// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "net/base/x509_cert_types.h"
namespace net {
// TransportSecurityState
// Tracks which hosts have enabled *-Transport-Security. This object manages
// the in-memory store. A separate object must register itself with this object
// in order to persist the state to disk.
class TransportSecurityState :
public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TransportSecurityState> {
// A DomainState is the information that we persist about a given domain.
struct DomainState {
enum Mode {
// Strict mode implies:
// * We generate internal redirects from HTTP -> HTTPS.
// * Certificate issues are fatal.
// Opportunistic mode implies:
// * We'll request HTTP URLs over HTTPS
// * Certificate issues are ignored.
// SPDY_ONLY (aka X-Bodge-Transport-Security) is a hopefully temporary
// measure. It implies:
// * We'll request HTTP URLs over HTTPS iff we have SPDY support.
// * Certificate issues are fatal.
// None means there is no HSTS for this domain.
// IsChainOfPublicKeysPermitted takes a set of public key hashes and
// returns true if:
// 1) |public_key_hashes| is empty, i.e. no public keys have been pinned.
// 2) |hashes| and |public_key_hashes| are not disjoint.
bool IsChainOfPublicKeysPermitted(
const std::vector<SHA1Fingerprint>& hashes);
Mode mode;
base::Time created; // when this host entry was first created
base::Time expiry; // the absolute time (UTC) when this record expires
bool include_subdomains; // subdomains included?
std::vector<SHA1Fingerprint> public_key_hashes; // optional; permitted keys
// The follow members are not valid when stored in |enabled_hosts_|.
bool preloaded; // is this a preloaded entry?
std::string domain; // the domain which matched
// Enable TransportSecurity for |host|.
void EnableHost(const std::string& host, const DomainState& state);
// Delete any entry for |host|. If |host| doesn't have an exact entry then no
// action is taken. Returns true iff an entry was deleted.
bool DeleteHost(const std::string& host);
// Returns true if |host| has TransportSecurity enabled, in the context of
// |sni_available|. In that case, *result is filled out.
bool IsEnabledForHost(DomainState* result,
const std::string& host,
bool sni_available);
// Deletes all records created since a given time.
void DeleteSince(const base::Time& time);
// Returns |true| if |value| parses as a valid *-Transport-Security
// header value. The values of max-age and and includeSubDomains are
// returned in |max_age| and |include_subdomains|, respectively. The out
// parameters are not modified if the function returns |false|.
static bool ParseHeader(const std::string& value,
int* max_age,
bool* include_subdomains);
class Delegate {
// This function may not block and may be called with internal locks held.
// Thus it must not reenter the TransportSecurityState object.
virtual void StateIsDirty(TransportSecurityState* state) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() {}
void SetDelegate(Delegate*);
bool Serialise(std::string* output);
// Existing non-preloaded entries are cleared and repopulated from the
// passed JSON string.
bool LoadEntries(const std::string& state, bool* dirty);
// The maximum number of seconds for which we'll cache an HSTS request.
static const long int kMaxHSTSAgeSecs;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TransportSecurityState>;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(TransportSecurityStateTest, IsPreloaded);
// If we have a callback configured, call it to let our serialiser know that
// our state is dirty.
void DirtyNotify();
static std::string CanonicalizeHost(const std::string& host);
static bool IsPreloadedSTS(const std::string& canonicalized_host,
bool sni_available,
DomainState* out);
static bool Deserialise(const std::string& state,
bool* dirty,
std::map<std::string, DomainState>* out);
// The set of hosts that have enabled TransportSecurity. The keys here
// are SHA256(DNSForm(domain)) where DNSForm converts from dotted form
// ('www.google.com') to the form used in DNS: "\x03www\x06google\x03com"
std::map<std::string, DomainState> enabled_hosts_;
// Our delegate who gets notified when we are dirtied, or NULL.
Delegate* delegate_;
} // namespace net