/* * paramOut.h * * Copyright(c) 1998 - 2010 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name Texas Instruments nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* MODULE: paramOut.h */ /* PURPOSE: */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __PARAM_OUT_H__ #define __PARAM_OUT_H__ #include "tidef.h" #include "report.h" #include "context.h" #include "rate.h" #include "bssTypes.h" #include "roamingMngrTypes.h" #include "scanMngrTypes.h" #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED #include "paramOutXCC.h" #else #define XCC_PARAM_FIELDS #endif #include "InternalCmdCodes.h" #include "commonTypes.h" #include "coreDefaultParams.h" #include "rsnApi.h" #include "TWDriver.h" #include "tiwlnif.h" #define DOT11_MAX_DEFAULT_WEP_KEYS 4 #define RX_LEVEL_TABLE_SIZE 15 #define RX_DATA_FILTER_MAX_FIELD_PATTERNS 8 #define RX_DATA_FILTER_FILTER_BOUNDARY 256 /* Soft gemini values */ /* Used by UtilInfoCodeQueryInformation , UtilInfoCodeSetInformation */ #define VAL_TX_POWER_VALUE 100 #define VAL_NETWORK_TYPE 101 #define VAL_AP_TX_POWER_LEVEL 102 /* #define VAL_COUNTRY_CODE 103 */ /* #define VAL_REG_DOMAIN_BAND_24 104 */ /* #define VAL_REG_DOMAIN_BAND_50 105 */ #define VAL_PACKET_BURSTING 106 #define VAL_MIXED_MODE 107 #define VAL_PRIVACY_MODE 108 #define VAL_XCC_SECURITY 109 #define VAL_DEFAULT_KEY_ID 110 #define VAL_AP_SUPPORT_CHANELS 111 typedef struct { ERate maxBasic; ERate maxActive; } ratePair_t; typedef enum { RTS_CTS_DISABLED = 0, RTS_CTS_ENABLED = 1 } RtsCtsStatus_e; /* Parameters Structures Definitions per parameter type */ typedef enum { AUTH_LEGACY_OPEN_SYSTEM = 0, AUTH_LEGACY_SHARED_KEY = 1, AUTH_LEGACY_AUTO_SWITCH = 2, AUTH_LEGACY_RESERVED1 = 128, AUTH_LEGACY_NONE = 255 } legacyAuthType_e; typedef enum { CONNECTION_NONE = 0, CONNECTION_INFRA = 1, CONNECTION_IBSS = 2, CONNECTION_SELF = 3 } connectionType_e; typedef enum { RADIO_IN_STAND_BY = 0, RADIO_OUT_OF_STAND_BY = 1 }radioStandByState_t; /**** Regulatory Domain module types ****/ /* Scan Control Table for 2.4-G band type */ typedef struct { TI_UINT8 tableString[NUM_OF_CHANNELS_24]; } scanControlTable24_t; /* Scan Control Table for 5G-band type */ typedef struct { TI_UINT8 tableString[A_5G_BAND_NUM_CHANNELS]; } scanControlTable5_t; /* Scan Control Table type */ typedef struct { ERadioBand band; scanControlTable5_t ScanControlTable5; scanControlTable24_t ScanControlTable24; } scanControlTable_t; /** \enum regulatoryDomain_scanOption_e * \brief Regulatory Domain Scan Options * * \par Description * Enumerates the scan type to used by regulatory domain queries * * \sa */ typedef enum { ACTIVE_SCANNING = 0, /**< The query is for active scanning (requires transmission on the channel) */ PASSIVE_SCANNING = 1 /**< The query is for passive scanning (no transmission is required) */ } regulatoryDomain_scanOption_e; typedef struct { TI_UINT8* pChannelBitMap; TI_UINT8 channelCnt; TI_INT8 txPower; } regulatoryDomainParam_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 minTxPower; TI_UINT8 maxTxPower; } powerCapability_t; /* SoftGemini module init parameters */ typedef struct { ESoftGeminiEnableModes SoftGeminiEnable; TI_UINT32 coexParams[SOFT_GEMINI_PARAMS_MAX]; } SoftGeminiInitParams_t; typedef enum { PHY_UNKNOWN = 0, PHY_FH = 1, PHY_DSS = 2, PHY_UN_USED = 3, PHY_OFDM = 4, PHY_HIGH_RATE_DSS = 5, PHY_ERP = 6 } phyType_e; typedef enum { CLOSE = 0, OPEN_NOTIFY = 1, OPEN_EAPOL = 2, OPEN = 3, MAX_NUM_OF_RX_PORT_STATUS } portStatus_e; typedef enum { DRIVER_STATUS_IDLE = 0, DRIVER_STATUS_RUNNING = 1 } driverStatus_e; typedef enum { OS_ABS_LAYER = 0, RSN = 1 } eapolDestination_e; /* enumerator for PRE_AUTH event */ typedef enum { RSN_PRE_AUTH_START, RSN_PRE_AUTH_END } preAuthStatusEvent_e; typedef enum { STATUS_SCANNING = 0, STATUS_SCAN_COMPLETE = 1 } scanStatus_e; typedef enum { SCAN_DISABLED = 0, /* TI_FALSE*/ SCAN_ENABLED = 1, /* TI_TRUE*/ SKIP_NEXT_SCAN = 2 /* Skip only one next coming scan, then set this parameter to TI_TRUE*/ } scanEnabledOptions_e; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 RecvOk; /* the number of frames that the NIC receives without errors */ TI_UINT32 DirectedBytesRecv; /* the number of bytes in directed packets that are received without errors */ TI_UINT32 DirectedFramesRecv; /* the number of directed packets that are received without errors */ TI_UINT32 MulticastBytesRecv; /* the number of bytes in multicast/functional packets that are received without errors */ TI_UINT32 MulticastFramesRecv; /* the number of multicast/functional packets that are received without errors */ TI_UINT32 BroadcastBytesRecv; /* the number of bytes in broadcast packets that are received without errors. */ TI_UINT32 BroadcastFramesRecv; /* the number of broadcast packets that are received without errors. */ TI_UINT32 LastSecBytesRecv; /* the number of bytes received without errors during last second */ } rxDataCounters_t; typedef struct rxDataFilterFieldPattern_t { TI_UINT16 offset; /* Offset of the field to compare from the start of the packet*/ TI_UINT8 length; /* Size of the field pattern */ TI_UINT8 flag; /* Bit Mask flag */ TI_UINT8 pattern[RX_DATA_FILTER_MAX_PATTERN_SIZE]; /* expected pattern */ TI_UINT8 mask[RX_DATA_FILTER_MAX_PATTERN_SIZE]; /* bit-masking of the internal field content */ } rxDataFilterFieldPattern_t; typedef struct { void *handler; void *callback; }QoS_renegVoiceTspecReq_t; /* Authentication/encryption capability */ #define MAX_AUTH_ENCR_PAIR 13 typedef struct { EExternalAuthMode authenticationMode; ECipherSuite cipherSuite; } authEncrPairList_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 NoOfPMKIDs; TI_UINT32 NoOfAuthEncrPairSupported; authEncrPairList_t authEncrPairs[MAX_AUTH_ENCR_PAIR]; } rsnAuthEncrCapability_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 numOfPreAuthBssids; TMacAddr *listOfPreAuthBssid; } rsnPreAuthBssidList_t; typedef struct { TI_INT32 rssi; TI_UINT8 snr; } signal_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 basicRateMask; TI_UINT32 supportedRateMask; } rateMask_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 *assocRespBuffer; TI_UINT32 assocRespLen; TI_UINT8 *assocReqBuffer; TI_UINT32 assocReqLen; } assocInformation_t; typedef struct { TMacAddr siteMacAddress; TI_BOOL priority; } siteMgr_prioritySite_t; typedef struct{ TI_UINT32 thresholdCross; /* high or low */ TI_UINT32 thresholdCrossDirection; /* direction of crossing */ } trafficIntensityThresholdCross_t; /************************************/ /* QOS edcf params */ /************************************/ /* #define CW_MIN_DEF 15 #define CW_MIN_MAX 31 #define CW_MAX_DEF 1023 */ #define CW_MIN_DEF 4 /* the power of 2 - cwMin = 2^4-1 = 15 */ #define CW_MIN_MAX 5 /* the power of 2 - cwMax = 2^5-1 = 31 */ #define CW_MAX_DEF 10 #define AIFS_DEF 2 #define NO_RX_TIME_OUT 0 #define NO_RX_ACK_POLICY 0 #define DATA_DCF 0 /* MSDUs are sent completely including retrys - normal legacy traffic */ #define QOS_DATA_EDCF 1 /* MPDUs are sent according to TXOP limits - */ #define RETRY_PREEMPTION_DISABLE 0 #define QOS_CONTROL_TAG_MASK 0x0007 #define QOS_CONTROL_EOSP_MASK 0x0010 typedef enum{ AC_ACTIVE = 0, AC_NOT_ACTIVE }acActive; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 *buffer; TI_UINT16 bufLength; TI_UINT8 isBeacon; /* If true, Beacon packet is returned, otherwise it is Probe Response */ } BufferParameters_t; typedef struct{ TI_UINT32 trafficAdmCtrlResponseTimeout; TI_BOOL trafficAdmCtrlUseFixedMsduSize; }trafficAdmCtrlInitParams_t; typedef struct{ TI_BOOL wmeEnable; TI_BOOL trafficAdmCtrlEnable; TI_BOOL qosTagZeroConverHeader; TI_UINT8 PacketBurstEnable; TI_UINT32 PacketBurstTxOpLimit; TI_UINT32 TxOpLimit[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_UINT32 MsduLifeTime[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TRxTimeOut rxTimeOut; TI_UINT8 ShortRetryLimit[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_UINT8 LongRetryLimit[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_UINT8 desiredWmeAcPsMode[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; /* wme per ac power save mode */ EQOverflowPolicy QueueOvFlowPolicy[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; TI_UINT8 acAckPolicy[MAX_NUM_OF_AC]; /* ack policy per AC */ trafficAdmCtrlInitParams_t trafficAdmCtrlInitParams; TI_UINT8 desiredPsMode; /* The desired PS mode of the station */ TI_UINT8 desiredMaxSpLen; TI_BOOL bCwFromUserEnable; /* flag to use CwMin & CwMax user setting: 0 disable user setting (values from beacon) , 1 enable user setting (beacon cw ignore)*/ TI_UINT8 uDesireCwMin; /**< The contention window minimum size (in slots) from ini file */ TI_UINT16 uDesireCwMax; /**< The contention window maximum size (in slots) from ini file */ TI_BOOL bEnableBurstMode; /* Enable the Burst mode from ini file */ /* 802.11n BA session */ TI_UINT8 aBaPolicy[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; TI_UINT16 aBaInactivityTimeout[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; }QosMngrInitParams_t; /*END OF MULTIPLE QUEUES STRUCTURE*/ typedef struct { TI_UINT16 bufferSize; TI_UINT8 *buffer; TI_BOOL reAssoc; } TAssocReqBuffer; typedef struct { TMacAddr bssID; TI_UINT16 channel; } apChannelPair_t; typedef struct { apChannelPair_t *apChannelPairs; TI_UINT16 numOfEntries; } neighbor_AP_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT16 maxChannelDuration; /* One channel max duration time. (time slot 0 - 65000) */ TI_UINT16 minChannelDuration; /* One channel max duration time. (time slot 0 - 65000) */ TI_UINT8 earlyTerminationMode; /**< 0 = Stay until max duration time. 1 = Terminate scan in * a channel upon a reception of Prob-Res or Beacon. 2 = Terminate scan * in a channel upon a reception of any frame */ TI_UINT8 eTMaxNumOfAPframes; /**< number of AP frames (beacon/probe_resp) to trigger Early termination. * Applicable only when EarlyTerminationMode = 1 */ TI_UINT8 numOfProbeReq; /* Number of probe request transmitted on each channel */ } periodicScanParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT16 channelNum; TI_BOOL channelValidity; ERadioBand band; } channelValidity_t; /** \struct channelCapabilityRet_t * \brief Channel Capability Response * * \par Description * Defines scan capabilities information, which is given as a response to a scan capabilities query. * * \sa */ typedef struct { TI_BOOL channelValidity; /**< Indicates whether the channel is valid for the requested scan type. * TRUE: channel is valid; FALSE: not valid */ TI_UINT8 maxTxPowerDbm; /**< Maximum TX power level allowed on this channel from 1 to 5, * where 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest. Units: Dbm/10 */ } channelCapabilityRet_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 *listOfChannels; TI_UINT8 sizeOfList; } supportedChannels_t; /** \struct channelCapabilityReq_t * \brief Channel Capability Resuest * * \par Description * Defines the regulatory domain scan capability query information * * \sa */ typedef struct { regulatoryDomain_scanOption_e scanOption; /**< Desired scan type (passive or active) */ TI_UINT8 channelNum; /**< Channel on which scan is to be performed */ ERadioBand band; /**< Band on which scan is to be performed */ } channelCapabilityReq_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 uChannel; ERadioBand eBand; TI_BOOL bDfsChannel; } TDfsChannel; typedef struct { TTxDataCounters *pTxDataCounters; TI_UINT8 acID; } reportTsStatisticsReq_t; /* SME parameters definition */ typedef enum { CONNECT_MODE_AUTO = 0, CONNECT_MODE_MANUAL } EConnectMode; /* Generic IE */ #define RSN_MAX_GENERIC_IE_LENGTH 255 typedef struct { TI_UINT8 length; TI_UINT8 data[255]; } rsnGenericIE_t; /** \struct paramInfo_t * \brief General Parameters Structure * * \par Description * This structure holds information for the regulatory domain (and other modules * that are outside of the scope of this document) queries * * \sa */ typedef struct{ TI_UINT32 paramType; /**< Parameter identification value */ TI_UINT32 paramLength; /**< Parameter actual length (or the length allocated in content for parameter value) */ /* Actual parameter value */ union { /* HAL Control section */ TI_UINT16 halCtrlRtsThreshold; TI_UINT16 halCtrlFragThreshold; /* site manager section */ TI_UINT8 siteMgrDesiredChannel; TMacAddr siteMgrDesiredBSSID; TSsid siteMgrDesiredSSID; ScanBssType_e siteMgrDesiredBSSType; ratePair_t siteMgrDesiredRatePair; TRates siteMgrDesiredBasicRateSet; TRates siteMgrDesiredSupportedRateSet; rateMask_t siteMgrCurrentRateMask; TI_UINT8 siteMgrCurrentTxRate; TI_UINT8 siteMgrCurrentRxRate; EModulationType siteMgrDesiredModulationType; TI_UINT16 siteMgrDesiredBeaconInterval; EPreamble siteMgrDesiredPreambleType; EPreamble siteMgrCurrentPreambleType; ERadioBand siteMgrRadioBand; OS_802_11_BSSID_EX *pSiteMgrSelectedSiteInfo; OS_802_11_BSSID *pSiteMgrPrimarySiteDesc; EDot11Mode siteMgrDot11Mode; EDot11Mode siteMgrDot11OperationalMode; EDraftNumber siteMgrUseDraftNum; TI_UINT8 siteMgrCurrentChannel; TSsid siteMgrCurrentSSID; ScanBssType_e siteMgrCurrentBSSType; EModulationType siteMgrCurrentModulationType; ESlotTime siteMgrSlotTime; signal_t siteMgrCurrentSignal; TI_UINT8 siteMgrNumberOfSites; TIWLN_COUNTERS siteMgrTiWlanCounters; TI_BOOL siteMgrBuiltInTestStatus; TI_UINT8 siteMgrFwVersion[FW_VERSION_LEN]; /* Firmware version - null terminated string*/ TI_UINT32 siteMgrDisAssocReason; TI_UINT16 siteMgrSiteCapability; TI_UINT16 beaconInterval; TI_UINT8 APTxPower; TI_BOOL siteMgrQuietScanInProcess; TI_BOOL siteMgrScanSliceCurrentlyActive; TI_UINT8 siteMgrRoamingRssiGapThreshold; TI_UINT8 timeStamp[8]; TI_BOOL siteMgrBeaconRecv; TI_UINT32 siteMgrDtimPeriod; TI_INT32 siteMgrCurrentRssi; TI_UINT8 siteMgrIndexOfDesiredSiteEntry; TI_UINT8 *pSiteMgrDesiredSiteEntry; TI_UINT8 siteMgrCurrentTsfTimeStamp[8]; TI_UINT8 siteMgrUsrConfigTxPower; OS_802_11_CONFIGURATION *pSiteMgrConfiguration; siteMgr_prioritySite_t siteMgrPrioritySite; BufferParameters_t siteMgrLastBeacon; TI_UINT8 siteMgrDesiredBeaconFilterState; TI_BOOL siteMgrAllowTxPowerCheck; void *pPrimarySite; TI_BOOL bPrimarySiteHtSupport; /* WiFI SimpleConfig */ TWscMode siteMgrWSCMode; /* used to set the WiFi Simple Config mode */ /* SME SM section */ TMacAddr smeDesiredBSSID; TSsid smeDesiredSSID; ScanBssType_e smeDesiredBSSType; TI_BOOL smeRadioOn; EConnectMode smeConnectionMode; TIWLN_DOT11_STATUS smeSmConnectionStatus; /* connection SM section */ TI_UINT32 connSelfTimeout; /* auth SM section */ TI_UINT32 authResponseTimeout; /* assoc SM section */ TI_UINT32 assocResponseTimeout; OS_802_11_ASSOCIATION_INFORMATION assocAssociationInformation; /* RSN section */ TI_BOOL rsnPrivacyOptionImplemented; EAuthSuite rsnDesiredAuthType; OS_802_11_KEY rsnOsKey; rsnAuthEncrCapability_t *pRsnAuthEncrCapability; TI_UINT32 rsnNoOfPMKIDs; OS_802_11_PMKID rsnPMKIDList; TI_UINT32 rsnWPAPromoteFlags; TI_UINT32 rsnWPAMixedModeSupport; TI_UINT32 rsnAuthState; /* supp_1XStates */ ECipherSuite rsnEncryptionStatus; TI_UINT8 rsnHwEncDecrEnable; /* 0- disable, 1- enable*/ TSecurityKeys *pRsnKey; TI_UINT8 rsnDefaultKeyID; EExternalAuthMode rsnExtAuthneticationMode; TI_BOOL rsnMixedMode; TI_BOOL rsnPreAuthStatus; TMacAddr rsnApMac; OS_802_11_EAP_TYPES eapType; TI_BOOL wpa_802_1x_AkmExists; TI_BOOL rsnPortStatus; rsnGenericIE_t rsnGenericIE; TI_BOOL rsnExternalMode; /* Rx Data section */ rxDataCounters_t rxDataCounters; TI_BOOL rxDataFilterEnableDisable; TRxDataFilterRequest rxDataFilterRequest; TI_UINT16 rxGenericEthertype; /* Tx Data section */ portStatus_e txDataPortStatus; TTxDataCounters *pTxDataCounters; TI_UINT32 txPacketsCount; reportTsStatisticsReq_t tsMetricsCounters; OS_802_11_THRESHOLD_CROSS_PARAMS txDataMediumUsageThreshold; TI_UINT8 txDataEncryptionFieldSize; TI_UINT16 txGenericEthertype; /* Ctrl Data section */ TI_BOOL ctrlDataPowerSaveEnable; TI_BOOL ctrlDataPowerSaveForce; TI_BOOL ctrlDatapowerSaveEnhanceAlgorithm; erpProtectionType_e ctrlDataIbssProtecionType; RtsCtsStatus_e ctrlDataRtsCtsStatus; TI_BOOL ctrlDataProtectionEnabled; TMacAddr ctrlDataCurrentBSSID; ScanBssType_e ctrlDataCurrentBssType; TI_UINT32 ctrlDataCurrentRateMask; ERate ctrlDataCurrentBasicRate; EPreamble ctrlDataCurrentPreambleType; ERate ctrlDataCurrentActiveRate; TMacAddr ctrlDataDeviceMacAddress; TStreamTrafficProperties ctrlDataUpOfStream; TClsfrTableEntry ctrlDataClsfrInsertTable; EClsfrType ctrlDataClsfrType; TI_UINT32 ctrlDataTrafficIntensityEventsFlag; OS_802_11_TRAFFIC_INTENSITY_THRESHOLD_PARAMS ctrlDataTrafficIntensityThresholds; connectionType_e connType; /* MLME SM section */ legacyAuthType_e mlmeLegacyAuthType; legacyAuthType_e authLegacyAuthType; TI_BOOL mlmeReAssoc; TI_BOOL rxDataExcludeUnencrypted; eapolDestination_e rxDataEapolDestination; portStatus_e rxDataPortStatus; TI_BOOL txDataCurrentPrivacyInvokedMode; TI_BOOL txDataEapolEncryptionStatus; TI_UINT32 txDataPollApPacketsFromACid; /* AC to poll AP packets from */ /* regulatory Domain section */ regulatoryDomainParam_t regulatoryDomainParam; TI_UINT8 channel; TCountry* pCountry; TI_UINT8* pCountryString; TI_BOOL spectrumManagementEnabled; TI_BOOL regulatoryDomainEnabled; powerCapability_t powerCapability; TI_UINT8* pSupportedChannel; TI_INT8 powerConstraint; TI_INT8 desiredTxPower; /* The desired Tx power inforced by the User (Utility), or The desired Tx power (in Dbm) as forced by teh OS */ TI_INT8 ExternTxPowerPreferred; /*for other extern elements that want to effect the transmit power*/ TpowerLevelTable_t powerLevelTable; channelValidity_t channelValidity; channelCapabilityRet_t channelCapabilityRet; channelCapabilityReq_t channelCapabilityReq; supportedChannels_t supportedChannels; TI_BOOL enableDisable_802_11d; TI_BOOL enableDisable_802_11h; TI_BOOL bActivateTempPowerFix; TI_BOOL bIsCountryFound; TI_BOOL bIsChannelSupprted; TDfsChannelRange DFS_ChannelRange; TDfsChannel tDfsChannel; ERadioBand eRadioBand; TI_UINT32 uTimeToCountryExpiryMs; /* Measurement Manager section */ TI_UINT32 measurementEnableDisableStatus; TI_UINT16 measurementTrafficThreshold; TI_UINT16 measurementMaxDuration; TInterrogateCmdCbParams interogateCmdCBParams; /* soft Gemini section */ ESoftGeminiEnableModes SoftGeminiEnable; TI_UINT32 SoftGeminiParamArray[NUM_OF_CONFIG_PARAMS_IN_SG]; TI_UINT32 CoexActivityParamArray[NUM_OF_COEX_ACTIVITY_PARAMS_IN_SG]; /* case XCC MODULE INCLUDED */ XCC_PARAM_FIELDS /* Application Config Parameters Manager */ TAssocReqBuffer assocReqBuffer; TAssocReqBuffer assocResBuffer; roamingMngrConfigParams_t roamingConfigBuffer; TI_UINT32 roamingTriggerType; TI_UINT32 roamingConnStatus; bssList_t* pScanBssList; TScanPolicy* pScanPolicy; /* Scan concnetrator application scan (periodic & one-shot) parameters */ TScanParams *pScanParams; TPeriodicScanParams *pPeriodicScanParams; TI_UINT32 uBssidListSize; TI_UINT32 uNumBssidInList; OS_802_11_BSSID_LIST_EX *pBssidList; OS_802_11_N_RATES *pRateList; TSsid tScanDesiredSSID; TI_UINT32 uSraThreshold; TI_INT32 nRssiThreshold; /* tx data qos related parameters */ TTxDataQosParams txDataQosParams; /* QOS Manager */ EQosProtocol qosSiteProtocol; TI_UINT8 qosPacketBurstEnb; /* Packet Burst Enable */ EDot11Mode qosMngrOperationalMode; TI_UINT8 desiredPsMode; TI_UINT8 currentPsMode; TSpecConfigure TspecConfigure; TPsRxStreaming tPsRxStreaming; OS_802_11_QOS_RX_TIMEOUT_PARAMS rxTimeOut; OS_802_11_QOS_PARAMS qosOsParams; OS_802_11_AC_QOS_PARAMS qosApQosParams; /* AP Qos Capabilities */ OS_802_11_AP_QOS_CAPABILITIES_PARAMS qosApCapabilities; /* Qos current AC status */ OS_802_11_AC_UPSD_STATUS_PARAMS qosCurrentAcStatus; OS_802_11_QOS_DELETE_TSPEC_PARAMS qosDelTspecRequest; OS_802_11_QOS_TSPEC_PARAMS qosAddTspecRequest; QoS_renegVoiceTspecReq_t qosRenegotiateTspecRequest; OS_802_11_QOS_TSPEC_PARAMS qosTspecParameters; OS_802_11_QOS_DESIRED_PS_MODE qosDesiredPsMode; /* Power Manager */ PowerMgr_PowerMode_e PowerMode; EPowerPolicy PowerSavePowerLevel; EPowerPolicy DefaultPowerLevel; TPowerMgr_PowerMode powerMngPowerMode; PowerMgr_Priority_e powerMngPriority; PowerMgr_PowerMode_e powerMngDozeMode; TI_BOOL powerMgrKeepAliveEnaDis; TKeepAliveTemplate *pPowerMgrKeepAliveTemplate; TKeepAliveConfig *pPowerMgrKeepAliveConfig; /* txRatePolicy params */ TTxRatePolicy TxRatePolicy; TIWLN_RADIO_RX_QUALITY RxRadioQuality ; /* MIB*/ TMib mib; /* Current BSS params - RSSI/SNR User Trigger */ TUserDefinedQualityTrigger rssiSnrTrigger; /* debug */ TDebugRegisterReq HwRegister; RateMangeParams_t RateMng; RateMangeReadParams_t RateMngParams; TIpAddr StationIP; } content; }paramInfo_t; /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ /* EEPROM-less support */ /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAX_CALL_DATA_REG_NUM 30 #define HW_EEPROM_PRESENTED 1 #define HW_EEPROM_NOT_PRESENTED 0 typedef struct { TI_UINT16 RegAddress; TI_UINT16 RegValue; } PhyRegisters_t; typedef enum { PS_MODE_ELP = 0, PS_MODE_POWER_DOWN = 1, PS_MODE_ACTIVE = 2, PS_MODE_WAKE_TNET = 3 } powerSaveModes_e; /**************************** Beginning of Init Params ************************************/ typedef struct { TI_UINT8 siteMgr_radioRxLevel[RX_LEVEL_TABLE_SIZE]; TI_UINT8 siteMgr_radioLNA[RX_LEVEL_TABLE_SIZE]; TI_UINT8 siteMgr_radioRSSI[RX_LEVEL_TABLE_SIZE]; TI_UINT32 factorRSSI; /* for RADIA only */ }radioValues_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 siteMgrDesiredChannel; TMacAddr siteMgrDesiredBSSID; TSsid siteMgrDesiredSSID; ScanBssType_e siteMgrDesiredBSSType; EDot11Mode siteMgrDesiredDot11Mode; ERadioBand siteMgrSupportedBand; EDraftNumber siteMgrUseDraftNum; TI_UINT32 siteMgrRegstryBasicRate[DOT11_MAX_MODE]; TI_UINT32 siteMgrRegstrySuppRate[DOT11_MAX_MODE]; TI_UINT32 siteMgrRegstryBasicRateMask; TI_UINT32 siteMgrRegstrySuppRateMask; rateMask_t siteMgrCurrentDesiredRateMask; ratePair_t siteMgrDesiredRatePair; TI_UINT32 siteMgrMatchedBasicRateMask; TI_UINT32 siteMgrMatchedSuppRateMask; EModulationType siteMgrDesiredModulationType; EPreamble siteMgrDesiredPreambleType; ESlotTime siteMgrDesiredSlotTime; TI_UINT16 siteMgrDesiredBeaconInterval; TI_UINT32 siteMgrDesiredAtimWindow; TI_UINT32 siteMgrFreq2ChannelTable[SITE_MGR_CHANNEL_MAX+1]; TI_UINT8 siteMgrExternalConfiguration; TI_UINT8 siteMgrPrivacyMode; TI_BOOL siteMgrWiFiAdhoc; /* TX Power Control parameters */ TI_UINT32 TxPowerCheckTime; TI_UINT32 TxPowerControlOn; TI_INT32 TxPowerRssiThresh; TI_INT32 TxPowerRssiRestoreThresh; TI_UINT8 TxPowerRecoverLevel; TI_UINT8 TxPowerDesiredLevel; TBeaconFilterInitParams beaconFilterParams; /*contains the desired state*/ TI_UINT8 includeWSCinProbeReq; } siteMgrInitParams_t; typedef struct { ERadioBand eBand; TI_UINT8 uChannel; } TSmeScanChannel; typedef struct { TI_BOOL bRadioOn; TSsid tDesiredSsid; TMacAddr tDesiredBssid; ScanBssType_e eDesiredBssType; EConnectMode eConnectMode; } TSmeModifiedInitParams; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 uMinScanDuration; TI_UINT32 uMaxScanDuration; TI_UINT32 uProbeReqNum; TI_INT8 iSnrThreshold; TI_INT8 iRssiThreshold; TI_UINT32 uScanIntervals[ PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_INTERVAL_NUM ]; TI_UINT32 uCycleNum; TI_UINT32 uChannelNum; TSmeScanChannel tChannelList[ PERIODIC_SCAN_MAX_CHANNEL_NUM ]; } TSmeInitParams; typedef struct { TI_BOOL RoamingScanning_2_4G_enable; TI_UINT8 RoamingOperationalMode; TI_UINT8 bSendTspecInReassPkt; } TRoamScanMngrInitParams; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 parseWSCInBeacons; } TMlmeInitParams; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 connSelfTimeout; } connInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 authResponseTimeout; TI_UINT32 authMaxRetryCount; } authInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 assocResponseTimeout; TI_UINT32 assocMaxRetryCount; } assocInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 highRateThreshold; TI_UINT8 lowRateThreshold; TI_BOOL enableEvent; }tspecsRateParameters_t; typedef struct { TI_BOOL ctrlDataPowerSaveEnhanceAlgorithm; TI_UINT16 ctrlDataPowerSaveTimeOut; TI_UINT8 ctrlDataPowerSaveTxThreshold; TI_UINT8 ctrlDataPowerSaveRxThreshold; }powerSaveInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 longRetryLimit; TI_UINT8 shortRetryLimit; }txRatePolicyParams; typedef struct { TI_BOOL ctrlDataPowerSaveEnable; TI_BOOL ctrlDataSoftGeminiEnable; TMacAddr ctrlDataDeviceMacAddress; powerSaveInitParams_t powerSaveInitParams; erpProtectionType_e ctrlDataDesiredIbssProtection; /* 0 = CTS protaction disable ; 1 = Standard CTS protaction */ RtsCtsStatus_e ctrlDataDesiredCtsRtsStatus; OS_802_11_TRAFFIC_INTENSITY_THRESHOLD_PARAMS ctrlDataTrafficThreshold; TI_BOOL ctrlDataTrafficThresholdEnabled; txRatePolicyParams ctrlDataTxRatePolicy; TI_UINT32 policyEnabledRatesMaskCck; TI_UINT32 policyEnabledRatesMaskOfdm; TI_UINT32 policyEnabledRatesMaskOfdmA; TI_UINT32 policyEnabledRatesMaskOfdmN; } ctrlDataInitParams_t; typedef struct { /* TxCtrl Parameters */ TI_UINT32 creditCalculationTimeout; TI_BOOL bCreditCalcTimerEnabled; /* TxDataQueue Parameters */ TI_BOOL bStopNetStackTx; TI_UINT32 uTxSendPaceThresh; TClsfrParams ClsfrInitParam; } txDataInitParams_t; typedef enum { RADIO_B_G_INDEX = 0, RADIO_A_B_G_INDEX = 1, NUM_OF_RADIO_TYPES = 2 } regulatoryDomain_radioIndexType_e; /* Regulatory Domain module init parameters */ typedef struct { TI_UINT32 uTimeOutToResetCountryMs; /* Time after which country code will be reset */ TI_UINT8 multiRegulatoryDomainEnabled; /* 802.11d */ TI_UINT8 spectrumManagementEnabled; /* 802.11h */ TI_UINT8 desiredTxPower; TI_UINT8 uTemporaryTxPower; scanControlTable_t desiredScanControlTable;/* for 5 and 2.4 Ghz*/ } regulatoryDomainInitParams_t; #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED typedef enum { XCC_MODE_DISABLED, XCC_MODE_ENABLED, XCC_MODE_STANDBY } XCCMngr_mode_t; typedef struct { XCCMngr_mode_t XCCEnabled; } XCCMngrParams_t; #endif /* Measurement module init parameters */ typedef struct { TI_UINT16 trafficIntensityThreshold; TI_UINT16 maxDurationOnNonServingChannel; #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED XCCMngr_mode_t XCCEnabled; #endif } measurementInitParams_t; /* Switch Channel Module module init parameters */ typedef struct { TI_BOOL dot11SpectrumManagementRequired; } SwitchChannelInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 qosClassifierTable[MAX_NUM_OF_802_1d_TAGS]; } clsfrParams_t; typedef struct { PowerMgr_PowerMode_e powerMode; TI_UINT32 beaconReceiveTime; TI_UINT8 hangoverPeriod; TI_UINT8 beaconListenInterval; TI_UINT8 dtimListenInterval; TI_UINT8 nConsecutiveBeaconsMissed; TI_UINT8 EnterTo802_11PsRetries; TI_UINT8 HwPsPollResponseTimeout; TI_UINT16 autoModeInterval; TI_UINT16 autoModeActiveTH; TI_UINT16 autoModeDozeTH; PowerMgr_PowerMode_e autoModeDozeMode; EPowerPolicy defaultPowerLevel; EPowerPolicy PowerSavePowerLevel; /* powerMgmtConfig IE */ TI_UINT8 mode; TI_UINT8 needToSendNullData; TI_UINT8 numNullPktRetries; TI_UINT8 hangOverPeriod; TI_UINT16 NullPktRateModulation; /* PMConfigStruct */ TI_UINT32 ELPEnable; /* based on "elpType" */ TI_UINT32 WakeOnGPIOenable; /* based on "hwPlatformType" */ TI_UINT32 BaseBandWakeUpTime; /* BBWakeUpTime */ TI_UINT32 PLLlockTime; /* ACXWakeUpCondition */ TI_UINT8 listenInterval; /* BET */ TI_UINT32 MaximalFullBeaconReceptionInterval; /* maximal time between full beacon reception */ TI_UINT8 BetEnableThreshold; TI_UINT8 BetDisableThreshold; TI_UINT8 BetEnable; TI_UINT8 MaximumConsecutiveET; TI_UINT32 PsPollDeliveryFailureRecoveryPeriod; TI_BOOL reAuthActivePriority; }PowerMgrInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 FullRecoveryEnable; TI_BOOL recoveryTriggerEnabled[ MAX_FAILURE_EVENTS ]; } healthMonitorInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_BOOL ignoreDeauthReason0; } apConnParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 uMinimumDurationBetweenOsScans; TI_UINT32 uDfsPassiveDwellTimeMs; TI_BOOL bPushMode; /* True means Push mode. False is the default mode, storing scan results in table. */ TI_UINT32 uSraThreshold; TI_INT32 nRssiThreshold; } TScanCncnInitParams; typedef struct { TI_UINT8 uNullDataKeepAlivePeriod; TI_UINT8 RoamingOperationalMode; } TCurrBssInitParams; typedef struct { TI_BOOL rxDataHostPacketProcessing; TI_BOOL rxDataFiltersEnabled; filter_e rxDataFiltersDefaultAction; TRxDataFilterRequest rxDataFilterRequests[MAX_DATA_FILTERS]; TI_UINT32 reAuthActiveTimeout; }rxDataInitParams_t; typedef struct { TI_UINT32 uWlanDrvThreadPriority; /* Default setting of the WLAN driver task priority */ TI_UINT32 uBusDrvThreadPriority; /* Default setting of the bus driver thread priority */ TI_UINT32 uSdioBlkSizeShift; /* In block-mode: uBlkSize = (1 << uBlkSizeShift) */ }TDrvMainParams; /* This table is forwarded to the driver upon creation by the OS abstraction layer. */ typedef struct { TTwdInitParams twdInitParams; siteMgrInitParams_t siteMgrInitParams; connInitParams_t connInitParams; authInitParams_t authInitParams; assocInitParams_t assocInitParams; txDataInitParams_t txDataInitParams; ctrlDataInitParams_t ctrlDataInitParams; TRsnInitParams rsnInitParams; regulatoryDomainInitParams_t regulatoryDomainInitParams; measurementInitParams_t measurementInitParams; TSmeModifiedInitParams tSmeModifiedInitParams; TSmeInitParams tSmeInitParams; SoftGeminiInitParams_t SoftGeminiInitParams; QosMngrInitParams_t qosMngrInitParams; clsfrParams_t clsfrParams; #ifdef XCC_MODULE_INCLUDED XCCMngrParams_t XCCMngrParams; #endif SwitchChannelInitParams_t SwitchChannelInitParams; healthMonitorInitParams_t healthMonitorInitParams; apConnParams_t apConnParams; PowerMgrInitParams_t PowerMgrInitParams; TScanCncnInitParams tScanCncnInitParams; rxDataInitParams_t rxDataInitParams; TI_BOOL SendINIBufferToUser; /* Traffic Monitor */ TI_UINT8 trafficMonitorMinIntervalPercentage; TReportInitParams tReport; TCurrBssInitParams tCurrBssInitParams; TContextInitParams tContextInitParams; TMlmeInitParams tMlmeInitParams; TDrvMainParams tDrvMainParams; TRoamScanMngrInitParams tRoamScanMngrInitParams; } TInitTable; #endif /* __PARAM_OUT_H__ */