/* * Copyright (C) 2008,2009 OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "nj_lib.h" #include "nj_err.h" #include "nj_ext.h" #include "nj_dic.h" #include "njd.h" #define F_HINSI_TOP_ADDR(h) ((NJ_UINT8*)((h)+NJ_INT32_READ((h)+0x20))) #define B_HINSI_TOP_ADDR(h) ((NJ_UINT8*)((h)+NJ_INT32_READ((h)+0x24))) #define V2_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x28))) #define BUN_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x2A))) #define TAN_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x30))) #define TAN_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x32))) #define SUUJI_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x34))) #define MEISI_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x36))) #define MEISI_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x38))) #define JINMEI_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x3A))) #define JINMEI_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x3C))) #define CHIMEI_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x3E))) #define CHIMEI_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x40))) #define KIGOU_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x42))) #define KIGOU_B_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x44))) #define V1_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x52))) #define V3_F_HINSI(h) ((NJ_UINT16)(NJ_INT16_READ((h)+0x54))) NJ_INT16 njd_r_get_hinsi(NJ_DIC_HANDLE rule, NJ_UINT8 type) { if (rule == NULL) { return 0; } switch (type) { case NJ_HINSI_V2_F : return V2_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_BUNTOU_B : return BUN_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_TANKANJI_F : return TAN_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_TANKANJI_B : return TAN_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_SUUJI_B: return SUUJI_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_MEISI_F : return MEISI_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_MEISI_B : return MEISI_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_JINMEI_F : return JINMEI_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_JINMEI_B : return JINMEI_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_CHIMEI_F : return CHIMEI_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_CHIMEI_B : return CHIMEI_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_KIGOU_F : return KIGOU_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_KIGOU_B : return KIGOU_B_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_V1_F : return V1_F_HINSI(rule); case NJ_HINSI_V3_F : return V3_F_HINSI(rule); default: return 0; } } NJ_INT16 njd_r_get_connect(NJ_DIC_HANDLE rule, NJ_UINT16 hinsi, NJ_UINT8 type, NJ_UINT8 **connect) { NJ_UINT16 i, rec_len; if (rule == NULL) { return 0; } if (hinsi < 1) { return 0; } if (type == NJ_RULE_TYPE_BTOF) { i = F_HINSI_SET_CNT(rule); rec_len = (NJ_UINT16)((i + 7) / 8); *connect = (NJ_UINT8*)(F_HINSI_TOP_ADDR(rule) + ((hinsi - 1) * rec_len)); } else { i = B_HINSI_SET_CNT(rule); rec_len = (NJ_UINT16)((i + 7) / 8); *connect = (NJ_UINT8*)(B_HINSI_TOP_ADDR(rule) + ((hinsi - 1) * rec_len)); } return 0; } NJ_INT16 njd_r_get_count(NJ_DIC_HANDLE rule, NJ_UINT16 *fcount, NJ_UINT16 *rcount) { if (rule == NULL) { return 0; } *fcount = F_HINSI_SET_CNT(rule); *rcount = B_HINSI_SET_CNT(rule); return 0; }