''' Created on May 16, 2011 @author: bungeman ''' import sys import getopt import re import os import bench_util import json import xml.sax.saxutils def usage(): """Prints simple usage information.""" print '-d <dir> a directory containing bench_r<revision>_<scalar> files.' print '-b <bench> the bench to show.' print '-c <config> the config to show (GPU, 8888, 565, etc).' print '-t <time> the time to show (w, c, g, etc).' print '-s <setting>[=<value>] a setting to show (alpha, scalar, etc).' print '-r <revision>[:<revision>] the revisions to show.' print ' Negative <revision> is taken as offset from most recent revision.' print '-f <revision>[:<revision>] the revisions to use for fitting.' print ' Negative <revision> is taken as offset from most recent revision.' print '-x <int> the desired width of the svg.' print '-y <int> the desired height of the svg.' print '-l <title> title to use for the output graph' print '--default-setting <setting>[=<value>] setting for those without.' class Label: """The information in a label. (str, str, str, str, {str:str})""" def __init__(self, bench, config, time_type, settings): self.bench = bench self.config = config self.time_type = time_type self.settings = settings def __repr__(self): return "Label(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % ( str(self.bench), str(self.config), str(self.time_type), str(self.settings), ) def __str__(self): return "%s_%s_%s_%s" % ( str(self.bench), str(self.config), str(self.time_type), str(self.settings), ) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.bench == other.bench and self.config == other.config and self.time_type == other.time_type and self.settings == other.settings) def __hash__(self): return (hash(self.bench) ^ hash(self.config) ^ hash(self.time_type) ^ hash(frozenset(self.settings.iteritems()))) def get_latest_revision(directory): """Returns the latest revision number found within this directory. """ latest_revision_found = -1 for bench_file in os.listdir(directory): file_name_match = re.match('bench_r(\d+)_(\S+)', bench_file) if (file_name_match is None): continue revision = int(file_name_match.group(1)) if revision > latest_revision_found: latest_revision_found = revision if latest_revision_found < 0: return None else: return latest_revision_found def parse_dir(directory, default_settings, oldest_revision, newest_revision): """Parses bench data from files like bench_r<revision>_<scalar>. (str, {str, str}, Number, Number) -> {int:[BenchDataPoints]}""" revision_data_points = {} # {revision : [BenchDataPoints]} for bench_file in os.listdir(directory): file_name_match = re.match('bench_r(\d+)_(\S+)', bench_file) if (file_name_match is None): continue revision = int(file_name_match.group(1)) scalar_type = file_name_match.group(2) if (revision < oldest_revision or revision > newest_revision): continue file_handle = open(directory + '/' + bench_file, 'r') if (revision not in revision_data_points): revision_data_points[revision] = [] default_settings['scalar'] = scalar_type revision_data_points[revision].extend( bench_util.parse(default_settings, file_handle)) file_handle.close() return revision_data_points def create_lines(revision_data_points, settings , bench_of_interest, config_of_interest, time_of_interest): """Convert revision data into sorted line data. ({int:[BenchDataPoints]}, {str:str}, str?, str?, str?) -> {Label:[(x,y)] | [n].x <= [n+1].x}""" revisions = revision_data_points.keys() revisions.sort() lines = {} # {Label:[(x,y)] | x[n] <= x[n+1]} for revision in revisions: for point in revision_data_points[revision]: if (bench_of_interest is not None and not bench_of_interest == point.bench): continue if (config_of_interest is not None and not config_of_interest == point.config): continue if (time_of_interest is not None and not time_of_interest == point.time_type): continue skip = False for key, value in settings.items(): if key in point.settings and point.settings[key] != value: skip = True break if skip: continue line_name = Label(point.bench , point.config , point.time_type , point.settings) if line_name not in lines: lines[line_name] = [] lines[line_name].append((revision, point.time)) return lines def bounds(lines): """Finds the bounding rectangle for the lines. {Label:[(x,y)]} -> ((min_x, min_y),(max_x,max_y))""" min_x = bench_util.Max min_y = bench_util.Max max_x = bench_util.Min max_y = bench_util.Min for line in lines.itervalues(): for x, y in line: min_x = min(min_x, x) min_y = min(min_y, y) max_x = max(max_x, x) max_y = max(max_y, y) return ((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)) def create_regressions(lines, start_x, end_x): """Creates regression data from line segments. ({Label:[(x,y)] | [n].x <= [n+1].x}, Number, Number) -> {Label:LinearRegression}""" regressions = {} # {Label : LinearRegression} for label, line in lines.iteritems(): regression_line = [p for p in line if start_x <= p[0] <= end_x] if (len(regression_line) < 2): continue regression = bench_util.LinearRegression(regression_line) regressions[label] = regression return regressions def bounds_slope(regressions): """Finds the extreme up and down slopes of a set of linear regressions. ({Label:LinearRegression}) -> (max_up_slope, min_down_slope)""" max_up_slope = 0 min_down_slope = 0 for regression in regressions.itervalues(): min_slope = regression.find_min_slope() max_up_slope = max(max_up_slope, min_slope) min_down_slope = min(min_down_slope, min_slope) return (max_up_slope, min_down_slope) def main(): """Parses command line and writes output.""" try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:] , "d:b:c:l:t:s:r:f:x:y:" , "default-setting=") except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit(2) directory = None config_of_interest = None bench_of_interest = None time_of_interest = None revision_range = '0:' regression_range = '0:' latest_revision = None requested_height = None requested_width = None title = 'Bench graph' settings = {} default_settings = {} def parse_range(range): """Takes '<old>[:<new>]' as a string and returns (old, new). Any revision numbers that are dependent on the latest revision number will be filled in based on latest_revision. """ old, _, new = range.partition(":") old = int(old) if old < 0: old += latest_revision; if not new: new = latest_revision; new = int(new) if new < 0: new += latest_revision; return (old, new) def add_setting(settings, setting): """Takes <key>[=<value>] adds {key:value} or {key:True} to settings.""" name, _, value = setting.partition('=') if not value: settings[name] = True else: settings[name] = value try: for option, value in opts: if option == "-d": directory = value elif option == "-b": bench_of_interest = value elif option == "-c": config_of_interest = value elif option == "-t": time_of_interest = value elif option == "-s": add_setting(settings, value) elif option == "-r": revision_range = value elif option == "-f": regression_range = value elif option == "-x": requested_width = int(value) elif option == "-y": requested_height = int(value) elif option == "-l": title = value elif option == "--default-setting": add_setting(default_settings, value) else: usage() assert False, "unhandled option" except ValueError: usage() sys.exit(2) if directory is None: usage() sys.exit(2) latest_revision = get_latest_revision(directory) oldest_revision, newest_revision = parse_range(revision_range) oldest_regression, newest_regression = parse_range(regression_range) revision_data_points = parse_dir(directory , default_settings , oldest_revision , newest_revision) # Update oldest_revision and newest_revision based on the data we could find all_revision_numbers = revision_data_points.keys() oldest_revision = min(all_revision_numbers) newest_revision = max(all_revision_numbers) lines = create_lines(revision_data_points , settings , bench_of_interest , config_of_interest , time_of_interest) regressions = create_regressions(lines , oldest_regression , newest_regression) output_xhtml(lines, oldest_revision, newest_revision, regressions, requested_width, requested_height, title) def qa(out): """Stringify input and quote as an xml attribute.""" return xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(str(out)) def qe(out): """Stringify input and escape as xml data.""" return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(str(out)) def create_select(qualifier, lines, select_id=None): """Output select with options showing lines which qualifier maps to it. ((Label) -> str, {Label:_}, str?) -> _""" options = {} #{ option : [Label]} for label in lines.keys(): option = qualifier(label) if (option not in options): options[option] = [] options[option].append(label) option_list = list(options.keys()) option_list.sort() print '<select class="lines"', if select_id is not None: print 'id=%s' % qa(select_id) print 'multiple="true" size="10" onchange="updateSvg();">' for option in option_list: print '<option value=' + qa('[' + reduce(lambda x,y:x+json.dumps(str(y))+',',options[option],"")[0:-1] + ']') + '>'+qe(option)+'</option>' print '</select>' def output_xhtml(lines, oldest_revision, newest_revision, regressions, requested_width, requested_height, title): """Outputs an svg/xhtml view of the data.""" print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"', print '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">' print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">' print '<head>' print '<title>%s</title>' % title print '</head>' print '<body>' output_svg(lines, regressions, requested_width, requested_height) #output the manipulation controls print """ <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ function getElementsByClass(node, searchClass, tag) { var classElements = new Array(); var elements = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var pattern = new RegExp("^|\\s"+searchClass+"\\s|$"); for (var i = 0, elementsFound = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) { if (pattern.test(elements[i].className)) { classElements[elementsFound] = elements[i]; ++elementsFound; } } return classElements; } function getAllLines() { var selectElem = document.getElementById('benchSelect'); var linesObj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < selectElem.options.length; ++i) { var lines = JSON.parse(selectElem.options[i].value); for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) { linesObj[lines[j]] = true; } } return linesObj; } function getOptions(selectElem) { var linesSelectedObj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < selectElem.options.length; ++i) { if (!selectElem.options[i].selected) continue; var linesSelected = JSON.parse(selectElem.options[i].value); for (var j = 0; j < linesSelected.length; ++j) { linesSelectedObj[linesSelected[j]] = true; } } return linesSelectedObj; } function objectEmpty(obj) { for (var p in obj) { return false; } return true; } function markSelectedLines(selectElem, allLines) { var linesSelected = getOptions(selectElem); if (!objectEmpty(linesSelected)) { for (var line in allLines) { allLines[line] &= (linesSelected[line] == true); } } } function updateSvg() { var allLines = getAllLines(); var selects = getElementsByClass(document, 'lines', 'select'); for (var i = 0; i < selects.length; ++i) { markSelectedLines(selects[i], allLines); } for (var line in allLines) { var svgLine = document.getElementById(line); var display = (allLines[line] ? 'inline' : 'none'); svgLine.setAttributeNS(null,'display', display); } } function mark(markerId) { for (var line in getAllLines()) { var svgLineGroup = document.getElementById(line); var display = svgLineGroup.getAttributeNS(null,'display'); if (display == null || display == "" || display != "none") { var svgLine = document.getElementById(line+'_line'); if (markerId == null) { svgLine.removeAttributeNS(null,'marker-mid'); } else { svgLine.setAttributeNS(null,'marker-mid', markerId); } } } } //]]></script>""" print '<table border="0" width="%s">' % requested_width print """ <form> <tr valign="bottom" align="center"> <td width="1">Bench Type</td> <td width="1">Bitmap Config</td> <td width="1">Timer Type (Cpu/Gpu/wall)</td> <td width="1"><!--buttons--></td> <td width="10%"><!--spacing--></td>""" print '<td>%s<br></br>revisions r%s - r%s</td>' % ( title, bench_util.CreateRevisionLink(oldest_revision), bench_util.CreateRevisionLink(newest_revision)) print '</tr><tr valign="top" align="center">' print '<td width="1">' create_select(lambda l: l.bench, lines, 'benchSelect') print '</td><td width="1">' create_select(lambda l: l.config, lines) print '</td><td width="1">' create_select(lambda l: l.time_type, lines) all_settings = {} variant_settings = set() for label in lines.keys(): for key, value in label.settings.items(): if key not in all_settings: all_settings[key] = value elif all_settings[key] != value: variant_settings.add(key) for k in variant_settings: create_select(lambda l: l.settings[k], lines) print '</td><td width="1"><button type="button"', print 'onclick=%s' % qa("mark('url(#circleMark)'); return false;"), print '>Mark Points</button>' print '<button type="button" onclick="mark(null);">Clear Points</button>' print """ </td> <td width="10%"></td> <td align="left"> <p>Brighter red indicates tests that have gotten worse; brighter green indicates tests that have gotten better.</p> <p>To highlight individual tests, hold down CONTROL and mouse over graph lines.</p> <p>To highlight revision numbers, hold down SHIFT and mouse over the graph area.</p> <p>To only show certain tests on the graph, select any combination of tests in the selectors at left. (To show all, select all.)</p> <p>Use buttons at left to mark/clear points on the lines for selected benchmarks.</p> </td> </tr> </form> </table> </body> </html>""" def compute_size(requested_width, requested_height, rev_width, time_height): """Converts potentially empty requested size into a concrete size. (Number?, Number?) -> (Number, Number)""" pic_width = 0 pic_height = 0 if (requested_width is not None and requested_height is not None): pic_height = requested_height pic_width = requested_width elif (requested_width is not None): pic_width = requested_width pic_height = pic_width * (float(time_height) / rev_width) elif (requested_height is not None): pic_height = requested_height pic_width = pic_height * (float(rev_width) / time_height) else: pic_height = 800 pic_width = max(rev_width*3 , pic_height * (float(rev_width) / time_height)) return (pic_width, pic_height) def output_svg(lines, regressions, requested_width, requested_height): """Outputs an svg view of the data.""" (global_min_x, _), (global_max_x, global_max_y) = bounds(lines) max_up_slope, min_down_slope = bounds_slope(regressions) #output global_min_y = 0 x = global_min_x y = global_min_y w = global_max_x - global_min_x h = global_max_y - global_min_y font_size = 16 line_width = 2 pic_width, pic_height = compute_size(requested_width, requested_height , w, h) def cw(w1): """Converts a revision difference to display width.""" return (pic_width / float(w)) * w1 def cx(x): """Converts a revision to a horizontal display position.""" return cw(x - global_min_x) def ch(h1): """Converts a time difference to a display height.""" return -(pic_height / float(h)) * h1 def cy(y): """Converts a time to a vertical display position.""" return pic_height + ch(y - global_min_y) print '<svg', print 'width=%s' % qa(str(pic_width)+'px') print 'height=%s' % qa(str(pic_height)+'px') print 'viewBox="0 0 %s %s"' % (str(pic_width), str(pic_height)) print 'onclick=%s' % qa( "var event = arguments[0] || window.event;" " if (event.shiftKey) { highlightRevision(null); }" " if (event.ctrlKey) { highlight(null); }" " return false;") print 'xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"' print 'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">' print """ <defs> <marker id="circleMark" viewBox="0 0 2 2" refX="1" refY="1" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="2" markerHeight="2" orient="0"> <circle cx="1" cy="1" r="1"/> </marker> </defs>""" #output the revisions print """ <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var previousRevision; var previousRevisionFill; var previousRevisionStroke function highlightRevision(id) { if (previousRevision == id) return; document.getElementById('revision').firstChild.nodeValue = 'r' + id; document.getElementById('rev_link').setAttribute('xlink:href', 'http://code.google.com/p/skia/source/detail?r=' + id); var preRevision = document.getElementById(previousRevision); if (preRevision) { preRevision.setAttributeNS(null,'fill', previousRevisionFill); preRevision.setAttributeNS(null,'stroke', previousRevisionStroke); } var revision = document.getElementById(id); previousRevision = id; if (revision) { previousRevisionFill = revision.getAttributeNS(null,'fill'); revision.setAttributeNS(null,'fill','rgb(100%, 95%, 95%)'); previousRevisionStroke = revision.getAttributeNS(null,'stroke'); revision.setAttributeNS(null,'stroke','rgb(100%, 90%, 90%)'); } } //]]></script>""" def print_rect(x, y, w, h, revision): """Outputs a revision rectangle in display space, taking arguments in revision space.""" disp_y = cy(y) disp_h = ch(h) if disp_h < 0: disp_y += disp_h disp_h = -disp_h print '<rect id=%s x=%s y=%s' % (qa(revision), qa(cx(x)), qa(disp_y),), print 'width=%s height=%s' % (qa(cw(w)), qa(disp_h),), print 'fill="white"', print 'stroke="rgb(98%%,98%%,88%%)" stroke-width=%s' % qa(line_width), print 'onmouseover=%s' % qa( "var event = arguments[0] || window.event;" " if (event.shiftKey) {" " highlightRevision('"+str(revision)+"');" " return false;" " }"), print ' />' xes = set() for line in lines.itervalues(): for point in line: xes.add(point[0]) revisions = list(xes) revisions.sort() left = x current_revision = revisions[0] for next_revision in revisions[1:]: width = (((next_revision - current_revision) / 2.0) + (current_revision - left)) print_rect(left, y, width, h, current_revision) left += width current_revision = next_revision print_rect(left, y, x+w - left, h, current_revision) #output the lines print """ <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ var previous; var previousColor; var previousOpacity; function highlight(id) { if (previous == id) return; document.getElementById('label').firstChild.nodeValue = id; var preGroup = document.getElementById(previous); if (preGroup) { var preLine = document.getElementById(previous+'_line'); preLine.setAttributeNS(null,'stroke', previousColor); preLine.setAttributeNS(null,'opacity', previousOpacity); var preSlope = document.getElementById(previous+'_linear'); if (preSlope) { preSlope.setAttributeNS(null,'visibility', 'hidden'); } } var group = document.getElementById(id); previous = id; if (group) { group.parentNode.appendChild(group); var line = document.getElementById(id+'_line'); previousColor = line.getAttributeNS(null,'stroke'); previousOpacity = line.getAttributeNS(null,'opacity'); line.setAttributeNS(null,'stroke', 'blue'); line.setAttributeNS(null,'opacity', '1'); var slope = document.getElementById(id+'_linear'); if (slope) { slope.setAttributeNS(null,'visibility', 'visible'); } } } //]]></script>""" for label, line in lines.items(): print '<g id=%s>' % qa(label) r = 128 g = 128 b = 128 a = .10 if label in regressions: regression = regressions[label] min_slope = regression.find_min_slope() if min_slope < 0: d = max(0, (min_slope / min_down_slope)) g += int(d*128) a += d*0.9 elif min_slope > 0: d = max(0, (min_slope / max_up_slope)) r += int(d*128) a += d*0.9 slope = regression.slope intercept = regression.intercept min_x = regression.min_x max_x = regression.max_x print '<polyline id=%s' % qa(str(label)+'_linear'), print 'fill="none" stroke="yellow"', print 'stroke-width=%s' % qa(abs(ch(regression.serror*2))), print 'opacity="0.5" pointer-events="none" visibility="hidden"', print 'points="', print '%s,%s' % (str(cx(min_x)), str(cy(slope*min_x + intercept))), print '%s,%s' % (str(cx(max_x)), str(cy(slope*max_x + intercept))), print '"/>' print '<polyline id=%s' % qa(str(label)+'_line'), print 'onmouseover=%s' % qa( "var event = arguments[0] || window.event;" " if (event.ctrlKey) {" " highlight('"+str(label).replace("'", "\\'")+"');" " return false;" " }"), print 'fill="none" stroke="rgb(%s,%s,%s)"' % (str(r), str(g), str(b)), print 'stroke-width=%s' % qa(line_width), print 'opacity=%s' % qa(a), print 'points="', for point in line: print '%s,%s' % (str(cx(point[0])), str(cy(point[1]))), print '"/>' print '</g>' #output the labels print '<text id="label" x="0" y=%s' % qa(font_size), print 'font-size=%s> </text>' % qa(font_size) print '<a id="rev_link" xlink:href="" target="_top">' print '<text id="revision" x="0" y=%s style="' % qa(font_size*2) print 'font-size: %s; ' % qe(font_size) print 'stroke: #0000dd; text-decoration: underline; ' print '"> </text></a>' print '</svg>' if __name__ == "__main__": main()