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 *  Copyright 2001-2008 Texas Instruments - http://www.ti.com/
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  ======== sync.h ========
 *  DSP-BIOS Bridge driver support functions for TI OMAP processors.
 *  Purpose:
 *      Provide synchronization services.
 *  Public Functions:
 *      SYNC_CloseEvent
 *      SYNC_DeleteCS
 *      SYNC_EnterCS
 *      SYNC_Exit
 *      SYNC_Init
 *      SYNC_InitializeCS
 *      SYNC_LeaveCS
 *      SYNC_OpenEvent
 *      SYNC_PostMessage
 *      SYNC_ResetEvent
 *      SYNC_SetEvent
 *      SYNC_WaitOnEvent
 *      SYNC_WaitOnMultipleEvents
 *! Revision History:
 *! ================
 *! 05-Oct-2000 jeh Added SYNC_WaitOnMultipleEvents().
 *! 01-Dec-1999 ag: Added #define SYNC_MAXNAMELENGTH.
 *! 04-Nov-1999 kc: Added critical section functions and objects to SYNC.
 *! 29-Oct-1999 kc: Cleaned up for code review.
 *! 24-Sep-1999 kc: Added WinCE notes.
 *! 20-Oct-1997 gp: Removed unused SYNC_ critical section and must complete fxns
 *!                 Added SYNC_HOBJECT, SYNC_ATTRS, and object validation, and
 *!                 merged SYNC_DestroyEvent into SYNC_CloseEvent, and merged
 *!                 SYNC_CreateEvent into SYNC_OpenEvent.
 *! 07-Oct-1997 gp: Added SYNC_Create/DestroyEvent (for NT testing).
 *! 06-Oct-1997 gp: Added SYNC_OpenEvent.
 *! 03-Jun-1997 gp: Added SYNC_{Begin|End}CritSection() functions.
 *! 03-Jan-1997 gp: Added SYNC_INFINITE define.
 *! 05-Aug-1996 gp: Created. 

#ifndef _SYNC_H
#define _SYNC_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <dspapi.h>

/* Special timeout value indicating an infinite wait: */
#define SYNC_INFINITE  0xffffffff

/* Maximum string length of a named event */

/* Generic SYNC object: */
	struct SYNC_OBJECT;
	/*typedef struct SYNC_OBJECT *SYNC_HOBJECT;*/

/* Generic SYNC CS object: */
	/*typedef struct SYNC_CSOBJECT *SYNC_HCSOBJECT;*/

/* Used SYNC_CSOBJECT instead of SYNC_DPCCSOBJECT to avoid warnings */

/* SYNC object attributes: */
	struct SYNC_ATTRS {
		HANDLE hUserEvent;	/* Platform's User Mode synch. object.      */
		HANDLE hKernelEvent;	/* Platform's Kernel Mode sync. object.     */
		DWORD dwReserved1;	/* For future expansion.                    */
		DWORD dwReserved2;	/* For future expansion.                    */
	} ;

 *  ======== SYNC_CloseEvent ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Close this event handle, freeing resources allocated in SYNC_OpenEvent
 *      if necessary.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hEvent: Handle to a synchronization event, created/opened in
 *              SYNC_OpenEvent.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success;
 *      DSP_EFAIL:      Failed to close event handle.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *      SYNC initialized.
 *  Ensures:
 *      Any subsequent usage of hEvent would be invalid.
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_CloseEvent(IN struct SYNC_OBJECT* hEvent);

 *  ======== SYNC_DeleteCS ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Delete a critical section.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hCSObj: critical section handle.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_DeleteCS(IN struct SYNC_CSOBJECT* hCSObj);

 *  ======== SYNC_EnterCS ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Enter the critical section.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hCSObj: critical section handle.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:

 *  ======== SYNC_Exit ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Discontinue usage of module; free resources when reference count 
 *      reaches 0.
 *  Parameters:
 *  Returns:
 *  Requires:
 *      SYNC initialized.
 *  Ensures:
 *      Resources used by module are freed when cRef reaches zero.
	extern VOID SYNC_Exit();

 *  ======== SYNC_Init ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Initializes private state of SYNC module.
 *  Parameters:
 *  Returns:
 *      TRUE if initialized; FALSE if error occured.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
 *      SYNC initialized.
	extern bool SYNC_Init();

 *  ======== SYNC_InitializeCS ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Initialize the critical section.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hCSObj: critical section handle.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EMEMORY:    Out of memory.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_InitializeCS(OUT struct SYNC_CSOBJECT* * phCSObj);

 *  ======== SYNC_InitializeDPCCS ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Initialize the critical section between process context and DPC.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hCSObj: critical section handle.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EMEMORY:    Out of memory.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_InitializeDPCCS(OUT struct SYNC_CSOBJECT** phCSObj);

 *  ======== SYNC_LeaveCS ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Leave the critical section.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hCSObj: critical section handle.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:

 *  ======== SYNC_OpenEvent ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Create/open and initialize an event object for thread synchronization, 
 *      which is initially in the non-signalled state.  
 *  Parameters:
 *      phEvent:    Pointer to location to receive the event object handle.
 *      pAttrs:     Pointer to SYNC_ATTRS object containing initial SYNC
 *                  SYNC_OBJECT attributes.  If this pointer is NULL, then
 *                  SYNC_OpenEvent will create and manage an OS specific
 *                  syncronization object.
 *          pAttrs->hUserEvent:  Platform's User Mode synchronization object.
 *      The behaviour of the SYNC methods depend on the value of
 *      the hUserEvent attr:
 *      1. (hUserEvent == NULL):
 *          A user mode event is created.
 *      2. (hUserEvent != NULL):
 *          A user mode event is supplied by the caller of SYNC_OpenEvent().
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EFAIL:      Unable to create user mode event.
 *      DSP_EMEMORY:    Insufficient memory.
 *      DSP_EINVALIDARG SYNC_ATTRS values are invalid.
 *  Requires:
 *      - SYNC initialized.
 *      - phEvent != NULL.
 *  Ensures:
 *      If function succeeded, pEvent->hEvent must be a valid event handle.
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_OpenEvent(OUT struct SYNC_OBJECT* * phEvent,
					 IN OPTIONAL struct SYNC_ATTRS * pAttrs);

 * ========= SYNC_PostMessage ========
 *  Purpose:    
 *      To post a windows message
 *  Parameters: 
 *      hWindow:    Handle to the window
 *      uMsg:       Message to be posted
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success
 *      DSP_EFAIL:      Post message failed
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid Window handle
 *  Requires:
 *      SYNC initialized
 *  Ensures
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_PostMessage(IN HANDLE hWindow, IN UINT uMsg);

 *  ======== SYNC_ResetEvent ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Reset a syncronization event object state to non-signalled.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hEvent:         Handle to a sync event.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success;
 *      DSP_EFAIL:      Failed to reset event.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *      SYNC initialized.
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_ResetEvent(IN struct SYNC_OBJECT* hEvent);

 *  ======== SYNC_SetEvent ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Signal the event.  Will unblock one waiting thread. 
 *  Parameters:
 *      hEvent:         Handle to an event object.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        Success.
 *      DSP_EFAIL:      Failed to signal event.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *  Requires:
 *      SYNC initialized.
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_SetEvent(IN struct SYNC_OBJECT* hEvent);

 *  ======== SYNC_WaitOnEvent ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Wait for an event to be signalled, up to the specified timeout.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hEvent:         Handle to an event object.
 *      dwTimeOut:      The time-out interval, in milliseconds. 
 *                      The function returns if the interval elapses, even if 
 *                      the object's state is nonsignaled. 
 *                      If zero, the function tests the object's state and 
 *                      returns immediately. 
 *                      If SYNC_INFINITE, the function's time-out interval 
 *                      never elapses. 
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        The object was signalled.
 *      DSP_EHANDLE:    Invalid handle.
 *      SYNC_E_FAIL:    Wait failed, possibly because the process terminated.
 *      SYNC_E_TIMEOUT: Timeout expired while waiting for event to be signalled.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_WaitOnEvent(IN struct SYNC_OBJECT* hEvent,
					   IN DWORD dwTimeOut);

 *  ======== SYNC_WaitOnMultipleEvents ========
 *  Purpose:
 *      Wait for any of an array of events to be signalled, up to the
 *      specified timeout.
 *      Note: dwTimeOut must be SYNC_INFINITE to signal infinite wait.
 *  Parameters:
 *      hSyncEvents:    Array of handles to event objects.
 *      uCount:         Number of event handles.
 *      dwTimeOut:      The time-out interval, in milliseconds. 
 *                      The function returns if the interval elapses, even if 
 *                      no event is signalled.
 *                      If zero, the function tests the object's state and 
 *                      returns immediately. 
 *                      If SYNC_INFINITE, the function's time-out interval 
 *                      never elapses.
 *      puIndex:        Location to store index of event that was signalled.
 *  Returns:
 *      DSP_SOK:        The object was signalled.
 *      SYNC_E_FAIL:    Wait failed, possibly because the process terminated.
 *      SYNC_E_TIMEOUT: Timeout expired before event was signalled.
 *      DSP_EMEMORY:    Memory allocation failed.
 *  Requires:
 *  Ensures:
	extern DSP_STATUS SYNC_WaitOnMultipleEvents(IN struct SYNC_OBJECT**
						    hSyncEvents, IN UINT uCount,
						    IN DWORD dwTimeout,
						    OUT UINT * puIndex);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif				/* _SYNC_H */