* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Contains declaration of a class EmulatedCamera that encapsulates
* functionality common to all version 2.0 emulated camera devices. Instances
* of this class (for each emulated camera) are created during the construction
* of the EmulatedCameraFactory instance. This class serves as an entry point
* for all camera API calls that defined by camera2_device_ops_t API.
#include "hardware/camera2.h"
#include "system/camera_metadata.h"
#include "EmulatedBaseCamera.h"
namespace android {
/* Encapsulates functionality common to all version 2.0 emulated camera devices
* Note that EmulatedCameraFactory instantiates object of this class just once,
* when EmulatedCameraFactory instance gets constructed. Connection to /
* disconnection from the actual camera device is handled by calls to
* connectDevice(), and closeCamera() methods of this class that are invoked in
* response to hw_module_methods_t::open, and camera_device::close callbacks.
class EmulatedCamera2 : public camera2_device, public EmulatedBaseCamera {
/* Constructs EmulatedCamera2 instance.
* Param:
* cameraId - Zero based camera identifier, which is an index of the camera
* instance in camera factory's array.
* module - Emulated camera HAL module descriptor.
EmulatedCamera2(int cameraId,
struct hw_module_t* module);
/* Destructs EmulatedCamera2 instance. */
virtual ~EmulatedCamera2();
* Abstract API
* Public API
virtual status_t Initialize();
* Camera API implementation
virtual status_t connectCamera(hw_device_t** device);
virtual status_t closeCamera();
virtual status_t getCameraInfo(struct camera_info* info);
* Camera API implementation.
* These methods are called from the camera API callback routines.
/** Request input queue */
int setRequestQueueSrcOps(
camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *request_queue_src_ops);
int requestQueueNotifyNotEmpty();
/** Reprocessing input queue */
int setReprocessQueueSrcOps(
camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *reprocess_queue_src_ops);
int reprocessQueueNotifyNotEmpty();
/** Frame output queue */
int setFrameQueueDstOps(camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops *frame_queue_dst_ops);
int frameQueueBufferCount();
int frameQueueDequeue(camera_metadata_t **buffer);
int frameQueueFree(camera_metadata_t *old_buffer);
/** Notifications to application */
int setNotifyCallback(camera2_notify_callback notify_cb);
/** Count of requests in flight */
int getInProgressCount();
/** Cancel all captures in flight */
int flushCapturesInProgress();
/** Reprocessing input stream management */
int reprocessStreamDequeueBuffer(buffer_handle_t** buffer,
int *stride);
int reprocessStreamEnqueueBuffer(buffer_handle_t* buffer);
int reprocessStreamCancelBuffer(buffer_handle_t* buffer);
int reprocessStreamSetBufferCount(int count);
int reprocessStreamSetCrop(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
int reprocessStreamSetTimestamp(int64_t timestamp);
int reprocessStreamSetUsage(int usage);
int reprocessStreamSetSwapInterval(int interval);
int reprocessStreamGetMinUndequeuedBufferCount(int *count);
int reprocessStreamLockBuffer(buffer_handle_t *buffer);
/** Output stream creation and management */
int getStreamSlotCount();
int allocateStream(uint32_t stream_slot,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
int format,
camera2_stream_ops_t *stream_ops);
int releaseStream(uint32_t stream_slot);
/** Custom tag definitions */
const char* getVendorSectionName(uint32_t tag);
const char* getVendorTagName(uint32_t tag);
int getVendorTagType(uint32_t tag);
/** Shutdown and debug methods */
int release();
int dump(int fd);
int close();
* Camera API callbacks as defined by camera2_device_ops structure. See
* hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/camera2.h for information on each
* of these callbacks. Implemented in this class, these callbacks simply
* dispatch the call into an instance of EmulatedCamera2 class defined in the
* 'camera_device2' parameter.
/** Input request queue */
static int set_request_queue_src_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *queue_src_ops);
static int get_request_queue_dst_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops **queue_dst_ops);
// for get_request_queue_dst_ops
static int request_queue_notify_queue_not_empty(
camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops *);
/** Input reprocess queue */
static int set_reprocess_queue_src_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *reprocess_queue_src_ops);
static int get_reprocess_queue_dst_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops **queue_dst_ops);
// for reprocess_queue_dst_ops
static int reprocess_queue_notify_queue_not_empty(
camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops *);
/** Output frame queue */
static int set_frame_queue_dst_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops *queue_dst_ops);
static int get_frame_queue_src_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops **queue_src_ops);
// for get_frame_queue_src_ops
static int frame_queue_buffer_count(camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *);
static int frame_queue_dequeue(camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *,
camera_metadata_t **buffer);
static int frame_queue_free(camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops *,
camera_metadata_t *old_buffer);
/** Notifications to application */
static int set_notify_callback(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_notify_callback notify_cb);
/** In-progress request management */
static int get_in_progress_count(camera2_device_t *);
static int flush_captures_in_progress(camera2_device_t *);
/** Input reprocessing stream */
static int get_reprocess_stream_ops(camera2_device_t *,
camera2_stream_ops_t **stream);
// for get_reprocess_stream_ops
static int reprocess_stream_dequeue_buffer(camera2_stream_ops *,
buffer_handle_t** buffer, int *stride);
static int reprocess_stream_enqueue_buffer(camera2_stream_ops *,
buffer_handle_t* buffer);
static int reprocess_stream_cancel_buffer(camera2_stream_ops *,
buffer_handle_t* buffer);
static int reprocess_stream_set_buffer_count(camera2_stream_ops *,
int count);
static int reprocess_stream_set_crop(camera2_stream_ops *,
int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
static int reprocess_stream_set_timestamp(camera2_stream_ops *,
int64_t timestamp);
static int reprocess_stream_set_usage(camera2_stream_ops *,
int usage);
static int reprocess_stream_set_swap_interval(camera2_stream_ops *,
int interval);
static int reprocess_stream_get_min_undequeued_buffer_count(
const camera2_stream_ops *,
int *count);
static int reprocess_stream_lock_buffer(camera2_stream_ops *,
buffer_handle_t* buffer);
/** Output stream allocation and management */
static int get_stream_slot_count(camera2_device_t *);
static int allocate_stream(camera2_device_t *,
uint32_t stream_slot,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
uint32_t format,
camera2_stream_ops_t *stream_ops);
static int release_stream(camera2_device_t *,
uint32_t stream_slot);
static void release(camera2_device_t *);
/** Vendor metadata registration */
static int get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops(camera2_device_t *,
vendor_tag_query_ops_t **ops);
// for get_metadata_vendor_tag_ops
static const char* get_camera_vendor_section_name(
const vendor_tag_query_ops_t *,
uint32_t tag);
static const char* get_camera_vendor_tag_name(
const vendor_tag_query_ops_t *,
uint32_t tag);
static int get_camera_vendor_tag_type(
const vendor_tag_query_ops_t *,
uint32_t tag);
static int dump(camera2_device_t *, int fd);
static int close(struct hw_device_t* device);
* Data members
static camera2_device_ops_t sDeviceOps;
struct QueueDstOps : public camera2_metadata_queue_dst_ops {
EmulatedCamera2 *parent;
struct QueueSrcOps : public camera2_metadata_queue_src_ops {
EmulatedCamera2 *parent;
struct StreamOps : public camera2_stream_ops {
EmulatedCamera2 *parent;
struct TagOps : public vendor_tag_query_ops {
EmulatedCamera2 *parent;
QueueDstOps mRequestQueueDstOps;
QueueDstOps mReprocessQueueDstOps;
QueueSrcOps mFrameQueueSrcOps;
StreamOps mReprocessStreamOps;
TagOps mVendorTagOps;
}; /* namespace android */