page.title=Tab Layout
parent.title=Hello, Views

<p>To create a tabbed UI, you need to use a {@link android.widget.TabHost} and a {@link
android.widget.TabWidget}. The {@link android.widget.TabHost} must be the root node for the layout,
which contains both the {@link android.widget.TabWidget} for displaying the tabs and a {@link
android.widget.FrameLayout} for displaying the tab content.</p>

<p>You can implement your tab content in one of two ways: use the tabs to swap
{@link android.view.View}s within the same {@link}, or use the tabs to change
between entirely separate activities. Which method you want for your application will depend on your
demands, but if each tab provides a distinct user activity, then it probably makes sense to use
a separate {@link} for each tab, so that you can better manage the application
in discrete groups, rather than one massive application and layout.</p>

<p>In this tutorial, you'll create a tabbed UI that uses a separate {@link} for each tab.</p>

  <li>Start a new project named <em>HelloTabWidget</em>.</li>
  <li>First, create three separate {@link} classes in your project:
<code>ArtistsActivity</code>, <code>AlbumsActivity</code>, and <code>SongsActivity</code>. These
will each represent a separate tab. For now, make each one display a simple message using a {@link
android.widget.TextView}. For example:
public class ArtistsActivity extends Activity {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        TextView textview = new TextView(this);
        textview.setText("This is the Artists tab");
  <p>Notice that this doesn't use a layout file. Just create a {@link
android.widget.TextView}, give it some text and set that as the content. Duplicate this for
each of the three activities, and add the corresponding <code>&lt;activity/&gt;</code> tags to the Android Manifest file.</p>

  <li>You need an icon for each of your tabs. For each icon, you should create two versions: one
for when the tab is selected and one for when it is unselected. The
general design recommendation is for the selected icon to be a dark color (grey), and the
unselected icon to be a light color (white). (See the <a
href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/ui_guidelines/icon_design.html#tabstructure">Icon Design
Guidelines</a>.) For example:
  <img src="images/ic_tab_artists_white.png" title="unselected tab icon"  alt="" />
  <img src="images/ic_tab_artists_grey.png" title="selected tab icon" alt="" />
  <p>For this tutorial, you can copy these images and use them for all three tabs. (When you
create tabs in your own application, you should create customized tab icons.)</p>
  <p>Now create a <a
href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#StateList">state-list drawable</a>
that specifies which image to use for each tab state:</p>
    <li>Save the icon images in your project <code>res/drawable/</code> directory.</li>
    <li>Create a new XML file in <code>res/drawable/</code>
named <code>ic_tab_artists.xml</code> and insert the following:
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
&lt;selector xmlns:android="">
    &lt;!-- When selected, use grey -->
    &lt;item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_tab_artists_grey"
          android:state_selected="true" />
    &lt;!-- When not selected, use white-->
    &lt;item android:drawable="@drawable/ic_tab_artists_white" />
  <p>This is a <a
href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html#StateList">state-list drawable</a>,
which you will apply as the tab image. When the tab state changes, the tab icon will
automatically switch between the images defined here.</p>

  <li>Open the <code>res/layout/main.xml</code> file and insert the following:
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
&lt;TabHost xmlns:android=""
            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
            android:padding="5dp" />
    <p>This is the layout that will display the tabs and provide navigation between each {@link} created above.</p>
    <p>The {@link android.widget.TabHost} requires that a {@link android.widget.TabWidget} and a
{@link android.widget.FrameLayout} both live somewhere within it. To position the {@link
android.widget.TabWidget} and {@link android.widget.FrameLayout} vertically, a {@link
android.widget.LinearLayout} is used. The {@link android.widget.FrameLayout} is where the content
for each tab goes, which is empty now because the {@link android.widget.TabHost} will automatically
embed each {@link} within it.</p>
    <p>Notice that the {@link android.widget.TabWidget} and the {@link android.widget.FrameLayout}
    elements have the IDs {@code tabs} and {@code tabcontent}, respectively. These names
    must be used so that the {@link android.widget.TabHost} can retrieve references to each of
    them. It expects exactly these names.</p>

  <li>Now open <code></code> and make it extend {@link}:</p>
public class HelloTabWidget extends TabActivity {
  <li>Use the following code for the {@link onCreate()}
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Resources res = getResources(); // Resource object to get Drawables
    TabHost tabHost = getTabHost();  // The activity TabHost
    TabHost.TabSpec spec;  // Resusable TabSpec for each tab
    Intent intent;  // Reusable Intent for each tab

    // Create an Intent to launch an Activity for the tab (to be reused)
    intent = new Intent().setClass(this, ArtistsActivity.class);

    // Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost
    spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("artists").setIndicator("Artists",

    // Do the same for the other tabs
    intent = new Intent().setClass(this, AlbumsActivity.class);
    spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("albums").setIndicator("Albums",

    intent = new Intent().setClass(this, SongsActivity.class);
    spec = tabHost.newTabSpec("songs").setIndicator("Songs",

    <p>This sets up each tab with their text and icon, and assigns each one an {@link}.</p>
    <p>A reference to the {@link android.widget.TabHost} is first captured with {@link}. Then, for
each tab, a {@link android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec} is created to define the tab properties. The
{@link android.widget.TabHost#newTabSpec(String)} method creates a new {@link
android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec} identified by the given string tag. For each
{@link android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec}, {@link
android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec#setIndicator(CharSequence,Drawable)} is called to set the text and
icon for the tab, and {@link android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec#setContent(Intent)} is called to specify
the {@link android.content.Intent} to open the appropriate {@link}. Each
{@link android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec} is then added to the {@link android.widget.TabHost} by
calling {@link android.widget.TabHost#addTab(TabHost.TabSpec)}.</p>

    <p>At the very end, {@link
    android.widget.TabHost#setCurrentTab(int)} opens the tab to be displayed by default, specified
    by the index position of the tab.</p>

    <p>Notice that not once was the {@link android.widget.TabWidget} object referenced. This is
    because a {@link android.widget.TabWidget} must always be a child of a {@link
    android.widget.TabHost}, which is what you use for almost all interaction with the tabs. So when
    a tab is added to the {@link android.widget.TabHost}, it's automatically added to the child
    {@link android.widget.TabWidget}.</p>

  <li>Now open the Android Manifest file and add the <code>NoTitleBar</code> theme to the
  <code>&lt;activity></code> tag. This will remove the default application title from the top
  of the layout, leaving more space for the tabs, which effectively operate as their own titles.
  The <code>&lt;activity></code> tag should look like this:
&lt;activity android:name=".HelloTabWidget" android:label="@string/app_name"

  <li>Run the application.</li>

<p>Your application should look like this (though your icons may be different):</p>
<img src="images/hello-tabwidget.png" width="150px" />

<li>{@link android.widget.TabWidget}</li>
<li>{@link android.widget.TabHost}</li>
<li>{@link android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec}</li>
<li>{@link android.widget.FrameLayout}</li>