Index header:
num_entries: 2
num_bytes: 27
this_id: 1
table_len: 64k

head: 0x90000001
tail: 0x90000000

Address: 0xa0010002
Address: 0xa0010003


Address: 0xa0010002
hash: 0x687d1422
next: 0
rankings_node: 0x90000000
key_len: 13
long_key: 0
data_size: 0's
data_addr: 0's
key: "the first key"

Address: 0x90000000
next: 0x90000000
prev: 0x90000001
contents: 0xa0010002
dirty: 0
pointer: 0


Address: 0xa0010003
hash: 0x63909ecb
next: 0
rankings_node: 0x90000001
key_len: 14
long_key: 0
data_size: 0's
data_addr: 0's
key: "some other key"

Address: 0x90000001
next: 0x90000000
prev: 0x90000001
contents: 0xa0010003
dirty: 2                  <- Next id!.
pointer: 0x0169dc48       <- Invalid.


Generated with:

disk_cache::Entry *entry;
ASSERT_TRUE(cache_->CreateEntry("the first key", &entry));

ASSERT_TRUE(cache_->CreateEntry("some other key", &entry));
entry->Close();                                              <---- Edit value*

* Edit the value with the debugger before it is saved to disk (break on
the destructor of EntryImpl and skip the line that clears "pointer")