/* libs/graphics/sgl/SkScan_Path.cpp
** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
** limitations under the License.

#include "SkScanPriv.h"
#include "SkBlitter.h"
#include "SkEdge.h"
#include "SkGeometry.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkQuadClipper.h"
#include "SkRegion.h"
#include "SkTemplates.h"


#define kEDGE_HEAD_Y    SK_MinS32
#define kEDGE_TAIL_Y    SK_MaxS32

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    static void validate_sort(const SkEdge* edge)
        int y = kEDGE_HEAD_Y;

        while (edge->fFirstY != SK_MaxS32)
            SkASSERT(y <= edge->fFirstY);

            y = edge->fFirstY;
            edge = edge->fNext;
    #define validate_sort(edge)

static inline void remove_edge(SkEdge* edge)
    edge->fPrev->fNext = edge->fNext;
    edge->fNext->fPrev = edge->fPrev;

static inline void swap_edges(SkEdge* prev, SkEdge* next)
    SkASSERT(prev->fNext == next && next->fPrev == prev);

    // remove prev from the list
    prev->fPrev->fNext = next;
    next->fPrev = prev->fPrev;

    // insert prev after next
    prev->fNext = next->fNext;
    next->fNext->fPrev = prev;
    next->fNext = prev;
    prev->fPrev = next;

static void backward_insert_edge_based_on_x(SkEdge* edge SkDECLAREPARAM(int, curr_y))
    SkFixed x = edge->fX;

    for (;;)
        SkEdge* prev = edge->fPrev;
        // add 1 to curr_y since we may have added new edges (built from curves)
        // that start on the next scanline
        SkASSERT(prev && prev->fFirstY <= curr_y + 1);

        if (prev->fX <= x)

        swap_edges(prev, edge);

static void insert_new_edges(SkEdge* newEdge, int curr_y)
    SkASSERT(newEdge->fFirstY >= curr_y);

    while (newEdge->fFirstY == curr_y)
        SkEdge* next = newEdge->fNext;
        backward_insert_edge_based_on_x(newEdge  SkPARAM(curr_y));
        newEdge = next;

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
static void validate_edges_for_y(const SkEdge* edge, int curr_y)
    while (edge->fFirstY <= curr_y)
        SkASSERT(edge->fPrev && edge->fNext);
        SkASSERT(edge->fPrev->fNext == edge);
        SkASSERT(edge->fNext->fPrev == edge);
        SkASSERT(edge->fFirstY <= edge->fLastY);

        SkASSERT(edge->fPrev->fX <= edge->fX);
        edge = edge->fNext;
    #define validate_edges_for_y(edge, curr_y)

#if defined _WIN32 && _MSC_VER >= 1300  // disable warning : local variable used without having been initialized
#pragma warning ( push )
#pragma warning ( disable : 4701 )

typedef void (*PrePostProc)(SkBlitter* blitter, int y, bool isStartOfScanline);
#define PREPOST_START   true
#define PREPOST_END     false

static void walk_edges(SkEdge* prevHead, SkPath::FillType fillType,
                       SkBlitter* blitter, int start_y, int stop_y,
                       PrePostProc proc)

    int curr_y = start_y;
    // returns 1 for evenodd, -1 for winding, regardless of inverse-ness
    int windingMask = (fillType & 1) ? 1 : -1;

    for (;;)
        int     w = 0;
        int     left SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING;
        bool    in_interval = false;
        SkEdge* currE = prevHead->fNext;
        SkFixed prevX = prevHead->fX;

        validate_edges_for_y(currE, curr_y);
        if (proc) {
            proc(blitter, curr_y, PREPOST_START);    // pre-proc
        while (currE->fFirstY <= curr_y)
            SkASSERT(currE->fLastY >= curr_y);

            int x = (currE->fX + SK_Fixed1/2) >> 16;
            w += currE->fWinding;
            if ((w & windingMask) == 0) // we finished an interval
                int width = x - left;
                SkASSERT(width >= 0);
                if (width)
                    blitter->blitH(left, curr_y, width);
                in_interval = false;
            else if (!in_interval)
                left = x;
                in_interval = true;

            SkEdge* next = currE->fNext;
            SkFixed newX;

            if (currE->fLastY == curr_y)    // are we done with this edge?
                if (currE->fCurveCount < 0)
                    if (((SkCubicEdge*)currE)->updateCubic())
                        SkASSERT(currE->fFirstY == curr_y + 1);
                        newX = currE->fX;
                        goto NEXT_X;
                else if (currE->fCurveCount > 0)
                    if (((SkQuadraticEdge*)currE)->updateQuadratic())
                        newX = currE->fX;
                        goto NEXT_X;
                SkASSERT(currE->fLastY > curr_y);
                newX = currE->fX + currE->fDX;
                currE->fX = newX;
                if (newX < prevX)   // ripple currE backwards until it is x-sorted
                    backward_insert_edge_based_on_x(currE  SkPARAM(curr_y));
                    prevX = newX;
            currE = next;
        if (proc) {
            proc(blitter, curr_y, PREPOST_END);    // post-proc

        curr_y += 1;
        if (curr_y >= stop_y)

        // now currE points to the first edge with a Yint larger than curr_y
        insert_new_edges(currE, curr_y);


// this guy overrides blitH, and will call its proxy blitter with the inverse
// of the spans it is given (clipped to the left/right of the cliprect)
// used to implement inverse filltypes on paths
class InverseBlitter : public SkBlitter {
    void setBlitter(SkBlitter* blitter, const SkIRect& clip, int shift) {
        fBlitter = blitter;
        fFirstX = clip.fLeft << shift;
        fLastX = clip.fRight << shift;
    void prepost(int y, bool isStart) {
        if (isStart) {
            fPrevX = fFirstX;
        } else {
            int invWidth = fLastX - fPrevX;
            if (invWidth > 0) {
                fBlitter->blitH(fPrevX, y, invWidth);

    // overrides
    virtual void blitH(int x, int y, int width) {
        int invWidth = x - fPrevX;
        if (invWidth > 0) {
            fBlitter->blitH(fPrevX, y, invWidth);
        fPrevX = x + width;
    // we do not expect to get called with these entrypoints
    virtual void blitAntiH(int, int, const SkAlpha[], const int16_t runs[]) {
        SkASSERT(!"blitAntiH unexpected");
    virtual void blitV(int x, int y, int height, SkAlpha alpha) {
        SkASSERT(!"blitV unexpected");
    virtual void blitRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        SkASSERT(!"blitRect unexpected");
    virtual void blitMask(const SkMask&, const SkIRect& clip) {
        SkASSERT(!"blitMask unexpected");
    virtual const SkBitmap* justAnOpaqueColor(uint32_t* value) {
        SkASSERT(!"justAnOpaqueColor unexpected");
        return NULL;
    SkBlitter*  fBlitter;
    int         fFirstX, fLastX, fPrevX;

static void PrePostInverseBlitterProc(SkBlitter* blitter, int y, bool isStart) {
    ((InverseBlitter*)blitter)->prepost(y, isStart);


#if defined _WIN32 && _MSC_VER >= 1300
#pragma warning ( pop )

/*  Our line edge relies on the maximum span being <= 512, so that it can
    use FDot6 and keep the dx,dy in 16bits (for much faster slope divide).
    This function returns true if the specified line is too big.
static inline bool line_too_big(const SkPoint pts[2])
    SkScalar dx = pts[1].fX - pts[0].fX;
    SkScalar dy = pts[1].fY - pts[0].fY;

    return  SkScalarAbs(dx) > SkIntToScalar(511) ||
            SkScalarAbs(dy) > SkIntToScalar(511);

#include "SkEdgeBuilder.h"
static int build_edges(SkEdge edge[], const SkPath& path,
                       const SkIRect* clipRect, SkEdge* list[], int shiftUp) {
    SkEdge**        start = list;
    SkPath::Iter    iter(path, true);
    SkPoint         pts[4];
    SkPath::Verb    verb;
    SkQuadClipper qclipper;
    if (clipRect) {
        SkIRect r;
        r.set(clipRect->fLeft >> shiftUp, clipRect->fTop >> shiftUp,
              clipRect->fRight >> shiftUp, clipRect->fBottom >> shiftUp);

    while ((verb = iter.next(pts)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
        switch (verb) {
            case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
                if (edge->setLine(pts[0], pts[1], clipRect, shiftUp)) {
                    *list++ = edge;
                    edge = (SkEdge*)((char*)edge + sizeof(SkEdge));
            case SkPath::kQuad_Verb: {
                SkPoint tmp[5], clippedPts[3];
                SkPoint* p = tmp;
                int     count = SkChopQuadAtYExtrema(pts, tmp);

                do {
                    const SkPoint* qpts = p;
                    if (clipRect) {
                        if (!qclipper.clipQuad(p, clippedPts)) {
                            goto NEXT_CHOPPED_QUAD;
                        qpts = clippedPts;
                    if (((SkQuadraticEdge*)edge)->setQuadratic(qpts, shiftUp)) {
                        *list++ = edge;
                        edge = (SkEdge*)((char*)edge + sizeof(SkQuadraticEdge));
                    p += 2;
                } while (--count >= 0);
            case SkPath::kCubic_Verb: {
                SkPoint tmp[10];
                SkPoint* p = tmp;
                int     count = SkChopCubicAtYExtrema(pts, tmp);                
                SkASSERT(count >= 0 && count <= 2);

                do {
                    if (((SkCubicEdge*)edge)->setCubic(p, clipRect, shiftUp))
                        *list++ = edge;
                        edge = (SkEdge*)((char*)edge + sizeof(SkCubicEdge));
                    p += 3;
                } while (--count >= 0);
    return (int)(list - start);

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
/* 'quick' computation of the max sized needed to allocated for
    our edgelist.
static int worst_case_edge_count(const SkPath& path, size_t* storage)
    size_t  size = 0;
    int     edgeCount = 0;

    SkPath::Iter    iter(path, true);
    SkPath::Verb    verb;

    while ((verb = iter.next(NULL)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb)
        switch (verb) {
        case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
            edgeCount += 1;
            size += sizeof(SkQuadraticEdge);    // treat line like Quad (in case its > 512)
        case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
            edgeCount += 2;                     // might need 2 edges when we chop on Y extrema
            size += 2 * sizeof(SkQuadraticEdge);
        case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
            edgeCount += 3;                     // might need 3 edges when we chop on Y extrema
            size += 3 * sizeof(SkCubicEdge);

    *storage = size;
    return edgeCount;

/* Much faster than worst_case_edge_count, but over estimates even more
static int cheap_worst_case_edge_count(const SkPath& path, size_t* storage) {
    int ptCount = path.getPoints(NULL, 0);
    // worst case is curve, close, curve, close, as that is 
    //     2 lines per pt, or             : pts * 2
    //     2 quads + 1 line per 2 pts, or : pts * 3 / 2
    //     3 cubics + 1 line per 3 pts    : pts * 4 / 3
    int edgeCount = ptCount << 1;
    // worst storage, due to relative size of different edge types, is
    // quads * 3 / 2
    size_t quadSize = (ptCount * 3 >> 1) * sizeof(SkQuadraticEdge);
#if 0
    size_t lineSize = (ptCount << 1) * sizeof(SkEdge);
    size_t cubicSize = (ptCount * 3 / 4) * sizeof(SkCubicEdge);
    SkASSERT(lineSize <= quadSize);
    SkASSERT(cubicSize <= quadSize);
    *storage = quadSize;
    return edgeCount;


extern "C" {
    static int edge_compare(const void* a, const void* b) {
        const SkEdge* edgea = *(const SkEdge**)a;
        const SkEdge* edgeb = *(const SkEdge**)b;
        int valuea = edgea->fFirstY;
        int valueb = edgeb->fFirstY;
        if (valuea == valueb) {
            valuea = edgea->fX;
            valueb = edgeb->fX;
        // this overflows if valuea >>> valueb or vice-versa
        //     return valuea - valueb;
        // do perform the slower but safe compares
        return (valuea < valueb) ? -1 : (valuea > valueb);

static SkEdge* sort_edges(SkEdge* list[], int count, SkEdge** last) {
    qsort(list, count, sizeof(SkEdge*), edge_compare);
    // now make the edges linked in sorted order
    for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) {
        list[i - 1]->fNext = list[i];
        list[i]->fPrev = list[i - 1];
    *last = list[count - 1];
    return list[0];

// clipRect may be null, even though we always have a clip. This indicates that
// the path is contained in the clip, and so we can ignore it during the blit
// clipRect (if no null) has already been shifted up
void sk_fill_path(const SkPath& path, const SkIRect* clipRect, SkBlitter* blitter,
                  int start_y, int stop_y, int shiftEdgesUp, const SkRegion& clipRgn)
    SkASSERT(&path && blitter);

    SkEdgeBuilder   builder;
    int count = builder.build(path, clipRect, shiftEdgesUp);
    SkEdge**    list = builder.edgeList();
    size_t  size;
    int     maxCount = cheap_worst_case_edge_count(path, &size);

#ifdef SK_DEBUG
        size_t  size2;
        int     maxCount2 = worst_case_edge_count(path, &size2);
        SkASSERT(maxCount >= maxCount2 && size >= size2);

    SkAutoMalloc    memory(maxCount * sizeof(SkEdge*) + size);
    SkEdge**        list = (SkEdge**)memory.get();
    SkEdge*         initialEdge = (SkEdge*)(list + maxCount);
    int             count = build_edges(initialEdge, path, clipRect, list,
    SkASSERT(count <= maxCount);

    if (count < 2) {

    SkEdge headEdge, tailEdge, *last;
    // this returns the first and last edge after they're sorted into a dlink list
    SkEdge* edge = sort_edges(list, count, &last);

    headEdge.fPrev = NULL;
    headEdge.fNext = edge;
    headEdge.fFirstY = kEDGE_HEAD_Y;
    headEdge.fX = SK_MinS32;
    edge->fPrev = &headEdge;

    tailEdge.fPrev = last;
    tailEdge.fNext = NULL;
    tailEdge.fFirstY = kEDGE_TAIL_Y;
    last->fNext = &tailEdge;

    // now edge is the head of the sorted linklist

    start_y <<= shiftEdgesUp;
    stop_y <<= shiftEdgesUp;
    if (clipRect && start_y < clipRect->fTop) {
        start_y = clipRect->fTop;
    if (clipRect && stop_y > clipRect->fBottom) {
        stop_y = clipRect->fBottom;

    InverseBlitter  ib;
    PrePostProc     proc = NULL;

    if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
        ib.setBlitter(blitter, clipRgn.getBounds(), shiftEdgesUp);
        blitter = &ib;
        proc = PrePostInverseBlitterProc;

    walk_edges(&headEdge, path.getFillType(), blitter, start_y, stop_y, proc);

void sk_blit_above_and_below(SkBlitter* blitter, const SkIRect& ir,
                             const SkRegion& clip) {
    const SkIRect& cr = clip.getBounds();
    SkIRect tmp;
    tmp.fLeft = cr.fLeft;
    tmp.fRight = cr.fRight;

    tmp.fTop = cr.fTop;
    tmp.fBottom = ir.fTop;
    if (!tmp.isEmpty()) {
        blitter->blitRectRegion(tmp, clip);

    tmp.fTop = ir.fBottom;
    tmp.fBottom = cr.fBottom;
    if (!tmp.isEmpty()) {
        blitter->blitRectRegion(tmp, clip);


SkScanClipper::SkScanClipper(SkBlitter* blitter, const SkRegion* clip, const SkIRect& ir)
    fBlitter = NULL;     // null means blit nothing
    fClipRect = NULL;

    if (clip)
        fClipRect = &clip->getBounds();
        if (!SkIRect::Intersects(*fClipRect, ir))  // completely clipped out

        if (clip->isRect())
            if (fClipRect->contains(ir))
                fClipRect = NULL;
                // only need a wrapper blitter if we're horizontally clipped
                if (fClipRect->fLeft > ir.fLeft || fClipRect->fRight < ir.fRight)
                    fRectBlitter.init(blitter, *fClipRect);
                    blitter = &fRectBlitter;
            fRgnBlitter.init(blitter, clip);
            blitter = &fRgnBlitter;
    fBlitter = blitter;


void SkScan::FillPath(const SkPath& path, const SkRegion& clip,
                      SkBlitter* blitter) {
    if (clip.isEmpty()) {

    SkIRect ir;
    if (ir.isEmpty()) {
        if (path.isInverseFillType()) {

    SkScanClipper   clipper(blitter, &clip, ir);

    blitter = clipper.getBlitter();
    if (blitter) {
        if (path.isInverseFillType()) {
            sk_blit_above_and_below(blitter, ir, clip);
        sk_fill_path(path, clipper.getClipRect(), blitter, ir.fTop, ir.fBottom, 0, clip);
    } else {
        // what does it mean to not have a blitter if path.isInverseFillType???


static int build_tri_edges(SkEdge edge[], const SkPoint pts[],
                           const SkIRect* clipRect, SkEdge* list[]) {
    SkEdge** start = list;
    if (edge->setLine(pts[0], pts[1], clipRect, 0)) {
        *list++ = edge;
        edge = (SkEdge*)((char*)edge + sizeof(SkEdge));
    if (edge->setLine(pts[1], pts[2], clipRect, 0)) {
        *list++ = edge;
        edge = (SkEdge*)((char*)edge + sizeof(SkEdge));
    if (edge->setLine(pts[2], pts[0], clipRect, 0)) {
        *list++ = edge;
    return (int)(list - start);

static void sk_fill_triangle(const SkPoint pts[], const SkIRect* clipRect,
                             SkBlitter* blitter, const SkIRect& ir) {
    SkASSERT(pts && blitter);
    SkEdge edgeStorage[3];
    SkEdge* list[3];

    int count = build_tri_edges(edgeStorage, pts, clipRect, list);
    if (count < 2) {

    SkEdge headEdge, tailEdge, *last;

    // this returns the first and last edge after they're sorted into a dlink list
    SkEdge* edge = sort_edges(list, count, &last);
    headEdge.fPrev = NULL;
    headEdge.fNext = edge;
    headEdge.fFirstY = kEDGE_HEAD_Y;
    headEdge.fX = SK_MinS32;
    edge->fPrev = &headEdge;
    tailEdge.fPrev = last;
    tailEdge.fNext = NULL;
    tailEdge.fFirstY = kEDGE_TAIL_Y;
    last->fNext = &tailEdge;
    // now edge is the head of the sorted linklist
    int stop_y = ir.fBottom;
    if (clipRect && stop_y > clipRect->fBottom) {
        stop_y = clipRect->fBottom;
    int start_y = ir.fTop;
    if (clipRect && start_y < clipRect->fTop) {
        start_y = clipRect->fTop;
    walk_edges(&headEdge, SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType, blitter, start_y, stop_y, NULL);

void SkScan::FillTriangle(const SkPoint pts[], const SkRegion* clip,
                          SkBlitter* blitter) {
    if (clip && clip->isEmpty()) {
    SkRect  r;
    SkIRect ir;
    r.set(pts, 3);
    if (ir.isEmpty()) {
    SkScanClipper   clipper(blitter, clip, ir);
    blitter = clipper.getBlitter();
    if (NULL != blitter) {
        sk_fill_triangle(pts, clipper.getClipRect(), blitter, ir);