#include "sysdeps.h" #include <windows.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #define TRACE_TAG TRACE_SYSDEPS #include "adb.h" extern void fatal(const char *fmt, ...); #define assert(cond) do { if (!(cond)) fatal( "assertion failed '%s' on %s:%ld\n", #cond, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } while (0) /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** replaces libs/cutils/load_file.c *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ void *load_file(const char *fn, unsigned *_sz) { HANDLE file; char *data; DWORD file_size; file = CreateFile( fn, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; file_size = GetFileSize( file, NULL ); data = NULL; if (file_size > 0) { data = (char*) malloc( file_size + 1 ); if (data == NULL) { D("load_file: could not allocate %ld bytes\n", file_size ); file_size = 0; } else { DWORD out_bytes; if ( !ReadFile( file, data, file_size, &out_bytes, NULL ) || out_bytes != file_size ) { D("load_file: could not read %ld bytes from '%s'\n", file_size, fn); free(data); data = NULL; file_size = 0; } } } CloseHandle( file ); *_sz = (unsigned) file_size; return data; } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** common file descriptor handling *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ typedef const struct FHClassRec_* FHClass; typedef struct FHRec_* FH; typedef struct EventHookRec_* EventHook; typedef struct FHClassRec_ { void (*_fh_init) ( FH f ); int (*_fh_close)( FH f ); int (*_fh_lseek)( FH f, int pos, int origin ); int (*_fh_read) ( FH f, void* buf, int len ); int (*_fh_write)( FH f, const void* buf, int len ); void (*_fh_hook) ( FH f, int events, EventHook hook ); } FHClassRec; /* used to emulate unix-domain socket pairs */ typedef struct SocketPairRec_* SocketPair; typedef struct FHRec_ { FHClass clazz; int used; int eof; union { HANDLE handle; SOCKET socket; SocketPair pair; } u; HANDLE event; int mask; char name[32]; } FHRec; #define fh_handle u.handle #define fh_socket u.socket #define fh_pair u.pair #define WIN32_FH_BASE 100 #define WIN32_MAX_FHS 128 static adb_mutex_t _win32_lock; static FHRec _win32_fhs[ WIN32_MAX_FHS ]; static int _win32_fh_count; static FH _fh_from_int( int fd ) { FH f; fd -= WIN32_FH_BASE; if (fd < 0 || fd >= _win32_fh_count) { D( "_fh_from_int: invalid fd %d\n", fd + WIN32_FH_BASE ); errno = EBADF; return NULL; } f = &_win32_fhs[fd]; if (f->used == 0) { D( "_fh_from_int: invalid fd %d\n", fd + WIN32_FH_BASE ); errno = EBADF; return NULL; } return f; } static int _fh_to_int( FH f ) { if (f && f->used && f >= _win32_fhs && f < _win32_fhs + WIN32_MAX_FHS) return (int)(f - _win32_fhs) + WIN32_FH_BASE; return -1; } static FH _fh_alloc( FHClass clazz ) { int nn; FH f = NULL; adb_mutex_lock( &_win32_lock ); if (_win32_fh_count < WIN32_MAX_FHS) { f = &_win32_fhs[ _win32_fh_count++ ]; goto Exit; } for (nn = 0; nn < WIN32_MAX_FHS; nn++) { if ( _win32_fhs[nn].clazz == NULL) { f = &_win32_fhs[nn]; goto Exit; } } D( "_fh_alloc: no more free file descriptors\n" ); Exit: if (f) { f->clazz = clazz; f->used = 1; f->eof = 0; clazz->_fh_init(f); } adb_mutex_unlock( &_win32_lock ); return f; } static int _fh_close( FH f ) { if ( f->used ) { f->clazz->_fh_close( f ); f->used = 0; f->eof = 0; f->clazz = NULL; } return 0; } /* forward definitions */ static const FHClassRec _fh_file_class; static const FHClassRec _fh_socket_class; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** file-based descriptor handling *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ static void _fh_file_init( FH f ) { f->fh_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static int _fh_file_close( FH f ) { CloseHandle( f->fh_handle ); f->fh_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return 0; } static int _fh_file_read( FH f, void* buf, int len ) { DWORD read_bytes; if ( !ReadFile( f->fh_handle, buf, (DWORD)len, &read_bytes, NULL ) ) { D( "adb_read: could not read %d bytes from %s\n", len, f->name ); errno = EIO; return -1; } else if (read_bytes < (DWORD)len) { f->eof = 1; } return (int)read_bytes; } static int _fh_file_write( FH f, const void* buf, int len ) { DWORD wrote_bytes; if ( !WriteFile( f->fh_handle, buf, (DWORD)len, &wrote_bytes, NULL ) ) { D( "adb_file_write: could not write %d bytes from %s\n", len, f->name ); errno = EIO; return -1; } else if (wrote_bytes < (DWORD)len) { f->eof = 1; } return (int)wrote_bytes; } static int _fh_file_lseek( FH f, int pos, int origin ) { DWORD method; DWORD result; switch (origin) { case SEEK_SET: method = FILE_BEGIN; break; case SEEK_CUR: method = FILE_CURRENT; break; case SEEK_END: method = FILE_END; break; default: errno = EINVAL; return -1; } result = SetFilePointer( f->fh_handle, pos, NULL, method ); if (result == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { errno = EIO; return -1; } else { f->eof = 0; } return (int)result; } static void _fh_file_hook( FH f, int event, EventHook eventhook ); /* forward */ static const FHClassRec _fh_file_class = { _fh_file_init, _fh_file_close, _fh_file_lseek, _fh_file_read, _fh_file_write, _fh_file_hook }; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** file-based descriptor handling *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ int adb_open(const char* path, int options) { FH f; DWORD desiredAccess = 0; DWORD shareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; switch (options) { case O_RDONLY: desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ; break; case O_WRONLY: desiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; break; case O_RDWR: desiredAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; default: D("adb_open: invalid options (0x%0x)\n", options); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_file_class ); if ( !f ) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } f->fh_handle = CreateFile( path, desiredAccess, shareMode, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( f->fh_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { _fh_close(f); D( "adb_open: could not open '%s':", path ); switch (GetLastError()) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: D( "file not found\n" ); errno = ENOENT; return -1; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: D( "path not found\n" ); errno = ENOTDIR; return -1; default: D( "unknown error\n" ); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(%s)", _fh_to_int(f), path ); D( "adb_open: '%s' => fd %d\n", path, _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } /* ignore mode on Win32 */ int adb_creat(const char* path, int mode) { FH f; f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_file_class ); if ( !f ) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } f->fh_handle = CreateFile( path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( f->fh_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { _fh_close(f); D( "adb_creat: could not open '%s':", path ); switch (GetLastError()) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: D( "file not found\n" ); errno = ENOENT; return -1; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: D( "path not found\n" ); errno = ENOTDIR; return -1; default: D( "unknown error\n" ); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(%s)", _fh_to_int(f), path ); D( "adb_creat: '%s' => fd %d\n", path, _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } int adb_read(int fd, void* buf, int len) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); if (f == NULL) { return -1; } return f->clazz->_fh_read( f, buf, len ); } int adb_write(int fd, const void* buf, int len) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); if (f == NULL) { return -1; } return f->clazz->_fh_write(f, buf, len); } int adb_lseek(int fd, int pos, int where) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); if (!f) { return -1; } return f->clazz->_fh_lseek(f, pos, where); } int adb_shutdown(int fd) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); if (!f) { return -1; } D( "adb_shutdown: %s\n", f->name); shutdown( f->fh_socket, SD_BOTH ); return 0; } int adb_close(int fd) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); if (!f) { return -1; } D( "adb_close: %s\n", f->name); _fh_close(f); return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** socket-based file descriptors *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ static void _socket_set_errno( void ) { switch (WSAGetLastError()) { case 0: errno = 0; break; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: errno = EAGAIN; break; case WSAEINTR: errno = EINTR; break; default: D( "_socket_set_errno: unhandled value %d\n", WSAGetLastError() ); errno = EINVAL; } } static void _fh_socket_init( FH f ) { f->fh_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; f->event = WSACreateEvent(); f->mask = 0; } static int _fh_socket_close( FH f ) { /* gently tell any peer that we're closing the socket */ shutdown( f->fh_socket, SD_BOTH ); closesocket( f->fh_socket ); f->fh_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; CloseHandle( f->event ); f->mask = 0; return 0; } static int _fh_socket_lseek( FH f, int pos, int origin ) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } static int _fh_socket_read( FH f, void* buf, int len ) { int result = recv( f->fh_socket, buf, len, 0 ); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) { _socket_set_errno(); result = -1; } return result; } static int _fh_socket_write( FH f, const void* buf, int len ) { int result = send( f->fh_socket, buf, len, 0 ); if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) { _socket_set_errno(); result = -1; } return result; } static void _fh_socket_hook( FH f, int event, EventHook hook ); /* forward */ static const FHClassRec _fh_socket_class = { _fh_socket_init, _fh_socket_close, _fh_socket_lseek, _fh_socket_read, _fh_socket_write, _fh_socket_hook }; /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** replacement for libs/cutils/socket_xxxx.c *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ #include <winsock2.h> static int _winsock_init; static void _cleanup_winsock( void ) { WSACleanup(); } static void _init_winsock( void ) { if (!_winsock_init) { WSADATA wsaData; int rc = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); if (rc != 0) { fatal( "adb: could not initialize Winsock\n" ); } atexit( _cleanup_winsock ); _winsock_init = 1; } } int socket_loopback_client(int port, int type) { FH f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socket_class ); struct sockaddr_in addr; SOCKET s; if (!f) return -1; if (!_winsock_init) _init_winsock(); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); s = socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if(s == INVALID_SOCKET) { D("socket_loopback_client: could not create socket\n" ); _fh_close(f); return -1; } f->fh_socket = s; if(connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { D("socket_loopback_client: could not connect to %s:%d\n", type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp" : "tcp", port ); _fh_close(f); return -1; } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(lo-client:%s%d)", _fh_to_int(f), type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp:" : "", port ); D( "socket_loopback_client: port %d type %s => fd %d\n", port, type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp" : "tcp", _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } #define LISTEN_BACKLOG 4 int socket_loopback_server(int port, int type) { FH f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socket_class ); struct sockaddr_in addr; SOCKET s; int n; if (!f) { return -1; } if (!_winsock_init) _init_winsock(); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); s = socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if(s == INVALID_SOCKET) return -1; f->fh_socket = s; n = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, (const char*)&n, sizeof(n)); if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } if (type == SOCK_STREAM) { int ret; ret = listen(s, LISTEN_BACKLOG); if (ret < 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(lo-server:%s%d)", _fh_to_int(f), type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp:" : "", port ); D( "socket_loopback_server: port %d type %s => fd %d\n", port, type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp" : "tcp", _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } int socket_network_client(const char *host, int port, int type) { FH f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socket_class ); struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in addr; SOCKET s; if (!f) return -1; if (!_winsock_init) _init_winsock(); hp = gethostbyname(host); if(hp == 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype; addr.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); s = socket(hp->h_addrtype, type, 0); if(s == INVALID_SOCKET) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } f->fh_socket = s; if(connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(net-client:%s%d)", _fh_to_int(f), type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp:" : "", port ); D( "socket_network_client: host '%s' port %d type %s => fd %d\n", host, port, type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp" : "tcp", _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } int socket_inaddr_any_server(int port, int type) { FH f = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socket_class ); struct sockaddr_in addr; SOCKET s; int n; if (!f) return -1; if (!_winsock_init) _init_winsock(); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(port); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); s = socket(AF_INET, type, 0); if(s == INVALID_SOCKET) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } f->fh_socket = s; n = 1; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, (const char*)&n, sizeof(n)); if(bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } if (type == SOCK_STREAM) { int ret; ret = listen(s, LISTEN_BACKLOG); if (ret < 0) { _fh_close(f); return -1; } } snprintf( f->name, sizeof(f->name), "%d(any-server:%s%d)", _fh_to_int(f), type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp:" : "", port ); D( "socket_inaddr_server: port %d type %s => fd %d\n", port, type != SOCK_STREAM ? "udp" : "tcp", _fh_to_int(f) ); return _fh_to_int(f); } #undef accept int adb_socket_accept(int serverfd, struct sockaddr* addr, socklen_t *addrlen) { FH serverfh = _fh_from_int(serverfd); FH fh; if ( !serverfh || serverfh->clazz != &_fh_socket_class ) { D( "adb_socket_accept: invalid fd %d\n", serverfd ); return -1; } fh = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socket_class ); if (!fh) { D( "adb_socket_accept: not enough memory to allocate accepted socket descriptor\n" ); return -1; } fh->fh_socket = accept( serverfh->fh_socket, addr, addrlen ); if (fh->fh_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { _fh_close( fh ); D( "adb_socket_accept: accept on fd %d return error %ld\n", serverfd, GetLastError() ); return -1; } snprintf( fh->name, sizeof(fh->name), "%d(accept:%s)", _fh_to_int(fh), serverfh->name ); D( "adb_socket_accept on fd %d returns fd %d\n", serverfd, _fh_to_int(fh) ); return _fh_to_int(fh); } void disable_tcp_nagle(int fd) { FH fh = _fh_from_int(fd); int on; if ( !fh || fh->clazz != &_fh_socket_class ) return; setsockopt( fh->fh_socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*)&on, sizeof(on) ); } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** emulated socketpairs *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /* we implement socketpairs directly in use space for the following reasons: * - it avoids copying data from/to the Nt kernel * - it allows us to implement fdevent hooks easily and cheaply, something * that is not possible with standard Win32 pipes !! * * basically, we use two circular buffers, each one corresponding to a given * direction. * * each buffer is implemented as two regions: * * region A which is (a_start,a_end) * region B which is (0, b_end) with b_end <= a_start * * an empty buffer has: a_start = a_end = b_end = 0 * * a_start is the pointer where we start reading data * a_end is the pointer where we start writing data, unless it is BUFFER_SIZE, * then you start writing at b_end * * the buffer is full when b_end == a_start && a_end == BUFFER_SIZE * * there is room when b_end < a_start || a_end < BUFER_SIZE * * when reading, a_start is incremented, it a_start meets a_end, then * we do: a_start = 0, a_end = b_end, b_end = 0, and keep going on.. */ #define BIP_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 #if 0 #include <stdio.h> # define BIPD(x) D x # define BIPDUMP bip_dump_hex static void bip_dump_hex( const unsigned char* ptr, size_t len ) { int nn, len2 = len; if (len2 > 8) len2 = 8; for (nn = 0; nn < len2; nn++) printf("%02x", ptr[nn]); printf(" "); for (nn = 0; nn < len2; nn++) { int c = ptr[nn]; if (c < 32 || c > 127) c = '.'; printf("%c", c); } printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } #else # define BIPD(x) do {} while (0) # define BIPDUMP(p,l) BIPD(p) #endif typedef struct BipBufferRec_ { int a_start; int a_end; int b_end; int fdin; int fdout; int closed; int can_write; /* boolean */ HANDLE evt_write; /* event signaled when one can write to a buffer */ int can_read; /* boolean */ HANDLE evt_read; /* event signaled when one can read from a buffer */ CRITICAL_SECTION lock; unsigned char buff[ BIP_BUFFER_SIZE ]; } BipBufferRec, *BipBuffer; static void bip_buffer_init( BipBuffer buffer ) { D( "bit_buffer_init %p\n", buffer ); buffer->a_start = 0; buffer->a_end = 0; buffer->b_end = 0; buffer->can_write = 1; buffer->can_read = 0; buffer->fdin = 0; buffer->fdout = 0; buffer->closed = 0; buffer->evt_write = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL ); buffer->evt_read = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); InitializeCriticalSection( &buffer->lock ); } static void bip_buffer_close( BipBuffer bip ) { bip->closed = 1; if (!bip->can_read) { SetEvent( bip->evt_read ); } if (!bip->can_write) { SetEvent( bip->evt_write ); } } static void bip_buffer_done( BipBuffer bip ) { BIPD(( "bip_buffer_done: %d->%d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout )); CloseHandle( bip->evt_read ); CloseHandle( bip->evt_write ); DeleteCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); } static int bip_buffer_write( BipBuffer bip, const void* src, int len ) { int avail, count = 0; if (len <= 0) return 0; BIPD(( "bip_buffer_write: enter %d->%d len %d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, len )); BIPDUMP( src, len ); EnterCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); while (!bip->can_write) { int ret; LeaveCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); if (bip->closed) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } /* spinlocking here is probably unfair, but let's live with it */ ret = WaitForSingleObject( bip->evt_write, INFINITE ); if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { /* buffer probably closed */ D( "bip_buffer_write: error %d->%d WaitForSingleObject returned %d, error %ld\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, ret, GetLastError() ); return 0; } if (bip->closed) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } EnterCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); } BIPD(( "bip_buffer_write: exec %d->%d len %d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, len )); avail = BIP_BUFFER_SIZE - bip->a_end; if (avail > 0) { /* we can append to region A */ if (avail > len) avail = len; memcpy( bip->buff + bip->a_end, src, avail ); src += avail; count += avail; len -= avail; bip->a_end += avail; if (bip->a_end == BIP_BUFFER_SIZE && bip->a_start == 0) { bip->can_write = 0; ResetEvent( bip->evt_write ); goto Exit; } } if (len == 0) goto Exit; avail = bip->a_start - bip->b_end; assert( avail > 0 ); /* since can_write is TRUE */ if (avail > len) avail = len; memcpy( bip->buff + bip->b_end, src, avail ); count += avail; bip->b_end += avail; if (bip->b_end == bip->a_start) { bip->can_write = 0; ResetEvent( bip->evt_write ); } Exit: assert( count > 0 ); if ( !bip->can_read ) { bip->can_read = 1; SetEvent( bip->evt_read ); } BIPD(( "bip_buffer_write: exit %d->%d count %d (as=%d ae=%d be=%d cw=%d cr=%d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, count, bip->a_start, bip->a_end, bip->b_end, bip->can_write, bip->can_read )); LeaveCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); return count; } static int bip_buffer_read( BipBuffer bip, void* dst, int len ) { int avail, count = 0; if (len <= 0) return 0; BIPD(( "bip_buffer_read: enter %d->%d len %d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, len )); EnterCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); while ( !bip->can_read ) { #if 0 LeaveCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); errno = EAGAIN; return -1; #else int ret; LeaveCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); if (bip->closed) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } ret = WaitForSingleObject( bip->evt_read, INFINITE ); if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { /* probably closed buffer */ D( "bip_buffer_read: error %d->%d WaitForSingleObject returned %d, error %ld\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, ret, GetLastError()); return 0; } if (bip->closed) { errno = EPIPE; return -1; } EnterCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); #endif } BIPD(( "bip_buffer_read: exec %d->%d len %d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, len )); avail = bip->a_end - bip->a_start; assert( avail > 0 ); /* since can_read is TRUE */ if (avail > len) avail = len; memcpy( dst, bip->buff + bip->a_start, avail ); dst += avail; count += avail; len -= avail; bip->a_start += avail; if (bip->a_start < bip->a_end) goto Exit; bip->a_start = 0; bip->a_end = bip->b_end; bip->b_end = 0; avail = bip->a_end; if (avail > 0) { if (avail > len) avail = len; memcpy( dst, bip->buff, avail ); count += avail; bip->a_start += avail; if ( bip->a_start < bip->a_end ) goto Exit; bip->a_start = bip->a_end = 0; } bip->can_read = 0; ResetEvent( bip->evt_read ); Exit: assert( count > 0 ); if (!bip->can_write ) { bip->can_write = 1; SetEvent( bip->evt_write ); } BIPDUMP( (const unsigned char*)dst - count, count ); BIPD(( "bip_buffer_read: exit %d->%d count %d (as=%d ae=%d be=%d cw=%d cr=%d\n", bip->fdin, bip->fdout, count, bip->a_start, bip->a_end, bip->b_end, bip->can_write, bip->can_read )); LeaveCriticalSection( &bip->lock ); return count; } typedef struct SocketPairRec_ { BipBufferRec a2b_bip; BipBufferRec b2a_bip; FH a_fd; int used; } SocketPairRec; void _fh_socketpair_init( FH f ) { f->fh_pair = NULL; } static int _fh_socketpair_close( FH f ) { if ( f->fh_pair ) { SocketPair pair = f->fh_pair; if ( f == pair->a_fd ) { pair->a_fd = NULL; } bip_buffer_close( &pair->b2a_bip ); bip_buffer_close( &pair->a2b_bip ); if ( --pair->used == 0 ) { bip_buffer_done( &pair->b2a_bip ); bip_buffer_done( &pair->a2b_bip ); free( pair ); } f->fh_pair = NULL; } return 0; } static int _fh_socketpair_lseek( FH f, int pos, int origin ) { errno = ESPIPE; return -1; } static int _fh_socketpair_read( FH f, void* buf, int len ) { SocketPair pair = f->fh_pair; BipBuffer bip; if (!pair) return -1; if ( f == pair->a_fd ) bip = &pair->b2a_bip; else bip = &pair->a2b_bip; return bip_buffer_read( bip, buf, len ); } static int _fh_socketpair_write( FH f, const void* buf, int len ) { SocketPair pair = f->fh_pair; BipBuffer bip; if (!pair) return -1; if ( f == pair->a_fd ) bip = &pair->a2b_bip; else bip = &pair->b2a_bip; return bip_buffer_write( bip, buf, len ); } static void _fh_socketpair_hook( FH f, int event, EventHook hook ); /* forward */ static const FHClassRec _fh_socketpair_class = { _fh_socketpair_init, _fh_socketpair_close, _fh_socketpair_lseek, _fh_socketpair_read, _fh_socketpair_write, _fh_socketpair_hook }; int adb_socketpair( int sv[2] ) { FH fa, fb; SocketPair pair; fa = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socketpair_class ); fb = _fh_alloc( &_fh_socketpair_class ); if (!fa || !fb) goto Fail; pair = malloc( sizeof(*pair) ); if (pair == NULL) { D("adb_socketpair: not enough memory to allocate pipes\n" ); goto Fail; } bip_buffer_init( &pair->a2b_bip ); bip_buffer_init( &pair->b2a_bip ); fa->fh_pair = pair; fb->fh_pair = pair; pair->used = 2; pair->a_fd = fa; sv[0] = _fh_to_int(fa); sv[1] = _fh_to_int(fb); pair->a2b_bip.fdin = sv[0]; pair->a2b_bip.fdout = sv[1]; pair->b2a_bip.fdin = sv[1]; pair->b2a_bip.fdout = sv[0]; snprintf( fa->name, sizeof(fa->name), "%d(pair:%d)", sv[0], sv[1] ); snprintf( fb->name, sizeof(fb->name), "%d(pair:%d)", sv[1], sv[0] ); D( "adb_socketpair: returns (%d, %d)\n", sv[0], sv[1] ); return 0; Fail: _fh_close(fb); _fh_close(fa); return -1; } /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** fdevents emulation *****/ /***** *****/ /***** this is a very simple implementation, we rely on the fact *****/ /***** that ADB doesn't use FDE_ERROR. *****/ /***** *****/ /**************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************/ #define FATAL(x...) fatal(__FUNCTION__, x) #if DEBUG static void dump_fde(fdevent *fde, const char *info) { fprintf(stderr,"FDE #%03d %c%c%c %s\n", fde->fd, fde->state & FDE_READ ? 'R' : ' ', fde->state & FDE_WRITE ? 'W' : ' ', fde->state & FDE_ERROR ? 'E' : ' ', info); } #else #define dump_fde(fde, info) do { } while(0) #endif #define FDE_EVENTMASK 0x00ff #define FDE_STATEMASK 0xff00 #define FDE_ACTIVE 0x0100 #define FDE_PENDING 0x0200 #define FDE_CREATED 0x0400 static void fdevent_plist_enqueue(fdevent *node); static void fdevent_plist_remove(fdevent *node); static fdevent *fdevent_plist_dequeue(void); static fdevent list_pending = { .next = &list_pending, .prev = &list_pending, }; static fdevent **fd_table = 0; static int fd_table_max = 0; typedef struct EventLooperRec_* EventLooper; typedef struct EventHookRec_ { EventHook next; FH fh; HANDLE h; int wanted; /* wanted event flags */ int ready; /* ready event flags */ void* aux; void (*prepare)( EventHook hook ); int (*start) ( EventHook hook ); void (*stop) ( EventHook hook ); int (*check) ( EventHook hook ); int (*peek) ( EventHook hook ); } EventHookRec; static EventHook _free_hooks; static EventHook event_hook_alloc( FH fh ) { EventHook hook = _free_hooks; if (hook != NULL) _free_hooks = hook->next; else { hook = malloc( sizeof(*hook) ); if (hook == NULL) fatal( "could not allocate event hook\n" ); } hook->next = NULL; hook->fh = fh; hook->wanted = 0; hook->ready = 0; hook->h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hook->aux = NULL; hook->prepare = NULL; hook->start = NULL; hook->stop = NULL; hook->check = NULL; hook->peek = NULL; return hook; } static void event_hook_free( EventHook hook ) { hook->fh = NULL; hook->wanted = 0; hook->ready = 0; hook->next = _free_hooks; _free_hooks = hook; } static void event_hook_signal( EventHook hook ) { FH f = hook->fh; int fd = _fh_to_int(f); fdevent* fde = fd_table[ fd - WIN32_FH_BASE ]; if (fde != NULL && fde->fd == fd) { if ((fde->state & FDE_PENDING) == 0) { fde->state |= FDE_PENDING; fdevent_plist_enqueue( fde ); } fde->events |= hook->wanted; } } #define MAX_LOOPER_HANDLES WIN32_MAX_FHS typedef struct EventLooperRec_ { EventHook hooks; HANDLE htab[ MAX_LOOPER_HANDLES ]; int htab_count; } EventLooperRec; static EventHook* event_looper_find_p( EventLooper looper, FH fh ) { EventHook *pnode = &looper->hooks; EventHook node = *pnode; for (;;) { if ( node == NULL || node->fh == fh ) break; pnode = &node->next; node = *pnode; } return pnode; } static void event_looper_hook( EventLooper looper, int fd, int events ) { FH f = _fh_from_int(fd); EventHook *pnode; EventHook node; if (f == NULL) /* invalid arg */ { D("event_looper_hook: invalid fd=%d\n", fd); return; } pnode = event_looper_find_p( looper, f ); node = *pnode; if ( node == NULL ) { node = event_hook_alloc( f ); node->next = *pnode; *pnode = node; } if ( (node->wanted & events) != events ) { /* this should update start/stop/check/peek */ D("event_looper_hook: call hook for %d (new=%x, old=%x)\n", fd, node->wanted, events); f->clazz->_fh_hook( f, events & ~node->wanted, node ); node->wanted |= events; } else { D("event_looper_hook: ignoring events %x for %d wanted=%x)\n", events, fd, node->wanted); } } static void event_looper_unhook( EventLooper looper, int fd, int events ) { FH fh = _fh_from_int(fd); EventHook *pnode = event_looper_find_p( looper, fh ); EventHook node = *pnode; if (node != NULL) { int events2 = events & node->wanted; if ( events2 == 0 ) { D( "event_looper_unhook: events %x not registered for fd %d\n", events, fd ); return; } node->wanted &= ~events2; if (!node->wanted) { *pnode = node->next; event_hook_free( node ); } } } /* * A fixer for WaitForMultipleObjects on condition that there are more than 64 * handles to wait on. * * In cetain cases DDMS may establish more than 64 connections with ADB. For * instance, this may happen if there are more than 64 processes running on a * device, or there are multiple devices connected (including the emulator) with * the combined number of running processes greater than 64. In this case using * WaitForMultipleObjects to wait on connection events simply wouldn't cut, * because of the API limitations (64 handles max). So, we need to provide a way * to scale WaitForMultipleObjects to accept an arbitrary number of handles. The * easiest (and "Microsoft recommended") way to do that would be dividing the * handle array into chunks with the chunk size less than 64, and fire up as many * waiting threads as there are chunks. Then each thread would wait on a chunk of * handles, and will report back to the caller which handle has been set. * Here is the implementation of that algorithm. */ /* Number of handles to wait on in each wating thread. */ #define WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE 63 /* Descriptor for a wating thread */ typedef struct WaitForAllParam { /* A handle to an event to signal when waiting is over. This handle is shared * accross all the waiting threads, so each waiting thread knows when any * other thread has exited, so it can exit too. */ HANDLE main_event; /* Upon exit from a waiting thread contains the index of the handle that has * been signaled. The index is an absolute index of the signaled handle in * the original array. This pointer is shared accross all the waiting threads * and it's not guaranteed (due to a race condition) that when all the * waiting threads exit, the value contained here would indicate the first * handle that was signaled. This is fine, because the caller cares only * about any handle being signaled. It doesn't care about the order, nor * about the whole list of handles that were signaled. */ LONG volatile *signaled_index; /* Array of handles to wait on in a waiting thread. */ HANDLE* handles; /* Number of handles in 'handles' array to wait on. */ int handles_count; /* Index inside the main array of the first handle in the 'handles' array. */ int first_handle_index; /* Waiting thread handle. */ HANDLE thread; } WaitForAllParam; /* Waiting thread routine. */ static unsigned __stdcall _in_waiter_thread(void* arg) { HANDLE wait_on[WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE + 1]; int res; WaitForAllParam* const param = (WaitForAllParam*)arg; /* We have to wait on the main_event in order to be notified when any of the * sibling threads is exiting. */ wait_on[0] = param->main_event; /* The rest of the handles go behind the main event handle. */ memcpy(wait_on + 1, param->handles, param->handles_count * sizeof(HANDLE)); res = WaitForMultipleObjects(param->handles_count + 1, wait_on, FALSE, INFINITE); if (res > 0 && res < (param->handles_count + 1)) { /* One of the original handles got signaled. Save its absolute index into * the output variable. */ InterlockedCompareExchange(param->signaled_index, res - 1L + param->first_handle_index, -1L); } /* Notify the caller (and the siblings) that the wait is over. */ SetEvent(param->main_event); _endthreadex(0); return 0; } /* WaitForMultipeObjects fixer routine. * Param: * handles Array of handles to wait on. * handles_count Number of handles in the array. * Return: * (>= 0 && < handles_count) - Index of the signaled handle in the array, or * WAIT_FAILED on an error. */ static int _wait_for_all(HANDLE* handles, int handles_count) { WaitForAllParam* threads; HANDLE main_event; int chunks, chunk, remains; /* This variable is going to be accessed by several threads at the same time, * this is bound to fail randomly when the core is run on multi-core machines. * To solve this, we need to do the following (1 _and_ 2): * 1. Use the "volatile" qualifier to ensure the compiler doesn't optimize * out the reads/writes in this function unexpectedly. * 2. Ensure correct memory ordering. The "simple" way to do that is to wrap * all accesses inside a critical section. But we can also use * InterlockedCompareExchange() which always provide a full memory barrier * on Win32. */ volatile LONG sig_index = -1; /* Calculate number of chunks, and allocate thread param array. */ chunks = handles_count / WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE; remains = handles_count % WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE; threads = (WaitForAllParam*)malloc((chunks + (remains ? 1 : 0)) * sizeof(WaitForAllParam)); if (threads == NULL) { D("Unable to allocate thread array for %d handles.", handles_count); return (int)WAIT_FAILED; } /* Create main event to wait on for all waiting threads. This is a "manualy * reset" event that will remain set once it was set. */ main_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (main_event == NULL) { D("Unable to create main event. Error: %d", GetLastError()); free(threads); return (int)WAIT_FAILED; } /* * Initialize waiting thread parameters. */ for (chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; chunk++) { threads[chunk].main_event = main_event; threads[chunk].signaled_index = &sig_index; threads[chunk].first_handle_index = WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE * chunk; threads[chunk].handles = handles + threads[chunk].first_handle_index; threads[chunk].handles_count = WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE; } if (remains) { threads[chunk].main_event = main_event; threads[chunk].signaled_index = &sig_index; threads[chunk].first_handle_index = WAIT_ALL_CHUNK_SIZE * chunk; threads[chunk].handles = handles + threads[chunk].first_handle_index; threads[chunk].handles_count = remains; chunks++; } /* Start the waiting threads. */ for (chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; chunk++) { /* Note that using adb_thread_create is not appropriate here, since we * need a handle to wait on for thread termination. */ threads[chunk].thread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, _in_waiter_thread, &threads[chunk], 0, NULL); if (threads[chunk].thread == NULL) { /* Unable to create a waiter thread. Collapse. */ D("Unable to create a waiting thread %d of %d. errno=%d", chunk, chunks, errno); chunks = chunk; SetEvent(main_event); break; } } /* Wait on any of the threads to get signaled. */ WaitForSingleObject(main_event, INFINITE); /* Wait on all the waiting threads to exit. */ for (chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; chunk++) { WaitForSingleObject(threads[chunk].thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(threads[chunk].thread); } CloseHandle(main_event); free(threads); const int ret = (int)InterlockedCompareExchange(&sig_index, -1, -1); return (ret >= 0) ? ret : (int)WAIT_FAILED; } static EventLooperRec win32_looper; static void fdevent_init(void) { win32_looper.htab_count = 0; win32_looper.hooks = NULL; } static void fdevent_connect(fdevent *fde) { EventLooper looper = &win32_looper; int events = fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK; if (events != 0) event_looper_hook( looper, fde->fd, events ); } static void fdevent_disconnect(fdevent *fde) { EventLooper looper = &win32_looper; int events = fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK; if (events != 0) event_looper_unhook( looper, fde->fd, events ); } static void fdevent_update(fdevent *fde, unsigned events) { EventLooper looper = &win32_looper; unsigned events0 = fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK; if (events != events0) { int removes = events0 & ~events; int adds = events & ~events0; if (removes) { D("fdevent_update: remove %x from %d\n", removes, fde->fd); event_looper_unhook( looper, fde->fd, removes ); } if (adds) { D("fdevent_update: add %x to %d\n", adds, fde->fd); event_looper_hook ( looper, fde->fd, adds ); } } } static void fdevent_process() { EventLooper looper = &win32_looper; EventHook hook; int gotone = 0; /* if we have at least one ready hook, execute it/them */ for (hook = looper->hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { hook->ready = 0; if (hook->prepare) { hook->prepare(hook); if (hook->ready != 0) { event_hook_signal( hook ); gotone = 1; } } } /* nothing's ready yet, so wait for something to happen */ if (!gotone) { looper->htab_count = 0; for (hook = looper->hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { if (hook->start && !hook->start(hook)) { D( "fdevent_process: error when starting a hook\n" ); return; } if (hook->h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int nn; for (nn = 0; nn < looper->htab_count; nn++) { if ( looper->htab[nn] == hook->h ) goto DontAdd; } looper->htab[ looper->htab_count++ ] = hook->h; DontAdd: ; } } if (looper->htab_count == 0) { D( "fdevent_process: nothing to wait for !!\n" ); return; } do { int wait_ret; D( "adb_win32: waiting for %d events\n", looper->htab_count ); if (looper->htab_count > MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) { D("handle count %d exceeds MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS.\n", looper->htab_count); wait_ret = _wait_for_all(looper->htab, looper->htab_count); } else { wait_ret = WaitForMultipleObjects( looper->htab_count, looper->htab, FALSE, INFINITE ); } if (wait_ret == (int)WAIT_FAILED) { D( "adb_win32: wait failed, error %ld\n", GetLastError() ); } else { D( "adb_win32: got one (index %d)\n", wait_ret ); /* according to Cygwin, some objects like consoles wake up on "inappropriate" events * like mouse movements. we need to filter these with the "check" function */ if ((unsigned)wait_ret < (unsigned)looper->htab_count) { for (hook = looper->hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { if ( looper->htab[wait_ret] == hook->h && (!hook->check || hook->check(hook)) ) { D( "adb_win32: signaling %s for %x\n", hook->fh->name, hook->ready ); event_hook_signal( hook ); gotone = 1; break; } } } } } while (!gotone); for (hook = looper->hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { if (hook->stop) hook->stop( hook ); } } for (hook = looper->hooks; hook; hook = hook->next) { if (hook->peek && hook->peek(hook)) event_hook_signal( hook ); } } static void fdevent_register(fdevent *fde) { int fd = fde->fd - WIN32_FH_BASE; if(fd < 0) { FATAL("bogus negative fd (%d)\n", fde->fd); } if(fd >= fd_table_max) { int oldmax = fd_table_max; if(fde->fd > 32000) { FATAL("bogus huuuuge fd (%d)\n", fde->fd); } if(fd_table_max == 0) { fdevent_init(); fd_table_max = 256; } while(fd_table_max <= fd) { fd_table_max *= 2; } fd_table = realloc(fd_table, sizeof(fdevent*) * fd_table_max); if(fd_table == 0) { FATAL("could not expand fd_table to %d entries\n", fd_table_max); } memset(fd_table + oldmax, 0, sizeof(int) * (fd_table_max - oldmax)); } fd_table[fd] = fde; } static void fdevent_unregister(fdevent *fde) { int fd = fde->fd - WIN32_FH_BASE; if((fd < 0) || (fd >= fd_table_max)) { FATAL("fd out of range (%d)\n", fde->fd); } if(fd_table[fd] != fde) { FATAL("fd_table out of sync"); } fd_table[fd] = 0; if(!(fde->state & FDE_DONT_CLOSE)) { dump_fde(fde, "close"); adb_close(fde->fd); } } static void fdevent_plist_enqueue(fdevent *node) { fdevent *list = &list_pending; node->next = list; node->prev = list->prev; node->prev->next = node; list->prev = node; } static void fdevent_plist_remove(fdevent *node) { node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; node->next = 0; node->prev = 0; } static fdevent *fdevent_plist_dequeue(void) { fdevent *list = &list_pending; fdevent *node = list->next; if(node == list) return 0; list->next = node->next; list->next->prev = list; node->next = 0; node->prev = 0; return node; } fdevent *fdevent_create(int fd, fd_func func, void *arg) { fdevent *fde = (fdevent*) malloc(sizeof(fdevent)); if(fde == 0) return 0; fdevent_install(fde, fd, func, arg); fde->state |= FDE_CREATED; return fde; } void fdevent_destroy(fdevent *fde) { if(fde == 0) return; if(!(fde->state & FDE_CREATED)) { FATAL("fde %p not created by fdevent_create()\n", fde); } fdevent_remove(fde); } void fdevent_install(fdevent *fde, int fd, fd_func func, void *arg) { memset(fde, 0, sizeof(fdevent)); fde->state = FDE_ACTIVE; fde->fd = fd; fde->func = func; fde->arg = arg; fdevent_register(fde); dump_fde(fde, "connect"); fdevent_connect(fde); fde->state |= FDE_ACTIVE; } void fdevent_remove(fdevent *fde) { if(fde->state & FDE_PENDING) { fdevent_plist_remove(fde); } if(fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) { fdevent_disconnect(fde); dump_fde(fde, "disconnect"); fdevent_unregister(fde); } fde->state = 0; fde->events = 0; } void fdevent_set(fdevent *fde, unsigned events) { events &= FDE_EVENTMASK; if((fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) == (int)events) return; if(fde->state & FDE_ACTIVE) { fdevent_update(fde, events); dump_fde(fde, "update"); } fde->state = (fde->state & FDE_STATEMASK) | events; if(fde->state & FDE_PENDING) { /* if we're pending, make sure ** we don't signal an event that ** is no longer wanted. */ fde->events &= (~events); if(fde->events == 0) { fdevent_plist_remove(fde); fde->state &= (~FDE_PENDING); } } } void fdevent_add(fdevent *fde, unsigned events) { fdevent_set( fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) | (events & FDE_EVENTMASK)); } void fdevent_del(fdevent *fde, unsigned events) { fdevent_set( fde, (fde->state & FDE_EVENTMASK) & (~(events & FDE_EVENTMASK))); } void fdevent_loop() { fdevent *fde; for(;;) { #if DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"--- ---- waiting for events\n"); #endif fdevent_process(); while((fde = fdevent_plist_dequeue())) { unsigned events = fde->events; fde->events = 0; fde->state &= (~FDE_PENDING); dump_fde(fde, "callback"); fde->func(fde->fd, events, fde->arg); } } } /** FILE EVENT HOOKS **/ static void _event_file_prepare( EventHook hook ) { if (hook->wanted & (FDE_READ|FDE_WRITE)) { /* we can always read/write */ hook->ready |= hook->wanted & (FDE_READ|FDE_WRITE); } } static int _event_file_peek( EventHook hook ) { return (hook->wanted & (FDE_READ|FDE_WRITE)); } static void _fh_file_hook( FH f, int events, EventHook hook ) { hook->h = f->fh_handle; hook->prepare = _event_file_prepare; hook->peek = _event_file_peek; } /** SOCKET EVENT HOOKS **/ static void _event_socket_verify( EventHook hook, WSANETWORKEVENTS* evts ) { if ( evts->lNetworkEvents & (FD_READ|FD_ACCEPT|FD_CLOSE) ) { if (hook->wanted & FDE_READ) hook->ready |= FDE_READ; if ((evts->iErrorCode[FD_READ] != 0) && hook->wanted & FDE_ERROR) hook->ready |= FDE_ERROR; } if ( evts->lNetworkEvents & (FD_WRITE|FD_CONNECT|FD_CLOSE) ) { if (hook->wanted & FDE_WRITE) hook->ready |= FDE_WRITE; if ((evts->iErrorCode[FD_WRITE] != 0) && hook->wanted & FDE_ERROR) hook->ready |= FDE_ERROR; } if ( evts->lNetworkEvents & FD_OOB ) { if (hook->wanted & FDE_ERROR) hook->ready |= FDE_ERROR; } } static void _event_socket_prepare( EventHook hook ) { WSANETWORKEVENTS evts; /* look if some of the events we want already happened ? */ if (!WSAEnumNetworkEvents( hook->fh->fh_socket, NULL, &evts )) _event_socket_verify( hook, &evts ); } static int _socket_wanted_to_flags( int wanted ) { int flags = 0; if (wanted & FDE_READ) flags |= FD_READ | FD_ACCEPT | FD_CLOSE; if (wanted & FDE_WRITE) flags |= FD_WRITE | FD_CONNECT | FD_CLOSE; if (wanted & FDE_ERROR) flags |= FD_OOB; return flags; } static int _event_socket_start( EventHook hook ) { /* create an event which we're going to wait for */ FH fh = hook->fh; long flags = _socket_wanted_to_flags( hook->wanted ); hook->h = fh->event; if (hook->h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { D( "_event_socket_start: no event for %s\n", fh->name ); return 0; } if ( flags != fh->mask ) { D( "_event_socket_start: hooking %s for %x (flags %ld)\n", hook->fh->name, hook->wanted, flags ); if ( WSAEventSelect( fh->fh_socket, hook->h, flags ) ) { D( "_event_socket_start: WSAEventSelect() for %s failed, error %d\n", hook->fh->name, WSAGetLastError() ); CloseHandle( hook->h ); hook->h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; exit(1); return 0; } fh->mask = flags; } return 1; } static void _event_socket_stop( EventHook hook ) { hook->h = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static int _event_socket_check( EventHook hook ) { int result = 0; FH fh = hook->fh; WSANETWORKEVENTS evts; if (!WSAEnumNetworkEvents( fh->fh_socket, hook->h, &evts ) ) { _event_socket_verify( hook, &evts ); result = (hook->ready != 0); if (result) { ResetEvent( hook->h ); } } D( "_event_socket_check %s returns %d\n", fh->name, result ); return result; } static int _event_socket_peek( EventHook hook ) { WSANETWORKEVENTS evts; FH fh = hook->fh; /* look if some of the events we want already happened ? */ if (!WSAEnumNetworkEvents( fh->fh_socket, NULL, &evts )) { _event_socket_verify( hook, &evts ); if (hook->ready) ResetEvent( hook->h ); } return hook->ready != 0; } static void _fh_socket_hook( FH f, int events, EventHook hook ) { hook->prepare = _event_socket_prepare; hook->start = _event_socket_start; hook->stop = _event_socket_stop; hook->check = _event_socket_check; hook->peek = _event_socket_peek; _event_socket_start( hook ); } /** SOCKETPAIR EVENT HOOKS **/ static void _event_socketpair_prepare( EventHook hook ) { FH fh = hook->fh; SocketPair pair = fh->fh_pair; BipBuffer rbip = (pair->a_fd == fh) ? &pair->b2a_bip : &pair->a2b_bip; BipBuffer wbip = (pair->a_fd == fh) ? &pair->a2b_bip : &pair->b2a_bip; if (hook->wanted & FDE_READ && rbip->can_read) hook->ready |= FDE_READ; if (hook->wanted & FDE_WRITE && wbip->can_write) hook->ready |= FDE_WRITE; } static int _event_socketpair_start( EventHook hook ) { FH fh = hook->fh; SocketPair pair = fh->fh_pair; BipBuffer rbip = (pair->a_fd == fh) ? &pair->b2a_bip : &pair->a2b_bip; BipBuffer wbip = (pair->a_fd == fh) ? &pair->a2b_bip : &pair->b2a_bip; if (hook->wanted == FDE_READ) hook->h = rbip->evt_read; else if (hook->wanted == FDE_WRITE) hook->h = wbip->evt_write; else { D("_event_socketpair_start: can't handle FDE_READ+FDE_WRITE\n" ); return 0; } D( "_event_socketpair_start: hook %s for %x wanted=%x\n", hook->fh->name, _fh_to_int(fh), hook->wanted); return 1; } static int _event_socketpair_peek( EventHook hook ) { _event_socketpair_prepare( hook ); return hook->ready != 0; } static void _fh_socketpair_hook( FH fh, int events, EventHook hook ) { hook->prepare = _event_socketpair_prepare; hook->start = _event_socketpair_start; hook->peek = _event_socketpair_peek; } void adb_sysdeps_init( void ) { #define ADB_MUTEX(x) InitializeCriticalSection( & x ); #include "mutex_list.h" InitializeCriticalSection( &_win32_lock ); }