
# Do an automated test which involves building and regtesting version
# 1.6 of the GNU Scientific Library (gsl).  This has proven to be a 
# very thorough test of Vex's CPU simulations and has exposed bugs 
# which had not been previously discovered.  Gsl contains more
# than 100,000 tests as part of its regression suite, and so this
# script's purpose is to runs those tests using valgrind and compare 
# against the same tests run natively.
# You can download gsl and get more info about it at 
# http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl

# Args:
#     absolute name of gsl-1.6.tar.gz file
#     name of C compiler
#     args for C compiler
#     name of Valgrind
#     args for Valgrind

if [ $# != 5 ]
   echo "usage: gsl16test /absolute/name/of/gsl-1.6-patched.tar.gz"
   echo "                 C-compiler-command"      
   echo "                 flags-for-C-compiler"     
   echo "                 Valgrind-command"
   echo "                 flags-for-Valgrind"
   exit 1

runcmd () {
   echo -n "   $1  ... "

   (eval "$*") >> log.verbose 2>&1

   if [ $? == 0 ]
      echo "done"
      return 0
      echo "failed"
      return 1


TESTS1="block/test cblas/test cdf/test cheb/test combination/test"
TESTS2="complex/test const/test deriv/test dht/test diff/test"
TESTS3="eigen/test err/test fft/test fit/test histogram/test"
TESTS4="ieee-utils/test integration/test interpolation/test linalg/test"
TESTS5="matrix/test min/test monte/test multifit/test multimin/test"
TESTS6="multiroots/test ntuple/test ode-initval/test permutation/test"
TESTS7="poly/test qrng/test randist/test rng/test roots/test siman/test"
TESTS8="sort/test specfunc/test statistics/test sum/test sys/test"
TESTS9="vector/test wavelet/test"


echo "gsl16test: src:      " $GSL_FILE
echo "gsl16test: cc:       " $GSL_CC
echo "gsl16test: cflags:   " $GSL_CFLAGS
echo "gsl16test: valgrind: " $GSL_VV
echo "gsl16test: vflags:   " $GSL_VFLAGS

rm -rf log.verbose gsl-1.6-patched summary.txt

echo > log.verbose

echo > summary.txt
echo $0  $1  \"$2\"  \"$3\"  \"$4\"  \"$5\" >> summary.txt
echo >> summary.txt

runcmd "Untarring                     " \
       "rm -rf gsl-1.6-patched && tar xzf $GSL_FILE" && \
runcmd "Configuring                   " \
       "(cd gsl-1.6-patched && CC=$GSL_CC CFLAGS=\"$GSL_CFLAGS\" ./configure)" && \
runcmd "Building                      " \
       "(cd gsl-1.6-patched && make && make -k check)"

echo -n "   Collecting reference results  "
rm -f out-REF
(cd gsl-1.6-patched && for f in $ALL_TESTS ; do ./$f ; done) &> out-REF
echo "  ... done"

echo -n "   Collecting valgrinded results "
rm -f out-V
(cd gsl-1.6-patched && for f in $ALL_TESTS ; do eval $GSL_VV -v --trace-children=yes "$GSL_VFLAGS" ./$f ; done) &> out-V
echo "  ... done"

echo -n "   Native fails:    " && (grep FAIL: out-REF | wc -l)
echo -n "   Native passes:   " && (grep PASS: out-REF | wc -l)
echo -n "   Valgrind fails:  " && (grep FAIL: out-V | wc -l)
echo -n "   Valgrind passes: " && (grep PASS: out-V | wc -l)

(echo -n "   Native fails:    " && (grep FAIL: out-REF | wc -l)) >> summary.txt
(echo -n "   Native passes:   " && (grep PASS: out-REF | wc -l)) >> summary.txt
(echo -n "   Valgrind fails:  " && (grep FAIL: out-V | wc -l)) >> summary.txt
(echo -n "   Valgrind passes: " && (grep PASS: out-V | wc -l)) >> summary.txt
echo >> summary.txt
