<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2007 The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Choices for timezone picker first level.
These values will be used as search terms for TimeZone displayName
strings. --> <skip />
<!-- The time zone picker screen has two levels. The first level allows the user to choose a region. -->
<string-array name="timezone_filters">
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from the Americas. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Europe. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Africa. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Asia. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Australia. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Pacific. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from ALL regions. -->
<!-- There is a setting to control the format of dates displayed throughout the system. This is in the Date & Time Settings screen. These will be adjusted to use punctuation appropriate to the user's locale. -->
<string-array name="date_format_values" translatable="false">
<!-- The blank item means to use whatever the locale calls for. -->
<!-- Display settings. The delay in inactivity before the screen is turned off. These are shown in a list dialog. -->
<string-array name="screen_timeout_entries">
<item>15 seconds</item>
<item>30 seconds</item>
<item>1 minute</item>
<item>2 minutes</item>
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>10 minutes</item>
<item>30 minutes</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="screen_timeout_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Display settings. The delay in inactivity before the dream is shown. These are shown in a list dialog. -->
<string-array name="dream_timeout_entries">
<item>15 seconds</item>
<item>30 seconds</item>
<item>1 minute</item>
<item>2 minutes</item>
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>10 minutes</item>
<item>30 minutes</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="dream_timeout_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Security settings. The delay after screen is turned off until device locks.
These are shown in a list dialog. -->
<string-array name="lock_after_timeout_entries">
<item>5 seconds</item>
<item>15 seconds</item>
<item>30 seconds</item>
<item>1 minute</item>
<item>2 minutes</item>
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>10 minutes</item>
<item>30 minutes</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="lock_after_timeout_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="entries_font_size">
<item msgid="6490061470416867723">Small</item>
<item msgid="3579015730662088893">Normal</item>
<item msgid="1678068858001018666">Large</item>
<item msgid="490158884605093126">Extra large</item>
<string-array name="entryvalues_font_size" translatable="false">
<!-- TTS settings -->
<!-- Default speech rate choices -->
<string-array name="tts_rate_entries">
<item>Very slow</item>
<item>Very fast</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="tts_rate_values">
<!-- Default pitch choices -->
<string-array name="tts_pitch_entries">
<item>Very low</item>
<item>Very high</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="tts_pitch_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="tts_demo_strings" translatable="false">
<item>This is an example of speech synthesis in English.</item>
<item>Voici un échantillon de synthèse vocale en français.</item>
<item>Dies ist ein Beispiel für Sprachsynthese in Deutsch.</item>
<item>Questo è un esempio di sintesi vocale in italiano.</item>
<item>Este es un ejemplo de síntesis de voz en español.</item>
<string-array name="tts_demo_string_langs" translatable="false">
<!-- Wi-Fi settings -->
<!-- Match this with the order of NetworkInfo.DetailedState. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. The status messages when the network is unknown. -->
<string-array name="wifi_status">
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is idle. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is scanning. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connecting. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is authenticating. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is obtaining IP address. -->
<item>Obtaining IP address\u2026</item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connected. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is suspended. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is disconnecting. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is disconnected. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is a failure. -->
<!-- Match this with the order of NetworkInfo.DetailedState. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. The status messages when the network is known. -->
<string-array name="wifi_status_with_ssid">
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is idle. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is scanning. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connecting to a network. -->
<item>Connecting to <xliff:g id="network_name">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is authenticating with a network. -->
<item>Authenticating with <xliff:g id="network_name">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is obtaining IP address from a network. -->
<item>Obtaining IP address from <xliff:g id="network_name">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connected to a network. -->
<item>Connected to <xliff:g id="network_name">%1$s</xliff:g></item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is suspended. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is disconnecting from a network. -->
<item>Disconnecting from <xliff:g id="network_name">%1$s</xliff:g>\u2026</item>
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is disconnected. -->
<!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is a failure. -->
<!-- Match this with the constants in AccessPoint. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi security choices used when manually added a Wi-Fi network -->
<string-array name="wifi_security">
<!-- The Wi-Fi network does not have any security. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Match this with the constants in AccessPoint. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi security types for New User Dialog. EAP is not configurable. -->
<string-array name="wifi_security_no_eap">
<!-- The Wi-Fi network does not have any security. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Wi-Fi AP settings. The type of security a Wi-Fi AP supports. -->
<!-- Note that adding/removing/moving the items will need wifi settings code change. -->
<string-array name="wifi_ap_security" translatable="false">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<item>WPA PSK</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<item>WPA2 PSK</item>
<!-- Match this with the constants in WifiDialog. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. The type of EAP method a Wi-Fi network has. -->
<string-array name="wifi_eap_method">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Wi-Fi WPS setup for p2p connections. -->
<!-- Note that adding/removing/moving the items will need wifi settings code change. -->
<string-array name="wifi_p2p_wps_setup">
<!-- Push button based configuration involves pushing a button on two connecting devices [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<item>Push button</item>
<!-- This involves entering a pin obtained from a peer device [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<item>PIN from peer device</item>
<!-- This involves generating a pin from this device [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<item>PIN from this device</item>
<!-- Match this with the order of WifiP2pDevice.Status -->
<!-- Wi-Fi p2p settings device status message -->
<string-array name="wifi_p2p_status">
<!-- Bluetooth Settings -->
<!-- Discoverable mode timeout options -->
<string-array name="bluetooth_visibility_timeout_entries">
<item>2 minutes</item>
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>1 hour</item>
<item>Never time out</item>
<!-- Match this with drawable.wifi_signal. --> <skip />
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. The signal strength a Wi-Fi network has. -->
<string-array name="wifi_signal">
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. Presented as a list dialog to the user to choose the Wi-Fi sleep policy. -->
<string-array name="wifi_sleep_policy_entries">
<!-- Always keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off. -->
<!-- Keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off and plugged in. When on battery, go to sleep when screen turns off. -->
<item>Only when plugged in</item>
<!-- Do not keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off. -->
<item>Never (increases data usage)</item>
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. Presented as a list dialog to the user to choose the Wi-Fi sleep policy. Used when
the device is Wi-Fi-only. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string-array name="wifi_sleep_policy_entries_wifi_only">
<!-- Always keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off. -->
<!-- Keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off and plugged in. When on battery, go to sleep when screen turns off. -->
<item>Only when plugged in</item>
<!-- Do not keep Wi-Fi on when screen turns off, for Wi-Fi-only devices, no other data connection -->
<!-- Match with wifi_sleep_policy_entries and the values of the settings in Settings class. --> <skip />
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="wifi_sleep_policy_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Wi-Fi settings. Presented as a list dialog to the user to choose the Wi-Fi frequency band. -->
<string-array name="wifi_frequency_band_entries">
<!-- Operation on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<!-- Operation on 5 GHz alone [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<item>5 GHz only</item>
<!-- Operation on 2.4 GHz alone [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<item>2.4 GHz only</item>
<!-- Match with wifi_frequency_band_entries and the values of the settings in WifiManager. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="wifi_frequency_band_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Display options for UsageStats class -->
<string-array name="usage_stats_display_order_types">
<item>Usage time</item>
<item>Launch count</item>
<item>App name</item>
<!-- EAP method -->
<string-array name="wifi_eap_entries">
<!-- Phase 2 options -->
<string-array name="wifi_phase2_entries">
<!-- Wi-Fi set up options -->
<!-- Note that adding/removing/moving items will need wifi settings code change. -->
<string-array name="wifi_network_setup">
<!-- Manual wifi configuration [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<!-- WPS is a new standard that allowes secure connection establishment to a home wireless network using a simplified process. WPS push button based configuration involves pushing a button on the router and the device [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<item>Push button</item>
<!-- WPS pin method based configuration. This requires entering a pin obtained from the access point [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<item>PIN from access point</item>
<!-- WPS pin method based configuration. This requires generating a pin from this device [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<item>PIN from this device</item>
<!-- Wi-Fi IP settings. -->
<!-- Note that adding/removing/moving the items will need wifi settings code change. -->
<string-array name="wifi_ip_settings">
<!-- Use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for obtaining IP settings [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- Use statically defined IP settings [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<!-- Wi-Fi proxy settings. -->
<!-- Note that adding/removing/moving the items will need wifi settings code change. -->
<string-array name="wifi_proxy_settings">
<!-- No HTTP proxy is used for the current wifi network [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- Manual HTTP proxy settings are used for the current wifi network [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- Sound settings for emergency tone. -->
<string-array name="emergency_tone_entries">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="emergency_tone_values">
<!-- Locales in this list are displayed with the corresponding
name from special_locale_names instead of using the name
from Locale.getDisplayName(). -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="special_locale_codes">
<string-array translatable="false" name="special_locale_names">
<item>中文 (简体)</item>
<item>中文 (繁體)</item>
<!-- Authentication Types used in APN editor -->
<string-array name="apn_auth_entries">
<item>PAP or CHAP</item>
<string-array translatable="false" name="apn_auth_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Authentication Types used in APN editor -->
<string-array name="apn_protocol_entries">
<string-array translatable="false" name="apn_protocol_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Bearer Info used in APN editor -->
<string-array name="bearer_entries">
<string-array translatable="false" name="bearer_values">
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<!-- Apps on SD instalaltion location options in ApplicationSettings -->
<string-array name="app_install_location_entries">
<item>Internal device storage</item>
<item>Removable SD card</item>
<item>Let the system decide</item>
<!-- Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="app_install_location_values" translatable="false">
<!-- New incoming call vibrate options. -->
<string-array name="vibrate_entries">
<item>Only in Silent mode</item>
<item>Only when not in Silent mode</item>
<!-- Values for vibrate_entries matching constants in SoundSettings. Do not translate. -->
<string-array name="vibrate_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Titles for the list of long press timeout options. -->
<string-array name="long_press_timeout_selector_titles">
<!-- A title for the option for short long-press timeout [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- A title for the option for medium long-press timeout [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- A title for the option for long long-press timeout [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- Values for the list of long press timeout options. -->
<string-array name="long_press_timeout_selector_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Titles for HDCP checking preference. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string-array name="hdcp_checking_titles">
<item>Never check</item>
<item>Check for DRM content only</item>
<item>Always check</item>
<!-- Values for HDCP checking preference. -->
<string-array name="hdcp_checking_values" translatable="false" >
<!-- Summaries for HDCP checking preference. [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
<string-array name="hdcp_checking_summaries" >
<item>Never use HDCP checking</item>
<item>Use HDCP checking for DRM content only</item>
<item>Always use HDCP checking</item>
<!-- Titles for window animation scale preference. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string-array name="window_animation_scale_entries">
<item>Animation off</item>
<item>Animation scale .5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 1x</item>
<item>Animation scale 1.5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 2x</item>
<item>Animation scale 5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 10x</item>
<!-- Values for window animation scale preference. -->
<string-array name="window_animation_scale_values" translatable="false" >
<!-- Titles for transition animation scale preference. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string-array name="transition_animation_scale_entries">
<item>Animation off</item>
<item>Animation scale .5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 1x</item>
<item>Animation scale 1.5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 2x</item>
<item>Animation scale 5x</item>
<item>Animation scale 10x</item>
<!-- Values for transition animation scale preference. -->
<string-array name="transition_animation_scale_values" translatable="false" >
<!-- Titles for app process limit preference. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string-array name="app_process_limit_entries">
<item>Standard limit</item>
<item>No background processes</item>
<item>At most 1 process</item>
<item>At most 2 processes</item>
<item>At most 3 processes</item>
<item>At most 4 processes</item>
<!-- Values for app process limit preference. -->
<string-array name="app_process_limit_values" translatable="false" >
<!-- Match this with the constants in VpnProfile. --> <skip />
<!-- Short names for each VPN type, not really translatable. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string-array name="vpn_types" translatable="false">
<item>L2TP/IPSec PSK</item>
<item>L2TP/IPSec RSA</item>
<item>IPSec Xauth PSK</item>
<item>IPSec Xauth RSA</item>
<item>IPSec Hybrid RSA</item>
<!-- Match this with the constants in VpnProfile. --> <skip />
<!-- Longer descriptions for each VPN type. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<string-array name="vpn_types_long">
<item>PPTP VPN</item>
<item>L2TP/IPSec VPN with pre-shared keys</item>
<item>L2TP/IPSec VPN with certificates</item>
<item>IPSec VPN with pre-shared keys and Xauth authentication</item>
<item>IPSec VPN with certificates and Xauth authentication</item>
<item>IPSec VPN with certificates and hybrid authentication</item>
<!-- Match this with the constants in LegacyVpnInfo. --> <skip />
<!-- Status for a VPN network. [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<string-array name="vpn_states">
<!-- Status message when VPN is disconnected. -->
<!-- Status message when VPN is initializing. -->
<!-- Status message when VPN is connecting. -->
<!-- Status message when VPN is connected. -->
<!-- Status message when VPN is timeout. -->
<!-- Status message when VPN is failed. -->