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 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _RO_H_
#define _RO_H_

#include <rights/Asset.h>
#include <rights/Right.h>
#include <uvector.h>
#include <ustring.h>
#include <sistream.h>
using namespace ustl;

class Asset;
class XMLDocumentImpl;
class XMLElementImpl;
class NodeImpl;

class Ro {

     * Constructor for Ro.

     * Destructor for Ro.

     * Set id for Ro.
     * @param id the id of Ro.
    void setRoID(string &id);

     * Get the id of Ro.
     * @return the id of Ro.
    const string& getRoID() const;

     * Set version for Ro.
    void setRoVersion(string &version);

     * Add a asset into ro's asset list.
     * @param asset the pointer of asset.
    void addAsset(Asset* asset);

     * Add a right into ro's right list.
     * @param right the pointer of right.
    void addRight(Right* right);

     * Save the Ro.
    bool save();

     * Verify the Ro.
    bool verify();

     * Parse the ro from stream.
     * @param roStream the input ro stream.
     * @return RO_OK if parse successfully otherwise return error code.
    ERRCODE parse(istringstream *roStream);

     * Check the permission of the content.
     * @param type the operation type.
     * @param contentID the specific contentID.
     * @return true/false to indicate result.
    bool checkPermission(OperationPermission::OPERATION type,
                         const string& contentID);

     * Consume the right related to content.
     * @param type the operation type.
     * @param contentID the specific contentID.
     * @return the status of consume.
    ERRCODE consume(OperationPermission::OPERATION type,
                    const string& contentID);

     * Get CEK of content.
     * @param contentID the specific content id.
     * @return "" if not found otherwise return CEK.
    string getContentCek(const string& contentID);

     * Get Digest value of content.
     * @param contentID the specific content id.
     * @return "" if not found otherwise return digest value.
    string getContentHash(const string& contentID);

     * Handle the xml dom document.
     * @param doc the pointer to the dom document.
     * @return true/false to indicate the result.
    bool handleDocument(const XMLDocumentImpl* doc);

     * Handle the xml dom node which contains <right> element.
     * @param curNode the dom node which contains <right> element.
     * @return true/false to indicate the result.
    bool handleRights(const NodeImpl *curNode);

     * Handle the xml dom node which contains the <agreement> element.
     * @param curNode the dom node which contains <agreement> element.
     * @return true/false to indicate the result.
    bool handleAgreement(const NodeImpl *curNode);

     * Handle the xml dom node which contains the <asset> element.
     * @param curNode the dom node which contains <asset> element.
     * @return true/false to indicate the result.
    bool handleAsset(const NodeImpl *curNode);

     * Handle the xml dom node which contains the <permission> element.
     * @param curNode the dom node which contains <permission> element.
     * @return true/false to indicate the result.
    bool handlePermission(const NodeImpl *curNode);

     * Get the constraint in xml dom node.
     * @param curNode the dom node which contains constraint.
     * @return the constraint.
    Constraint* getConstraint(const NodeImpl *curNode);

     * Convert ISO8601 time to long.
     * @param ts the string with ISO8601 time.
     * @return the result value.
    long convertISO8601DateTimeToLong(const char* ts);

     * Convert ISO8601 period to long.
     * @param ts the string with ISO8601 period.
     * @return the result value.
    long convertISO8601PeriodToLong(const char* ts);

     * Load the rights related with specific contentinto content rights list.
     * @param contentID the specific content id.
    void loadRights(const string& contentID);

     * Free the current content rights list.
    void freeRights();

     * Disable the assignment between rights.
    Ro& operator=(const Ro& ro);

     * Disable copy constructor.
    Ro(const Ro& ro);

    vector<Asset*> mAssetList;
    vector<Right*> mRightList;

    string mRoID; /** the Ro id. */
    string mRoVersion; /** the Ro version. */
    XMLDocumentImpl *mDoc; /**< the xml document handle. */
    vector<Right*> mContentRightList; /**< the right list to store the result related with specific content. */
    Right* mProperRight; /**< the right to consume. */