/* * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "ScriptController.h" #include "CString.h" #include "Event.h" #include "EventNames.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "FrameLoaderClient.h" #include "GCController.h" #include "HTMLPlugInElement.h" #include "InspectorTimelineAgent.h" #include "JSDocument.h" #include "NP_jsobject.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PageGroup.h" #include "ScriptSourceCode.h" #include "ScriptValue.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "StorageNamespace.h" #include "XSSAuditor.h" #include "npruntime_impl.h" #include "runtime_root.h" #include <debugger/Debugger.h> #include <runtime/InitializeThreading.h> #include <runtime/JSLock.h> using namespace JSC; using namespace std; namespace WebCore { void ScriptController::initializeThreading() { JSC::initializeThreading(); } ScriptController::ScriptController(Frame* frame) : m_frame(frame) , m_handlerLineNumber(0) , m_sourceURL(0) , m_inExecuteScript(false) , m_processingTimerCallback(false) , m_paused(false) , m_allowPopupsFromPlugin(false) #if ENABLE(NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API) , m_windowScriptNPObject(0) #endif #if PLATFORM(MAC) , m_windowScriptObject(0) #endif , m_XSSAuditor(new XSSAuditor(frame)) { #if PLATFORM(MAC) && ENABLE(MAC_JAVA_BRIDGE) static bool initializedJavaJSBindings; if (!initializedJavaJSBindings) { initializedJavaJSBindings = true; initJavaJSBindings(); } #endif } ScriptController::~ScriptController() { if (!m_windowShells.isEmpty()) { m_windowShells.clear(); // It's likely that releasing the global object has created a lot of garbage. gcController().garbageCollectSoon(); } disconnectPlatformScriptObjects(); } ScriptValue ScriptController::evaluateInWorld(const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode, DOMWrapperWorld* world) { const SourceCode& jsSourceCode = sourceCode.jsSourceCode(); String sourceURL = jsSourceCode.provider()->url(); if (!m_XSSAuditor->canEvaluate(sourceCode.source())) { // This script is not safe to be evaluated. return JSValue(); } // evaluate code. Returns the JS return value or 0 // if there was none, an error occurred or the type couldn't be converted. // inlineCode is true for <a href="javascript:doSomething()"> // and false for <script>doSomething()</script>. Check if it has the // expected value in all cases. // See smart window.open policy for where this is used. JSDOMWindowShell* shell = windowShell(world); ExecState* exec = shell->window()->globalExec(); const String* savedSourceURL = m_sourceURL; m_sourceURL = &sourceURL; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); RefPtr<Frame> protect = m_frame; #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (InspectorTimelineAgent* timelineAgent = m_frame->page() ? m_frame->page()->inspectorTimelineAgent() : 0) timelineAgent->willEvaluateScript(sourceURL, sourceCode.startLine()); #endif exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.start(); Completion comp = JSC::evaluate(exec, exec->dynamicGlobalObject()->globalScopeChain(), jsSourceCode, shell); exec->globalData().timeoutChecker.stop(); #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (InspectorTimelineAgent* timelineAgent = m_frame->page() ? m_frame->page()->inspectorTimelineAgent() : 0) timelineAgent->didEvaluateScript(); #endif // Evaluating the JavaScript could cause the frame to be deallocated // so we start the keep alive timer here. m_frame->keepAlive(); if (comp.complType() == Normal || comp.complType() == ReturnValue) { m_sourceURL = savedSourceURL; return comp.value(); } if (comp.complType() == Throw || comp.complType() == Interrupted) reportException(exec, comp.value()); m_sourceURL = savedSourceURL; return JSValue(); } ScriptValue ScriptController::evaluate(const ScriptSourceCode& sourceCode) { return evaluateInWorld(sourceCode, mainThreadNormalWorld()); } // An DOMWrapperWorld other than the thread's normal world. class IsolatedWorld : public DOMWrapperWorld { public: static PassRefPtr<IsolatedWorld> create(JSGlobalData* globalData) { return adoptRef(new IsolatedWorld(globalData)); } protected: IsolatedWorld(JSGlobalData* globalData) : DOMWrapperWorld(globalData, false) { JSGlobalData::ClientData* clientData = globalData->clientData; ASSERT(clientData); static_cast<WebCoreJSClientData*>(clientData)->rememberWorld(this); } }; PassRefPtr<DOMWrapperWorld> ScriptController::createWorld() { return IsolatedWorld::create(JSDOMWindow::commonJSGlobalData()); } void ScriptController::getAllWorlds(Vector<DOMWrapperWorld*>& worlds) { static_cast<WebCoreJSClientData*>(JSDOMWindow::commonJSGlobalData()->clientData)->getAllWorlds(worlds); } void ScriptController::clearWindowShell() { if (m_windowShells.isEmpty()) return; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); for (ShellMap::iterator iter = m_windowShells.begin(); iter != m_windowShells.end(); ++iter) { JSDOMWindowShell* windowShell = iter->second; // Clear the debugger from the current window before setting the new window. attachDebugger(windowShell, 0); windowShell->window()->willRemoveFromWindowShell(); windowShell->setWindow(m_frame->domWindow()); if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { attachDebugger(windowShell, page->debugger()); windowShell->window()->setProfileGroup(page->group().identifier()); } } // There is likely to be a lot of garbage now. gcController().garbageCollectSoon(); } JSDOMWindowShell* ScriptController::initScript(DOMWrapperWorld* world) { ASSERT(!m_windowShells.contains(world)); JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSDOMWindowShell* windowShell = new JSDOMWindowShell(m_frame->domWindow(), world); m_windowShells.add(world, windowShell); windowShell->window()->updateDocument(); if (Page* page = m_frame->page()) { attachDebugger(windowShell, page->debugger()); windowShell->window()->setProfileGroup(page->group().identifier()); } m_frame->loader()->dispatchDidClearWindowObjectInWorld(world); return windowShell; } bool ScriptController::processingUserGesture(DOMWrapperWorld* world) const { return m_allowPopupsFromPlugin || processingUserGestureEvent(world) || isJavaScriptAnchorNavigation(); } bool ScriptController::processingUserGestureEvent(DOMWrapperWorld* world) const { JSDOMWindowShell* shell = existingWindowShell(world); if (!shell) return false; if (Event* event = shell->window()->currentEvent()) return event->fromUserGesture(); return false; } // FIXME: This seems like an insufficient check to verify a click on a javascript: anchor. bool ScriptController::isJavaScriptAnchorNavigation() const { // This is the <a href="javascript:window.open('...')> case -> we let it through if (m_sourceURL && m_sourceURL->isNull() && !m_processingTimerCallback) return true; // This is the <script>window.open(...)</script> case or a timer callback -> block it return false; } bool ScriptController::anyPageIsProcessingUserGesture() const { Page* page = m_frame->page(); if (!page) return false; const HashSet<Page*>& pages = page->group().pages(); HashSet<Page*>::const_iterator end = pages.end(); for (HashSet<Page*>::const_iterator it = pages.begin(); it != end; ++it) { for (Frame* frame = page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->traverseNext()) { ScriptController* script = frame->script(); if (script->m_allowPopupsFromPlugin) return true; const ShellMap::const_iterator iterEnd = m_windowShells.end(); for (ShellMap::const_iterator iter = m_windowShells.begin(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) { JSDOMWindowShell* shell = iter->second.get(); Event* event = shell->window()->currentEvent(); if (event && event->fromUserGesture()) return true; } if (isJavaScriptAnchorNavigation()) return true; } } return false; } void ScriptController::attachDebugger(JSC::Debugger* debugger) { for (ShellMap::iterator iter = m_windowShells.begin(); iter != m_windowShells.end(); ++iter) attachDebugger(iter->second, debugger); } void ScriptController::attachDebugger(JSDOMWindowShell* shell, JSC::Debugger* debugger) { if (!shell) return; JSDOMWindow* globalObject = shell->window(); if (debugger) debugger->attach(globalObject); else if (JSC::Debugger* currentDebugger = globalObject->debugger()) currentDebugger->detach(globalObject); } void ScriptController::updateDocument() { if (!m_frame->document()) return; JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); for (ShellMap::iterator iter = m_windowShells.begin(); iter != m_windowShells.end(); ++iter) iter->second->window()->updateDocument(); } void ScriptController::updateSecurityOrigin() { // Our bindings do not do anything in this case. } Bindings::RootObject* ScriptController::bindingRootObject() { if (!canExecuteScripts()) return 0; if (!m_bindingRootObject) { JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); m_bindingRootObject = Bindings::RootObject::create(0, globalObject(pluginWorld())); } return m_bindingRootObject.get(); } PassRefPtr<Bindings::RootObject> ScriptController::createRootObject(void* nativeHandle) { RootObjectMap::iterator it = m_rootObjects.find(nativeHandle); if (it != m_rootObjects.end()) return it->second; RefPtr<Bindings::RootObject> rootObject = Bindings::RootObject::create(nativeHandle, globalObject(pluginWorld())); m_rootObjects.set(nativeHandle, rootObject); return rootObject.release(); } #if ENABLE(NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API) NPObject* ScriptController::windowScriptNPObject() { if (!m_windowScriptNPObject) { if (canExecuteScripts()) { // JavaScript is enabled, so there is a JavaScript window object. // Return an NPObject bound to the window object. JSC::JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSObject* win = windowShell(pluginWorld())->window(); ASSERT(win); Bindings::RootObject* root = bindingRootObject(); m_windowScriptNPObject = _NPN_CreateScriptObject(0, win, root); } else { // JavaScript is not enabled, so we cannot bind the NPObject to the JavaScript window object. // Instead, we create an NPObject of a different class, one which is not bound to a JavaScript object. m_windowScriptNPObject = _NPN_CreateNoScriptObject(); } } return m_windowScriptNPObject; } NPObject* ScriptController::createScriptObjectForPluginElement(HTMLPlugInElement* plugin) { JSObject* object = jsObjectForPluginElement(plugin); if (!object) return _NPN_CreateNoScriptObject(); // Wrap the JSObject in an NPObject return _NPN_CreateScriptObject(0, object, bindingRootObject()); } #endif JSObject* ScriptController::jsObjectForPluginElement(HTMLPlugInElement* plugin) { // Can't create JSObjects when JavaScript is disabled if (!canExecuteScripts()) return 0; // Create a JSObject bound to this element JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); JSDOMWindow* globalObj = globalObject(pluginWorld()); // FIXME: is normal okay? - used for NP plugins? JSValue jsElementValue = toJS(globalObj->globalExec(), globalObj, plugin); if (!jsElementValue || !jsElementValue.isObject()) return 0; return jsElementValue.getObject(); } #if !PLATFORM(MAC) void ScriptController::updatePlatformScriptObjects() { } void ScriptController::disconnectPlatformScriptObjects() { } #endif void ScriptController::cleanupScriptObjectsForPlugin(void* nativeHandle) { RootObjectMap::iterator it = m_rootObjects.find(nativeHandle); if (it == m_rootObjects.end()) return; it->second->invalidate(); m_rootObjects.remove(it); } void ScriptController::clearScriptObjects() { JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly); RootObjectMap::const_iterator end = m_rootObjects.end(); for (RootObjectMap::const_iterator it = m_rootObjects.begin(); it != end; ++it) it->second->invalidate(); m_rootObjects.clear(); if (m_bindingRootObject) { m_bindingRootObject->invalidate(); m_bindingRootObject = 0; } #if ENABLE(NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API) if (m_windowScriptNPObject) { // Call _NPN_DeallocateObject() instead of _NPN_ReleaseObject() so that we don't leak if a plugin fails to release the window // script object properly. // This shouldn't cause any problems for plugins since they should have already been stopped and destroyed at this point. _NPN_DeallocateObject(m_windowScriptNPObject); m_windowScriptNPObject = 0; } #endif } ScriptValue ScriptController::executeScriptInWorld(DOMWrapperWorld* world, const String& script, bool forceUserGesture) { ScriptSourceCode sourceCode(script, forceUserGesture ? KURL() : m_frame->loader()->url()); if (!canExecuteScripts() || isPaused()) return ScriptValue(); bool wasInExecuteScript = m_inExecuteScript; m_inExecuteScript = true; ScriptValue result = evaluateInWorld(sourceCode, world); if (!wasInExecuteScript) { m_inExecuteScript = false; Document::updateStyleForAllDocuments(); } return result; } } // namespace WebCore