// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Basic time formatting methods.  These methods use the current locale
// formatting for displaying the time.

#pragma once

#include "base/string16.h"

namespace base {

class Time;

// Argument type used to specify the hour clock type.
enum HourClockType {
  k12HourClock,  // Uses 1-12. e.g., "3:07 PM"
  k24HourClock,  // Uses 0-23. e.g., "15:07"

// Returns the time of day, e.g., "3:07 PM".
string16 TimeFormatTimeOfDay(const Time& time);

// Returns the time of day in the specified hour clock type. e.g.
// "3:07 PM" (type == k12HourClock).
// "15:07"   (type == k24HourClock).
string16 TimeFormatTimeOfDayWithHourClockType(const Time& time,
                                              HourClockType type);

// Returns a shortened date, e.g. "Nov 7, 2007"
string16 TimeFormatShortDate(const Time& time);

// Returns a numeric date such as 12/13/52.
string16 TimeFormatShortDateNumeric(const Time& time);

// Formats a time in a friendly sentence format, e.g.
// "Monday, March 6, 2008 2:44:30 PM".
string16 TimeFormatShortDateAndTime(const Time& time);

// Formats a time in a friendly sentence format, e.g.
// "Monday, March 6, 2008 2:44:30 PM".
string16 TimeFormatFriendlyDateAndTime(const Time& time);

// Formats a time in a friendly sentence format, e.g.
// "Monday, March 6, 2008".
string16 TimeFormatFriendlyDate(const Time& time);

// Gets the hour clock type of the current locale. e.g.
// k12HourClock (en-US).
// k24HourClock (en-GB).
HourClockType GetHourClockType();

}  // namespace base