#!/usr/bin/perl # ******************************************************************** # * COPYRIGHT: # * Copyright (c) 2002-2008, International Business Machines Corporation and # * others. All Rights Reserved. # ******************************************************************** #use strict; require "../perldriver/Common.pl"; use lib '../perldriver'; use PerfFramework; my $options = { "title"=>"BreakIterator performance regression (ICU ".$ICUPrevious2Version.", ".$ICUPreviousVersion." and ".$ICULatestVersion.")", "headers"=>"ICU".$ICUPrevious2Version." ICU".$ICUPreviousVersion." ICU".$ICULatestVersion, "operationIs"=>"code point", "eventIs"=>"break", "passes"=>"10", "time"=>"5", #"outputType"=>"HTML", "dataDir"=>$CollationDataPath, "outputDir"=>"../results" }; # programs # tests will be done for all the programs. Results will be stored and connected my $m1 = "-- -m char"; my $m2 = "-- -m word"; my $m3 = "-- -m line"; my $m4 = "-- -m sentence"; my $m; if(@_ >= 0) { $m = "-- -m ".shift; } else { $m = $m1; } my $p1; # Before Previous my $p2; # Previous my $p3; # Latest if ($OnWindows) { $p1 = $ICUPathPrevious2."/ubrkperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/ubrkperf.exe"; $p2 = $ICUPathPrevious."/ubrkperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/ubrkperf.exe"; $p3 = $ICUPathLatest."/ubrkperf/$WindowsPlatform/Release/ubrkperf.exe"; } else { $p1 = $ICUPathPrevious2."/ubrkperf/ubrkperf"; $p2 = $ICUPathPrevious."/ubrkperf/ubrkperf"; $p3 = $ICUPathLatest."/ubrkperf/ubrkperf"; } my $dataFiles = { "en", ["thesis.txt", "2drvb10.txt", "ulyss10.txt", "nvsbl10.txt", "vfear11a.txt", "TestNames_Asian.txt", "TestNames_Chinese.txt", "TestNames_Japanese.txt", "TestNames_Japanese_h.txt", "TestNames_Japanese_k.txt", "TestNames_Korean.txt", "TestNames_Latin.txt", "TestNames_SerbianSH.txt", "TestNames_SerbianSR.txt", "TestNames_Thai.txt", "Testnames_Russian.txt", ], "th", ["TestNames_Thai.txt", "th18057.txt"] }; my $tests = { "TestForwardChar", ["$p1 $m1 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m1 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m1 TestICUForward"], "TestForwardWord", ["$p1 $m2 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m2 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m2 TestICUForward"], "TestForwardLine", ["$p1 $m3 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m3 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m3 TestICUForward"], "TestForwardSentence", ["$p1 $m4 TestICUForward", "$p2 $m4 TestICUForward", "$p3 $m4 TestICUForward"], "TestIsBoundChar", ["$p1 $m1 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m1 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m1 TestICUIsBound"], "TestIsBoundWord", ["$p1 $m2 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m2 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m2 TestICUIsBound"], "TestIsBoundLine", ["$p1 $m3 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m3 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m3 TestICUIsBound"], "TestIsBoundSentence", ["$p1 $m4 TestICUIsBound", "$p2 $m4 TestICUIsBound", "$p3 $m4 TestICUIsBound"], }; runTests($options, $tests, $dataFiles);