* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org)
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef JSArray_h
#define JSArray_h
#include "JSObject.h"
namespace JSC {
typedef HashMap<unsigned, WriteBarrier<Unknown> > SparseArrayValueMap;
// This struct holds the actual data values of an array. A JSArray object points to it's contained ArrayStorage
// struct by pointing to m_vector. To access the contained ArrayStorage struct, use the getStorage() and
// setStorage() methods. It is important to note that there may be space before the ArrayStorage that
// is used to quick unshift / shift operation. The actual allocated pointer is available by using:
// getStorage() - m_indexBias * sizeof(JSValue)
struct ArrayStorage {
unsigned m_length; // The "length" property on the array
unsigned m_numValuesInVector;
SparseArrayValueMap* m_sparseValueMap;
void* subclassData; // A JSArray subclass can use this to fill the vector lazily.
void* m_allocBase; // Pointer to base address returned by malloc(). Keeping this pointer does eliminate false positives from the leak detector.
size_t reportedMapCapacity;
bool m_inCompactInitialization;
WriteBarrier<Unknown> m_vector[1];
// The CreateCompact creation mode is used for fast construction of arrays
// whose size and contents are known at time of creation.
// There are two obligations when using this mode:
// - uncheckedSetIndex() must be used when initializing the array.
// - setLength() must be called after initialization.
enum ArrayCreationMode { CreateCompact, CreateInitialized };
class JSArray : public JSNonFinalObject {
friend class Walker;
explicit JSArray(JSGlobalData&, Structure*);
JSArray(JSGlobalData&, Structure*, unsigned initialLength, ArrayCreationMode);
JSArray(JSGlobalData&, Structure*, const ArgList& initialValues);
virtual ~JSArray();
virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, PropertySlot&);
virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot&);
virtual bool getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ExecState*, const Identifier&, PropertyDescriptor&);
virtual void put(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue); // FIXME: Make protected and add setItem.
static JS_EXPORTDATA const ClassInfo s_info;
unsigned length() const { return m_storage->m_length; }
void setLength(unsigned); // OK to use on new arrays, but not if it might be a RegExpMatchArray.
void sort(ExecState*);
void sort(ExecState*, JSValue compareFunction, CallType, const CallData&);
void sortNumeric(ExecState*, JSValue compareFunction, CallType, const CallData&);
void push(ExecState*, JSValue);
JSValue pop();
void shiftCount(ExecState*, int count);
void unshiftCount(ExecState*, int count);
bool canGetIndex(unsigned i) { return i < m_vectorLength && m_storage->m_vector[i]; }
JSValue getIndex(unsigned i)
return m_storage->m_vector[i].get();
bool canSetIndex(unsigned i) { return i < m_vectorLength; }
void setIndex(JSGlobalData& globalData, unsigned i, JSValue v)
WriteBarrier<Unknown>& x = m_storage->m_vector[i];
if (!x) {
ArrayStorage *storage = m_storage;
if (i >= storage->m_length)
storage->m_length = i + 1;
x.set(globalData, this, v);
void uncheckedSetIndex(JSGlobalData& globalData, unsigned i, JSValue v)
ArrayStorage *storage = m_storage;
storage->m_vector[i].set(globalData, this, v);
void fillArgList(ExecState*, MarkedArgumentBuffer&);
void copyToRegisters(ExecState*, Register*, uint32_t);
static Structure* createStructure(JSGlobalData& globalData, JSValue prototype)
return Structure::create(globalData, prototype, TypeInfo(ObjectType, StructureFlags), AnonymousSlotCount, &s_info);
inline void markChildrenDirect(MarkStack& markStack);
static ptrdiff_t storageOffset()
return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSArray, m_storage);
static ptrdiff_t vectorLengthOffset()
return OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSArray, m_vectorLength);
static const unsigned StructureFlags = OverridesGetOwnPropertySlot | OverridesMarkChildren | OverridesGetPropertyNames | JSObject::StructureFlags;
virtual void put(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName, JSValue, PutPropertySlot&);
virtual bool deleteProperty(ExecState*, const Identifier& propertyName);
virtual bool deleteProperty(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName);
virtual void getOwnPropertyNames(ExecState*, PropertyNameArray&, EnumerationMode mode = ExcludeDontEnumProperties);
virtual void markChildren(MarkStack&);
void* subclassData() const;
void setSubclassData(void*);
bool getOwnPropertySlotSlowCase(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, PropertySlot&);
void putSlowCase(ExecState*, unsigned propertyName, JSValue);
unsigned getNewVectorLength(unsigned desiredLength);
bool increaseVectorLength(unsigned newLength);
bool increaseVectorPrefixLength(unsigned newLength);
unsigned compactForSorting();
enum ConsistencyCheckType { NormalConsistencyCheck, DestructorConsistencyCheck, SortConsistencyCheck };
void checkConsistency(ConsistencyCheckType = NormalConsistencyCheck);
unsigned m_vectorLength; // The valid length of m_vector
int m_indexBias; // The number of JSValue sized blocks before ArrayStorage.
ArrayStorage *m_storage;
JSArray* asArray(JSValue);
inline JSArray* asArray(JSCell* cell)
return static_cast<JSArray*>(cell);
inline JSArray* asArray(JSValue value)
return asArray(value.asCell());
inline bool isJSArray(JSGlobalData* globalData, JSCell* cell) { return cell->vptr() == globalData->jsArrayVPtr; }
inline bool isJSArray(JSGlobalData* globalData, JSValue v) { return v.isCell() && isJSArray(globalData, v.asCell()); }
inline void JSArray::markChildrenDirect(MarkStack& markStack)
ArrayStorage* storage = m_storage;
unsigned usedVectorLength = std::min(storage->m_length, m_vectorLength);
markStack.appendValues(storage->m_vector, usedVectorLength, MayContainNullValues);
if (SparseArrayValueMap* map = storage->m_sparseValueMap) {
SparseArrayValueMap::iterator end = map->end();
for (SparseArrayValueMap::iterator it = map->begin(); it != end; ++it)
// Rule from ECMA 15.2 about what an array index is.
// Must exactly match string form of an unsigned integer, and be less than 2^32 - 1.
inline unsigned Identifier::toArrayIndex(bool& ok) const
unsigned i = toUInt32(ok);
if (ok && i >= 0xFFFFFFFFU)
ok = false;
return i;
} // namespace JSC
#endif // JSArray_h