/* * DrvMain.c * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2010 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file DrvMain.c * \brief The DrvMain module. Handles driver init, stop and recovery processes. * * \see DrvMain.h */ #define __FILE_ID__ FILE_ID_49 #include "tidef.h" #include "osApi.h" #include "report.h" #include "context.h" #include "timer.h" #include "CmdHndlr.h" #include "DrvMain.h" #include "scrApi.h" #include "EvHandler.h" #include "connApi.h" #include "siteMgrApi.h" #include "sme.h" #include "SoftGeminiApi.h" #include "roamingMngrApi.h" #include "qosMngr_API.h" #include "TrafficMonitor.h" #include "PowerMgr_API.h" #include "EvHandler.h" #include "apConn.h" #include "currBss.h" #include "SwitchChannelApi.h" #include "ScanCncn.h" #include "healthMonitor.h" #include "scanMngrApi.h" #include "regulatoryDomainApi.h" #include "measurementMgrApi.h" #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED #include "XCCMngr.h" #endif #include "TxnQueue.h" #include "TWDriver.h" #include "debug.h" #include "host_platform.h" #include "StaCap.h" #include "WlanDrvCommon.h" #include "DrvMainModules.h" #include "CmdDispatcher.h" #define SM_WATCHDOG_TIME_MS 20000 /* SM processes timeout is 20 sec. */ #define SDIO_CONNECT_THRESHOLD 8 /* This is used to prevent endless recovery loops */ #define MAX_NUM_OF_RECOVERY_TRIGGERS 5 /* Handle failure status from the SM callbacks by triggering the SM with FAILURE event */ #define HANDLE_CALLBACKS_FAILURE_STATUS(hDrvMain, eStatus) \ if (eStatus != TI_OK) { drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_FAILURE); return; } /* The DrvMain SM states */ typedef enum { /* 0 */ SM_STATE_IDLE, /* 1 */ SM_STATE_WAIT_INI_FILE, /* 2 */ SM_STATE_WAIT_NVS_FILE, /* 3 */ SM_STATE_HW_INIT, /* 4 */ SM_STATE_DOWNLOAD_FW_FILE, /* 5 */ SM_STATE_WAIT_FW_FILE, /* 6 */ SM_STATE_FW_INIT, /* 7 */ SM_STATE_FW_CONFIG, /* 8 */ SM_STATE_OPERATIONAL, /* 9 */ SM_STATE_DISCONNECTING, /* 10 */ SM_STATE_STOPPING, /* 11 */ SM_STATE_STOPPED, /* 12 */ SM_STATE_STOPPING_ON_FAIL, /* 13 */ SM_STATE_FAILED } ESmState; /* The DrvMain SM events */ typedef enum { /* 0 */ SM_EVENT_START, /* 1 */ SM_EVENT_INI_FILE_READY, /* 2 */ SM_EVENT_NVS_FILE_READY, /* 3 */ SM_EVENT_HW_INIT_COMPLETE, /* 4 */ SM_EVENT_FW_FILE_READY, /* 5 */ SM_EVENT_FW_INIT_COMPLETE, /* 6 */ SM_EVENT_FW_CONFIG_COMPLETE, /* 7 */ SM_EVENT_STOP, /* 8 */ SM_EVENT_RECOVERY, /* 9 */ SM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, /* 10 */ SM_EVENT_STOP_COMPLETE, /* 11 */ SM_EVENT_FAILURE } ESmEvent; /* The module's object */ typedef struct { TStadHandlesList tStadHandles; /* All STAD modules handles (distributed in driver init process) */ TI_BOOL bRecovery; /* Indicates if we are during recovery process */ TI_UINT32 uNumOfRecoveryAttempts; /* Indicates if we are during recovery process */ ESmState eSmState; /* The DrvMain SM state. */ ESmEvent ePendingEvent;/* A pending event issued when the SM is busy */ TI_UINT32 uPendingEventsCount; /* Counts the number of events pending for SM execution */ TFileInfo tFileInfo; /* Information of last file retrieved by os_GetFile() */ TI_UINT32 uContextId; /* ID allocated to this module on registration to context module */ EActionType eAction; /* The last action (start/stop) inserted to the driver */ void *hSignalObj; /* The signal object used for waiting for action completion */ TBusDrvCfg tBusDrvCfg; /* A union (struc per each supported bus type) for the bus driver configuration */ TI_UINT32 uRxDmaBufLen; /* The bus driver Rx DMA buffer length (needed as a limit for Rx aggregation length) */ TI_UINT32 uTxDmaBufLen; /* The bus driver Tx DMA buffer length (needed as a limit for Tx aggregation length) */ } TDrvMain; static void drvMain_Init (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain); static void drvMain_InitHwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus); static void drvMain_InitFwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus); static void drvMain_ConfigFwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus); static void drvMain_TwdStopCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus); static void drvMain_InitFailCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus); static void drvMain_InitLocals (TDrvMain *pDrvMain); /* static void drvMain_SmWatchdogTimeout (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain); */ static void drvMain_SmEvent (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, ESmEvent eEvent); static void drvMain_Sm (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, ESmEvent eEvent); /* External functions prototypes */ /** \brief WLAN Driver I/F Get file * * \param hOs - OS module object handle * \param pFileInfo - Pointer to output file information * \return TI_OK on success or TI_NOK on failure * * \par Description * This function provides access to a requested init file: * It provides the requested file information and call the requester callback. * Note that in Linux the files were previously loaded to driver memory by the loader * * \sa */ extern int wlanDrvIf_GetFile (TI_HANDLE hOs, TFileInfo *pFileInfo); /** \brief WLAN Driver I/F Update Driver State * * \param hOs - OS module object handle * \param eDriverState - New Driver State * \return void * * \par Description * This function Update the driver state (Idle | Running | Stopped |Failed): * * \sa */ extern void wlanDrvIf_UpdateDriverState (TI_HANDLE hOs, EDriverSteadyState eDriverState); /** \brief WLAN Driver I/F Set MAC Address * * \param hOs - OS module object handle * \param pMacAddr - Pointer to MAC address to set * \return void * * \par Description * This function Update the driver MAC address by copy it to the network interface structure * * \sa */ extern void wlanDrvIf_SetMacAddress (TI_HANDLE hOs, TI_UINT8 *pMacAddr); /** \brief OS Init Table INI File * * \param hOs - OS module object handle * \param InitTable - Pointer to initialization table * \param file_buf - Pointer to Input buffer from INI file * \param file_length - Length of input buffer from INI file * \return void * * \par Description * This function perform Initializing of init table accrding to data from INI file and driver defaults * * \sa */ extern int osInitTable_IniFile (TI_HANDLE hOs, TInitTable *InitTable, char *file_buf, int file_length); /* * \fn drvMain_Create * \brief Create the driver modules * * Create all STAD and TWD modules. * Then call all modules init functions which initializes their handles and variables. * * \note * \param hOs - Handle to the Os Abstraction Layer * \param pDrvMainHndl - Pointer for returning the DrvMain handle. * \param pCmdHndlr - Pointer for returning the CmdHndlr handle. * \param pContext - Pointer for returning the Context handle. * \param pTxDataQ - Pointer for returning the TxDataQ handle. * \param pTxMgmtQ - Pointer for returning the TxMgmtQ handle. * \param pTxCtrl - Pointer for returning the TxCtrl handle. * \param pTwd - Pointer for returning the TWD handle. * \param pEvHandler - Pointer for returning the EvHndler handle. * \return Handle to the DrvMain module (NULL if failed) * \sa */ TI_STATUS drvMain_Create (TI_HANDLE hOs, TI_HANDLE *pDrvMainHndl, TI_HANDLE *pCmdHndlr, TI_HANDLE *pContext, TI_HANDLE *pTxDataQ, TI_HANDLE *pTxMgmtQ, TI_HANDLE *pTxCtrl, TI_HANDLE *pTwd, TI_HANDLE *pEvHandler, TI_HANDLE *pCmdDispatch, TI_HANDLE *pReport) { /* Create the DrvMain module object. */ TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) os_memoryAlloc (hOs, sizeof(TDrvMain)); if (pDrvMain == NULL) { return TI_NOK; } os_memoryZero (hOs, (void *)pDrvMain, sizeof(TDrvMain)); pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hDrvMain = (TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain; pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs = hOs; /* * Create all driver modules * ========================= */ pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext = context_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer = tmr_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR = scr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ = txnQ_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler = EvHandler_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport = report_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hConn = conn_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hConn == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanCncn = scanCncn_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanCncn == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme = sme_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSiteMgr = siteMgr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSiteMgr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMlmeSm = mlme_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMlmeSm == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAuth = auth_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAuth == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAssoc = assoc_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAssoc == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRxData = rxData_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRxData == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl = txCtrl_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ = txDataQ_Create(hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ = txMgmtQ_Create(hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort = txPort_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCtrlData = ctrlData_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCtrlData == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTrafficMon = TrafficMonitor_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTrafficMon == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRsn = rsn_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRsn == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRegulatoryDomain = regulatoryDomain_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRegulatoryDomain == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMeasurementMgr = measurementMgr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMeasurementMgr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSoftGemini = SoftGemini_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSoftGemini == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr = XCCMngr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } #else pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr = NULL; #endif pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRoamingMngr = roamingMngr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRoamingMngr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAPConnection = apConn_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAPConnection == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCurrBss = currBSS_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCurrBss == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hQosMngr = qosMngr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hQosMngr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr = PowerMgr_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSwitchChannel = switchChannel_create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSwitchChannel == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanMngr = scanMngr_create (hOs); if (NULL == pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanMngr) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hHealthMonitor = healthMonitor_create (hOs); if (NULL == pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hHealthMonitor) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD = TWD_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr = cmdHndlr_Create (hOs, pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdDispatch = cmdDispatch_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdDispatch == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hStaCap = StaCap_Create (hOs); if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hStaCap == NULL) { drvMain_Destroy (pDrvMain); return TI_NOK; } /* Bind all modules handles */ drvMain_Init ((TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain); /* Provide required handles to the OAL */ *pDrvMainHndl = (TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain; *pCmdHndlr = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr; *pContext = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext; *pTxDataQ = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ; *pTxMgmtQ = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ; *pTxCtrl = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl; *pTwd = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD; *pEvHandler = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler; *pReport = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport; *pCmdDispatch = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdDispatch; WLAN_INIT_REPORT (("drvMain_Create: success\n")); return TI_OK; } /* * \fn drvMain_Destroy * \brief Destroy driver * * Destroy all STAD and TWD modules and resources. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return TI_OK if succeeded, TI_NOK if failed. * \sa drvMain_Create */ TI_STATUS drvMain_Destroy (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; hPlatform_Wlan_Hardware_DeInit (); if (pDrvMain == NULL) { return TI_NOK; } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanMngr != NULL) { scanMngr_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanMngr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSiteMgr != NULL) { siteMgr_unLoad (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSiteMgr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme != NULL) { sme_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hConn != NULL) { conn_unLoad (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hConn); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD != NULL) { TWD_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanCncn != NULL) { scanCncn_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanCncn); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTrafficMon != NULL) { TrafficMonitor_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTrafficMon); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCtrlData != NULL) { ctrlData_unLoad (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCtrlData); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl != NULL) { txCtrl_Unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ != NULL) { txDataQ_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ != NULL) { txMgmtQ_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort != NULL) { txPort_unLoad (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRxData != NULL) { rxData_unLoad (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRxData); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAssoc != NULL) { assoc_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAssoc); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAuth != NULL) { auth_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAuth); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMlmeSm != NULL) { mlme_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMlmeSm); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR != NULL) { scr_release (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRsn != NULL) { rsn_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRsn); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRegulatoryDomain != NULL) { regulatoryDomain_destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRegulatoryDomain); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMeasurementMgr != NULL) { measurementMgr_destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMeasurementMgr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSoftGemini != NULL) { SoftGemini_destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSoftGemini); } #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr != NULL) { XCCMngr_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr); } #endif if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRoamingMngr != NULL) { roamingMngr_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRoamingMngr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hQosMngr != NULL) { qosMngr_destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hQosMngr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr != NULL) { PowerMgr_destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAPConnection != NULL) { apConn_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAPConnection); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCurrBss != NULL) { currBSS_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCurrBss); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSwitchChannel != NULL) { switchChannel_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSwitchChannel); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hHealthMonitor != NULL) { healthMonitor_unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hHealthMonitor); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr && pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler) { cmdHndlr_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr, pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler != NULL) { EvHandlerUnload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hEvHandler); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdDispatch) { cmdDispatch_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdDispatch); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ != NULL) { txnQ_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ); } /* Note: The Timer module must be destroyed last, so all created timers are already destroyed!! */ if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer != NULL) { tmr_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer); } /* Note: Moved after timers for locks */ if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext != NULL) { context_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hStaCap != NULL) { StaCap_Destroy (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hStaCap); } if (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport != NULL) { report_Unload (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport); } /* Destroy the DrvMain object */ os_memoryFree (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, hDrvMain, sizeof(TDrvMain)); return TI_OK; } void drvMain_SmeStop (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED); } /* * \fn drvMain_Init * \brief Init driver modules * * Called from OS context following the driver creation. * Calls all STAD and TWD modules Init functions, which are saving other modules handles, * registering to other modules and initializing their variables. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa drvMain_Create */ static void drvMain_Init (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; TStadHandlesList *pModules = &pDrvMain->tStadHandles; /* The STAD modules handles list */ /* * Init all modules handles, variables and registries */ context_Init (pModules->hContext, pModules->hOs, pModules->hReport); tmr_Init (pModules->hTimer, pModules->hOs, pModules->hReport, pModules->hContext); txnQ_Init (pModules->hTxnQ, pModules->hOs, pModules->hReport, pModules->hContext); scr_init (pModules); conn_init (pModules); ctrlData_init (pModules, #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED XCCMngr_LinkTestRetriesUpdate, pModules->hXCCMngr); #else NULL, NULL); #endif siteMgr_init (pModules); regulatoryDomain_init (pModules); scanCncn_Init (pModules); auth_init (pModules); mlme_init (pModules); assoc_init (pModules); rxData_init (pModules); txCtrl_Init (pModules); txDataQ_Init (pModules); txMgmtQ_Init (pModules); txPort_init (pModules); TrafficMonitor_Init (pModules, 1000 /* pInitTable->trafficMonitorMinIntervalPercentage */); sme_Init (pModules); rsn_init (pModules); measurementMgr_init (pModules); #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED XCCMngr_init (pModules); #endif scanMngr_init (pModules); currBSS_init (pModules); apConn_init (pModules); roamingMngr_init (pModules); qosMngr_init (pModules); switchChannel_init (pModules); healthMonitor_init (pModules); PowerMgr_init (pModules); SoftGemini_init (pModules); cmdDispatch_Init (pModules); StaCap_Init (pModules); cmdHndlr_Init (pModules); /* Init TWD component (handles, variables and registries) and provide callbacks for next steps */ TWD_Init (pModules->hTWD, pModules->hReport, pModules->hDrvMain, pModules->hTimer, pModules->hContext, pModules->hTxnQ, (TTwdCallback)drvMain_InitHwCb, (TTwdCallback)drvMain_InitFwCb, (TTwdCallback)drvMain_ConfigFwCb, (TTwdCallback)drvMain_TwdStopCb, (TTwdCallback)drvMain_InitFailCb); /* Init DrvMain module local variables */ drvMain_InitLocals (pDrvMain); } /* * \fn drvMain_SetDefaults * \brief Set driver default configuration * * Configure all STAD and TWD modules with their default settings from the ini-file. * Timers creation is also done at this stage. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param pBuf - The ini-file data. * \param uLength - The ini-file length. * \return TI_OK if succeeded, TI_NOK if failed. * \sa drvMain_Init */ static TI_STATUS drvMain_SetDefaults (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_UINT8 *pBuf, TI_UINT32 uLength) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; TInitTable *pInitTable; TI_STATUS eStatus; pInitTable = os_memoryAlloc (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, sizeof(TInitTable)); /* Parse defaults */ eStatus = osInitTable_IniFile (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pInitTable, (char*)pBuf, (int)uLength); /* * Configure modules with their default settings */ report_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, &pInitTable->tReport); context_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, &pInitTable->tContextInitParams); TWD_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD, &pInitTable->twdInitParams); conn_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hConn, &pInitTable->connInitParams); ctrlData_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCtrlData, &pInitTable->ctrlDataInitParams); regulatoryDomain_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRegulatoryDomain, &pInitTable->regulatoryDomainInitParams); scanCncn_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanCncn, &pInitTable->tScanCncnInitParams); auth_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAuth, &pInitTable->authInitParams); assoc_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAssoc, &pInitTable->assocInitParams); rxData_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRxData, &pInitTable->rxDataInitParams); sme_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme, &pInitTable->tSmeModifiedInitParams, &pInitTable->tSmeInitParams); rsn_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRsn, &pInitTable->rsnInitParams); measurementMgr_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMeasurementMgr, &pInitTable->measurementInitParams); #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED XCCMngr_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hXCCMngr, &pInitTable->XCCMngrParams); #endif /*XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED*/ apConn_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hAPConnection, &pInitTable->apConnParams); qosMngr_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hQosMngr, &pInitTable->qosMngrInitParams); switchChannel_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSwitchChannel, &pInitTable->SwitchChannelInitParams); healthMonitor_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hHealthMonitor, &pInitTable->healthMonitorInitParams); PowerMgr_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr, &pInitTable->PowerMgrInitParams); SoftGemini_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSoftGemini, &pInitTable->SoftGeminiInitParams); txDataQ_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ, &pInitTable->txDataInitParams); txCtrl_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl, &pInitTable->txDataInitParams); currBSS_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCurrBss, &pInitTable->tCurrBssInitParams); mlme_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hMlmeSm, &pInitTable->tMlmeInitParams); scanMngr_SetDefaults(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hScanMngr, &pInitTable->tRoamScanMngrInitParams); roamingMngr_setDefaults(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hRoamingMngr, &pInitTable->tRoamScanMngrInitParams); /* Note: The siteMgr_SetDefaults includes many settings that relate to other modules so keep it last!! */ siteMgr_SetDefaults (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSiteMgr, &pInitTable->siteMgrInitParams); /* Set DrvMain local defaults */ pDrvMain->tBusDrvCfg.tSdioCfg.uBlkSizeShift = pInitTable->tDrvMainParams.uSdioBlkSizeShift; pDrvMain->tBusDrvCfg.tSdioCfg.uBusDrvThreadPriority = pInitTable->tDrvMainParams.uBusDrvThreadPriority; os_SetDrvThreadPriority (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pInitTable->tDrvMainParams.uWlanDrvThreadPriority); /* Release the init table memory */ os_memoryFree (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pInitTable, sizeof(TInitTable)); return eStatus; } /* * \fn drvMain_xxx...Cb * \brief Callback functions for the init/stop stages completion * * The following callback functions are called from other modules (most from TWD) * when the current init/stop step is completed. * Note that the callbacks are called anyway, either in the original context (if completed), or * in another context if pending. * The first case (same context) may lead to a recursion of the SM, so a special handling is added * to the SM to prevent recursion (see drvMain_Sm). * * drvMain_InitHwCb - HW init completion callback * drvMain_InitFwCb - FW init (mainly download) completion callback * drvMain_ConfigFwCb - FW configuration completion callback * drvMain_TwdStopCb - TWD stopping completion callback * drvMain_InitFailCb - FW init faulty completion callback * drvMain_SmeStopCb - SME stopping completion callback * drvMain_GetFileCb - Getting-file completion callback * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param eStatus - The process result (TI_OK if succeeded, TI_NOK if failed) * \return void * \sa drvMain_Create */ static void drvMain_InitHwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus) { HANDLE_CALLBACKS_FAILURE_STATUS(hDrvMain, eStatus); drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_HW_INIT_COMPLETE); } static void drvMain_InitFwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus) { HANDLE_CALLBACKS_FAILURE_STATUS(hDrvMain, eStatus); drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_FW_INIT_COMPLETE); } static void drvMain_ConfigFwCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus) { HANDLE_CALLBACKS_FAILURE_STATUS(hDrvMain, eStatus); drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_FW_CONFIG_COMPLETE); } static void drvMain_TwdStopCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus) { HANDLE_CALLBACKS_FAILURE_STATUS(hDrvMain, eStatus); drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_STOP_COMPLETE); } static void drvMain_InitFailCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_STATUS eStatus) { drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_FAILURE); /* * Note that this call will pass the SM to the FAILED state, since this event * is not handled by any state. */ } static void drvMain_InvokeAction (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; switch (pDrvMain->eAction) { case ACTION_TYPE_START: drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_START); break; case ACTION_TYPE_STOP: drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_STOP); break; default: TRACE1(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_InvokeAction(): Action=%d\n", pDrvMain->eAction); } } static void drvMain_GetFileCb (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; ESmEvent eSmEvent; switch (pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType) { case FILE_TYPE_INI: eSmEvent = SM_EVENT_INI_FILE_READY; break; case FILE_TYPE_NVS: eSmEvent = SM_EVENT_NVS_FILE_READY; break; case FILE_TYPE_FW: eSmEvent = SM_EVENT_FW_FILE_READY; break; case FILE_TYPE_FW_NEXT: eSmEvent = SM_EVENT_FW_FILE_READY; break; default: TRACE1(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_GetFileCb(): Unknown eFileType=%d\n", pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType); return; } drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, eSmEvent); } /* * \fn drvMain_InitLocals * \brief Init DrvMain module * * Init the DrvMain variables, register to other modules and set device power to off. * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa drvMain_Init */ static void drvMain_InitLocals (TDrvMain *pDrvMain) { /* Initialize the module's local varniables to default values */ pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_INI; pDrvMain->tFileInfo.fCbFunc = drvMain_GetFileCb; pDrvMain->tFileInfo.hCbHndl = (TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain; pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_IDLE; pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount = 0; pDrvMain->bRecovery = TI_FALSE; pDrvMain->uNumOfRecoveryAttempts = 0; pDrvMain->eAction = ACTION_TYPE_NONE; /* Register the Action callback to the context engine and get the client ID */ pDrvMain->uContextId = context_RegisterClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, drvMain_InvokeAction, (TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain, TI_TRUE, "ACTION", sizeof("ACTION")); /* Platform specific HW preparations */ hPlatform_Wlan_Hardware_Init(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs); /* Insure that device power is off (expected to be) */ hPlatform_DevicePowerOff (); } /* * \fn drvMain_InitHw & drvMain_InitFw * \brief Init HW and Init FW sequences * * drvMain_InitHw - HW init sequence which writes and reads some HW registers * that are needed prior to FW download. * drvMain_InitFw - FW init sequence which downloads the FW image and waits for * FW init-complete indication. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param pBuf - The file data (NVS for HW-init, FW-Image for FW-init). * \param uLength - The file length. * \return TI_OK if succeeded, TI_NOK if failed. * \sa */ static TI_STATUS drvMain_InitHw (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TI_UINT8 *pbuf, TI_UINT32 uLength) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; return TWD_InitHw (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD, pbuf, uLength, pDrvMain->uRxDmaBufLen, pDrvMain->uTxDmaBufLen); } static TI_STATUS drvMain_InitFw (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, TFileInfo *pFileInfo) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; return TWD_InitFw (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD, pFileInfo); } /* * \fn drvMain_ConfigFw * \brief Configure the FW * * The step that follows the FW Init (mainly FW download). * The Command-Mailbox interface is enabled here and the FW is configured. * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return TI_OK * \sa drvMain_Init */ static TI_STATUS drvMain_ConfigFw (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; /* get pointer to FW static info (already in driver memory) */ TFwInfo *pFwInfo = TWD_GetFWInfo (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); TI_UINT8 *pMacAddr = (TI_UINT8 *)pFwInfo->macAddress; /* STA MAC address */ /* Update driver's MAC address */ wlanDrvIf_SetMacAddress (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pMacAddr); /* * Exit from init mode should be before smeSM starts. this enable us to send * command to the MboxQueue(that store the command) while the interrupts are masked. * the interrupt would be enable at the end of the init process. */ TWD_ExitFromInitMode (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); /* Configure the FW from the TWD DB */ TWD_ConfigFw (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INIT , "EXIT FROM INIT\n"); /* Print the driver and firmware version and the mac address */ os_printf("\n"); os_printf("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); os_printf("Driver Version : %s\n", SW_VERSION_STR); os_printf("Firmware Version: %s\n", pFwInfo->fwVer); os_printf("Station ID : %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", pMacAddr[0], pMacAddr[1], pMacAddr[2], pMacAddr[3], pMacAddr[4], pMacAddr[5]); os_printf("-----------------------------------------------------\n"); os_printf("\n"); return TI_OK; } /* * \fn drvMain_StopActivities * \brief Freeze driver activities * * Freeze all driver activities due to stop command or recovery process. * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return TI_OK if succeeded, TI_NOK if failed. * \sa drvMain_EnableActivities */ static TI_STATUS drvMain_StopActivities (TDrvMain *pDrvMain) { txPort_suspendTx (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort); /* Disable External Inputs (IRQs and commands) */ TWD_DisableInterrupts(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); cmdHndlr_Disable (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr); /* Initiate TWD Restart */ return TWD_Stop (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); } /* * \fn drvMain_EnableActivities * \brief Enable driver activities * * Enable driver activities after init or recovery process completion. * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa drvMain_StopActivities */ static void drvMain_EnableActivities (TDrvMain *pDrvMain) { txPort_resumeTx (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxPort); /* Enable External Inputs (IRQ is enabled elsewhere) */ cmdHndlr_Enable (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr); /* Enable external events from FW */ TWD_EnableExternalEvents (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); } /* * \fn drvMain_ClearQueuedEvents * \brief Enable driver activities * * Clear all external events queues (Tx, commands and timers) upon driver stop. * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa */ static void drvMain_ClearQueuedEvents (TDrvMain *pDrvMain) { txDataQ_ClearQueues (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxDataQ); txMgmtQ_ClearQueues (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxMgmtQ); cmdHndlr_ClearQueue (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hCmdHndlr); tmr_ClearOperQueue (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer); } /* * \fn drvMain_InsertAction * \brief Get start/stop action and trigger handling * * Get start or stop action command from OAL, save it and trigger driver task * for handling it. * Wait on a signal object until the requested process is completed. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param eAction - The requested action * \return void * \sa */ TI_STATUS drvMain_InsertAction (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, EActionType eAction) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; context_EnterCriticalSection(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext); if (pDrvMain->eAction == eAction) { context_LeaveCriticalSection(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext); TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE, "Action is identical to last action!\n"); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Action %d is identical to last action!\n", eAction)); return TI_OK; } /* Save the requested action */ pDrvMain->eAction = eAction; context_LeaveCriticalSection(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext); /* Create signal object */ /* * Notice that we must create the signal object before asking for ReSchedule, * because we might receive it immidiatly, and then we will be in a different context * with null signal object. */ pDrvMain->hSignalObj = os_SignalObjectCreate (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs); if (pDrvMain->hSignalObj == NULL) { TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_InsertAction(): Couldn't allocate signal object!\n"); return TI_NOK; } /* Request driver task schedule for action handling */ context_RequestSchedule (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); /* Wait for the action processing completion */ os_SignalObjectWait (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); /* After "wait" - the action has already been processed in the driver's context */ /* Free signalling object */ os_SignalObjectFree (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); pDrvMain->hSignalObj = NULL; if (pDrvMain->eSmState == SM_STATE_FAILED) return TI_NOK; return TI_OK; } /* * \fn drvMain_Recovery * \brief Initiate recovery process * * Initiate recovery process upon HW/FW error detection (in the Health-Monitor). * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return TI_OK if started recovery, TI_NOK if recovery is already in progress. * \sa */ TI_STATUS drvMain_Recovery (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *) hDrvMain; pDrvMain->uNumOfRecoveryAttempts++; if (!pDrvMain->bRecovery) { TRACE1(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE,".....drvMain_Recovery, ts=%d\n", os_timeStampMs(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs)); #ifdef REPORT_LOG WLAN_OS_REPORT((".....drvMain_Recovery, ts=%d\n", os_timeStampMs(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs))); #else printk("%s\n",__func__); #endif pDrvMain->bRecovery = TI_TRUE; drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_RECOVERY); return TI_OK; } else { TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "drvMain_Recovery: **** Recovery already in progress! ****\n"); /* nesting recoveries... Try again */ drvMain_SmEvent (hDrvMain, SM_EVENT_RECOVERY); return TI_NOK; } } /* * \fn drvMain_RecoveryNotify * \brief Notify STAD modules about recovery * * Notify the relevant STAD modules that recovery took place (after completed). * * \note * \param pDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa */ static void drvMain_RecoveryNotify (TDrvMain *pDrvMain) { txCtrl_NotifyFwReset (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxCtrl); scr_notifyFWReset (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR); PowerMgr_notifyFWReset (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hPowerMgr); TRACE1(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_CONSOLE, ".....drvMain_RecoveryNotify: End Of Recovery, ts=%d\n", os_timeStampMs(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs)); WLAN_OS_REPORT((".....drvMain_RecoveryNotify: End Of Recovery, ts=%d\n", os_timeStampMs(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs))); } /* * \fn drvMain_SmWatchdogTimeout * \brief SM watchdog timer expiry handler * * This is the callback function called upon expiartion of the watchdog timer. * It is called by the OS-API in timer expiry context, and it issues a failure event to the SM. * Note that we can't switch to the driver task as for other timers, since we are using * this timer to protect the init processes, and anyway we just need to stop the driver. * * \note * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \return void * \sa */ #if 0 static void drvMain_SmWatchdogTimeout (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; TRACE1(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_SmWatchdogTimeout(): State = %d\n", pDrvMain->eSmState); /* Send failure event directly to the SM (so the drvMain_SmEvent won't block it). */ drvMain_Sm ((TI_HANDLE)pDrvMain, SM_EVENT_FAILURE); } #endif /* * \fn drvMain_SmEvent * \brief Issue DrvMain SM event * * Each event that is handled by the DrvMain state machine, is introduced through this function. * To prevent SM recursion, the SM is invoeked only if it's not already handling the * previous event. * If the SM is busy, the current event is saved until the previous handling is completed. * * \note Recursion may happen because some SM activities generate SM events in the same context. * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param eEvent - The event issued to the SM * \return void * \sa */ static void drvMain_SmEvent (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, ESmEvent eEvent) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; /* Increment pending events counter and save last event. */ pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount++; pDrvMain->ePendingEvent = eEvent; /* If the SM is busy, save event and exit (will be handled when current event is finished) */ if (pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount > 1) { /* Only one pending event is expected (in addition to the handled one, so two together). */ if (pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount > 2) { TRACE3(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_SmEvent(): Multiple pending events (%d), State = %d, Event = %d\n", pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount, pDrvMain->eSmState, eEvent); } /* Exit. The current event will be handled by the following while loop of the first instance. */ return; } /* Invoke the SM with the current event and further events issued by the last SM invocation. */ while (pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount > 0) { drvMain_Sm (hDrvMain, pDrvMain->ePendingEvent); /* * Note: The SM may issue another event by calling this function and incrementing * the counter. * In this case, only the upper part of this function is run, and the pending * event is hanlded in the next while loo[. */ pDrvMain->uPendingEventsCount--; } } /* * \fn drvMain_Sm * \brief The DrvMain state machine * * The DrvMain state machine, which handles all driver init, recovery and stop processes. * * \note Since the SM may be called back from its own context, recursion is prevented * by postponing the last event. * \param hDrvMain - The DrvMain object * \param eEvent - The event that triggers the SM * \return void * \sa */ static void drvMain_Sm (TI_HANDLE hDrvMain, ESmEvent eEvent) { TDrvMain *pDrvMain = (TDrvMain *)hDrvMain; TI_STATUS eStatus = TI_NOK; TI_HANDLE hOs = pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hOs; TI_UINT32 uSdioConIndex = 0; TI_BOOL tmpRecovery; TRACE2(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "drvMain_Sm(): State = %d, Event = %d\n", pDrvMain->eSmState, eEvent); /* * General explenations: * ===================== * 1) This SM calls some functions that may complete their processing in another context. * All of these functions (wlanDrvIf_GetFile, drvMain_InitHw, drvMain_InitFw, drvMain_ConfigFw, * drvMain_StopActivities, smeSm_start, smeSm_stop) are provided with a callback which * they always call upon completion, even if they are completed in the original (SM) context. * Since these callbacks are calling the SM, a simple mechanism is added to prevent * recursion, by postponing the last event if the SM is still in the previous event's context. * 2) In any case of unexpected event, the eStatus remains TI_NOK, leading to the FAILED state! * FAILED state is also reached if any of the functions listed in note 1 returns TI_NOK. * Note that if these functions detect a failure in another context, they may call their callback * with the eStatus parameter set to TI_NOK, or call the drvMain_InitFailCb callback. * All these cases lead to FAILED state which terminates all driver activities and wait for destroy. * 3) Note that the wlanDrvIf_GetFile is always completed in the original context, and the * option of completion in a later context is only for future use. * 4) All processes (Start, Stop, Relcovery) are protected by a watchdog timer to let * the user free the driver in case of deadlock during the process. */ switch (pDrvMain->eSmState) { case SM_STATE_IDLE: /* * We get a START action after all modules are created and linked. * Disable further actions, start watchdog timer and request for the ini-file. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_START) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_WAIT_INI_FILE; context_DisableClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_INI; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_WAIT_INI_FILE: /* * We've got the ini-file. * Set STAD and TWD modules defaults according to the ini-file, * turn on the device and request for the NVS file. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_INI_FILE_READY) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_WAIT_NVS_FILE; drvMain_SetDefaults (hDrvMain, pDrvMain->tFileInfo.pBuffer, pDrvMain->tFileInfo.uLength); hPlatform_DevicePowerOn (); pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_NVS; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_WAIT_NVS_FILE: /* SDBus Connect connection validation */ for(uSdioConIndex=0; (uSdioConIndex < SDIO_CONNECT_THRESHOLD) && (eStatus != TI_OK); uSdioConIndex++) { /* : We should split the call to txnQ_ConnectBus to other state in order to support Async bus connection */ eStatus = txnQ_ConnectBus(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ, &pDrvMain->tBusDrvCfg, NULL, NULL, &pDrvMain->uRxDmaBufLen, &pDrvMain->uTxDmaBufLen); if((eStatus != TI_OK) && (uSdioConIndex < (SDIO_CONNECT_THRESHOLD - 1))) { TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_WARNING , "SDBus Connect Failed\n"); WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Try to SDBus Connect again...\n")); if (uSdioConIndex > 1) hPlatform_DevicePowerOffSetLongerDelay(); else hPlatform_DevicePowerOff(); hPlatform_DevicePowerOn(); } } if(eStatus != TI_OK) { WLAN_OS_REPORT(("SDBus Connect Failed, Set Object Event !!\r\n")); TRACE0(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "SDBus Connect Failed, Set Object Event !!\r\n"); if (!pDrvMain->bRecovery) { os_SignalObjectSet(hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); } } else /* SDBus Connect success */ { /* * We've got the NVS file. * Start HW-Init process providing the NVS file. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_NVS_FILE_READY) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_HW_INIT; eStatus = drvMain_InitHw (hDrvMain, pDrvMain->tFileInfo.pBuffer, pDrvMain->tFileInfo.uLength); } } break; case SM_STATE_HW_INIT: /* * HW-Init process is completed. * Request for the FW image file. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_HW_INIT_COMPLETE) { pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_FW; pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_DOWNLOAD_FW_FILE; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_DOWNLOAD_FW_FILE: if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_FW_FILE_READY) { pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_FW_NEXT; if (pDrvMain->tFileInfo.bLast == TI_TRUE) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_FW_INIT; } else { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_WAIT_FW_FILE; } /* * We've got the FW image file. * Start FW-Init process (mainly FW image download) providing the FW image file. */ eStatus = drvMain_InitFw (hDrvMain, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_WAIT_FW_FILE: if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_FW_INIT_COMPLETE) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_DOWNLOAD_FW_FILE; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_FW_INIT: /* * FW-Init process is completed. * Free the semaphore of the START action to enable the OS interface. * Enable interrupts (or polling for debug). * Start FW-Configuration process, and free the semaphore of the START action. * * Note that in some OSs, the semaphore must be released in order to enable the * interrupts, and the interrupts are needed for the configuration process! */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_FW_INIT_COMPLETE) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_FW_CONFIG; TWD_EnableInterrupts(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTWD); #ifdef PRIODIC_INTERRUPT /* Start periodic interrupts. It means that every period of time the FwEvent SM will be called */ os_periodicIntrTimerStart (hOs); #endif eStatus = drvMain_ConfigFw (hDrvMain); } break; case SM_STATE_FW_CONFIG: /* * FW-configuration process is completed. * Stop watchdog timer. * For recovery, notify the relevant STAD modules. * For regular start, start the SME which handles the connection process. * Update timer and OAL about entering OPERATIONAL state (OAL ignores recovery) * Enable driver activities and external events. * Enable STOP action * We are now in OPERATIONAL state, i.e. the driver is fully operational! */ tmpRecovery = pDrvMain->bRecovery; if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_FW_CONFIG_COMPLETE) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_OPERATIONAL; if (pDrvMain->bRecovery) { pDrvMain->uNumOfRecoveryAttempts = 0; drvMain_RecoveryNotify (pDrvMain); pDrvMain->bRecovery = TI_FALSE; } else { sme_Start (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme); wlanDrvIf_UpdateDriverState (hOs, DRV_STATE_RUNNING); } tmr_UpdateDriverState (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer, TI_TRUE); drvMain_EnableActivities (pDrvMain); context_EnableClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); eStatus = TI_OK; } if (!tmpRecovery) { os_SignalObjectSet(hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); } break; case SM_STATE_OPERATIONAL: /* * Disable start/stop commands and start watchdog timer. * Update timer and OAL about exiting OPERATIONAL state (OAL ignores recovery). * For STOP, stop SME (handle disconnection) and move to DISCONNECTING state. * For recovery, stop driver activities and move to STOPPING state. * Note that driver-stop process may be Async if we are during Async bus transaction. */ context_DisableClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); tmr_UpdateDriverState (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTimer, TI_FALSE); if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_STOP) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_DISCONNECTING; wlanDrvIf_UpdateDriverState (hOs, DRV_STATE_STOPING); sme_Stop (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSme); eStatus = TI_OK; } else if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_RECOVERY) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_STOPPING; eStatus = drvMain_StopActivities (pDrvMain); } break; case SM_STATE_DISCONNECTING: /* * Note that this state is not relevant for recovery. * SME stop is completed * Stop driver activities and move to STOPPING state. * Note that driver stop process may be Async if we are during Async bus transaction. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_STOPPING; eStatus = drvMain_StopActivities (pDrvMain); } break; case SM_STATE_STOPPING: /* * Driver stopping process is done. * Turn device power off. * For recovery, turn device power back on, request NVS file and continue with * the init process (recover back all the way to OPERATIONAL state). * For STOP process, the driver is now fully stopped (STOPPED state), so stop watchdog timer, * clear all events queues, free the semaphore of the STOP action and enable START action. */ if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_STOP_COMPLETE) { txnQ_DisconnectBus (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ); hPlatform_DevicePowerOff (); if (pDrvMain->bRecovery) { hPlatform_DevicePowerOn (); pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_WAIT_NVS_FILE; pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_NVS; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } else { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_STOPPED; drvMain_ClearQueuedEvents (pDrvMain); scr_notifyFWReset(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hSCR); os_SignalObjectSet (hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); context_EnableClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); wlanDrvIf_UpdateDriverState (hOs, DRV_STATE_STOPPED); eStatus = TI_OK; } } break; case SM_STATE_STOPPED: /* * A START action command was inserted, so we go through the init process. * Disable further actions, start watchdog timer, turn on device and request NVS file. */ context_DisableClient (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hContext, pDrvMain->uContextId); if (eEvent == SM_EVENT_START) { hPlatform_DevicePowerOn (); pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_WAIT_NVS_FILE; pDrvMain->tFileInfo.eFileType = FILE_TYPE_NVS; eStatus = wlanDrvIf_GetFile (hOs, &pDrvMain->tFileInfo); } break; case SM_STATE_STOPPING_ON_FAIL: /* * Driver stopping process upon failure is completed. * Turn off the device and move to FAILED state. */ pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_FAILED; txnQ_DisconnectBus (pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hTxnQ); hPlatform_DevicePowerOff (); if (!pDrvMain->bRecovery) { os_SignalObjectSet (hOs, pDrvMain->hSignalObj); } else if (pDrvMain->uNumOfRecoveryAttempts < MAX_NUM_OF_RECOVERY_TRIGGERS) { pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_STOPPING; eStatus = drvMain_StopActivities (pDrvMain); } WLAN_OS_REPORT(("[WLAN] Exit application\n")); pDrvMain->bRecovery = TI_FALSE; break; case SM_STATE_FAILED: /* Nothing to do except waiting for Destroy */ break; default: TRACE2(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_Sm: Unknown state, eEvent=%u at state=%u\n", eEvent, pDrvMain->eSmState); /* Note: Handled below as a failure since the status remains TI_NOK */ break; } /* Handle failures (status = NOK) if not handled yet */ if ((eStatus == TI_NOK) && (pDrvMain->eSmState != SM_STATE_FAILED) && (pDrvMain->eSmState != SM_STATE_STOPPING_ON_FAIL)) { TRACE3(pDrvMain->tStadHandles.hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "drvMain_Sm: eEvent=%u at state=%u, status=%d\n", eEvent, pDrvMain->eSmState, eStatus); pDrvMain->eSmState = SM_STATE_STOPPING_ON_FAIL; wlanDrvIf_UpdateDriverState (hOs, DRV_STATE_FAILED); /* * Stop all activities. This may be completed in a different context if * we should wait for an Async bus transaction completion. * The drvMain_TwdStopCb is called from the TWD in any case to pass * us to the SM_STATE_FAILED state (where we wait for Destroy). */ eStatus = drvMain_StopActivities (pDrvMain); } }