/* * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WebProcessProxy_h #define WebProcessProxy_h #include "Connection.h" #include "PlatformProcessIdentifier.h" #include "PluginInfoStore.h" #include "ProcessLauncher.h" #include "ProcessModel.h" #include "ResponsivenessTimer.h" #include "ThreadLauncher.h" #include "WebPageProxy.h" #include "WebProcessProxyMessages.h" #include <WebCore/LinkHash.h> #include <wtf/Forward.h> #include <wtf/HashMap.h> #include <wtf/PassRefPtr.h> #include <wtf/RefCounted.h> namespace WebCore { class KURL; }; namespace WebKit { class WebBackForwardListItem; class WebContext; class WebPageGroup; struct WebNavigationDataStore; class WebProcessProxy : public RefCounted<WebProcessProxy>, CoreIPC::Connection::Client, ResponsivenessTimer::Client, ProcessLauncher::Client, ThreadLauncher::Client { public: typedef HashMap<uint64_t, RefPtr<WebFrameProxy> > WebFrameProxyMap; typedef HashMap<uint64_t, RefPtr<WebBackForwardListItem> > WebBackForwardListItemMap; static PassRefPtr<WebProcessProxy> create(PassRefPtr<WebContext>); ~WebProcessProxy(); void terminate(); template<typename T> bool send(const T& message, uint64_t destinationID, unsigned messageSendFlags = 0); template<typename U> bool sendSync(const U& message, const typename U::Reply& reply, uint64_t destinationID, double timeout = 1); CoreIPC::Connection* connection() const { ASSERT(m_connection); return m_connection.get(); } WebContext* context() const { return m_context.get(); } PlatformProcessIdentifier processIdentifier() const { return m_processLauncher->processIdentifier(); } WebPageProxy* webPage(uint64_t pageID) const; PassRefPtr<WebPageProxy> createWebPage(PageClient*, WebContext*, WebPageGroup*); void addExistingWebPage(WebPageProxy*, uint64_t pageID); void removeWebPage(uint64_t pageID); WebBackForwardListItem* webBackForwardItem(uint64_t itemID) const; ResponsivenessTimer* responsivenessTimer() { return &m_responsivenessTimer; } bool isValid() const { return m_connection; } bool isLaunching() const; bool canSendMessage() const { return isValid() || isLaunching(); } WebFrameProxy* webFrame(uint64_t) const; bool canCreateFrame(uint64_t frameID) const; void frameCreated(uint64_t, WebFrameProxy*); void disconnectFramesFromPage(WebPageProxy*); // Including main frame. size_t frameCountInPage(WebPageProxy*) const; // Including main frame. void updateTextCheckerState(); void registerNewWebBackForwardListItem(WebBackForwardListItem*); // FIXME: This variant of send is deprecated. All clients should move to an overload that take a message type. template<typename E, typename T> bool deprecatedSend(E messageID, uint64_t destinationID, const T& arguments); private: explicit WebProcessProxy(PassRefPtr<WebContext>); // Initializes the process or thread launcher which will begin launching the process. void connect(); // Called when the web process has crashed or we know that it will terminate soon. // Will potentially cause the WebProcessProxy object to be freed. void disconnect(); bool sendMessage(CoreIPC::MessageID, PassOwnPtr<CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder>, unsigned messageSendFlags); // CoreIPC message handlers. void addBackForwardItem(uint64_t itemID, const String& originalURLString, const String& urlString, const String& title, const CoreIPC::DataReference& backForwardData); void didDestroyFrame(uint64_t); void shouldTerminate(bool& shouldTerminate); #if ENABLE(PLUGIN_PROCESS) void getPluginProcessConnection(const String& pluginPath, PassRefPtr<Messages::WebProcessProxy::GetPluginProcessConnection::DelayedReply>); void pluginSyncMessageSendTimedOut(const String& pluginPath); #endif // CoreIPC::Connection::Client virtual void didReceiveMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*); virtual CoreIPC::SyncReplyMode didReceiveSyncMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*, CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder*); virtual void didClose(CoreIPC::Connection*); virtual void didReceiveInvalidMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID); virtual void syncMessageSendTimedOut(CoreIPC::Connection*); #if PLATFORM(WIN) Vector<HWND> windowsToReceiveSentMessagesWhileWaitingForSyncReply(); #endif // ResponsivenessTimer::Client void didBecomeUnresponsive(ResponsivenessTimer*); void didBecomeResponsive(ResponsivenessTimer*); // ProcessLauncher::Client virtual void didFinishLaunching(ProcessLauncher*, CoreIPC::Connection::Identifier); // ThreadLauncher::Client virtual void didFinishLaunching(ThreadLauncher*, CoreIPC::Connection::Identifier); void didFinishLaunching(CoreIPC::Connection::Identifier); // Implemented in generated WebProcessProxyMessageReceiver.cpp void didReceiveWebProcessProxyMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*); CoreIPC::SyncReplyMode didReceiveSyncWebProcessProxyMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder* arguments, CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder* reply); ResponsivenessTimer m_responsivenessTimer; RefPtr<CoreIPC::Connection> m_connection; Vector<std::pair<CoreIPC::Connection::OutgoingMessage, unsigned> > m_pendingMessages; RefPtr<ProcessLauncher> m_processLauncher; RefPtr<ThreadLauncher> m_threadLauncher; RefPtr<WebContext> m_context; HashMap<uint64_t, WebPageProxy*> m_pageMap; WebFrameProxyMap m_frameMap; WebBackForwardListItemMap m_backForwardListItemMap; }; template<typename E, typename T> bool WebProcessProxy::deprecatedSend(E messageID, uint64_t destinationID, const T& arguments) { OwnPtr<CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder> argumentEncoder = CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder::create(destinationID); argumentEncoder->encode(arguments); return sendMessage(CoreIPC::MessageID(messageID), argumentEncoder.release(), 0); } template<typename T> bool WebProcessProxy::send(const T& message, uint64_t destinationID, unsigned messageSendFlags) { OwnPtr<CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder> argumentEncoder = CoreIPC::ArgumentEncoder::create(destinationID); argumentEncoder->encode(message); return sendMessage(CoreIPC::MessageID(T::messageID), argumentEncoder.release(), messageSendFlags); } template<typename U> bool WebProcessProxy::sendSync(const U& message, const typename U::Reply& reply, uint64_t destinationID, double timeout) { return m_connection->sendSync(message, reply, destinationID, timeout); } } // namespace WebKit #endif // WebProcessProxy_h