#include "BenchGpuTimer_gl.h" #include <string.h> //GL #define BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE #if defined(SK_MESA) #include <GL/osmesa.h> #define SK_BENCH_CONTEXT_CHECK (NULL != OSMesaGetCurrentContext()) #define SK_GL_GET_PROC(F) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL ## F ## Proc) \ OSMesaGetProcAddress("gl" #F); #define SK_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(F, S) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL##F##Proc)\ OSMesaGetProcAddress("gl" #F #S); #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN32) #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1 #include <Windows.h> #include <GL/GL.h> #define SK_BENCH_CONTEXT_CHECK (NULL != wglGetCurrentContext()) #undef BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE #define BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE __stdcall #define SK_GL_GET_PROC(F) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL ## F ## Proc) \ wglGetProcAddress("gl" #F); #define SK_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(F, S) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL##F##Proc)\ wglGetProcAddress("gl" #F #S); #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #include <OpenGL/CGLCurrent.h> #define SK_BENCH_CONTEXT_CHECK (NULL != CGLGetCurrentContext()) #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX) #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glx.h> #define SK_BENCH_CONTEXT_CHECK (NULL != glXGetCurrentContext()) #define SK_GL_GET_PROC(F) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL ## F ## Proc) \ glXGetProcAddressARB(reinterpret_cast<const GLubyte*>("gl" #F)); #define SK_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(F, S) gBenchGL.f ## F = (BenchGL##F##Proc)\ glXGetProcAddressARB(reinterpret_cast<const GLubyte*>("gl" #F #S)); #else #error unsupported platform #endif #define BenchGL_TIME_ELAPSED 0x88BF #define BenchGL_QUERY_RESULT 0x8866 #define BenchGL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE 0x8867 #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN32) typedef UINT64 BenchGLuint64; #else #include <stdint.h> typedef uint64_t BenchGLuint64; #endif typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLGenQueriesProc) (GLsizei n, GLuint *ids); typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLBeginQueryProc) (GLenum target, GLuint id); typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLEndQueryProc) (GLenum target); typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLDeleteQueriesProc) (GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids); typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLGetQueryObjectivProc) (GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params); typedef void (BENCH_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE *BenchGLGetQueryObjectui64vProc) (GLuint id, GLenum pname, BenchGLuint64 *params); struct BenchGLInterface { bool fHasTimer; BenchGLGenQueriesProc fGenQueries; BenchGLBeginQueryProc fBeginQuery; BenchGLEndQueryProc fEndQuery; BenchGLDeleteQueriesProc fDeleteQueries; BenchGLGetQueryObjectivProc fGetQueryObjectiv; BenchGLGetQueryObjectui64vProc fGetQueryObjectui64v; }; static bool BenchGLCheckExtension(const char* ext, const char* extensionString) { int extLength = strlen(ext); while (true) { int n = strcspn(extensionString, " "); if (n == extLength && 0 == strncmp(ext, extensionString, n)) { return true; } if (0 == extensionString[n]) { return false; } extensionString += n+1; } return false; } static BenchGLInterface gBenchGL; static bool gBenchGLInterfaceInit = false; static void BenchGLSetDefaultGLInterface() { gBenchGL.fHasTimer = false; if (gBenchGLInterfaceInit || !SK_BENCH_CONTEXT_CHECK) return; const char* glExts = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); const GLboolean ext = BenchGLCheckExtension("GL_EXT_timer_query", glExts); const GLboolean arb = BenchGLCheckExtension("GL_ARB_timer_query", glExts); if (ext || arb) { #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) #if GL_EXT_timer_query || GL_ARB_timer_query gBenchGL.fHasTimer = true; gBenchGL.fGenQueries = glGenQueries; gBenchGL.fBeginQuery = glBeginQuery; gBenchGL.fEndQuery = glEndQuery; gBenchGL.fDeleteQueries = glDeleteQueries; gBenchGL.fGetQueryObjectiv = glGetQueryObjectiv; #endif #if GL_ARB_timer_query gBenchGL.fGetQueryObjectui64v = glGetQueryObjectui64v; #elif GL_EXT_timer_query gBenchGL.fGetQueryObjectui64v = glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT; #endif #else gBenchGL.fHasTimer = true; SK_GL_GET_PROC(GenQueries) SK_GL_GET_PROC(BeginQuery) SK_GL_GET_PROC(EndQuery) SK_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteQueries) SK_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjectiv) if (arb) { SK_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjectui64v) } else { SK_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GetQueryObjectui64v, EXT) } #endif } gBenchGLInterfaceInit = true; } BenchGpuTimer::BenchGpuTimer() { BenchGLSetDefaultGLInterface(); if (gBenchGL.fHasTimer) { gBenchGL.fGenQueries(1, &this->fQuery); } } BenchGpuTimer::~BenchGpuTimer() { if (gBenchGL.fHasTimer) { gBenchGL.fDeleteQueries(1, &this->fQuery); } } void BenchGpuTimer::startGpu() { if (!gBenchGL.fHasTimer) return; this->fStarted = true; gBenchGL.fBeginQuery(BenchGL_TIME_ELAPSED, this->fQuery); } /** * It is important to stop the cpu clocks first, * as this will cpu wait for the gpu to finish. */ double BenchGpuTimer::endGpu() { if (!gBenchGL.fHasTimer) return 0; this->fStarted = false; gBenchGL.fEndQuery(BenchGL_TIME_ELAPSED); GLint available = 0; while (!available) { gBenchGL.fGetQueryObjectiv(this->fQuery , BenchGL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE , &available); } BenchGLuint64 totalGPUTimeElapsed = 0; gBenchGL.fGetQueryObjectui64v(this->fQuery , BenchGL_QUERY_RESULT , &totalGPUTimeElapsed); return totalGPUTimeElapsed / 1000000.0; }