page.title=Technical Resources

<style type="text/css">
  {@literal @import} "{@docRoot}assets/android-developer-resource-browser.css";

<script type="text/javascript" src="{@docRoot}assets/android-developer-resource-browser.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{@docRoot}assets/microtemplate.js"></script>

  <p style="display: none; float: right">Filter: <input id="resource-browser-keyword-filter"/></p>
  <p id="resource-browser-search-params">Showing all technical resources:</p>

  <p class="note"><strong>Error:</strong>
    You must have JavaScript enabled to view this page. Resources are also
    available offline in the SDK.

<div id="resource-browser-results">
  <div class="no-results">No results.</div>

<script type="text/html" id="tmpl_resource_browser_result">
<div class="result">
    <% if ('external' in tagsHash) { %><strong>External: </strong> <% } %>
    <a href="<%= path %>"><%= title.en %></a>
    <% if ('new' in tagsHash) { %><span class="new">new!</span> <% } %>
  <p class="resource-meta"><%
    var __g = ['', ''];
    if ('article' in tagsHash) {
      __g = ['Article', 'about'];
    } else if ('tutorial' in tagsHash) {
      __g = ['Tutorial', 'on'];
    } else if ('sample' in tagsHash) {
      __g = ['Sample', 'for'];
    } else if ('video' in tagsHash) {
      __g = ['Video', 'about'];
  <%= __g[0] %><% if (topicsHtml) { %> <%= __g[1] %><% } %> <%= topicsHtml %></p>
  <p><%= description.en %></p>