<html> <head> <style> body { display: -webkit-box; margin: 0; font-family: Sans-serif; overflow: hidden; } #list { width: 200px; padding: 10px; } #list h1 { margin: 0; font-size: 16px; padding: 0 0 14px 8px; border-right: 4px solid LightGray; } #list ul { margin: 0; padding: 2px 0 0 0; list-style: none; } #list a:target { cursor: default; pointer-events: none; background-color: #eee; border-right: 4px solid Gray; } #list li { padding-bottom: 2px; } #list a { padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px; display: block; border-right: 4px solid LightGray; color: initial; -webkit-transition-property: border-right, background-color; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s; } #test { display: -webkit-box; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; -webkit-box-flex: 0.5; } #arena { -webkit-box-flex: 0.5; border: none; display: -webkit-box; } #description { height: 200px; font-size: 12px; padding-right: 16px; overflow: auto; } </style> <!-- LayoutTests location is hard-coded to avoid duplication of code. --> <script src="http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/media/media-file.js"></script> <script> var MEDIA_FILES_LOCATION = 'http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/LayoutTests/media/content'; var MEDIA_FILES; var TESTS = { 'video': { title: 'Typical video with controls', description: '<p>Should have "Rewind", "Play", "Mute" buttons, timeline with time current and remaining shown.</p>' + '<p>You may see brief resize of the video when the metadata arrives and a brief flash of the "Loading..." status.</p>' + '<p>"Play" button should turn into "Pause" when playing, with current and remaining time should changing and the thumb ' + 'of the timeline gliding smoothly along the track, updated every 200ms or so.</p>', html: '<video controls src={video}></video>', }, 'audio': { title: 'Typical audio with controls', description: '<p>Should have "Rewind", "Play", "Mute" buttons, timeline with time current and remaining shown.</p>' + '<p>You may see brief resize of the video when the metadata arrives and a brief flash of the "Loading..." status.</p>' + '<p>"Play" button should turn into "Pause" when playing, with current and remaining time should changing and the thumb ' + 'of the timeline gliding smoothly along the track, updated every 200ms or so.</p>', html: '<audio controls src={audio}></audio>', }, 'video-volume': { title: 'Video volume controls', description: '<p>When hovering over the "Mute" button, a volume control should appear, showing its own "Mute" button and a volume slider.</p>' + '<p>You should be able to control the volume with the slider and mute/unmute using the "Mute" button</p>' + '<p>Moving the mouse away from the volume control should make the control disappear.</p>', html: '<video controls src={video}></video>', }, 'audio-volume': { title: 'Audio volume controls', description: '<p>When hovering over the "Mute" button, a volume control should appear, showing its own "Mute" button and a volume slider.</p>' + '<p>You should be able to control the volume with the slider and mute/unmute using the "Mute" button</p>' + '<p>Moving the mouse away from the volume control should make the control disappear.</p>', html: '<audio style="padding-top: 200px;" controls src={video}></audio>', }, 'audio-volume-neg': { title: 'Audio volume controls (negative offset)', description: '<p>When hovering over the "Mute" button, a volume control should appear, showing its own "Mute" button and a volume slider.</p>' + '<p>In this particular layout, the volume control should be positioned directly under the "Mute" button, showing two "Mute" buttons --' + 'one on the main controls and another on the volume control.</p>' + '<p>You should be able to control the volume with the slider and mute/unmute using the "Mute" button</p>' + '<p>Moving the mouse away from the volume control or the "Mute" button should make the control disappear.</p>', html: '<audio controls src={video}></audio>', }, 'video-zoomed': { title: 'Magnified video', description: '<p>Should have the same appearance as a typical video, except magnified 1.5 times.</p>' + '<p>Make sure that the appearance of controls does not changed when changing the page zoom.</p>', html: '<video controls src={video} style="zoom:150%"></video>', }, 'controls-fade': { title: 'Fading video controls', description: '<p>When the video is playing, the controls should fade out when the mouse is away from the video and fade back in when the mouse is over the video.</p>' + '<p>The controls should not fade when the video is paused.</p>', html: '<video controls src={video} autoplay></video>', }, 'timeline-resize': { title: 'Timeline reacting to a resize', description: '<p>When changing the width of the screen, the timeline should be the only one part of the controls changing its width.</p>' + '<p>At a certain minimum point, the current and remaining time should disappear, giving up their space to the timeline.</p>' + '<p>Conversely, when sizing the width up, the current and remaining time should come back into their places.', html: '<video controls src={video} style="width:60%"></video>', }, 'toggle-controls': { title: 'Toggling video controls', description: '<p>When clicking on "Toggle Controls" button, the controls should appear and disappear.</p>' + '<p>The controls should have "Rewind", "Play", "Mute" buttons, timeline with time current and remaining shown.</p>', js: function(click) { if (!click) return; var video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]; video.controls = !video.controls; }, html: '<video src={video}></video><br><button onclick="test(true)">Toggle Controls</button>', }, 'toggle-controls-autoplay': { title: 'Toggling video controls while playing', description: '<p>When clicking on "Toggle Controls" button, the controls should appear and disappear.</p>' + '<p>The controls should have "Rewind", "Pause", "Mute" buttons, timeline with time current and remaining shown,' + 'with current and remaining time should changing and the thumb of the timeline gliding smoothly along the track, updated every 200ms or so.</p>' + '<p>The controls should fade quickly if the mouse is not over the video.</p>', js: function(click) { if (!click) return; var video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]; video.controls = !video.controls; }, html: '<video src={video} autoplay></video><br><button onclick="test(true)">Toggle Controls</button>', }, 'closed-captions': { title: 'Closed-captioned video', description: '<p>If supported, should show a "CC" button, which should toggle display of closed captions.</p>' + '<p>The state of the button should reflect the state of closed-captioning in the video (on at the start of the test).</p>', js: function() { var video = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]; video.webkitClosedCaptionsVisible = true; video.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { video.webkitClosedCaptionsVisible = true; }, false); }, html: '<video controls src={video-captioned}></video>', }, 'invalid': { title: 'Video with invalid media', description: 'Should have "Rewind" and "Play" buttons, and "Loading..." status ' + 'if supported. Should blink "Loading...", but not twitch or flash other controls if reloaded', html: '<video controls src="foobar"></video>' }, 'video-no-source': { title: 'Video with no source', description: 'Should have "Rewind" and "Play" buttons. Should not blink/twitch if reloaded.', html: '<video controls></video>' }, 'audio-no-source': { title: 'Audio with no source', description: 'Should have "Rewind" and "Play" buttons. Should not blink/twitch if reloaded.', html: '<audio controls></audio>' } }; function configureMediaFiles() { MEDIA_FILES = { 'audio': absoluteUrl(findMediaFile('audio', MEDIA_FILES_LOCATION + '/test')), 'video': absoluteUrl(findMediaFile('video', MEDIA_FILES_LOCATION + '/test')), 'video-captioned': absoluteUrl(MEDIA_FILES_LOCATION + '/counting-captioned.mov') } // FIXME: Add error reporting when resolving these fails. function absoluteUrl(url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return '"' + a.href + '"'; } } function runTest() { var test = TESTS[location.hash.substr(1)]; if (!test) return; var arena = document.getElementById('arena'); document.getElementById('description').innerHTML = '<h2>' + test.title + '</h2>' + test.description; if (test.html) { arena.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = test.html.replace(/{([\w-]+)}/g, function(s, type) { return (MEDIA_FILES[type] || ''); }); } arena.contentDocument.body.appendChild(arena.contentDocument.createElement('script')).textContent = 'window.test = ' + (test.js ? String(test.js) : 'function() {}') + ';\nwindow.test()'; } window.addEventListener('hashchange', runTest, false); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { configureMediaFiles(); var list = document.getElementById('list').appendChild(document.createElement('ul')); for(var key in TESTS) list.appendChild(document.createElement('li')).innerHTML = '<a href="#' + key + '" id="' + key + '">' + TESTS[key].title + '</a>'; runTest(); }, false); </script> </head> <body> <div id="list"> <h1>Manual Tests of Media Controls Appearance</h1> </div> <div id="test"> <iframe id="arena"></iframe> <div id="description"></div> </div> </body> </html>