// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. // Author: Lincoln Smith // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include <config.h> #include <string> #include "google/output_string.h" #include "testing.h" #ifdef HAVE_EXT_ROPE #include <ext/rope> #include "output_string_crope.h" #endif // HAVE_EXT_ROPE namespace open_vcdiff { namespace { class OutputStringTest : public testing::Test { public: typedef std::string string; OutputStringTest() : string_("ab"), output_string_(&string_) { } virtual ~OutputStringTest() { } protected: string string_; OutputString<string> output_string_; }; TEST_F(OutputStringTest, Append) { output_string_.append("cdef", 2); EXPECT_EQ("abcd", string_); } TEST_F(OutputStringTest, Clear) { output_string_.clear(); EXPECT_EQ("", string_); } TEST_F(OutputStringTest, PushBack) { output_string_.push_back('c'); EXPECT_EQ("abc", string_); } TEST_F(OutputStringTest, Reserve) { const size_t initial_capacity = string_.capacity(); string_.resize(string_.capacity()); EXPECT_EQ(initial_capacity, string_.capacity()); output_string_.ReserveAdditionalBytes(1); EXPECT_LE(initial_capacity + 1, string_.capacity()); } TEST_F(OutputStringTest, Size) { EXPECT_EQ(string_.size(), output_string_.size()); string_.push_back('c'); EXPECT_EQ(string_.size(), output_string_.size()); string_.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(string_.size(), output_string_.size()); } #ifdef HAVE_EXT_ROPE class OutputCRopeTest : public testing::Test { public: typedef __gnu_cxx::crope crope; OutputCRopeTest() : crope_("ab"), output_crope_(&crope_) { } virtual ~OutputCRopeTest() { } protected: crope crope_; OutputCrope output_crope_; }; TEST_F(OutputCRopeTest, Append) { output_crope_.append("cdef", 2); crope expected_abcd("abcd"); EXPECT_EQ(expected_abcd, crope_); } TEST_F(OutputCRopeTest, Clear) { output_crope_.clear(); crope expected_empty; EXPECT_EQ(expected_empty, crope_); } TEST_F(OutputCRopeTest, PushBack) { output_crope_.push_back('c'); crope expected_abc("abc"); EXPECT_EQ(expected_abc, crope_); } TEST_F(OutputCRopeTest, Size) { EXPECT_EQ(crope_.size(), output_crope_.size()); crope_.push_back('c'); EXPECT_EQ(crope_.size(), output_crope_.size()); crope_.clear(); EXPECT_EQ(crope_.size(), output_crope_.size()); } #endif // HAVE_EXT_ROPE } // anonymous namespace } // namespace open_vcdiff