Html程序  |  43行  |  1.37 KB

<style>code{background-color: #ffc;}</style>
<p><b>Test for <a href="">Bug 27552</a> - remember last script displayed in Scripts panel</b>

<li><p>open this page with Web Inspector, switch to the <b>Scripts</b> panel, enabling debug if required
<li><p>the available scripts in the select element should be:
        <li><b>(program): f1.js</b>
<li><p>select <b>(program): f1.js</b> so the source is available
<li><p>switch to the <b>Resources</b> panel
<li><p>close Web Inspector
<li><p>Repeat the following several times.  Each time, <b>(program): f1.js</b>
should be the selected script:
    <li>open Web Inspector, switch to the <b>Scripts</b> panel, then close Web Inspector
<li><p>open Web Inspector, switch to the <b>Scripts</b> panel
<li><p>select <b>remember-last-script.html</b> so the source is available
<li><p>Repeat the following several times.  Each time, <b>remember-last-script.html</b>
should be the selected script:
    <li>open Web Inspector, switch to the <b>Scripts</b> panel, then close Web Inspector


f1 = Function([
    "   doNothing();",

function doNothing() { /* allows multi-line functions, easier to debug */ };


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