/* * Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 Justin Haygood (jhaygood@reaktix.com) * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "Threading.h" #if USE(PTHREADS) #include "CurrentTime.h" #include "HashMap.h" #include "MainThread.h" #include "RandomNumberSeed.h" #include "StdLibExtras.h" #include "ThreadIdentifierDataPthreads.h" #include "ThreadSpecific.h" #include "UnusedParam.h" #include <errno.h> #if !COMPILER(MSVC) #include <limits.h> #include <sched.h> #include <sys/time.h> #endif #if OS(ANDROID) #include "JNIUtility.h" #include "ThreadFunctionInvocation.h" #include <wtf/OwnPtr.h> #include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h> #endif #if OS(MAC_OS_X) && !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD) #include <objc/objc-auto.h> #endif namespace WTF { typedef HashMap<ThreadIdentifier, pthread_t> ThreadMap; static Mutex* atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex; void clearPthreadHandleForIdentifier(ThreadIdentifier); static Mutex& threadMapMutex() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(Mutex, mutex, ()); return mutex; } void initializeThreading() { if (atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex) return; atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex = new Mutex; threadMapMutex(); initializeRandomNumberGenerator(); } void lockAtomicallyInitializedStaticMutex() { ASSERT(atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex); atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex->lock(); } void unlockAtomicallyInitializedStaticMutex() { atomicallyInitializedStaticMutex->unlock(); } static ThreadMap& threadMap() { DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ThreadMap, map, ()); return map; } static ThreadIdentifier identifierByPthreadHandle(const pthread_t& pthreadHandle) { MutexLocker locker(threadMapMutex()); ThreadMap::iterator i = threadMap().begin(); for (; i != threadMap().end(); ++i) { if (pthread_equal(i->second, pthreadHandle)) return i->first; } return 0; } static ThreadIdentifier establishIdentifierForPthreadHandle(const pthread_t& pthreadHandle) { ASSERT(!identifierByPthreadHandle(pthreadHandle)); MutexLocker locker(threadMapMutex()); static ThreadIdentifier identifierCount = 1; threadMap().add(identifierCount, pthreadHandle); return identifierCount++; } static pthread_t pthreadHandleForIdentifier(ThreadIdentifier id) { MutexLocker locker(threadMapMutex()); return threadMap().get(id); } void clearPthreadHandleForIdentifier(ThreadIdentifier id) { MutexLocker locker(threadMapMutex()); ASSERT(threadMap().contains(id)); threadMap().remove(id); } #if OS(ANDROID) static void* runThreadWithRegistration(void* arg) { OwnPtr<ThreadFunctionInvocation> invocation = adoptPtr(static_cast<ThreadFunctionInvocation*>(arg)); JavaVM* vm = JSC::Bindings::getJavaVM(); JNIEnv* env; void* ret = 0; if (vm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, 0) == JNI_OK) { ret = invocation->function(invocation->data); vm->DetachCurrentThread(); } return ret; } ThreadIdentifier createThreadInternal(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char*) { pthread_t threadHandle; // On the Android platform, threads must be registered with the VM before they run. OwnPtr<ThreadFunctionInvocation> invocation = adoptPtr(new ThreadFunctionInvocation(entryPoint, data)); if (pthread_create(&threadHandle, 0, runThreadWithRegistration, invocation.get())) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to create pthread at entry point %p with data %p", entryPoint, data); return 0; } // The thread will take ownership of invocation. ThreadFunctionInvocation* unused = invocation.leakPtr(); return establishIdentifierForPthreadHandle(threadHandle); } #else ThreadIdentifier createThreadInternal(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char*) { pthread_t threadHandle; if (pthread_create(&threadHandle, 0, entryPoint, data)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to create pthread at entry point %p with data %p", entryPoint, data); return 0; } return establishIdentifierForPthreadHandle(threadHandle); } #endif void initializeCurrentThreadInternal(const char* threadName) { #if HAVE(PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP) pthread_setname_np(threadName); #else UNUSED_PARAM(threadName); #endif #if OS(MAC_OS_X) && !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD) // All threads that potentially use APIs above the BSD layer must be registered with the Objective-C // garbage collector in case API implementations use garbage-collected memory. objc_registerThreadWithCollector(); #endif ThreadIdentifier id = identifierByPthreadHandle(pthread_self()); ASSERT(id); ThreadIdentifierData::initialize(id); } int waitForThreadCompletion(ThreadIdentifier threadID, void** result) { ASSERT(threadID); pthread_t pthreadHandle = pthreadHandleForIdentifier(threadID); if (!pthreadHandle) return 0; int joinResult = pthread_join(pthreadHandle, result); if (joinResult == EDEADLK) LOG_ERROR("ThreadIdentifier %u was found to be deadlocked trying to quit", threadID); return joinResult; } void detachThread(ThreadIdentifier threadID) { ASSERT(threadID); pthread_t pthreadHandle = pthreadHandleForIdentifier(threadID); if (!pthreadHandle) return; pthread_detach(pthreadHandle); } void yield() { sched_yield(); } ThreadIdentifier currentThread() { ThreadIdentifier id = ThreadIdentifierData::identifier(); if (id) return id; // Not a WTF-created thread, ThreadIdentifier is not established yet. id = establishIdentifierForPthreadHandle(pthread_self()); ThreadIdentifierData::initialize(id); return id; } Mutex::Mutex() { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL); pthread_mutex_init(&m_mutex, &attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); } Mutex::~Mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_mutex); } void Mutex::lock() { int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } bool Mutex::tryLock() { int result = pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_mutex); if (result == 0) return true; if (result == EBUSY) return false; ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } void Mutex::unlock() { int result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } #if HAVE(PTHREAD_RWLOCK) ReadWriteLock::ReadWriteLock() { pthread_rwlock_init(&m_readWriteLock, NULL); } ReadWriteLock::~ReadWriteLock() { pthread_rwlock_destroy(&m_readWriteLock); } void ReadWriteLock::readLock() { int result = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&m_readWriteLock); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } bool ReadWriteLock::tryReadLock() { int result = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&m_readWriteLock); if (result == 0) return true; if (result == EBUSY || result == EAGAIN) return false; ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } void ReadWriteLock::writeLock() { int result = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&m_readWriteLock); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } bool ReadWriteLock::tryWriteLock() { int result = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&m_readWriteLock); if (result == 0) return true; if (result == EBUSY || result == EAGAIN) return false; ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return false; } void ReadWriteLock::unlock() { int result = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&m_readWriteLock); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } #endif // HAVE(PTHREAD_RWLOCK) ThreadCondition::ThreadCondition() { pthread_cond_init(&m_condition, NULL); } ThreadCondition::~ThreadCondition() { pthread_cond_destroy(&m_condition); } void ThreadCondition::wait(Mutex& mutex) { int result = pthread_cond_wait(&m_condition, &mutex.impl()); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } bool ThreadCondition::timedWait(Mutex& mutex, double absoluteTime) { if (absoluteTime < currentTime()) return false; if (absoluteTime > INT_MAX) { wait(mutex); return true; } int timeSeconds = static_cast<int>(absoluteTime); int timeNanoseconds = static_cast<int>((absoluteTime - timeSeconds) * 1E9); timespec targetTime; targetTime.tv_sec = timeSeconds; targetTime.tv_nsec = timeNanoseconds; return pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_condition, &mutex.impl(), &targetTime) == 0; } void ThreadCondition::signal() { int result = pthread_cond_signal(&m_condition); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } void ThreadCondition::broadcast() { int result = pthread_cond_broadcast(&m_condition); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, !result); } } // namespace WTF #endif // USE(PTHREADS)