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 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#define LOG_NDEBUG 1
#define LOG_TAG "VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing.h"

namespace android {

VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing() {

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: Construct  VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing ");

    mAudVolArrIndex = 0;
    mDoDucking = 0;
    mDucking_enable = 0;
    mDucking_lowVolume = 0;
    mDucking_threshold = 0;
    mDuckingFactor = 0;

    mBTVolLevel = 0;
    mPTVolLevel = 0;

    mIsSSRCneeded = 0;
    mChannelConversion = 0;

    mBTFormat = MONO_16_BIT;

    mInSampleRate = 8000;
    mOutSampleRate = 16000;
    mPTChannelCount = 2;
    mBTChannelCount = 1;

M4OSA_Int32 VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::veProcessAudioMixNDuck(
        void *pPTBuffer, void *pBTBuffer, void *pOutBuffer) {

    M4AM_Buffer16* pPrimaryTrack   = (M4AM_Buffer16*)pPTBuffer;
    M4AM_Buffer16* pBackgroundTrack = (M4AM_Buffer16*)pBTBuffer;
    M4AM_Buffer16* pMixedOutBuffer  = (M4AM_Buffer16*)pOutBuffer;

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::lvProcessAudioMixNDuck \
        pPTBuffer 0x%x pBTBuffer 0x%x pOutBuffer 0x%x", pPTBuffer,
        pBTBuffer, pOutBuffer);

    M4OSA_ERR result = M4NO_ERROR;
    M4OSA_Int16 *pBTMdata1;
    M4OSA_Int16 *pPTMdata2;
    M4OSA_UInt32 uiPCMsize;

    // Ducking variable
    M4OSA_UInt16 loopIndex = 0;
    M4OSA_Int16 *pPCM16Sample = M4OSA_NULL;
    M4OSA_Int32 peakDbValue = 0;
    M4OSA_Int32 previousDbValue = 0;
    M4OSA_UInt32 i;

    // Output size if same as PT size
    pMixedOutBuffer->m_bufferSize = pPrimaryTrack->m_bufferSize;

    // Before mixing, we need to have only PT as out buffer
    memcpy((void *)pMixedOutBuffer->m_dataAddress,
        (void *)pPrimaryTrack->m_dataAddress, pMixedOutBuffer->m_bufferSize);

    // Initially contains the input primary track
    pPTMdata2 = (M4OSA_Int16*)pMixedOutBuffer->m_dataAddress;
    // Contains BG track processed data(like channel conversion etc..
    pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16*) pBackgroundTrack->m_dataAddress;

    // Since we need to give sample count and not buffer size
    uiPCMsize = pMixedOutBuffer->m_bufferSize/2 ;

    if ((mDucking_enable) && (mPTVolLevel != 0.0)) {
        // LOGI("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: In Ducking analysis ");
        loopIndex = 0;
        peakDbValue = 0;
        previousDbValue = peakDbValue;

        pPCM16Sample = (M4OSA_Int16*)pPrimaryTrack->m_dataAddress;

        while (loopIndex < pPrimaryTrack->m_bufferSize/sizeof(M4OSA_Int16)) {
            if (pPCM16Sample[loopIndex] >= 0) {
                peakDbValue = previousDbValue > pPCM16Sample[loopIndex] ?
                        previousDbValue : pPCM16Sample[loopIndex];
                previousDbValue = peakDbValue;
            } else {
                peakDbValue = previousDbValue > -pPCM16Sample[loopIndex] ?
                        previousDbValue: -pPCM16Sample[loopIndex];
                previousDbValue = peakDbValue;

        mAudioVolumeArray[mAudVolArrIndex] = getDecibelSound(peakDbValue);

        LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: getDecibelSound %d",

        // WINDOW_SIZE is 10 by default
        // Check for threshold is done after 10 cycles
        if (mAudVolArrIndex >= WINDOW_SIZE - 1) {
            mDoDucking = isThresholdBreached(mAudioVolumeArray,
            mAudVolArrIndex,mDucking_threshold );
            mAudVolArrIndex = 0;
        } else {

        // Below logic controls the mixing weightage
        // for Background and Primary Tracks
        // for the duration of window under analysis,
        // to give fade-out for Background and fade-in for primary
        // Current fading factor is distributed in equal range over
        // the defined window size.
        // For a window size = 25
        // (500 ms (window under analysis) / 20 ms (sample duration))

        if (mDoDucking) {
            if (mDuckingFactor > mDucking_lowVolume) {
                // FADE OUT BG Track
                // Increment ducking factor in total steps in factor
                // of low volume steps to reach low volume level
                mDuckingFactor -= (mDucking_lowVolume);
            } else {
                mDuckingFactor = mDucking_lowVolume;
        } else {
            if (mDuckingFactor < 1.0 ) {
                // FADE IN BG Track
                // Increment ducking factor in total steps of
                // low volume factor to reach orig.volume level
                mDuckingFactor += (mDucking_lowVolume);
            } else {
                mDuckingFactor = 1.0;
    } // end if - mDucking_enable

    // Mixing Logic

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: Out of Ducking analysis uiPCMsize\
        %d %f %f", mDoDucking, mDuckingFactor,mBTVolLevel);

    while (uiPCMsize-- > 0) {

        M4OSA_Int32 temp;
        // Set vol factor for BT and PT
        *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)(*pBTMdata1*mBTVolLevel);
        *pPTMdata2 = (M4OSA_Int16)(*pPTMdata2*mPTVolLevel);

        // Mix the two samples
        if (mDoDucking) {

            // Duck the BG track to ducking factor value before mixing
            *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)((*pBTMdata1)*(mDuckingFactor));

            // mix as normal case
            *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)(*pBTMdata1 /2 + *pPTMdata2 /2);
        } else {

            *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)((*pBTMdata1)*(mDuckingFactor));
            *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)(*pBTMdata1 /2 + *pPTMdata2 /2);

        if (*pBTMdata1 < 0) {
            temp = -(*pBTMdata1) * 2; // bring to original Amplitude level

            if (temp > 32767) {
                *pBTMdata1 = -32766; // less then max allowed value
            } else {
                *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)(-temp);
        } else {
            temp = (*pBTMdata1) * 2; // bring to original Amplitude level
            if ( temp > 32768) {
                *pBTMdata1 = 32767; // less than max allowed value
            } else {
                *pBTMdata1 = (M4OSA_Int16)temp;

    //LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: Copy final out ");
    memcpy((void *)pMixedOutBuffer->m_dataAddress,
        (void *)pBackgroundTrack->m_dataAddress,

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::lvProcessAudioMixNDuck EXIT");
    return result;

VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::~VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing() {


M4OSA_Int32 VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::calculateOutResampleBufSize() {

    // This already takes care of channel count in mBTBuffer.m_bufferSize
    return (mOutSampleRate / mInSampleRate) * mBTBuffer.m_bufferSize;

void VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing ::veSetAudioProcessingParams(
        const veAudMixSettings& gInputParams) {

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: ENTER lvSetAudioProcessingParams ");
    mDucking_enable       = gInputParams.lvInDucking_enable;
    mDucking_lowVolume    = gInputParams.lvInDucking_lowVolume;
    mDucking_threshold    = gInputParams.lvInDucking_threshold;

    mPTVolLevel           = gInputParams.lvPTVolLevel;
    mBTVolLevel           = gInputParams.lvBTVolLevel ;

    mBTChannelCount       = gInputParams.lvBTChannelCount;
    mPTChannelCount       = gInputParams.lvPTChannelCount;

    mBTFormat             = gInputParams.lvBTFormat;

    mInSampleRate         = gInputParams.lvInSampleRate;
    mOutSampleRate        = gInputParams.lvOutSampleRate;

    mAudVolArrIndex       = 0;
    mDoDucking            = 0;
    mDuckingFactor        = 1.0; // default

    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::  ducking_enable 0x%x \
        ducking_lowVolume %f  ducking_threshold %d  fPTVolLevel %f BTVolLevel %f",
        mDucking_enable, mDucking_lowVolume, mDucking_threshold,
        mPTVolLevel, mPTVolLevel);

    // Following logc decides if SSRC support is needed for this mixing
    mIsSSRCneeded = (gInputParams.lvInSampleRate != gInputParams.lvOutSampleRate);
    if (gInputParams.lvBTChannelCount != gInputParams.lvPTChannelCount){
        if (gInputParams.lvBTChannelCount == 2){
            mChannelConversion   = 1; // convert to MONO
        } else {
            mChannelConversion   = 2; // Convert to STEREO
    } else {
        mChannelConversion   = 0;
    LOGV("VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing:: EXIT veSetAudioProcessingParams ");

// Fast way to compute 10 * log(value)
M4OSA_Int32 VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::getDecibelSound(M4OSA_UInt32 value) {
    if (value <= 0 || value > 0x8000) {
        return 0;
    } else if (value > 0x4000) { // 32768
        return 90;
    } else if (value > 0x2000) { // 16384
        return 84;
    } else if (value > 0x1000) { // 8192
        return 78;
    } else if (value > 0x0800) { // 4028
        return 72;
    } else if (value > 0x0400) { // 2048
        return 66;
    } else if (value > 0x0200) { // 1024
        return 60;
    } else if (value > 0x0100) { // 512
        return 54;
    } else if (value > 0x0080) { // 256
        return 48;
    } else if (value > 0x0040) { // 128
        return 42;
    } else if (value > 0x0020) { // 64
        return 36;
    } else if (value > 0x0010) { // 32
        return 30;
    } else if (value > 0x0008) { // 16
        return 24;
    } else if (value > 0x0007) { // 8
        return 24;
    } else if (value > 0x0003) { // 4
        return 18;
    } else if (value > 0x0001) { // 2
        return 12;
    } else  { // 1
        return 6;

M4OSA_Bool VideoEditorBGAudioProcessing::isThresholdBreached(
        M4OSA_Int32* averageValue,
        M4OSA_Int32 storeCount,
        M4OSA_Int32 thresholdValue) {

    int totalValue = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < storeCount; ++i) {
        totalValue += averageValue[i];
    return (totalValue / storeCount > thresholdValue);

}//namespace android