# These are the functions which clang needs when it is targetting a previous
# version of the OS. The issue is that the backend may use functions which were
# not present in the libgcc that shipped on the platform. In such cases, we link
# with a version of the library which contains private_extern definitions of all
# the extra functions which might be referenced.

Description := Static runtime libraries for clang/Darwin.

# A function that ensures we don't try to build for architectures that we
# don't have working toolchains for.
CheckArches = \
  $(shell \
    result=""; \
    for arch in $(1); do \
      if $(CC) -arch $$arch -c \
	  -integrated-as \
	  $(ProjSrcRoot)/make/platform/clang_darwin_test_input.c \
	  -isysroot $(ProjSrcRoot)/SDKs/darwin \
	  -o /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then \
        result="$$result$$arch "; \
      else \
	printf 1>&2 \
	  "warning: clang_darwin.mk: dropping arch '$$arch' from lib '$(2)'\n"; \
      fi; \
    done; \
    echo $$result)


CC := clang

Configs :=
UniversalArchs :=

# Configuration solely for providing access to an eprintf symbol, which may
# still be referenced from Darwin system headers. This symbol is only ever
# needed on i386.
Configs += eprintf
UniversalArchs.eprintf := $(call CheckArches,i386,eprintf)

# Configuration for targetting 10.4. We need a few functions missing from
# libgcc_s.10.4.dylib. We only build x86 slices since clang doesn't really
# support targetting PowerPC.
Configs += 10.4
UniversalArchs.10.4 := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,10.4)

# Configuration for targetting OSX. These functions may not be in libSystem
# so we should provide our own.
Configs += osx
UniversalArchs.osx := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,osx)

# Configuration for use with kernel/kexts.
Configs += cc_kext
UniversalArchs.cc_kext := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,cc_kext)

# Configurations which define the profiling support functions.
Configs += profile_osx
UniversalArchs.profile_osx := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,profile_osx)

# Configurations which define the ASAN support functions.
Configs += asan_osx
UniversalArchs.asan_osx := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,asan_osx)

Configs += asan_osx_dynamic
UniversalArchs.asan_osx_dynamic := $(call CheckArches,i386 x86_64,asan_osx_dynamic)

# If RC_SUPPORTED_ARCHS is defined, treat it as a list of the architectures we
# are intended to support and limit what we try to build to that.
# We make sure to remove empty configs if we end up dropping all the requested
# archs for a particular config.
$(foreach config,$(Configs),\
  $(call Set,UniversalArchs.$(config),\
	$(filter $(RC_SUPPORTED_ARCHS),$(UniversalArchs.$(config))))\
  $(if $(UniversalArchs.$(config)),,\
	$(call Set,Configs,$(filter-out $(config),$(Configs)))))


# Forcibly strip off any -arch, as that totally breaks our universal support.
override CC := $(subst -arch ,-arch_,$(CC))
override CC := $(patsubst -arch_%,,$(CC))

CFLAGS := -Wall -Werror -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer

# Always set deployment target arguments for every build, these libraries should
# never depend on the environmental overrides. We simply set them to minimum
# supported deployment target -- nothing in the compiler-rt libraries should
# actually depend on the deployment target.
OSX_DEPLOYMENT_ARGS := -mmacosx-version-min=10.4

# Use our stub SDK as the sysroot to support more portable building.
OSX_DEPLOYMENT_ARGS += -isysroot $(ProjSrcRoot)/SDKs/darwin

# FIXME: We can't build ASAN with our stub SDK yet.
CFLAGS.asan_osx         := $(CFLAGS) -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fno-builtin
CFLAGS.asan_osx_dynamic := \
	$(CFLAGS) -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -fno-builtin \

CFLAGS.profile_osx.i386   := $(CFLAGS) $(OSX_DEPLOYMENT_ARGS)
CFLAGS.profile_osx.x86_64 := $(CFLAGS) $(OSX_DEPLOYMENT_ARGS)

# Configure the asan_osx_dynamic library to be built shared.
SHARED_LIBRARY.asan_osx_dynamic := 1
LDFLAGS.asan_osx_dynamic := -framework Foundation -lstdc++

FUNCTIONS.eprintf := eprintf
FUNCTIONS.10.4 := eprintf floatundidf floatundisf floatundixf

FUNCTIONS.osx	:= mulosi4 mulodi4 muloti4

FUNCTIONS.profile_osx := GCDAProfiling

FUNCTIONS.asan_osx := $(AsanFunctions) $(InterceptionFunctions) \
FUNCTIONS.asan_osx_dynamic := $(AsanFunctions) $(InterceptionFunctions) \
                              $(SanitizerCommonFunctions) \

	absvdi2 \
	absvsi2 \
	addvdi3 \
	addvsi3 \
	ashldi3 \
	ashrdi3 \
	bswapdi2 \
	bswapsi2 \
	clzdi2 \
	clzsi2 \
	cmpdi2 \
	ctzdi2 \
	ctzsi2 \
	divdc3 \
	divdi3 \
	divsc3 \
	divmodsi4 \
	udivmodsi4 \
	do_global_dtors \
	eprintf \
	ffsdi2 \
	fixdfdi \
	fixsfdi \
	fixunsdfdi \
	fixunsdfsi \
	fixunssfdi \
	fixunssfsi \
	floatdidf \
	floatdisf \
	floatundidf \
	floatundisf \
	gcc_bcmp \
	lshrdi3 \
	moddi3 \
	muldc3 \
	muldi3 \
	mulsc3 \
	mulvdi3 \
	mulvsi3 \
	negdi2 \
	negvdi2 \
	negvsi2 \
	paritydi2 \
	paritysi2 \
	popcountdi2 \
	popcountsi2 \
	powidf2 \
	powisf2 \
	subvdi3 \
	subvsi3 \
	ucmpdi2 \
	udiv_w_sdiv \
	udivdi3 \
	udivmoddi4 \

	adddf3 \
	addsf3 \
	aeabi_cdcmpeq \
	aeabi_cdrcmple \
	aeabi_cfcmpeq \
	aeabi_cfrcmple \
	aeabi_dcmpeq \
	aeabi_dcmpge \
	aeabi_dcmpgt \
	aeabi_dcmple \
	aeabi_dcmplt \
	aeabi_drsub \
	aeabi_fcmpeq \
	aeabi_fcmpge \
	aeabi_fcmpgt \
	aeabi_fcmple \
	aeabi_fcmplt \
	aeabi_frsub \
	aeabi_idivmod \
	aeabi_uidivmod \
	cmpdf2 \
	cmpsf2 \
	div0 \
	divdf3 \
	divsf3 \
	divsi3 \
	extendsfdf2 \
	ffssi2 \
	fixdfsi \
	fixsfsi \
	floatsidf \
	floatsisf \
	floatunsidf \
	floatunsisf \
	comparedf2 \
	comparesf2 \
	modsi3 \
	muldf3 \
	mulsf3 \
	negdf2 \
	negsf2 \
	subdf3 \
	subsf3 \
	switch16 \
	switch32 \
	switch8 \
	switchu8 \
	truncdfsf2 \
	udivsi3 \
	umodsi3 \
	unorddf2 \

	divxc3 \
	fixunsxfdi \
	fixunsxfsi \
	fixxfdi \
	floatdixf \
	floatundixf \
	mulxc3 \

FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.i386 := $(CCKEXT_X86_FUNCTIONS) \
	ffssi2 \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.eax \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.ebp \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.ebx \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.ecx \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.edi \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.edx \

FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.x86_64 := $(CCKEXT_X86_FUNCTIONS) \
	absvti2 \
	addvti3 \
	ashlti3 \
	ashrti3 \
	clzti2 \
	cmpti2 \
	ctzti2 \
	divti3 \
	ffsti2 \
	fixdfti \
	fixsfti \
	fixunsdfti \
	fixunssfti \
	fixunsxfti \
	fixxfti \
	floattidf \
	floattisf \
	floattixf \
	floatuntidf \
	floatuntisf \
	floatuntixf \
	lshrti3 \
	modti3 \
	multi3 \
	mulvti3 \
	negti2 \
	negvti2 \
	parityti2 \
	popcountti2 \
	subvti3 \
	ucmpti2 \
	udivmodti4 \
	udivti3 \

# FIXME: Currently, compiler-rt is missing implementations for a number of the
# functions that need to go into libcc_kext.a. Filter them out for now.
	cmpdf2 cmpsf2 div0 \
	ffssi2 \
	udiv_w_sdiv unorddf2 unordsf2 bswapdi2 \
	bswapsi2 \
	gcc_bcmp \
	do_global_dtors \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.eax i686.get_pc_thunk.ebp i686.get_pc_thunk.ebx \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.ecx i686.get_pc_thunk.edi i686.get_pc_thunk.edx \
	i686.get_pc_thunk.esi \
	aeabi_cdcmpeq aeabi_cdrcmple aeabi_cfcmpeq aeabi_cfrcmple aeabi_dcmpeq \
	aeabi_dcmpge aeabi_dcmpgt aeabi_dcmple aeabi_dcmplt aeabi_drsub aeabi_fcmpeq \
	aeabi_fcmpge aeabi_fcmpgt aeabi_fcmple aeabi_fcmplt aeabi_frsub aeabi_idivmod \

FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.i386 := \
	$(filter-out $(CCKEXT_MISSING_FUNCTIONS),$(FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.i386))
FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.x86_64 := \
	$(filter-out $(CCKEXT_MISSING_FUNCTIONS),$(FUNCTIONS.cc_kext.x86_64))

KERNEL_USE.cc_kext := 1