/** * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Simulated Icc */ function Icc() { var MCC = '310'; var MNC = '260'; var MSN = '123456789'; var IMEI = '123456789012345'; var IMEISV = '00'; function RilAppStatus(type, state, persoState, aidPtr, appLabelPtr, pin1R, curPin1, curPin2) { this.appType = type; this.appState = state; this.persoSubstate = persoState; this.aid = aidPtr; this.appLabel = appLabelPtr; this.pin1Replaced = pin1R; this.pin1 = curPin1; this.pint2 = curPin2; } function RilCardStatus() { this.cardState = CARDSTATE_PRESENT; this.universalPinState = PINSTATE_UNKNOWN; this.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex = 0; this.cdmaSubscriptionAppIndex = CARD_MAX_APPS; this.numApplications = 1; this.applications = new Array(CARD_MAX_APPS); // Initialize application status for (i = 0; i < CARD_MAX_APPS; i++) { var app = new RilAppStatus(APPTYPE_UNKNOWN, APPSTATE_UNKNOWN, PERSOSUBSTATE_UNKNOWN, null, null, 0, PINSTATE_UNKNOWN, PINSTATE_UNKNOWN); this.applications[i] = app; } // set gsm application status. var gsmApp = new RilAppStatus(APPTYPE_SIM, APPSTATE_READY, PERSOSUBSTATE_READY, null, null, 0, PINSTATE_UNKNOWN, PINSTATE_UNKNOWN); this.applications[this.gsmUmtsSubscriptionAppIndex] = gsmApp; } var cardStatus = new RilCardStatus(); // The result returned by the request handlers var result = new Object(); this.rilRequestGetSimStatus = function(req) { // 1 print('Icc: rilRequestGetSimStatus'); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.cardStatus = cardStatus; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspGetSimStatus'].serialize(rsp); return result; } this.rilRequestEnterSimPin = function(req) { // 2 print('Icc: rilRequestEnterSimPin req.data.pin=' + req.data.pin); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.retriesRemaining = 3; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspEnterSimPin'].serialize(rsp); return result; } this.rilRequestGetImsi = function(req) { // 11 print('Icc: rilRequestGetImsi'); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.strings = new Array(); rsp.strings[0] = MCC + MNC + MSN; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspStrings'].serialize(rsp); return result; } this.rilRequestOperator = function(req) { // 22 print('Icc: rilRequestOperator'); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.longAlphaOns = 'Mock-Ril long Alpha Ons'; rsp.shortAlphaOns = 'Mock-Ril'; rsp.mccMnc = MCC + MNC; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspOperator'].serialize(rsp); return result; } this.rilRequestGetImei = function(req) { // 38 print('Icc: rilRequestGetImei'); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.strings = new Array(); rsp.strings[0] = IMEI; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspStrings'].serialize(rsp); return result; } this.rilRequestGetImeisv = function(req) { // 39 print('Icc: rilRequestGetImeisv'); var rsp = new Object(); rsp.strings = new Array(); rsp.strings[0] = IMEISV; result.responseProtobuf = rilSchema[packageNameAndSeperator + 'RspStrings'].serialize(rsp); return result; } /** * Process the request */ this.process = function(req) { try { // print('Icc E: req.reqNum=' + req.reqNum + ' req.token=' + req.token); // Assume the result will be true, successful and nothing to return result.sendResponse = true; result.rilErrCode = RIL_E_SUCCESS; result.responseProtobuf = emptyProtobuf; try { result = (this.simDispatchTable[req.reqNum]).call(this, req); } catch (err) { print('Icc: Unknown reqNum=' + req.reqNum); result.rilErrCode = RIL_E_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (result.sendResponse) { sendRilRequestComplete(result.rilErrCode, req.reqNum, req.token, result.responseProtobuf); } // print('Icc X: req.reqNum=' + req.reqNum + ' req.token=' + req.token); } catch (err) { print('Icc X: Exception req.reqNum=' + req.reqNum + ' req.token=' + req.token + ' err=' + err); } } print('Icc: constructor E'); this.simDispatchTable = new Array(); this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_GET_SIM_STATUS] = this.rilRequestGetSimStatus; // 1 this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_ENTER_SIM_PIN] = this.rilRequestEnterSimPin; // 2 this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMSI] = this.rilRequestGetImsi; // 11 this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR] = this.rilRequestOperator; // 22 this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEI] = this.rilRequestGetImei; // 38 this.simDispatchTable[RIL_REQUEST_GET_IMEISV] = this.rilRequestGetImeisv; // 39 print('Icc: constructor X'); } // The simulated sim instance and its associated Worker var simulatedIcc = new Icc(); var simulatedIccWorker = new Worker(function (req) { simulatedIcc.process(req); }); simulatedIccWorker.run(); /** * Optional tests */ if (false) { include("simulated_icc_tests.js"); }