/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "WebEditCommandProxy.h" #include "WebPageMessages.h" #include "WebPageProxy.h" #include "WebProcessProxy.h" #include <WebCore/LocalizedStrings.h> #include <wtf/text/WTFString.h> using namespace WebCore; namespace WebKit { WebEditCommandProxy::WebEditCommandProxy(uint64_t commandID, WebCore::EditAction editAction, WebPageProxy* page) : m_commandID(commandID) , m_editAction(editAction) , m_page(page) { m_page->addEditCommand(this); } WebEditCommandProxy::~WebEditCommandProxy() { if (m_page) m_page->removeEditCommand(this); } void WebEditCommandProxy::unapply() { if (!m_page || !m_page->isValid()) return; m_page->process()->send(Messages::WebPage::UnapplyEditCommand(m_commandID), m_page->pageID(), CoreIPC::DispatchMessageEvenWhenWaitingForSyncReply); m_page->registerEditCommand(this, WebPageProxy::Redo); } void WebEditCommandProxy::reapply() { if (!m_page || !m_page->isValid()) return; m_page->process()->send(Messages::WebPage::ReapplyEditCommand(m_commandID), m_page->pageID(), CoreIPC::DispatchMessageEvenWhenWaitingForSyncReply); m_page->registerEditCommand(this, WebPageProxy::Undo); } String WebEditCommandProxy::nameForEditAction(EditAction editAction) { switch (editAction) { case EditActionUnspecified: return String(); case EditActionSetColor: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Set Color", "Set Color (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSetBackgroundColor: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Set Background Color", "Set Background Color (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionTurnOffKerning: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Turn Off Kerning", "Turn Off Kerning (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionTightenKerning: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Tighten Kerning", "Tighten Kerning (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionLoosenKerning: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Loosen Kerning", "Loosen Kerning (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUseStandardKerning: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Use Standard Kerning", "Use Standard Kerning (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionTurnOffLigatures: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Turn Off Ligatures", "Turn Off Ligatures (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUseStandardLigatures: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Use Standard Ligatures", "Use Standard Ligatures (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUseAllLigatures: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Use All Ligatures", "Use All Ligatures (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionRaiseBaseline: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Raise Baseline", "Raise Baseline (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionLowerBaseline: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Lower Baseline", "Lower Baseline (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSetTraditionalCharacterShape: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Set Traditional Character Shape", "Set Traditional Character Shape (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSetFont: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Set Font", "Set Font (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionChangeAttributes: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Change Attributes", "Change Attributes (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionAlignLeft: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Align Left", "Align Left (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionAlignRight: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Align Right", "Align Right (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionCenter: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Center", "Center (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionJustify: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Justify", "Justify (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSetWritingDirection: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Set Writing Direction", "Set Writing Direction (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSubscript: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Subscript", "Subscript (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionSuperscript: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Superscript", "Superscript (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUnderline: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Underline", "Underline (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionOutline: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Outline", "Outline (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUnscript: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Unscript", "Unscript (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionDrag: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Drag", "Drag (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionCut: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Cut", "Cut (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionPaste: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Paste", "Paste (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionPasteFont: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Paste Font", "Paste Font (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionPasteRuler: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Paste Ruler", "Paste Ruler (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionTyping: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Typing", "Typing (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionCreateLink: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Create Link", "Create Link (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionUnlink: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Unlink", "Unlink (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionInsertList: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Insert List", "Insert List (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionFormatBlock: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Formatting", "Format Block (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionIndent: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Indent", "Indent (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); case EditActionOutdent: return WEB_UI_STRING_KEY("Outdent", "Outdent (Undo action name)", "Undo action name"); } return String(); } } // namespace WebKit