticBaseline) return result; return result - result / 2; } return 0; } RenderLayer* RenderBox::enclosingFloatPaintingLayer() const { const RenderObject* curr = this; while (curr) { RenderLayer* layer = curr->hasLayer() && curr->isBox() ? toRenderBoxModelObject(curr)->layer() : 0; if (layer && layer->isSelfPaintingLayer()) return layer; curr = curr->parent(); } return 0; } IntRect RenderBox::logicalVisualOverflowRectForPropagation(RenderStyle* parentStyle) const { IntRect rect = visualOverflowRectForPropagation(parentStyle); if (!parentStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return rect.transposedRect(); return rect; } IntRect RenderBox::visualOverflowRectForPropagation(RenderStyle* parentStyle) const { // If the writing modes of the child and parent match, then we don't have to // do anything fancy. Just return the result. IntRect rect = visualOverflowRect(); if (parentStyle->writingMode() == style()->writingMode()) return rect; // We are putting ourselves into our parent's coordinate space. If there is a flipped block mismatch // in a particular axis, then we have to flip the rect along that axis. if (style()->writingMode() == RightToLeftWritingMode || parentStyle->writingMode() == RightToLeftWritingMode) rect.setX(width() - rect.maxX()); else if (style()->writingMode() == BottomToTopWritingMode || parentStyle->writingMode() == BottomToTopWritingMode) rect.setY(height() - rect.maxY()); return rect; } IntRect RenderBox::logicalLayoutOverflowRectForPropagation(RenderStyle* parentStyle) const { IntRect rect = layoutOverflowRectForPropagation(parentStyle); if (!parentStyle->isHorizontalWritingMode()) return rect.transposedRect(); return rect; } IntRect RenderBox::layoutOverflowRectForPropagation(RenderStyle* parentStyle) const { // Only propagate interior layout overflow if we don't clip it. IntRect rect = borderBoxRect(); if (!hasOverflowClip()) rect.unite(layoutOverflowRect()); bool hasTransform = hasLayer() && layer()->transform(); if (isRelPositioned() || hasTransform) { // If we are relatively positioned or if we have a transform, then we have to convert // this rectangle into physical coordinates, apply relative positioning and transforms // to it, and then convert it back. flipForWritingMode(rect); if (hasTransform) rect = layer()->currentTransform().mapRect(rect); if (isRelPositioned()) rect.move(relativePositionOffsetX(), relativePositionOffsetY()); // Now we need to flip back. flipForWritingMode(rect); } // If the writing modes of the child and parent match, then we don't have to // do anything fancy. Just return the result. if (parentStyle->writingMode() == style()->writingMode()) return rect; // We are putting ourselves into our parent's coordinate space. If there is a flipped block mismatch // in a particular axis, then we have to flip the rect along that axis. if (style()->writingMode() == RightToLeftWritingMode || parentStyle->writingMode() == RightToLeftWritingMode) rect.setX(width() - rect.maxX()); else if (style()->writingMode() == BottomToTopWritingMode || parentStyle->writingMode() == BottomToTopWritingMode) rect.setY(height() - rect.maxY()); return rect; } IntPoint RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(const RenderBox* child, const IntPoint& point, FlippingAdjustment adjustment) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return point; // The child is going to add in its x() and y(), so we have to make sure it ends up in // the right place. if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) return IntPoint(point.x(), point.y() + height() - child->height() - child->y() - (adjustment == ParentToChildFlippingAdjustment ? child->y() : 0)); return IntPoint(point.x() + width() - child->width() - child->x() - (adjustment == ParentToChildFlippingAdjustment ? child->x() : 0), point.y()); } void RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(IntRect& rect) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return; if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) rect.setY(height() - rect.maxY()); else rect.setX(width() - rect.maxX()); } int RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(int position) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return position; return logicalHeight() - position; } IntPoint RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(const IntPoint& position) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return position; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? IntPoint(position.x(), height() - position.y()) : IntPoint(width() - position.x(), position.y()); } IntPoint RenderBox::flipForWritingModeIncludingColumns(const IntPoint& point) const { if (!hasColumns() || !style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return flipForWritingMode(point); return toRenderBlock(this)->flipForWritingModeIncludingColumns(point); } IntSize RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(const IntSize& offset) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return offset; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? IntSize(offset.width(), height() - offset.height()) : IntSize(width() - offset.width(), offset.height()); } FloatPoint RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(const FloatPoint& position) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return position; return isHorizontalWritingMode() ? FloatPoint(position.x(), height() - position.y()) : FloatPoint(width() - position.x(), position.y()); } void RenderBox::flipForWritingMode(FloatRect& rect) const { if (!style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) return; if (isHorizontalWritingMode()) rect.setY(height() - rect.maxY()); else rect.setX(width() - rect.maxX()); } IntSize RenderBox::locationOffsetIncludingFlipping() const { RenderBlock* containerBlock = containingBlock(); if (!containerBlock || containerBlock == this) return locationOffset(); IntRect rect(frameRect()); containerBlock->flipForWritingMode(rect); // FIXME: This is wrong if we are an absolutely positioned object enclosed by a relative-positioned inline. return IntSize(rect.x(), rect.y()); } } // namespace WebCore